
#JobSearch : How To Avoid Making The Top 5 Virtual Interview Faux Pas. If you Make these Interview Missteps, you’re Undermining your Chances of Landing the Job.”

Ask any job seeker the worst possible thing to happen during a virtual interview, and they’ll likely say having a spotty internet connection. However, ask potential employers the same question, and you’ll receive very different answers.

According to a recent survey of employers by TopResume, the world’s largest resume-writing service, job candidates’ are making huge mistakes when interviewing virtually. And because the study found that one-third (33%) of employers offer an exclusively virtual interview process, and only one in five (20%) participants stated that most of their company’s interviews take place in person, nailing your virtual interview is paramount.

“Although virtual interviews have become a ubiquitous part of the hiring process, even as more companies are requiring employees to return to the office, our data shows many job candidates have yet to master the art of the virtual interview — and it’s sabotaging their candidacy,” said Amanda Augustine, career expert for TopResume, and a certified professional career coach (CPCC) and a certified professional resume writer (CPRW).

Fortunately, unlike faulty Wi-Fi, these missteps are completely within a candidate’s control to mitigate.


Here’s how to avoid making the top five virtual interview deal-breakers:

1. Make eye contact and pay attention

The number one complaint among potential employers is when candidates avoid eye contact or stare into space. A lack of eye contact signals that you’re disinterested or distracted, so make a point to focus on your device’s camera. In addition, close out extra tabs, silence notifications, and remove anything from your view (including your phone) that could pull your attention away from your interviewer.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Did you know?  First Sun Consulting, Llc (FSC) is celebrating over 30 years in the delivery of corporate & individual outplacement services & programs to over 1200 of our corporate clients in the U.S., Canada, the UK, & Mexico!  

We here at FSC want to thank each of our corporate partners for the opportunity in serving & moving each of their transitioning employee(s) rapidly toward employment!


Article continued …

2. Tidy up your space

And speaking of being distracted, make sure that everything behind you is a mess-free zone by opening up your video call app and ensuring everything within your screen is spic and span. Sitting in a messy room while conducting a virtual interview increases the chance that your interviewer will focus more on your piles of paper and dirty laundry than they will on you and what you have to say. Plus, it sends a message that you don’t care about how you present yourself or don’t value the potential employer enough to tidy up.

It doesn’t matter if you’re participating in a phone screen, interviewing via video conference, or meeting in person,” said Augustine. “If you make these interview missteps, you’re undermining your chances of landing the job.”


3. Close out all inappropriate tabs and apps

No one—especially a potential employer—wants to see extracurricular activities and interests on your laptop. Leaving inappropriate tabs or apps open when screen-sharing is a huge no-no for virtual interviews, so close out all non-interview-related windows before starting.

4. Skip the “fun” backgrounds

You know that hilarious Zoom background you use while chatting with your buddies? Don’t dare use it while interviewing. Ditto, anything you think is clever or cute. Using an unprofessional background is high on the list of potential employer turnoffs, so be sure to use a neutral background or none at all.

5. Make your interview space a “no-interruptions” zone

If you’re interviewing from a shared environment (aka your living room), take the time to alert others that you’ll need a quiet space for the duration of the interview. And if required, get temporary help to watch young children and control pets. Being interrupted by your family members is a mistake easily avoided with proper planning.

Though these faux pas top the list of virtual interview don’ts, not surprisingly, there are other behaviors employers find highly offensive, regardless of the interview format. Potential employers frown on candidates lying, arriving late (without a valid excuse), badmouthing a current or former employer, appearing disinterested in the opportunity, and being unprepared.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re participating in a phone screen, interviewing via video conference, or meeting in person,” said Augustine. “If you make these interview missteps, you’re undermining your chances of landing the job.” | November 3, 2022 |

#JobSearch : The COVID Effect on the Job Market. A MUst REad for All!

As I write this blog article, the United States economy just moved past the 80th calendar day since the international pandemic (Corona-Virus 19) in which the quarantine sent everyone scurrying behind locked doors and face masks.  Companies who relied mostly on technology were mostly insulated from business losses during the quarantine.  Other companies moved to ‘curb-side’ service, online meetings (using Zoom, Adobe, and Google meeting cloud platforms).

Some businesses (online shopping, health care, e-commerce) were able to still perform ‘as usual’ – especially if already providing services and products ‘virtually’ (employees moved from offices to homes to work via telecom technology.  Those companies most impacted, e.g., non-essential retail, restaurants, hotels, travel, and entertainment are still struggling and many are facing bankruptcy.

What does this mean for workers or those looking for new jobs and careers?

1- Job seekers will have more competition for the job they would normally have been a ‘shoo-in’ pre-pandemic; in this economy, it’s now an employer’s market for hiring. Expect to be rejected more often as an applicant.  The company may have a hiring freeze or slow-down, but there also may be jobs not advertised.  Keep on posting your resume into the ATS on the recruiting system for the company(ies) you are targeting.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …


2- Sharpen or add technology skills on the career resume for the job search. If you have the skill sets that enable to you to work from any location – job site, in the field, or from home, this will showcase your adaptability.  Have you worked from home during the quarantine? Are you able to adjust to a personal work schedule and reliability? Mention that in your resume to showcase capabilities.  Jobs ‘on-site’ in the past may be virtual go forward.

3- Job seekers need to update and ensure their computer has with telecom capabilities – camera, speakers, and access to Internet for online meetings; and it’s important to realize the vital need for updating one’s resume and LinkedIn profile for recruiters to more easily find you online. Test your meeting software and equipment with friends and family member (virtual dinner party, anyone?).

4- Review the field or industry – you may need to move to new careers. Job seekers need to target industries for ‘core business industries’ e.g., advertising, tech, delivery companies [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][packages, food], tax assistance, video communications, instruction and teaching platforms [e.g., universities, colleges, tutoring], essential businesses [pharmacies], healthcare services, and/or cleaning and sanitation [janitorial]. The companies to avoid targeting for job searches are those related to travel – hotels, airlines, sports, and automotive. My husband takes Viagra for a couple of years now. I always wondered if it could help me become better in bed, so I decided to take a pill. Well, I can’t say that I felt anything different, but the sensations during intercourse were definitely better. I suppose it was due to better lubrication, which, I suppose, was the result of my experiment.

5- Refresh your resume on the big boards (e.g., Monster, CareerBuilder, Indeed) – the older resumes float to the bottom of the resume pool; even if you add a dot or space, those ATS platforms categorize the resume as a ‘new’ (refreshed) resume.

6- Be prepared for ‘more’ online virtual meetings, interviews, and panel discussions (hiring committees) versus driving to the location for the meeting (this is good – saves gas, and you can wear a nice shirt and jacket over your pajama bottoms).

7- Be prepared to do more email and online networking – the face-to-face networking is ‘out’ with social distancing in place (likely for the next 6-18 months). Do continue to make phone calls to friend, peers, past co-workers and bosses to let them know you are available for work. Who do they know is looking to hire?

8- Recruiters won’t be able to rely on ‘body language’ in virtual interviews, so it’s important for job candidates to look sharp, act like they are paying attention during the online cloud meetings, and to ensure the dog or cat won’t interrupt the meeting. The interview candidate may have to project more to demonstrate a positive attitude and don’t forget to clean up the area behind your computer to look like a more professional work environment.

9- In the past, recruiters may have been able to make a job offer and have a candidate in the seat in two weeks. The pandemic has slowed the process down to ‘whenever it is safe to physically come to work.’ Expect delays in the hiring process – some college grads who were extended job offers aren’t able to work for their new employers until as late as July or August while the company struggles to determine health and safety protocols. There will be a slow-down in the decision-making.  Companies may take a while before business picks up again to justify the hire and bringing the candidate onboard with a start date.

10- Job seekers who have lost their jobs need to be aware the extended benefits from the Payroll Protection Act are for a small and finite period. If your employer laid you off and you refuse to come back to work – you will lose your unemployment benefits.  Even if you get paid more in the PPA, it is vital for you to get back to work so you have a job after the benefits run out.

11- Do not lose hope. If you have a ‘side’ job, you may need ramp up the sales and services to bridge the financial gap between the last job and the new post-Covid career move.


FSC Career Author: Ms.Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is a FSC Career Coach & owner of D. Boyer Consulting – provides resume writing, editing, and publishing (print-on-demand) consulting. Reach her at: or visit her website at


FSC Career Blog |  June 12, 2020


Bio: Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D., has been an entrepreneur and business owner for 20+ years, with a successful business and consulting firm (CEO) in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Richmond, VA.  Her background experience is 24+ years in the Human Resources field, of which 12+ years are within the Federal & Defense Contracting industry. She is the author of 812+ books on the topics of business, human resources research, career search practice, women and gender study, genealogy and family lineages, quotes for motivation and self-improvement, and Adult Coloring Books.  Her books can be found on under her author’s page for Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]