#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – The 10 Best And Worst Ways To Look For A Job. #MustRead !

Some of the 10 traditional job hunting methods that follow have a pretty good track record and will repay you for time spent pursuing them. But others have a really terrible track record and are a waste of your time and energy. The success rate figures cited are a mash of studies I’ve seen, plus, […]

#CareerAdvice : #Networking -How To Become A #SocialMedia Marvel In Nine Minutes. A #MustRead for All!

Digital branding is my primary focus these days, and that means helping clients get past their resistance to social media. The number one reason they tell me that they don’t engage in social media is:  “I just can’t find the time to do it.” So what if you made a habit of committing no more than […]

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – How to Survive a Recession. How to Recession-Proof Your Career. #MustRead !

Some experts believe is a recession is inevitable. In the last recession—which kicked off in 2008 and lasted 18 months—some 2.6 million American workers lost their jobs. And so, it’s no wonder workers across the country are worried, career experts say. But there is some good news: The unemployment rate remains low, and consumers continue to […]

#BestofFSCBlog : Resume Writing – How To Build A Crazy Effective #Resume That Gets Top Results. A Must Read ! !

One of the most common questions I receive each month in my career coaching work is about how to build a truly compelling resume that will stand out from all the competition and generate positive responses from the nation’s top organizations. Today, it’s not nearly as simple and straightforward as it used to be twenty […]

#CareerAdvice : #HowtoStandOut – How To Use Pain Letters In Your #JobSearch . A #MustRead !

Anybody who’s job-hunted in the past few years knows that the recruiting process is broken. You can easily apply for 100 jobs using employers’ own career portals and never hear a word back in reply. When you do hear something from an employer it’s likely to be a terse auto-responder message that either says “If […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Are #JobBoards Worth the Time? Great Two(2) Min REad!

Job boards may have been an effective job searching tool decades ago, but not in today’s market. Executives who spend several hours a day searching job boards for the right position are likely just wasting their time and energy. With the thousands of jobs and applicants that apply for those jobs, your chances of being […]

#CareerAdvice : Ten(10) Career Experts Share Their #1 Piece of #JobSearch Advice. #MustRead !

Once you announce that you’re looking for a new gig, unsolicited job search advice is inescapable: “Video resumes are the future!” “Go back to school!” “Talk to my cousin’s best friend’s son, he knows someone who used to intern there!” While all of the people sharing job search advice like this are well-meaning, they’re usually not […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – Top 10 Qualities Of #CEO #Resumes . Question: IF this is Great for a CEO, How Would it Be for Yours?

Many executive resume guidelines have evolved up until now, but just as many have stayed the same. Here is a tip sheet outlining the top 10 things your CxO resume should have in order to give you full market leverage.  1. Your resume must be equally effective upon cursory glance as well as upon a deeper […]

Remember 911 Today: Seven Costly #Networking Mistakes That Cripple Your #JobSearch .

“Networking” is defined by BusinessDictionary as “creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit. Networking is based on the question ‘How can I help?’ and not with ‘What can I get?’” I hate to break it to you, job seekers, but if your search is failing to get […]

#BestofFSCBlog : Job Interviewing – The 3 Interview Questions Job Seekers Struggle With the Most.

There’s no doubt about it — interviews are tough. The good news, through preparation & practice it is largely avoidable.