Happened to You? -When Your Coworker Gets Promoted, While You Do The Extra Work.

A professional colleague came to me with a sticky office situation I have unfortunately seen before: what do you do when you are assigned extra work but someone else gets the promotion? Here’s how it played out most recently: A key team member leaves, but instead of rehiring for the role, the responsibilities are distributed […]

Hiring Talent -12 Key Actions Managers Should Perform During The Hiring Process.

Potential hires are always on their best behavior in interviews. The hiring company needs to do the same, and hiring managers, being the first point of contact, have the most responsibility for a good impression. A business that intends to hire the best talent has to show candidates why they should consider working here. That’s […]

The Two(2) Things Your Boss Must Do To Set You Up For Success. A Must Read !

Years ago, back when I was teaching high school and college students, one of my mentors told me that the teacher made the difference in the classroom. She told me that instructors had to own the success and failure of their students. I agreed, and now—after years of hiring and supervising staff and leading teams—I […]

Got Kids? The 15 Fastest-Growing Jobs According To LinkedIn. A Must Read!

LinkedIn, the social network for white-collar professionals, released a report identifying the 15 fastest-growing jobs in the United States. Harvesting data from its users, the company was able to determine which jobs had the fastest growth rate over the last five years.  The list is dominated by technology, engineering, data analytics and related jobs that have […]

The Art Of Great Networking.

Great Networking is a Strategy Not to be Taken for Granted.

Got Kids? 15 Companies Eager to Hire Interns & New Grads. #Internship #Internships #CollegeGrad #JobSearch #JobOpenings

There’s no doubt about it — the job search is daunting, even for seasoned pros. So when you’re just beginning your career, it might feel near impossible. Often, you see plenty of open jobs, but they all require a minimum of two years’ experience for entry-level roles. So to help you cut through the clutter, we’ve […]

How To Get A Great New Job In 2020. #CareerAdvice, #JobSearch, #MustRead

Let’s dispense all formalities. You want a new job because the one you currently have is going nowhere fast and doesn’t pay nearly what you’re worth. Your boss is an overbearing micromanager, senior management is clueless, job cuts are looming and you are sick and tired of your backstabbing co-workers. Consider today as the beginning […]

Five(5) Surprising Ways To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Shine. #CareerAdvice, #LinkedIn, #JobSearch

Here are five of my favorite tricks that will give you an edge in this crowded yet vital digital space.

Embrace The Fear Of Career Transition & Seven(7) Steps to Successful Deal with it. #JobSearch #CareerAdvice

Embrace The Fear Of Career Transition .Seven(7) Steps to Successful Deal with it.

Got Kids? 15 Companies Eager to Hire Interns & New Grads. #CareerAdvice #JobOpenings

So to help you cut through the clutter, we’ve found 15 great companies that are actively looking for students and new graduates.