#CareerAdvice : #JobNetworking – How to Leverage your Network to Land your First Full-Time Job. A #MustRead for All!
Networking elicits fear in many job hunters’ minds, regardless of age, but it can be especially mysterious when you’re just starting out. While building a network may seem daunting when you’re searching for your first job, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Chances are, you’ve already built up quite a large network just […]
#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange -The Absolute Worst Thing You Can Do When You Want To Pivot Or Change Your #Career . A #MustRead for All!
When I was in my most unhappy period at the end of my 18-year corporate career, I was the definition of “stuck.” At age 40, I had spent all those years slogging through jobs and promotions, trying so hard to finally land a senior role that I could love and feel I was great at, […]
#Leadership : #ProductivePeople – Here’s How Smart, #SuccessfulPeople Take Advantage Of The Long Labor Day Weekend. Great Read!
The Labor Day holiday came about in the late 1800s as a backlash to the abusive work practices demanded by the owners of factories and businesses. Workers were forced to work 70-plus hours a week without vacation time or days off. The holiday’s founders sought to make changes, including forming unions to protect the rights […]
#CareerAdvice : #InterviewingTips – How To Succeed In Your Next #JobInterview ; The 5 Step Story Strategy.
In every job interview, you will be asked situational questions – questions that ask you to describe what you did in a particular circumstance. The interviewer will offer a variation on this theme: “Tell me about a time when…” or “How would you describe a situation where….” The purpose of this line of questioning is […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -5 Things That All Successful #JobSeekers Do . A Two(2) Min #MustRead !
Successful job seekers have a few things in common. In terms of character, they’re determined and they don’t give up. In terms of taking action, they put in the work to land a new job. Make a great first impression. Your absolute first impression on a hiring manager starts well before you meet them face […]
#CareerAdvice :How To Close A #JobInterview To Land The Job. A #MustRead !
“How do you end an interview?” asked Ken, a Baby Boomer in my Ace the Interview class. “Should I be bold and just say hire me, no one is better? Will I sound too cocky or demanding and lose the job?” Good questions. I have never been a fan of the sales strong-arm approach where […]
#CareerAdvice : Which Of These #JobSearch Mistakes Are You Making? #Recruiters Reveal What Makes Candidates Stand Out.
As a recruiter for over 20 years, I have my own opinions on what makes candidates stand out for good and for bad. However, I also like to collect feedback from my recruiting colleagues, across a range of industries, and you can see earlier interviews with recruiters from financial services, management consulting, advertising, tech, education, and non-profit. Some of the pet […]
#Leadership : The Best Thing To Do When You Mess Up. A Two(2) Min #MustRead !
As leaders, we’ve all been there: that awful moment of clarity when we realize we’ve screwed up. Our hearts and minds race, our palms sweat and our mouths dry up. We consider our options and what to do next: Hope no one notices the flub? Hide out until it blows over? Pretend it never happened? But hope […]
#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – These are the 5 Things you Should be Doing while Building your #Career . Great REad for All!
Career-building in today’s world can be overwhelming. Once upon a time, all you needed was a job offer from an established company and you’d basically be set up for life. But today job-hopping is the norm for people of all ages—and across all industries. A LinkedIn study showed that millennials are likely to jump jobs four […]
#BestofFSCBlog : #JobSearch -Confessions Of A Former Corporate #Recruiter . A #MustRead for All!
If you’re a #JobSeeker Reading This and Finding Yourself Appalled and Offended, You Should Be. It’s Not You, it’s the Hiring Process. It’s Broken.