#CareerAdvice : #Presentations -5 Common #CommunicationMistakes (and how to fix them).. A Great REad for All!

We have all unnecessarily suffered through disengaging, ineffective presentations and meetings. But most of us make the same mistakes, again and again. By applying these straightforward fixes, we can make our communication experiences more effective and productive. Below are five fixes for more effective communication. 1. STARTING The most precious commodity in today’s world is […]

#BestofFSCBlog : #InterviewingQuestions -How to Answer: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? Bonus: Complete List of Other Questions Asked! A Must Read!

Job interviews can get surprisingly intimate. You’ve only met the interviewer 10 minutes ago, and all of a sudden they’re hitting you with a very deep set of questions: What are your greatest strengths? What are your weaknesses? These questions can take enormous powers of self-reflection to give an honest answer to. Rather than making your interviewer sit silently […]

#CareerAdvice : #OlderWorkers – #Ageism is Thriving, So what are Companies Doing About It? Welcome your Comments.

“It’s always difficult to identify reasons why you do or don’t get a job,” says Florence Navarro, the chief empowerment officer of Kichocheo who works with executive teams to attract talented teams. It could be that you’re not as qualified as other candidates, or your enthusiasm didn’t translate during the interview, the employer decided to […]

#Leadership : #ProductivePeople -The 25 Best New #ProductivityApps for 2019…Great/Fun REad!

You might think that by now, people would have productivity software all figured out. Yet every year, dozens of enterprising software makers–both large and small–find more clever ways to get things done, either with entirely new apps or major improvements to the classics. Here are some of the most essential productivity apps we’ve found lately […]

#BestofFSCBlog : #JobSearch -Salary Negotiation Scripts For Any Job. Recruiter: What’s your Current Salary? Be Careful How you Answer.

Ask any #JobSeeker or Employee about #SalaryNegotiations and One of the Most Popular Responses is, “I Would negotiate but I Don’t Know What to Say.” How about You??

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – How to Write a #Resume That Will Impress a Bot ( #AI )…Great REad!

Getting hired used to mean writing a resume that stood out to the HR manager or recruiter assigned to thumb through them. Today, the gatekeeper is a machine as AI revolutionizes the hiring process. That means the way you write your resume has changed, too. “AI is handling processes that used to take an enormous […]

#CareerAdvice : #SalaryGap -What to Do About a #PayGap at Your #Workplace …Share Your STory??

It happens all the time. Someone who has just been hired, or hasn’t worked for a company for very long, makes more money than someone who has been there for many years and proven themselves to be a valuable employee. For instance, there are many instances where a male is going to earn more than […]

#Leadership : #ConflictResolution -Why you should Stop Avoiding #Conflict in the #Workplace

I was recently hired to help a group of doctors work through their issues and get their business back on a growth trajectory. They aren’t talking much. They’re barely making eye contact. After only a few hours, it’s clear to me what’s wrong. I share my diagnosis: “You need more conflict.” It’s the last thing […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterviewing – This is How #Introverts Can Prepare for #JobInterviews . A GREAT Read!

Job interviews are stressful for everyone, but this is especially true if you’re an introvert. Small talk and self-promotion can feel especially uncomfortable, but introverts also have characteristics that give them an edge–that is, if they know how to use them, says Jane Finkle, author of The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job to […]