#Leadership : Please Stop Saying These 25 Ridiculous Phrases At Work…These Phrases are Spicy & they Make you Feel Clever (Low Hanging Fruit is a crutch of mine), but They also Annoy the Hell Out of People.

Stop It!  Listen Ray, I don’t have the bandwidth for it with everything that’s on my plate, but ping me anyway because at the end of the day it’s on my radar and I don’t want to be thrown under the bus because I didn’t circle back around on this no-brainer. At first, euphemisms surfaced […]

#Strategy : 7 Creative Strategies for Waking u Earlier Every Day…There are Plenty of Reasons to Get up Early. You can Work with Fewer Distractions from Family & CoWorkers.

You have Time to Exercise, Meditate, or Simple Downtime Before Appointments Get in the Way. And successful people, from Xerox CEO Ursula Burns to Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, wake up with (or before) the sun. Make time for yourself by waking up earlier. Unfortunately, it’s not always so easy, especially if you’ve spent a […]

#Strategy : Coping with Failure: The Difference Between #Success & Failure…The One Thing Every Aspiring Freelancer, College Student, & Person with Access to a Time Machine Should Know.

Persistency & Bravery always Trump Safe Bets & Proven Methods. And bravery doesn’t have to look like mountain climbing or standing on stage in front of 35,297 people. Image: Getty Images It’s all a balancing act. Perched on a tightrope, with high winds, and possibly some large, angry ravens pecking and cawing. I make a living […]

Your #Career : When Is The Best Time Of Day To Ask For A Raise? Psychologists Weigh In…Of Course, It also Has to Do With your Boss’s – & your Own – Psychological Rhythms.

There May be Some Times of the Day, Week, & Month that are Better Than Others. Of course, it also has to do with your boss’s – and your own – psychological rhythms. There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than trying to figure out how to ask for a raise, even if you’re certain you deserve it. […]

Your #Career : 6 Reasons This is The Perfect Thank-You Letter to Send After a Job Interview … There’s Still One More Crucial Step to Take If you Really Want to Land the Gig: Sending a Follow-Up Letter.

You spend weeks preparing for a job interview and give 110% once you’re in the hot seat. You walk out feeling confident and relieved — like your work is finally done. But it isn’t. Once you leave the interview, there’s one more important step to take. In fact, there’s still one more crucial step to take if […]

#Leadership : How To Make The Whole Organization Agile…The Core Principles of Agile can be Grasped Quickly, but Implementing them Can Take a Lifetime. The Challenge for Leaders is To Begin this Life-Long Journey.

In Agile, the Role of the Manager is to Enable those Doing the Work to Contribute their Full Talents & Capabilities to Generate Value for Customers & Eliminate Any Impediments that May be Getting in the Way. The manager trusts in the judgment and wisdom of those in touch with customers as to what work […]

#Leadership : 7 Challenges Successful People Overcome…Their Confidence in the Face of Hardship is Driven by the Ability to Let Go of the Negativity that Holds So many Otherwise Sensible People Back.

It’s Truly Fascinating How Successful People Approach Problems. Where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] Their confidence in the face of hardship is driven […]

#Leadership : Avoiding A Career Killer: Subordinates Who Don’t Deliver Results…Great #Careers are Not made by Keeping Busy. They’re Made by Tackling the Most Important Tasks & De-Emphasizing Everything Else.

Leaders & Managers Kill their Careers Because they Tolerate Direct Reports Who Can’t Step Up & Take Work Off their Plate. They’re stuck doing lower level work and never have time to tackle higher level projects. This signals their boss that they are not ready to move up. No promotion. Consider the conversation I just […]

Your #Career : 15 Surprising #Negotiating Tricks to Boost your #Salary ..In Face-to-Face Negotiations, a Study Out of Imperial College London Research Finds That the More Powerful Person Will Usually Win Out.

Whether you’re Asking for a Raise or Negotiating your Salary at a New Job, One Thing Stays Consistent: It’s Nerve-racking.   But it’s also necessary. An analysis by Salary.com suggests that not negotiating could potentially cost you more than a million dollars over the course of your career. Not that knowing that makes it any easier. You can […]

#Leadership : Is Capitalism Ending?…The End of Capitalism Has Begun. The Creative Economy—is Emerging.

“Without us Noticing, We are Entering the Post-Capitalist Era,” writes Paul Mason in The Guardian in an article entitled  The End of Capitalism Has Begun. “At the heart of further change to come,” he continues, “is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to […]