
#YourCareer : How to Be Productive at Work During the Holidays. Here are Some Ways that you can Stay Motivated during the Holiday Season.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful….but you’re stuck inside an office building collating papers all day while your boss and their family jets off to sunny beaches for the week. It can be depressing, especially when you look outside and see nothing but gray skies.

During the end of the year rush, a lot of employees will save their vacation time to use during the holiday season, and while people are out of the office on vacation, it becomes very important to try and stay motivated in an empty office building.

Here are some ways that you can stay motivated during the holiday season:

Clean your office

Take some time and go through your office area, closet, filing cabinet, desk tops, email inbox, whatever and make sure what items you need or which can be discarded. Cleaning is a great distraction from everyday boredom, so find some time for your office.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Schedule business meetings during slow times

You can invite potential or current clients to your office during the holiday season. The business meeting can be as formal or informal as you like, but make sure you stack the place with plenty of refreshments. You can serve finger foods or have a local restaurant cater the lunch. Whatever you do, do not spike the eggnog.

Planning for next year

A lot of businesses are given a yearly budget to spend before the year is up, and leftover funds cannot be rolled over into next year, so they are lost. If you act quickly, you can build relationships with these companies and then hit them up for business as the end of the year comes, they will have excess cash that will not be around for the New Year, so why not spend it now?

Review your marketing or business expansion plan

Take a look at your goals and see which ones have been accomplished and find dates of completion for your other plans. If you have any unfinished goals, you can add them to the list for next year. The end of the year gets many people worried about next year, but this is your chance to be one step ahead.

Go to every networking or holiday event

When the holidays are in season, you can bet there will be holiday parties. But while others are busy socializing, you can be busy building relationships with people you meet at these events. Keep your eyes open because you never know when you’ll pick up a new client.

Offer close out deals

If you are a small business, discount prices and packages for existing clients, or even new clients, as a great way to form alliances with a strategic business. Deals allow you to reach that one tough client you’ve been trying to get and at this time of the year, a lot of bosses want to look good on the bottom line.

Switch it up and do something different every day

Have coffee from somewhere new or just add two sugars instead of one. No matter what it is, just try something new. Break up the monotony.


FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog – December 4, 2021

#BestofFSCBlog : What Successful People Do During The Holiday Season To Improve Their Careers.

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving Day is next week. In no time at all, it will be Hanukkah, Christmas, then the New Year.  

This is a season where it’s easy and socially acceptable to coast. Many of your co-workers and clients are going to be out of the office taking their vacations. The mood in the office is generally upbeat and the pace of work appreciably slows down. Most people enjoy the season, but pay scant attention to their jobs and careers. They put themselves on autopilot and glide through the end of the year. They’ll say that they deserve a break and promise to get their act together and into high gear once 2020 commences.

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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People who have achieved great success in their lives and careers look at this time period very differently than the rest of us. They recognize that there is less than two full months until the year ends and there is still so much yet to accomplish. For them, there is enough time to take proactive steps to improve themselves and enhance their careers and lives. They’ll enjoy the holidays, but won’t frivolously squander their precious time.

Here is what successful people do over the next six weeks.  

  1. They don’t procrastinate. Instead, successful people wrap up any and all of their important, outstanding projects. It’s easy to push things off and blame the holidays. They get things done right now—without any excuses.
  2. Successful people start a list of goals for what they desire to achieve in the next year. They don’t just hope and pray that things will work out. They’ll write down an action plan that focuses on all of the daily steps needed to accomplish their objectives. By writing down their ambitions, it becomes real and they hold themselves accountable to it. If you tell someone about your aspirations, it motivates you further to intensely focus on the game plan, as there will be someone you respect checking in on you.
  3. Motivated people purposely block out all of the extraneous distractions that arise over the next bunch of weeks. They’ll attend parties and family functions, but won’t eat and drink excessively, as they know they need to stay clear headed and on top of their game.
  4. Smart, fast-track and career-oriented people actively turn up the heat on their job search. The vast majority of job seekers put their search on hold during the holidays, as they don’t want to be bothered with ruining their fun. If you are aggressively looking, you’ll stand out with much less competition.
  5. Use this time to refresh your résumé and LinkedIn profile, contact recruiters, check out job boards and invite people out for coffee or a cocktail to pick their brains about potential job openings.
  6. Take advantage of the holiday season’s shopping sales to pick up a couple of new interviewing outfits.
  7. Intelligent people start preparing for their annual review. They’ll gather a list of all their great accomplishments and carefully practice what they’ll say to their boss to secure a raise and promotion.
  8. Forward thinkers contemplate where they are in their lives and what they want to do next. This may entail going back to school, pivoting to a new career or completely reinventing themselves. This time is perfect to seriously contemplate the next chapter of your career.
  9. Successful people are not afraid of constructive criticism and are self-aware. Engage in self-reflection about who you really are. Think about whether or not you’re happy with your life choices. Maybe you will decide to lose five pounds, become more optimistic and positive, treat people better, give to charity or work toward becoming the best version of yourself and the person that you know could be.
  10. Those rare, successful people have a certain mindset. They give thanks to all of the wonderful things they have in their lives. Show appreciation to the ones you love. Express gratitude for everything good that’s happened to you. Forgive, forget and let go of all the past regrets, slights, indignities and bad decisions.

This is just a start and you can continually add to this list. You are now prepared to start the holiday season and enter the new year feeling happy, confident, productive, both mentally and emotionally strong and successful.

Author: Jack Kelly Careers :  I write actionable interview, career and salary advice. | November 20, 2019

#Leadership : How to Manage Your Team’s Calendar During the Holidays

The end of the last quarter is a time of rest for many, but founders and their teams keep working hard to set up their companies for success in the new year. Just because the grind never stops, however, does not mean that founders should take their teams for granted. But there are ways to manage your team’s calendar during the holidays.

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The Team here at FSC LinkedIn Network would like to wish you/yours a Wonderful Christmas & a Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous 2019!  Our best to you, 

My companies are closing for 10 full days during the holiday season. I want our employees to know that we recognize their value and respect them enough to provide a manageable work-life balance.

We aren’t closing shop for 10 days without proper preparation, of course. Until those 10 days arrive, our teams from top to bottom are working tirelessly to ensure that we won’t leave anything unfinished. Our break will be much more enjoyable with the knowledge that we did everything necessary before closing shop for the season.

Managing a team’s calendar during the holidays is a delicate task. Some people want to work more in a quiet office, while others want to take long breaks. The key to managing a holiday calendar is to treat employees with respect without compromising on the company’s goals in the bargain.

Related: The Best Founders Are Already Planning How to Thank Their People During the Holiday Season

Follow these scheduling tips to manage a team through the turmoil of the holiday season:

1. Understand what they want.

Rather than announce the office will close for two weeks without discussing it with anyone, talk to people about what they would like to do for the holidays. Some teams would prefer to grind it out for a few weeks to earn a long break, like we’re doing, but others would rather take it slow. Keep in mind that not all employees celebrate the same holidays.

Employees respond better to leaders who involve them in the decision-making process. Involve them, but don’t let them run the show on their own. Paula Santonocito of Recruiting Daily Advisorargues that, while employee involvement can provide a sense of value and ownership to employees, it can also lead to decision paralysis within the organization.

Find the balance by soliciting employee input then making the call that’s best for the company. Maybe that means going with what the majority wants. Maybe it means allowing people to opt-in to an alternative holiday schedule. Whatever the decision, don’t let one group saddle another with extra responsibilities.

Related: 6 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged During the Holiday Season


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2. Lean on freelancers to fill the gaps.

Freelancers are always available to help small companies meet goals when internal employees don’t have the capacity. This is especially true during the holidays when entire teams can disappear for days at a time.

Reach out to trusted freelancers early in the month to ask about their capacity. If they have some room on their schedules, talk to teams about their holiday plans to coordinate projects. Keep track of this in a calendar app so that you don’t forget. We get so busy these days that we often don’t message till it’s too late.

Of course you don’t rely on freelancers to do jobs that would be better handled internally. You can take this opportunity to tackle some projects that might not come up during the rest of the year. Work with contractors to come up with creative pieces of content. Trust freelancers with big tasks to learn which ones are dependable, then give them more work during the coming year.

Don’t worry about the potential cost of a freelancer/full-timer mix. Michael Solomon, co-founder of 10x Management, broke down the budget on Huffington Post and found that mixing freelance with full-time is the most cost-efficient management method.

Related: 7 Ways to Manage Employee Holiday Time Off

3. Relax work-from-home policies.

Remote workers are typically more productive than their in-office counterparts, as Harvard Business Review discussed back in 2014. Now that telecommuting tools have gotten even better, that productivity gap is even wider. That goes double for the holidays when office workers take every opportunity to talk about gift recommendations and football.

Encourage employees to work from home whenever necessary during the holiday season. If the company has a rule about needing an excuse, drop that rule (permanently if possible, but definitely for December). When parents don’t have to worry about their kids’ school schedules and travelers are free to work from the road, companies reap the benefits of anytime, anywhere productivity. It also cuts down on all of the extra office-holiday-chatter that is a huge time-suck.

Maintain a semblance of order by clearly communicating expectations and reminding employees of work-from-home guidelines. People still need to attend important meetings and meet productivity goals at the end of the year. Treat people with respect and assume they want to do good work. If the team is a good one, it will reward that faith many times over.

The holidays are almost here, so don’t delay. Work with teams to create a schedule (scheduling beats hustling) that works for everyone, set expectations and treat employees with the respect they deserve. When the holidays end, return to work refreshed and ready to tackle the new year. | December 11, 2018 | John Rampton VIP CONTRIBUTOR
