
#YourCareer : If Networking Makes You Feel Dirty, You’re Doing It Wrong. Great REad for All!

Nearly every professional recognizes that networking is good for them. The connections! The opportunities! And yet a significant percentage simply can’t bring themselves to do it.

Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino knows why: It makes them feel dirty.

In one study she conducted, the perceived moral contamination of networking clouded people’s perceptions so much that they developed a sudden and disproportionate interest in personal-cleansing products such as soap and toothpaste.

It’s no wonder. We’ve all occasionally experienced a “favor assailant” who cozies up to us with a “getting to know you” call or coffee, and then springs a sneak attack. One colleague recently told me about someone with whom he thought he’d been building a friendship—until the other person hit him up with a request that required significant political capital. “It made me wonder,” my friend said. “Was this his plan all along? Had he been pacing it out, pretending to be interested in getting to know me, and just waiting to make his ask?”

No one wants to be like that.

So if you’re in the “networking feels disgusting” camp, changing your perspective might seem impossible. But a closer reading of Prof. Gino’s research reveals two crucial elements.

The first is that the type of networking participants engaged in made a huge difference. What people felt bad about was transactional networking—i.e., networking to get something fast, like a job or an investment—rather than networking to make friends.

The second is that junior-level professionals felt worse about networking, as compared with their more senior colleagues. One possible interpretation is that the junior professionals, having fewer connections or resources at their disposal to offer others, felt like “takers” because they worried they could never reciprocate.

In both cases, the takeaway is clear: It isn’t networking that’s the problem, per se. It’s that no one wants to feel like a user.

And that’s something we can control.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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For the past several years, I’ve been researching the question of how we can become more effective long-term thinkers, and bring that mind-set into our professional relationships.

Here are four strategies we can use to become bettermore comfortable, more authentic and classier—at professional networking. Here’s how to get started.

Figure out what you can offer

If you’re the junior party in the networking equation, the problem might seem insoluble. The other person knows more people, has access to bigger budgets and has more clout than you. None of that is going to change anytime soon. What could you possibly offer them? It isn’t obvious—but it’s essential to get creative and figure it out. A great example is Heather Rothenberg, who—as a first-year Ph.D. student in transportation engineering —built a powerhouse network by volunteering to be the secretary of a women’s professional group in her industry. It was boring scutwork, to be sure, but it put her in proximity to influential leaders. Years later, she ended up becoming the group’s president and fielding multiple job offers from fellow group members who were eager to hire her.

It’s also useful to think of “side door” ways you can be helpful—because in your industry, that person may always be more connected or powerful, but you may have knowledge or status in another realm. For instance, I’ve become friends with many C-suite executives by advising them on areas where I have experience they don’t, such as publishing books or writing for high-profile publications.

No asks for a year

It might seem draconian, but I’ve created a rule for myself (and believe it may be useful for others, as well): no asks for a year. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t invite someone out to a meal or an event. The point of relationship building is getting to know someone, after all. The specific prohibition is on requests that require political capital—the kind that users make right away. (“I see you know Warren Buffett —can you connect us?”) Instead, to ensure both that they don’t impute transactional motives to you—and so you don’t subconsciously construct them yourself—I believe we should avoid asking for favors until a relationship is so well established that you’re legitimately friends. And by that point, your friend may even proactively offer help or connections—because that’s what friends do.

Use a double opt-in

A place where well-intentioned networkers often falter is, in their haste or enthusiasm or lack of awareness, failing to ensure a “double opt-in” when connecting others. I often find myself fielding emails like this one I received from an enthusiastic colleague: “By way of this email, I wanted to introduce you to X…He is already a fan of yours and your writing. Knowing how busy you are, I thought I would connect the two of you – to sync your superpowers of networking and connection.”

This is obviously a lovely thought, but if you fail to ask for permission on both sides, you may be missing important facts and essentially giving a homework assignment to busy people—which is the last thing they need, and may harm your standing in the process. If my colleague actually had a clue how busy I was (or had bothered to ask), he might have realized it was an inopportune time. Instead, I now have to deal with the reputational consequences if I don’t “hop to it” and schedule a call quickly. Make sure you get a green light from both parties before making any introductions.

Go all-in on your memberships

One of the best strategies to feel more normal about networking is to approach people as a peer, rather than a supplicant. And you can do that especially well if you actually are someone’s peer. Some professionals assume that joining lots of groups—alumni chapters, professional associations, civic committees, employee resource groups, and the like—is the best way to meet lots of people. That works if your networking strategy is about quantity. But if you’re optimizing for quality, it’s far better to join fewer groups and go deep.

Sign up for a leadership role, which also helps with your reputation and credibility, and take the opportunity to reach out to other members and connect. (It’s especially helpful if you take on a role such as membership chair, where this is part of your job description.) “Hi Carl,” you could write to a new contact. “I’m the new membership chair of XYZ group, and I thought it’d be a great time to get to know other members. Perhaps we could meet up for a coffee or video chat?” With a built-in excuse and the authority of the group behind you, you’ll likely have a high acceptance rate, and an opportunity to build peer-level connections—even with colleagues who may be more senior than you in another context.

Networking makes plenty of high-achieving professionals uncomfortable—and for good reason, if they’re equating the practice with exploiting others. But when you reframe the experience, it becomes a win-win that even the most hardened lone wolves may embrace.

WSJ Author: Branding and management consultant Dorie Clark teaches executive education at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Her book “The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World,” will be published by Harvard Business Review Press on Sept. 21. | September 17, 2021

#JobSearch : How To Get Noticed By A Competitive Company When You Don’t Know Anyone. Avoid Application Portals & Bypass the Competition

I’ve never been one of those super-connected people with a Rolodex of contacts on speed dial. So, it has always bothered me when people would say getting a new job is all about who you know. 

As a career coach who’s helped corporate professionals land interviews and roles at competitive companies like Google, Vogue, Deloitte, iHeartMedia, and an array of other companies in dozens of industries without any secret connections, I know that not having a huge network doesn’t have to exclude you from landing a great role at a competitive company.

But, when you don’t know anyone, you have to know how to approach your job search in a way that helps you skip the line and get ahead of the competition. Here are a few tips to help you get noticed by a competitive company, even when you don’t have a huge network.

Avoid Application Portals & Bypass the Competition

In 2019 alone, before unemployment surged last year, Amazon received more than 18 job applications per minute and more than 200,000 online applications for 30,000 open spots. That’s just one example of the number of applications rolling into competitive companies on any given day.

If your only strategy for getting noticed by a competitive company is applying online, then you are not giving yourself every opportunity to get noticed. Instead of sentencing yourself to the black hole of rejection, as I call it, you need to bypass the competition by reaching out to hiring managers directly. This will help you ensure that your application doesn’t get lost in the application portal and will help you get in front of other job candidates.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Get Good at Knowing Why You’re Good 

It’s not enough to reach out to hiring managers directly, you also have to know exactly why you believe you’re the right person for the role you’re pursuing. Reaching out to the hiring manager without a clear pitch on why you’re the top candidate for the job can still cause your outreach to get tossed to the side.

To get good at knowing why you’re good, you need to take a step back to evaluate how your previous positions have prepared you for the next role you desire. You need to know the stories, accomplishments, results, and examples that showcase the value you can bring to the position. And, you need to be able to communicate those things as easily as you can tell someone your phone number. Some of my clients have even gotten responses in less than 24 hours after reaching out directly to hiring managers because they mastered this, without any secret connections. When you study yourself just as much as you would study the job description, you’ll increase your chances of getting a response from hiring managers, without a referral.

Create the Connections

Lastly, just because you don’t currently have connections doesn’t mean you can’t create them. But, rather than feeling like you have to hit the connect button on LinkedIn 15 times a day or awkwardly send people your resume when they didn’t ask for it, you can do things a different way. Focus on building authentic relationships by thoughtfully reaching out to people you would genuinely like to get to know, simply because they’re like-minded professionals you find interesting.

Don’t focus on how they can help you when you’re establishing these relationships. Pay attention to how you can help them and learn from them instead. Recently, one of my clients followed this approach, and she found out about a position at a competitive company that wasn’t even available online yet. And the best part? She didn’t have to ask or beg for the person to put in a good word for her, the person offered on their own.

Getting noticed by a competitive company and landing a new role doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. When you’re willing to approach your job search strategically and thoughtfully, you can increase your chances of getting noticed and hired at a top company you love.

Author:  Adunola Adeshola coaches high-achievers on how to take their careers to the next level and secure the positions they’ve been chasing. Grab her free guide. – January 27, 2021

#CareerAdvice : Take These Steps if you’re Looking to Make a #CareerChange …Time & Money can Get in the Way of a #CareerMove, But by Taking some Small Actions, You can Make it Happen.

While the popular adage is true, sometimes the time spend and money send can get in the way of truly following a new path. With technology, making a career change (within reason) has never been easier. Using tools like LinkedInUdemy, and, yes, even YouTube, you can learn the skills of a trade and connect with the masters within it.

Use these steps to learn how to gather the skillsresources, and connections to make a meaningful career move within months (without incurring another wave of student debt!).


Maybe you hate your current job. Maybe you’re simply nonplussed with the day-to-day work and you want something more. Maybe you actually like the function of your job, but dislike your current company. Whatever it is, make sure to identify the why of your desired career move before you take action.

From there, asses your best skills along with your passions. Perhaps you’ve been drafting press releases or doing ad hoc social media work for your current company. Maybe you’ve done a little graphic work as needed outside of your otherwise administrative roles. Assess your interests and relative experience in order to determine your desired career direction.

Related: I used design thinking to reinvent my career–here’s why it worked 


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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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So you want to be a graphic designer? Awesome! You know those LinkedIn connections you made in college; the friend of a friend of a former coworker?

Rifle through these connections. You might be surprised what you find hiding in your own LinkedIn connections or Facebook friends. Speaking of friends, speak to them, too. More often than not, someone will know someone who is open to talk to you. Reach out to see if they’d be willing to meet with you. While they might not have a job hot and ready, it’s a perfect opportunity to ask a few questions over a coffee.

Related: 7 steps to rebrand yourself for a career change 


Unless you’re looking to become an anesthesiologist or a trial attorney, you can likely build your skill set without applying to graduate school.

There are boundless opportunities to learn things on the internet (we rounded a ton of them up here). Resources like UdemyCoursera, and Alison offer hundreds of free classes–you can learn anything from project management to web design.

Even if you’re not looking to change your career (why are you reading this?) you should take advantage of these free classes. Heck, we all should learn about probabilistic graphical models because, why not?

Related: 5 books to read when you’re considering making a big change 


This is my personal favorite thing to do, so approach with wary pessimism if you must. Once you have a clear idea of the position you want and type of company you’d like to work for, considering reaching out to the employees there. A personalized, well-researched cold emailcan be the perfect way to garner a new relationship.

You don’t have to come in too hot, revealing that you went 80 weeks deep into a CEO’s Instagram, but you can express a knowledgeable, thoughtful sentence or two. In addition, lay out your interest in the company and inquire as to whether they will be hiring for *your role* in the near future. If you see a gap in the team roster, you might even suggest the need for *your role* and why.

Consider sending out a few cold emails to your dream companies that might hold your dream future job. You can even reach out to employees at your dream company using LinkedIn. At best, you will manifest a miraculous job opening in your field. At worst, you will receive no reply. | August 25, 2018 | BY CAILEEN KEHAYAS—CAREER CONTESSA 3 MINUTE READ