#Leadership : The Change Habitat – 70% Percent Of Change Managers Are Wrong…Top Managers Should Lead Only One Big Change Program: The Creation of a Change Habitat. 70% of All Change Initiatives Fail

  There Seems to be a Veiled Arrogance in the Statement “70% of Change Initiatives Fail”. It basically says, “We know what workers should be doing, but most of them are either too stubborn or too ignorant to do it.” This know-it-all attitude to change programs has generated mountains of books and herds of change […]

#Leadership : Why this CEO Makes his Executive Team Climb a Mountain that has Claimed more Lives than Everest…CEO Hiroshi “Mickey” Mikitani Has his Leadership Team do Something More Adventurous than Gathering at a Cushy Resort.

Like a lot of big companies, the Japanese internet giant Rakutenused to host annual offsite retreats where all the executives would meet at a golf course to connect and talk strategy. About seven years ago, that tradition changed radically.  CEO Hiroshi “Mickey” Mikitani tells Business Insider that he now has his leadership team do something more […]

Your #Career : 45 Pieces of Career Advice That Will Get You to the Top…In Chaos, There is Opportunity. Most Major Career Accelerations Happen When Someone Steps Into a Mess & Makes a Difference.

When it comes to your career, sometimes it feels like you could use all the advice you can get. From picking the “right” career to actually excelling in it, there’s certainly a lot to learn.  And that’s why we’ve gathered our all-time best career advice. From starting out at the bottom of the totem pole […]

#Strategy : 21 Signs you’re Mentally Stronger than Average…Mentally Strong people Don’t Do Things Like Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves or Give Away Their Power to Other People.

Mental strength takes a long time to develop. It is the daily practice of pushing yourself to grow stronger, maintaining realistic optimism, and setting healthy boundaries. Mentally strong people don’t dothings like waste time feeling sorry for themselves or give away their power to other people. Mental strength training is just as hard — or harder — […]

#Strategy : 3 Reasons Why America Is Ready For a 4-Day Workweek…A 4-Day Workweek is Often Met with Differing Reactions From Workers & #Employers.

The first thing that springs to mind as a potential byproduct of its implementation is a loss of productivity for businesses, and on the worker’s side, losses in the form of wages and benefits. However, a quick look at other nations with more worker friendly business climates indicate that that might not necessarily be the […]

Your #Career : 5 Things You Can Do If You Get Fired or Laid Off…Be Alert & Know the Signs(Getting the Boot). You Should be Especially Leery if you Start Getting Terrible Assignments or your Co-Workers Act Differently Around you or Stop Talking to you Altogether.

Getting fired or laid off can be an unpleasant experience. You feel a range of emotions including shock, sadness, disbelief, intense anger, and sometimes even hopelessness. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that never seems to go away. “For most of us, termination is shocking. For some, it is even debilitating. For others, […]

Your #Career : Pregnant & Looking For A Job? How To Land The New Role Now…There is a Lot of Waiting In-Between Interviews & Decisions, & During this Time, the Candidate Can be Forgotten or the Employer’s Doubts Fester & Grow.

Job Search & Pregnancy are Two Very Individualized Experiences on Their Own, so when you combine them, it goes without saying that any anecdotes, platitudes or even specific strategies I share need to be customized for your specific situation. However, if I look at the two real-life situations I shared – in two very competitive, […]

Your #Career : The 25 US Colleges Whose #Graduates Earn the Most Money…One of the Biggest Measurements of Success after #College is How Much Graduates Earn.

It’s important to note that College Scorecard analyzed earnings data of students who received federal financial aid. We narrowed the list of schools down further to only include those with graduation rates of 85% or higher to ensure we were looking at degree-earning graduates.   One of the biggest measurements of success after college is how much […]

#Strategy : Here’s How to Know If your CoWorkers Secretly Despise You…So, If your CoWorkers Don’t Like You, You’ll Want to Figure It Out & Turn Things Around Immediately.

Being well-liked in the office has its perks. The experts say you’re more productive and creative when you have healthy workplace relationships; you can ask for and get favors more easily; and people will volunteer to help in times of need, just to name a few.   So, if your coworkers don’t like you, you’ll want to […]

#Strategy : Why Attitude is More Important than IQ… Latest Study Shows that your Attitude is a Better Predictor of Your Success Than your IQ.

Dweck found that People’s Core Attitudes Fall into One of Two categories: a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset. With a Fixed Mindset, you believe you are who you are and you cannot change. This creates problems when you’re challenged because anything that appears to be more than you can handle is bound to make you […]