
#JobSearch : 5 Effective Marketing Tips For Professionals Who Just Got Laid Off. Great REad for ALL!

Many professionals went through a tough time with their jobs last year. A large number of planned job cuts reached 89,703, going up by 15% since February. From the beginning of the year until now, job losses have gone way up to 270,416, shooting up by a massive 396% compared to the same time last year.

Around 1,450 folks working in the U.S. tech sector have lost their jobs, as counted by Crunchbase News. And if that’s not enough, tells us that a whopping 1,157 tech companies have let go of a staggering 257,778 workers in 2023. If you’ve recently experienced a job loss, know that you’re not alone. Numerous individuals are encountering comparable challenges. Here are five practical tips to help you navigate tough times and get back on your feet.

1. Take a Pause to Figure It Out

Experiencing a layoff is tough and can bring a lot of stress to you and your loved ones. Studies show that being laid off is the seventh most stressful life experience. Rather than getting stressed, think of a layoff as a chance to start over somewhere new, with different opportunities and challenges.

The initial step to realign your professional path is to take a brief break. Given the increasing number of layoffs, it becomes crucial to strategize your next moves. Taking this pause enhances your likelihood of discovering new opportunities in the months ahead. Use this time to think about your skills, strengths, and the job market. This will help you plan your next moves wisely.


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What Skill Sets Do You Have to be ‘Sharpened‘?


Did you know?  First Sun Consulting, Llc (FSC) is celebrating over 32 years in delivering corporate & individual outplacement services & programs to over 1200 corporate clients in the U.S., Canada, the UK, & Mexico!   Visit us @  OR Ask for a Quote for Services at

We here at FSC want to thank each of our corporate partners for the opportunity to serve & moving each of their transitioning employee(s) rapidly toward employment!

Article continued …

2. Invest Time In Skill Development

The job market is evolving rapidly, and continuous skill development is crucial. Dedicate time to enhance or acquire new skills. Online courses are a great way to start, offering a flexible and accessible way to boost your capabilities.

This investment in yourself makes you more capable, and companies are likely to notice your efforts when they’re looking to hire. The goal is to become someone companies find hard to resist hiring because of your valuable skills.

3. Craft A Compelling Personal Brand

Today, making yourself known online is like having a secret weapon for job hunting. It’s a strong tool that helps you stand out. Your mission? Make a personal brand that shows off what makes you special – your skills and what you’re great at. Start by updating your resume or CV with all your latest achievements.

Now, take your skills online. Use social media like LinkedIn to make a consistent and real online image. Share your work journey, talk about what you know, and connect with others. Your personal brand, when done well and kept the same everywhere, becomes a story that tells employers why you’re awesome.

4. Build Strong Professional Connections

When you’re promoting yourself after a layoff, it’s not just about how you show yourself but also about the folks you link up with. Get in touch with people in your industry—colleagues, mentors, and friends from previous jobs. Keep the connection alive by regularly checking in and participating in professional conversations. This could open doors to valuable mentorship, career advice, and even potential job opportunities.

Moreover, attend online events, join communities, and participate in networking activities to grow your connections. Remember, your network might be the key to reclaiming your dream job, so utilize it wisely. They could offer valuable insights and even help you find new opportunities.

5. Be Consistent in Your Job Hunt

Finding a job after being laid off can be tiring and downright frustrating. But here’s a straightforward tip to keep you moving forward: commit to doing at least one job-hunting task every day. This small but consistent effort can make a big difference.

Your daily tasks could be updating your resume or online profile, applying for a specific job, creating a new profile on a job search website, or having a conversation with a mentor. The key is to stay engaged with the job search process regularly.

In addition to exploring traditional employment, consider other options like freelance work, contract positions, or even starting your own small business. These alternatives may open new doors and provide valuable experience while you navigate your job search journey.

As we enter deeper into 2024, job seekers are bracing for more challenges. A recent survey by reveals that a concerning 38% of larger companies anticipate layoffs in the coming year. Shockingly, 96% of organizations have already made cuts in the past 12 months, and 92% plan to do so again in the next year, as reported by Randstad RiseSmart. The uncertainty surrounding job losses persists, leaving many wondering when this cycle will end.

In times like these, the strategies shared in this guide can be a lifeline for those navigating layoffs. Remember, while the road ahead may be uncertain, your ability to adapt and follow these effective tips can make a real difference in facing the challenges that lie ahead. | February 5, 2024 |

#JobSearch : 7-Step Plan For ‘New-Collar Workers’: The Next Generation Of Career Candidates. Managers are Motivated to Hire Non-Degree Workers. A MUst REad!

They’re called “New-collar workers”—not white- or blue-collar jobs—a new category in hiring that leaves college degrees in the dust and gives more attention to skilled employees with a nontraditional education. According to the Harvard Business Review, many workers are unable to advance because they don’t have a bachelor’s degree and are stuck in low-paying jobs.

Meanwhile, companies are looking for workers to meet their diversity goals and reduce social and economic inequality. These problems could be alleviated, the authors say, if employers focused on job candidates’ skills instead of their degree status: “There’s a huge, capable and diverse talent pool out there that companies aren’t paying nearly enough attention to: workers without college degrees.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that between 2020 and 2030, 60% of new jobs—some yielding six figures—will be new-collar occupations that won’t require any type of college degree.


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What Skill Sets Do You Have to be ‘Sharpened‘?


Did you know?  First Sun Consulting, Llc (FSC) is celebrating over 32 years in delivering corporate & individual outplacement services & programs to over 1200 corporate clients in the U.S., Canada, the UK, & Mexico!   Visit us @  OR Ask for a Quote for Services at

We here at FSC want to thank each of our corporate partners for the opportunity to serve & moving each of their transitioning employee(s) rapidly toward employment!


Article continued …

‘New-Collar,’ Skills-First Approach To Hiring

The skills-first approach to hiring “new-collar workers” goes against the long-held traditional grain that the four-year college degree—a symbol of accomplishment, prestige and pride—is imperative for social acceptance and career success. For as long as many of us can remember, high-school graduates were encouraged to pursue a college degree for financial and psychological security. That message has been drilled into students’ heads from parents and schools, according to James Neave, head of data science at Adzuna—the world’s most comprehensive job search engine.

But since the pandemic, the tide has been changing. More business leaders are saying ditch the four-year degree because it’s no longer necessary for jobs that can earn top dollar. Neave insists that a college degree is not necessary to be successful or earn a good salary. “The Adzuna data indicates that skills, rather than degrees, are the top requirement candidates must have to secure a ‘high-paying job’ today, whether job candidates are looking for deskless or corporate positions,” he emphasizes. “In particular, leaders with skills that can boost engagement in today’s workforce are in hot demand.” And Don Gannon-Jones, vice president of content at Karat agrees.

 We’re slowly creeping up on a post-degree era. Industries everywhere are realizing that for a lot of fields, colleges and universities aren’t teaching what businesses actually need,” he asserts. “Without a doubt, students are more reluctant to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt for a degree that doesn’t necessarily create a straightforward path to financial security.”


Implications Of Having Degree Requirements

A report by Accenture, argues that degree inflation—the rising demand for a four-year college degree for jobs that previously did not require one—is a substantive and widespread phenomenon, making the U.S. labor market more inefficient. The report found more than 60% of employers rejected otherwise qualified candidates in terms of skills or experience simply because they did not have a college diploma.

“When companies choose to put ‘four-year degree required’ (or even ‘preferred’) on a job listing, they’re automatically shutting out a gigantic swath of the population,” Gannon-Jones points out.

“Any effort to create a workforce that offers truly diverse perspectives and backgrounds is essentially stillborn if you insist on a college degree —or worse, if your hiring teams have opinions about which colleges are ‘good enough’ to produce candidates they’ll accept. It’s no surprise that smart organizations are putting a strike through in that ‘four-year degree required’ bullet in their job descriptions.”


Neave adds, “As this year goes on, we expect businesses will continue prioritizing skills over degrees to fill open roles, including those that come with top pay checks.” According to Business Insider, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple CEO Tim Cook also have questioned the need for college degrees, and more companies are following suit, acknowledging that degree requirements put them at a competitive disadvantage. Dropping the four-year degree requirement is a welcoming and encouraging win-win for both employers and employees from a disenfranchised segment of the workforce without a degree. A framed diploma on the wall is no longer necessary for these highly-qualified job seekers to find the job of their dreams—one that is gratifying, pays a high salary and leads to career success.

“Managers may be more motivated to hire non-degree workers—and feel that it’s less risky—if they have direct incentives to do so,” according to the authors of the Harvard Business Review piece. To encourage managers to embrace the skills-first approach, the authors suggest organizations develop a seven-step plan that includes:

  1. Providing extra funding or budget lines for “new-collar jobs”
  2. Writing job descriptions that emphasize capabilities, not credentials
  3. Creating apprenticeships, internships and training programs for people without college degrees
  4. Collaborating with educational institutions and other outside partners to expand the talent pool
  5. Helping hiring managers embrace skills-first thinking
  6. Bringing on board a critical mass of non­-degree workers
  7. Building a supportive organizational culture

“IBM, Aon, Cleveland Clinic, Delta Air Lines, Bank of America and Merck are among the companies taking this approach—and demonstrating its benefits for firms, workers and society as a whole,” the authors conclude. According to another source, 41% of U.S. adults report they’d get a certificate that would instantly qualify them for an in-demand job over a college degree. At the same time, there are more than 600,000 openings for manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and more than three million skilled trades jobs are expected to go unfilled by 2028.

Austin King, co-founder and president of Steel River, believes not everyone is meant to go to college, but there should still be equal opportunities for blue-collar workers to earn higher wages without a four-year degree. He contends that employers need to do a better job at closing this gap by providing better work environments including higher wages, equity programs and more learning opportunities—especially if they want to attract younger generations. “With such competition for skilled workers in trades like manufacturing, those who provide higher wages and strong company culture will win over top talent,” according to King. Instead of slashing service costs to acquire more customers, he recommends giving half of all price increases back into employee salaries to make roles more enticing to those looking for steady and secure wages that rival white collar roles. | February 4, 2024 | Bryan Robinson, Ph.D.