#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer -Why You Should Always Be Looking for Work. Best Advice You’ll REad!
The new world of work is unstable in ways that previous generations could not have imagined. In fact, the structures have changed so significantly that the landscape is barely recognizable. So the adages that used to make sense — keep your head down, focus on excelling at what you do, work your way up the […]
#CareerAdvice : #ResumeTips – #Recruiters Nightmares: The Copy and Paste Resume
“I was told to copy the job description online to ensure key words were in my resume …” is something I often hear from resume clients. Job seekers copy and paste ‘everything’ from the online announcement but can’t understand why they are ignored. Copying and pasting a job description won’t help. When recruiters see ‘copy […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview – #VideoJobInterviews : 10 Ways To Shine.
Job interviews are increasingly being done by video. Sometimes, it’s because applicants and interviewers are in different cities. Other times, it’s because employers find video interviews an efficient way to “meet” multiple candidates. In certain cases, job seekers film answers to questions and the hiring managers can watch anytime. If you’ve never sought a job […]
#Leadership : #YourCareer – 3.5 Warning Signs Of A #BullyBoss And How To React.
In my years as a leader, executive and top business coach, I’ve asked countless individuals to tell me about the best boss they’ve ever had and sure enough, their eyes always light up. Further, I regularly coach people when working with bad bosses. I teach that we can learn from every boss we ever work with, […]
#CareerAdvice : #FutureTrends – 5 Personality Traits That Will Help You Compete In A Changing Economy. Best Two(2) Min Read!
As a job candidate, you might be checking all the boxes when it comes to the right skills, job experience and day-to-day work, but as it turns out, your personality also plays into your career success. In fact, studies suggest that unique personality traits are directly related to job performance. “The world of work is changing […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview -What Not To Do After A Job Interview.
The waiting period after a job interview can be one of the most stressful times. You’ve done everything in your power, now it’s out of your control. All you can do is wait, try to be patient, and do things to keep yourself on track for success. Just like preparing for and going on a […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview -Most Job Seekers Fail To Prep For This Common #InterviewQuestion .
One of the easiest ways to increase positive outcomes when interviewing for a job is to prepare. If you tend to get nervous during an interview, investing time on factors within your control like your outfit, transportation, and responses to common questions can make a world of difference. An often overlooked area of preparation is what […]
#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange – A New Study Concludes That It Literally Pays To Switch Jobs Right Now. A MUst REad!
It literally pays to switch jobs. A new study, conducted by payroll giant ADP, reports that employees who accept a new job at another company receive more money than their former peers who remain. The higher premiums currently being offered indicate that the record-high level of employment and robust economy continues to grow. To attract top talent […]
#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer -5 Career Paths That Are Perfect For #Introverts . Great Two(2) Min REad!
You walk into a networking event, or a team meeting and head straight to the back row. From here, you can observe everything uninterrupted. And when called upon, you cringe inside before you smile and speak. If this sounds close to home, you are likely introverted. Introverts makeup 16-50% of the population and find energy from being […]
#CareerAdvice – #JobSearch – How Not to Choke During your Next High-Stakes #JobInterview . Great REad!
You finally got the interview for that big job or promotion. As it gets closer, you make sure to prepare. It’s a great opportunity, but you’re haunted by one recurring thought: What if you get in there and totally blow it? “When we are under stress, sometimes things don’t come out the way we thought […]