#YourCareer : Passed Over for a Promotion? Your Next Steps. Nobody Likes Being Passed Over for a Promotion, but it Can Be a Defining Moment in a Career.
Turn a rejection into bigger and better future jobs with these strategies to make yourself a stronger candidate.
#JobSearch : 5 Mistakes Most People Do When Creating Resumes. Job Hunters Must Focus on How their Resume Comes Across to Businesses.
Top Ones to Watch Out For and How They Could Affect How a Company Views You.
#YourCareer : Thought Leadership Myths to Guard Against.
As an executive, thought leadership is one of the best qualities you can possess.
#YourCareer : 10 Performance Review Preparation Tips. Great REad for All!
Understand this is a two-way conversation. Don’t get defensive. Be open to feedback and offer suggestions for how you can improve.
#JobSearch : Job Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Stand Out. Do your Homework, You Will be Prepared for Anything the Interviewer Throws at You.
If there is a gap of time in your résumé when you weren’t employed….
#JobSearch : Cover Letters to Boost Your Chances of Success. How to Write One that will Boost your Chances of Getting that Interview? Great REad!
Take your time in crafting a targeted cover letter to highlight how you can address a company’s pain points, showing that you are worth the investment.
#JobSearch : 18 Résumé Writing Tips to Help You Stand Out. How to Make your Résumé Stand Out to Robots & Humans Alike.
Companies increasingly rely on software to sort through applicants, which is why it is essential to tailor your résumé to ensure it makes the cut.
#JobSearch : Don’t Believe These #LinkedIn Myths. Learn How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn. Great REad!
We will address some of them here to help you get the most out of this social networking site and make sure you aren’t putting a halt to your job search
#JobSearch : Here’s Why There Are Millions Of Job Openings, But Little Hiring. Very Interesting Article. Great REad!
Although millions of jobs have been posted online, companies aren’t able to recruit and onboard people.
#JobSearch : How to Prep for Your First Job Search: A Two-Day Boot Camp. A MUst REad!
If your eyes are glazing over while scrolling through job postings or if you are getting discouraged because you are not hearing back from companies: Fear not. You are not alone. Here’s an action-packed two-day boot camp to better position yourself to find a job, which features advice from hiring managers and recruiters at top companies.