#Leadership: The New Rules of Work. Meet the #Boss of the Future…The Power is Shifting, & What it Means to Be a Great Boss is Taking a Dramatic Turn

We work in an ever-changing, hyperconnected, world-scattered workplace. As the way we work changes, so too will the boss’s role need to shift to meet those demands. Take, for example, the very makeup of the U.S. workforce. One in every three Americans is a freelancer of some sort, according to a 2014 survey by Freelancers […]

#Leadership: The 5 Things Successful Senior #Management #Job Seekers Do…At the #Senior Levels Jobs become Fewer & Competition Increases, so Adopting a Process that is Focused on Quality over Quantity can Make a Big Difference in the Outcome

Many job candidates I see believe finding their next step on the #career ladder is a numbers game. They apply for as many appropriate, next-level-up positions as possible and figure the odds are they’ll wind up with something good—and if not good, at least acceptable. Although this strategy can work early  in one’s career as […]

#Leadership: 13 Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out if You’re a Leader or a Follower…You’re not a #Leader just Because you Have People Reporting to You. And You Don’t Suddenly Become a #Leader Once you Reach a Certain Pay Grade

Leadership is the art of persuasion—the act of motivating people to do more than they ever thought possible in pursuit of a greater good.  It has nothing to do with your title.  It has nothing to do with authority or seniority. You’re not a leader just because you have people reporting to you. And you […]

#Leadership: Google’s HR Boss Shares his 10 Best #Management Tips…As a #Manager, you should Help Guide your #Employees’ Progress & Evaluate their #Performance; You should Not Micromanage, Excessively Monitoring Employees to the Point of Trying to Do their Work for Them

Since joining #Google as its senior vice president of People Operations in 2006, Laszlo Bock has seen the company transform into a powerful global company, growing from 6,000 employees to nearly 60,000. . Google’s VP of People Operations Laszlo Bock With his team, Bock developed management strategies to make Google one of the most desirable places to […]

#Leadership: How You Support Others Starkly Shows How You #Lead…As a Mutuality-Minded, Connective #Leader, Demonstrate that being a Strong Team Player is As Important as Being a Rising Star, & Act as If that is also Their True Intention

I played the Triangles Game as the last step the Coro Foundation used to select Fellows for its public affairs program. What I discovered — about being a connective, sought-after leader — was unexpected and unforgettable. Here’s what happened. All final applicants were seated in groups of six around round tables. In front of each […]

#Leadership: How To Create A High Performing #Culture…At the End of the Day, People DON’T Really Care About the Company, they Care about Themselves. Let’s be Honest, IF People cared More for the Company then #Turnover Wouldn’t Exist.

The individual motivations that propel each and every worker are impossible to appeal to at mass. In fact, just motivating a single person can be challenging let alone encouraging 100 or 1,000 employees to exert another one percent effort. There are two approaches organizational leaders often take to stir the motivational pot and turn those employee […]

Strategy: 9 #LinkedIn Super Tips For #Job Seekers, #Brand Builders & #HiringManagers…To make Sure you aren’t Squandering your #Networking Opportunities, we Tapped LinkedIn Experts (Including one Directly from the Source!), along with some Super Users to Share their Best LinkedIn Tips

It’s hard to believe that when LinkedIn first launched in 2003, it attracted as few as 20 new signups some days.  But now, logging on to the social professional network can feel a bit like swimming in a sea of names, faces, titles and status updates. George from accounting is celebrating his three-year anniversary! Colin […]

How to Negotiate a Severance Package

Please Allow 20 Seconds to Download Don’t sign any termination papers until you’re sure you’ve made the best deal you can.

How to Deal with Being Laid Off

It happens to the best of us: you’re called into someone’s office and told — surprise! — today is your last day. That’s why everyone should have a plan.

Your #Career: How to Get a #Job you’re Not Qualified For…What Do you Do When you Know you’d be Great at the Position, but your Background Doesn’t Make you an Obvious Fit? How do you Compensate for a Less than Conventional #Résumé?

The job postings all begin the same way: first the overview of the position, followed by a list of qualifications. And if you’ve been steadily climbing the ranks of your industry one rung at a time, it’s likely you’re in good shape — the gig sounds good and you’ve got the obvious experience to back […]