
#JobSearch : 7 Reasons To Update Your LinkedIn Profile Before 2023. A MUSt REad!

In 2023, LinkedIn will be two decades old. A lot has happened since it first launched as your e-resume and online networking platform. In fact, the current version of the platform has little resemblance to its original format thanks to the dozens of extremely valuable personal branding features that have been added over time.

Here are 7 reasons why you need to polish your profile now so you can shine online on 2023.

1. The changes you want to make are fresh in your mind. If you go through a year-end review, you’ve spent some time over the past month or so thinking about what you accomplished in 2022 in preparation for your annual performance assessment. You likely have a good inventory of relevant and valuable content you can use to bring your profile up to date. An annual refresh is always a good idea.

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2. LinkedIn is the first place where people go to check you out. When people want to research you in a professional capacity— even people who work down the hall from you—they’ll typically go directly to LinkedIn and type your name in the search box at the top of the screen. And if, like some computer users, they start their search at GoogleGOOG -0.5%, they’ll end up at your LinkedIn profile. That’s because your LinkedIn profile will likely show up in one of the top three spots. And we know that most clicks on a Google results page go to the top three spots. This is great news. It means you can tell your story in a powerful way online using just one social media tool. If bolstering your career success is a goal for 2023, it just takes one platform to set that goal in motion.

3. We’re likely entering a recession. Most economists agree that a recession is probably on the horizon. There’s less agreement about how serious it will be and how long it will last, but regardless of that, you want to be prepared for any eventuality. With a complete, current and compelling profile, you’ll not only be able to pursue relevant positions should you end up on a layoff list, but you also become an attractive passive candidate: recession or not, your next job might just find you.

4. You need to position yourself for what’s next. If you haven’t updated your profile in a year or more, it may not align with your career aspirations. Although personal branding is about being authentic, there’s also an aspirational element. You want to demonstrate that you’re ready for that role you seek to fill. One place to focus on is skills. When someone checks out your profile, they only see the top three skills for which you have been endorsed. So make sure those are the skills that are relevant for what you want to do next. Reorder your skills to get the right ones on top.

5. You’ll get up to speed on all things LinkedIn. While you’re in the process of updating your profile, you’ll inevitably check out your feed, the queue of connection requests that have come in since the last time you visited LinkedIn and the messages that arrived in your LinkedIn inbox. If you get caught up now, you’ll be well positioned and fully informed to help your professional circles kick off new initiatives at the start of the new year.

6. You can demonstrate relevance. A relatively new feature of LinkedIn that you’re likely not using is Creator Mode. Although this feature was designed for thought leaders who want to publish content on the platform, it can also be used to tell people about your area of expertise. Creator mode allows you to identify your top five hashtags—the topics you want to be associated with. These hashtags sit at the top of your profile, right below your headline, letting viewers know a lot about you from the second they click on your profile.

7. You’ll stand out from your peers. LinkedIn provides one of the best opportunities to increase your visibility and credibility with the people who need to know you. It helps you stay connected to large networks of important contacts. A powerful element that’s rarely used but extremely valuable is called Featured, which allows you to add videos and images to your profile so you can develop a truly three-dimensional tour of your brand in the two-dimensional world. It will give you the edge and allow others to connect with you on a deeper level. It takes time to polish these assets before you post them, so use the holiday lull to choose the best of the best. And if the holidays reunite you with family members and lifelong friends, you can tap their insight to make sure you’re posting the samples that reflect your true brand traits.

Before that New Year’s Eve countdown, make sure your LinkedIn profile doesn’t look like it was created in 2003. Start the new year by making the most out of the platform’s valuable innovations. | December 19, 2022 | William Arruda

#CareerAdvice : #Networking -How To Become A #SocialMedia Marvel In Nine Minutes. A #MustRead for All!

Digital branding is my primary focus these days, and that means helping clients get past their resistance to social media. The number one reason they tell me that they don’t engage in social media is:  I just can’t find the time to do it.

So what if you made a habit of committing no more than nine minutes a day. Could you find nine minutes?

You can actually get a lot accomplished, deliver value to your audience and not wear yourself out when you’re willing to commit a few minutes a day. To make this work, though, you need to commit to doing it every day. When you do, your nine-minute habit becomes three hours a month of social media engagement.

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Here’s how to make it happen:

Step 1: Focus On One Platform

Don’t squander your efforts by being on every platform—Facebook plus Instagram plus Twitter plus LinkedIn plus YouTube equals social media taking over your life. It will be impossible to be consistently visible on all those platforms unless you make it your full-time job. Instead, choose up to three, preferably just one platform to start. How do you choose, you ask?

Pick what sits at the intersection of these two criteria:

  1. You enjoy them. There’s no sense picking YouTube if you abhor creating videos. You’ll be more likely to keep up your 9-minute daily social media habit you’re having fun with it. If you like to write brief, pithy content, choose Twitter. If you love visuals, choose Instagram
  2. Your people are there. When using social media for professional purposes, the goal is to be visible, valuable and available to the people who are making decisions about you. There’s no sense in tweeting at the frequency of Kim Kardashian or Donald Trump if your target audience isn’t on Twitter.

Step 2: Choose The Right Time

Identify your best time to engage in social media. We know that true habits are easier to form when they take place at the same time every day–like brushing your teeth. Your social media habit might take place first thing in the morning or right before you leave work or during lunch. Or, to make it even more efficient, consider a time when you can double up on productivity. For example, if you commute to work on a train, that’s the perfect time to also connect with your online community. If you wait in line every morning for your triple tall half-caf, iced skim caramel macchiato, get your phone out and make the wait more productive.

Step 3: Engage

Be strategic in deciding what you want to talk about. Your topic should help you demonstrate your thought-leadership and give you an opportunity to express your point of view. Remember, being visible on social media does not mean creating new content every day. If you’re just starting your social media habit, here’s a good mix of items for your daily do:

  • Like and comment on content that was posted by others.
  • Share others’ content, adding your point of view to make their post even more valuable
  • Share something you learned, a favorite quote, a relevant statistic
  • Post your own content (article, tweet, picture, video, etc.)

Step 4. Make It Easy

There are lots of things you can do to automate the time-consuming parts of social media.

  • Use a social media posting tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to post multiple items and schedule them over time.
  • For responding to your connections/followers’ content, create shortcuts on your phone for standard responses. Apple iOS makes it especially simple to do this.
  • If you prefer speaking to typing, just talk your message or update.

The point is to find ways to make your social media habit more efficient and more aligned with how you like to work. Personal branding is all about being authentic, so if you dread your social media routine, your posts will seem phony or forced. Do whatever you need to do to keep your new habit from feeling onerous.

That’s it! If you have been reluctant to engage in social media, follow this process. Commit to your nine-minute habit and watch your digital brand soar.

Author: William Arruda is the cofounder of CareerBlast and creator of the complete LinkedIn quiz that helps you evaluate your LinkedIn profile and networking strategy. | September 16, 2019

#CareerAdvice : #LinkedInTips – 9 Mistakes you’re Making on #LinkedIn that Could Sabotage your #JobHunt — and How to Fix Them. A Must REad!

  • If you’re on LinkedIn, there’s a good chance you’re guilty of (at least) one of the mistakes listed below.

  • We talked to LinkedIn career expert Blair Decembrele about how to avoid them.
  • For example, if you’re job-hunting, be sure to alert recruiters that you’re open to new roles. Your current employer won’t find out.
LinkedIn can be a terrific place to build your brand, expand your network, attract new clients, and find job opportunities.

But use it the wrong way and you could turn off professional contacts — or even lose out on your dream job.

We spoke with LinkedIn career expert Blair Decembrele about the most common (and most egregious) mistakes she sees on the platform, as well as what you can do to avoid them. Read on, and get ready to make some potentially serious changes to your profile.

Your profile headline is incorrect or missing entirely

Your profile headline is incorrect or missing entirelyScreenshot/LinkedIn

This is “prime real estate,” Decembrele said.

It’s the first thing other members see besides your photo. You can use these 120 words either to list your current title (e.g. “senior reporter at Business Insider”) or to describe your job more generally (e.g. “reporter covering career development and entrepreneurship”).

You don’t have a profile photo

You don't have a profile photoScreenshot/LinkedIn

According to LinkedIn data, profiles with photos receive up to 21 times more views than profiles without photos, plus nine times more connection requests.

That’s not to say that any photo will do — it’s important to choose one that’s visually appealing, Decembrele said. Think a solid-color background without distractions like a friend’s arm dangling off the edge. Your face should fill up roughly 60% of the frame.


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You haven’t written a summary

You haven't written a summaryScreenshot/LinkedIn

A summary “describes who you are as a professional,” Decembrele said. It’s your elevator pitch, or your chance to “spark a potential employer’s interest in 20 seconds.”

That’s why you should include your experience, skills, and interests. Most importantly, “don’t be afraid to have your personality shine through.” LinkedIn says summaries of at least 40 words are more likely to turn up in search results.

You never customized your LinkedIn URL

You never customized your LinkedIn URLScreenshot/LinkedIn

Once you do, you can include your LinkedIn URL on your résumé without worrying about it looking clunky, Decembrele said. It also makes it easier for you to be found by recruiters.

You have no idea what your privacy settings are

You have no idea what your privacy settings areScreenshot/LinkedIn

Decembrele recommends thinking carefully about your privacy settings (for example, whether you want your entire network to find out that you’ve switched jobs).

You should also know whether other members can see when you’ve looked at their profile, and vice versa. Decembrele said there are benefits to having people know you checked out their profile, since they might see an opportunity to work together.

If you subscribe to LinkedIn Premium, you’re able to tweak the settings so that you can see when other people view your profile, but they can’t see when you’ve viewed theirs.

SEE ALSO: 9 mistakes you’re making on LinkedIn that are putting off recruiters and making it harder to find a job


You haven’t alerted recruiters that you’re open to new roles

You haven't alerted recruiters that you're open to new rolesScreenshot/LinkedIn

Enabling the “open candidates” feature on your profile dashboard is a way to privately signal that you’re open to job opportunities. LinkedIn found that members who enable this feature are twice as likely to see relevant opportunities.

Fortunately, this is not listed publicly on your profile — and luckily for you, recruiters from your particular organization aren’t able to see this.

You’re not using hashtags in your posts

You're not using hashtags in your postsScreenshot/LinkedIn

You can use relevant hashtags to a) customize your feed so that you see the content that’s most interesting to you, and b) to make sure your posts wind up in front of the right people (just like on other social media platforms). For example, if you’re writing about leadership, you might tag “#leadership.”

Once you’ve started writing a post on LinkedIn, you’ll see recommended hashtags to choose from.

You aren’t taking advantage of LinkedIn groups

You aren't taking advantage of LinkedIn groupsScreenshot/LinkedIn

When you join LinkedIn groups for professionals in your field, “it enables you to talk to each other about trends in your industry,” Decembrele said. Plus, it’s a great way to solicit career advice or opinions.

You’re cold-contacting people for jobs

You're cold-contacting people for jobsScreenshot/LinkedIn

The first rule of messaging another LinkedIn member is to make sure you’ve looked at their profile, so you can refer to something about their career that resonated with you. Explain why you’re reaching out and why they should connect with you, Decembrele added.

That said, if you’re job hunting, don’t message someone asking directly for a job. Instead, you might write something like, “Hi, I noticed you work for [X organization] and I’m really interested in learning more about that company. Would you be wiling to talk to me?”

Author: Jillian D’Onfro contributed to an earlier version of this post. | March 7, 2019




Your #Career : What #Recruiters Pay Attention To When They Look At Your #SocialMedia …Great REad!

You probably already know recruiters are looking at your LinkedIn page, but what about your other social media platforms? You know, the ones where you post pictures of your latest vacation, share what you had for dinner and occasionally tag your friends in memes. Why, you might wonder, would a recruiter possibly be interested in viewing things like that?

As it turns out, those personal details are precisely why recruiters and hiring managers keep tabs on applicants’ social media accounts, says career coach Hallie Crawford. “It can help them get a more accurate idea about who you are outside of your resume–a more personal view into your life,” she explains. “A resume can tell them your qualifications, but your social media profile can help them determine your personality type and if you would be a good fit for company culture.

Related:How To Tidy Up Your Digital Footprint Before Your First Job Search 

Plus, recruiters are looking for red flags–risqué photos, bad language, signs of drugs use–that would show them you’d be a less than ideal man or woman to have in their offices.

So now that you know why they’re looking, how about knowing what they’re looking at?


According to Crawford, recruiters and hiring managers are concentrating their efforts on two sections of your Facebook page–your “about me” section, and your photo albums.

About Me: “They will want to see how you describe yourself and if it matches up [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][with] how you have described yourself in your cover letter and resume,” Crawford says. Any discrepancies could cost you points pre-interview. What’s more, Crawford says, “they will also be looking for proper spelling and grammar” in this section, to see how seriously you take those skills.

Photos: When it comes to your photos albums, “a hiring manager will be checking not only your photos but also your descriptions,” Crawford warns. “A hiring manager wants to see if you represent yourself in a professional way.” To come off in the most positive pre-meeting light, “you will want to avoid using profanity, sexual or drug references,” Crawford says.

Related:Here’s How To Use Social Media At Every Stage Of Your Career 

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Who You’re Following: “Recruiters like to see if you have any mutual connections and if you are connected with others in your industry,” Crawford explains. Following others in your industry is a smart thing to do no matter what–watching their feeds can give you a scoop on a new job opening, company announcements, the latest tech and much more.

Tweets: “Recruiters will be checking to see if you share useful information, if you share information relevant to your trade or if you just use tweets to fight with others,” Crawford says. If you’re applying for a job, take a look at your tweeting history and consider deleting anything that won’t show your best–and most thoughtful self to a potential employer.

Related:This Is What Recruiters Look For On Your LinkedIn Profile


Followers: Recruiters will check out the kind of followers you attract, Crawford says. Plus, they’ll want to see “how friendly and social you seem to be with your followers,” she says. What you say to them and what you say back, she explains, “can also give them insight [into] your personal relationships and if you would be a good cultural fit for the company.”

Pictures: You probably figured this, right? But recruiters are looking to see more than your photography skills (or lack thereof). “They will want to see how you represent yourself,” Crawford says. For example, “if you are at a party, do you represent yourself in a dignified way?” Crawford asks, or, “do you post things that others would consider inappropriate?”

This article originally appeared on Glassdoor and is reprinted with permission. | March 26, 2018 | BY JILLIAN KRAMER—GLASSDOOR 3 MINUTE READ
