#Leadership: 9 Brilliant Business Books you can Read in an Afternoon…Best Business Books under 150 pages. All you Need is an Afternoon to Read Through these Greats.
Starting a new book can seem daunting and overly time-consuming. The good news is there are several short business books loaded with powerful information about selling, managing, and investing. We compiled a list of the best business books under 150 pages that you can start and finish in an afternoon. All you need is an afternoon […]
Your #Career: 7 Secrets to Writing a Standout Cover Letter…Here’s what Hiring Managers are Looking for in a Cover Letter That will Set you Apart from the Rest
While it’s Important to work on your Résumé and ensure it sparkles, a Cover Letter can be just as Important. This Often Overlooked Tool can Make all the Difference. […]
Your #Career: The 15-Step Guide to Nailing any #Job Interview … Nailing a Job Interview is all About Preparation, but Where Do you Start?
You’ve made it past the #Résumé Robots and the scrutinous eyes of the recruiter to land an in-person interview. This is your chance — perhaps your one shot — to wow the hiring manager and stand out from the competition. Nailing a job interview is all about preparation, but where do you start? We collaborated with […]
#Leadership: 3 Reasons Work-Life Balance Makes or Breaks You as an #Employer…In our World of Constant Connectivity & Blurred Responsibilities, the Balance Between #Work & #Life can Plague the General #Workforce. Thankfully, it Can also be a Primary Selling Point for Savvy & Competitive #Employers.
In Today’s “Always On” Economy, #Work-Life Balance is Becoming an Increasingly Precious Commodity for #JobSeekers and #Employees alike. But when it comes to achieving this balance, who is responsible for making it happen? Are your employees tasked with separating work from the rest of their commitments? Or, instead, does the onus of flexibility fall on company […]
#Leadership: 10 #Novels that Will Make you Smarter about #Business…No Matter your Passion or Profession, these Stories will Entertain while Teaching you about #Business
When we talk about “Business Books,” we’re typically referring to works of Nonfiction. But if you’re looking to learn about #Leadership, #Entrepreneurship, or #CareerDevelopment, there’s no reason to limit your browsing to one section of the bookstore. Some of the most memorable and inspiring lessons on these topics come from fiction. Think tales of a failed […]
#Your Career: 9 Habits Everyone Should Master Before Turning 30…Develop #Habits in your 20s that Shape the Rest of your Life
Your 20s are a time of discovery. You figure out who you are, what you want, and how to make it happen. The habits you establish during this time tend to stick and become the foundation of your adult life. Establishing positive ones can be the difference between success and failure. Develop habits in your 20s […]
#Strategy: 9 #Foods to Eat to Give your #Brain a Boost…To Help you Start #Eating Smarter, we Compiled a List of Nutrient-Dense Foods from Psychology Today, #WebMD, & Other Sources.
We all have a General Idea of What to #Eat to stay Lean & #Healthy, but Certain Foods can Help Give your Brain & #Body a Boost by Helping to Narrow Focus, Improve Memory, Relieve #Stress, and Reduce #Fatigue. […]
#Strategy: 10 #Skills That are Hard to Learn but Pay Off Forever…The Best Things in Life may be Free, But that Doesn’t Mean they Won’t Take Time, Sweat, & Perseverance to Acquire
In an effort to ascertain which talents are worth the investment, one Quora reader posed the question: What are the hardest and most useful skills to learn? We’ve highlighted our favorite takeaways. The Best Things in Life may be Free, but that doesn’t mean they won’t take time, sweat, and perseverance to acquire. That’s especially the case […]
#Strategy: Here Are The Best #Apps For People With Too Much To Do….Based on Research & Personal experience, I’ve Narrowed the List of Top #Productivity #Apps Down to These Three(3)
While some still Insist on Sticking with Pencil & Paper to Keep Track of their Daily #Tasks, many Harried #Professionals are Turning to #Productivity #Apps to Help #Manage Everything from Huge #Projects & Deadlines to the Little Things they Need to get Done. Productivity apps are in huge demand; accordingly, people keep creating them. What’s […]
#Strategy: Here’s a Simple Trick to #Perform Better in Stressful Situations…Fortunately, there May Be a Relatively Simple Way to Alleviate Much of this #Anxiety
Most of us know how nerve-wracking it can be to lead a presentation at work. There are the nightmares beforehand about showing up naked to the conference room; the shaky legs and sweaty palms during the actual meeting; and the rumination afterward over your performance. “Better Call Saul” character Jimmy McGill gives himself a pep […]