#YourCareer : How Understanding Compensation Can Help You Negotiate Better Pay. Great Read for All!
Inside large organizations there are three core components to how base pay is calculated, and salary bands form the foundation of this structure.
#YourCareer : Here’s How To Understand If You’re Getting Paid Fairly. Questions: Are you Paid Fairly? OR Do You Know?
You probably don’t know, and that’s the case for the majority of candidates.
#JobSearch : Avoid These 5 Common Resume Pitfalls. Hadn’t had an Job Interview in a While? Chances are it’ your Resume. MUst REad!
Common mistakes that too many professionals are making, you can tackle these issues head-on. So, here are five of the most common resume pitfalls you need to avoid.
#JobSearch : Your Résumé Might Be Getting Tossed by AI. How to Push Back. A MUst REad!
More job seekers are deciding who scans their résumés. Some worry if a machine doesn’t read it that no human will either.
#JobSearch : How To Stay Resilient During Your Job Search. Job Searching, Especially for Extended Periods of Time, Can Be an Isolating Experience.
Preparation for a post-pandemic job search necessarily includes reaching acceptance that six months of activity will likely be conducted in what can feel like a cone of silence.
#JobSearch : What To Do If You’re Ghosted By A Recruiter. Questions: Has this Happened to You? And What Did you Do?
If it happens, don’t blame yourself. Instead, take steps so you don’t lose job search momentum.
#JobSearch : Knitting (Artificial Intelligence) vs. Crocheting (Human Writing) a Resume. AI Often Cannot Distinguish Between ‘Bad’ & ‘Good’ Resumes. Thoughts?
AI result still needs to pass the ‘human’ test for recruiters to provide serious consideration to job applicants’ qualifications.
#YourCareer : How To Stop AI From Taking Your Job. Question: How Will your Industry Look 10 Years from Now? Welcome your Comments.
Business Insider has reported the top jobs that AI will probably replace and the report mentions media, finance, education, and legal jobs to be at the top of the list.
#JobSearch : 6 Common Traps To Avoid At Networking Events. These are Unspoken Rules–Faux Pas you Must Avoid. Great Read!
Networking events are unique platforms for professional growth and opportunity.
#JobSearch : Top 5 Stay At Home Jobs For Moms Or Dads. Question: Would you Like to Work at Home?
While a lot of companies currently allow their employees to work from home part-time, you can acquire full-time remote work.