Location of our Offices & Local FSC Career Coaches to Assist you/your Employee(s)

Our Local FSC Career Coaches have provided corporate outplacement and career transition services for both employees and their employers going through career transitions. Today, we currently have FSC Career Coaches located throughout the United States. To find outplacement consultants near you please feel free to use our map below. For immediate assistance simply give us a call @ 866.311.2514.

First Sun Consulting, LLc along with our over 300 affiliate offices both nationally/worldwide and have delivered to companies to a broad spectrum of industries/size/sectors. First Sun Consulting, LLC along with our partner affiliates has the ability to deliver ‘seamless’ delivery of programs of programs/services to you/your employees here in the U.S, Canada, U.K., Mexico and Worldwide.

Please note: All Locations are Scheduled Appointments Only – Walk-Ins Not Accepted – Thank You!

Did You Know?

First Sun Consulting, LLc offers both local offices and outplacement consultants in ‘rural locations’.  That provides local consultants with marketing knowledge of your area for you/your transitioning employee(s) along with a major cost savings to you/your company (i.e. additional travel expenses).

Bottom Line: You/your company no longer has to accept either a team of metro/regional consultants or worst still  ‘virtual programs‘ to manage you/your company’s outplacement programs/services.

Reducing costs & more importantly producing a more ‘positive outcome’ (faster re-employment) for both you/your transitioning employee(s) results in a higher ROI for both you/your company.

                                                                                                   Locate a local office near you! 

#YourCareer : How To Advance Your Career Within Your Current Company. Question: Do You Know How?

Career stagnation can leave you feeling trapped and unfulfilled in your current role.

#JobSearch : Fake Job Postings Are Becoming a Real Problem. Question: Do You Know How to Spot a Fake Job Post?

Ghost jobs, or roles that companies advertise but have no intention of filling, account for up to 22% of jobs advertised online, according to Greenhouse, a hiring platform.

#JobSearch : Unemployed Office Workers Are Having a Harder Time Finding New Job. Today it Takes 6 Months to Find a Job. Your Thoughts??

More than 1.6 million unemployed workers have been job hunting for at least six months.

#YourCareer : Where Have All the Managers Gone? More Reduction of Middle Managers. Great Read!

Companies’ quest to purge bosses is seizing up job and promotion opportunities. Workers have had to adjust.

#JobChange : Before You Quit That Unsatisfying Job, Make These 3 Changes First. Trends for 2025 Point to a Cooling Job Market. Great REad!

Wish You All a Happy, Healthy, & Properous 2025!! .... FSC Career Blog Team

#JobInterview : Why Gen Z Should Leave Their Helicopter Parents Out Of The Job Interview Process. Overreliance on Parental Support is a Red Flag. Thoughts?

Hiring managers may see it as a red flag that conveys a lack of independence and professional maturity in the Gen Z candidate. Important job search advice for Gen Z.

#JobSearch : Writing the Dreaded Cover Letter. Covers Letters with Your Resume, will Separate You from the Pack!

The recruiter may want an example of the job seeker’s ability to write a brief and persuasive letter that grabs the recruiter’s attention before they read the resume.

#JobInterview : 5 Questions To Ask A Hiring Manager In A Job Interview. Failing to Ask These Questions are Big Mistake!

Posing these thoughtful questions during a job interview demonstrates your enthusiasm and allows you to collect important information about the company, which you can leverage to reinforce your value.