#CareerAdvice : #WorkLife -Miserable at #Work ? Do these 6 Things.. GREAT Read!

It’s one thing to experience some rough patches at the office, like when deadlines loom or your favorite colleagues decide to leave. But if you’re generally unhappy at work, there’s no need to resign yourself to a hopeless existence. Instead, you can take steps to change your circumstances by doing the following things. 1. TRY SOMETHING NEW […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting -New Study: Professionally Written Resumes Score Jobs Faster & Earn More.

If you’ve been in the workforce for years, chances are you’ve considered outsourcing the dreaded process of writing a resume. After all, needing a new jobis stressful on its own, then add to that the anxiety of capturing your entire work history and value into one or two pages. Hello, migraine. However, a new study by TopResume may provide a proven […]

#CareerAdvice : #SuccessfulPeople -How to Pursue your Dream when Everyone Says it Won’t Work….A Great Read!

You finally decided to take the plunge and fulfill your dream to start a business or change your career. You’re excited to tell the world of the new direction in your life, but when you tell your closest friends and family your big news, you hear “what if you fail?” “are you sure that’s the […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobOpenings -10 High-Paying Jobs With Tons of Open Positions.

It’s easy to look at someone with a great salary and think about how lucky they are. But the truth is, high-paying jobs aren’t as rare as they seem — in fact, they’re often the ones with the most available positions. While you might first need to develop a special set of skills or pursue a particular […]

#CareerAdvice : #CareerAdvancement -These 7 Traits Can Help you Get Ahead, then Harm You as you Move Up…A Must REAd for ALL!

When it comes to your career, moving ahead can be a case of “what got you here won’t get you there.” Unfortunately, if you keep doing what you were doing, the consequences can be harmful. Traits that initially get you noticed can later cause you to be overlooked for a promotion or raise. Being technically […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -How to Succeed at a #CareerFair …Great Read!

Think a career fair is a waste of time? Think again. It’s a space packed with people searching to fill open roles and make connections for future opportunities—the perfect place for a soon-to-be college grad to score a new job or network with a dream company. But it’s not enough to simply show up: To be successful at a career fair, […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview -This is the Best Way to Follow Up After an #Interview to Stand Out. A Great REad!

The interview went well and you left feeling optimistic about the potential of getting an offer. If you’re like the majority of job seekers, you’ll take a wait-and-see attitude, checking your email and keeping your fingers crossed. This can be a mistake. “Just because interview is over doesn’t mean you should stop,” says Helen Oloroso, […]

#CareerAdvice : #CollegeStudents – 6 Smart Tips for Turning your #Internship into a #FullTimeJob …Got Kids??

Your internship is almost coming to an end and right now, all you want is to turn this small stint into a full-time job, isn’t it? After all, it cannot get better than starting your career in a company you are familiar with and doing the work that deeply interests you. Internships don’t just add […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -How to Tell if a #CompanysCulture Is Real, or Just Lip Service. A Must REad!

As company culture becomes increasingly important to job seekers, promises from employers like flexible work schedules and bottom-up management are becoming commonplace. Yet while these descriptions sound nice on paper, sustaining a positive environment in the office isn’t always easy. As a job seeker, how can you tell whether the assurances an employer makes about their company culture don’t stop […]

#CareerAdvice : #LinkedInTips – 9 Mistakes you’re Making on #LinkedIn that Could Sabotage your #JobHunt — and How to Fix Them. A Must REad!

If you’re on LinkedIn, there’s a good chance you’re guilty of (at least) one of the mistakes listed below. We talked to LinkedIn career expert Blair Decembrele about how to avoid them. For example, if you’re job-hunting, be sure to alert recruiters that you’re open to new roles. Your current employer won’t find out. LinkedIn can […]