#Strategy : 24 Life Skills every Functioning Adult Should Master…We’ve Put Together our Own Handbook of Sorts, Which Lists Many of the Skills you’ll Need to Survive as an Adult in the Modern World.

Life is funny.  No one gets a handbook upon turning 18, complete with all the rules they’ll need to memorize and competencies they’ll need to acquire.  Somehow you’re just supposed to know that you should have more money coming in than going out and you shouldn’t wear a fuzzy orange sweater to a job interview. Fortunately, […]

#Strategy : 12 Tiny Transformations That Will Improve your Life…The Biggest Reminder of All, Is that Live in a Society Driven by Notions of Scarcity Where we’re Taught that There is Never Enough of Anything: Money, #Jobs, Natural Resources, Time, or #Success.

Have you also realized that we often spend all day thinking about what we’ll do when we get home and then when we get home we spend all evening thinking about the next day?  The scary thing is, if we spend our lives this way, we never truly live. If we keep projecting ourselves into […]

Your #Career : Dale Carnegie Said you Can Ask Yourself a Basic Question to be Less Anxious…In Circumstances like These, There’s No Magic Panacea that Will Stop your Thoughts from Spiraling Out of Control or Alleviate the Physical Manifestations of your Fears.

Being anxious is a fundamental part of being human. But there are certain situations in which your rattling nerves can take a terrible toll on your ability to function normally. Maybe you haven’t gotten a full night’s rest or eaten a proper meal in weeks because you’re convinced that your business is going under any day […]

#Leadership : 5 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Relationship With Your #Boss (& Your Next Boss)…The Simple Fact is That the Relationship Between #Bosses & the #Employees they Oversee has Changed Significantly Over the Past Several Decades.

“A great boss changes your career. Carefully consider your boss and be prepared to take an ‘innovator’ role yourself–it’s not just up to them to reveal themselves it’s up to you to ask the questions.”     As offices across the country close out a week marked by celebrations of “Boss’s Day,” now is a […]

#Leadership : 7 Things That Make Great #Bosses Unforgettable… #Google Knows that People Don’t Leave Companies; They Leave #Bosses.

Once again, Google has topped Fortune magazine’s list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. This marks Google’s second year in a row at the top of the list, and their sixth victory overall.   Most people assume that Google tops the list because of their great benefits and all of the fun and […]

Your #Career : What to Do If you Think you’re About to Be Fired…Employees Often See the Signs a Termination is Coming Long Before it Actually Happens. Supervisors Avoid Them. Coworkers May Even Avoid Eye Contact.

In Many Cases, a Worker is Subject to Repeat Disciplinary Meetings & May Even be Cautioned that If Behaviors Don’t Improve within a Certain Time Period, Dismissal is Guaranteed. Employees often see the signs a termination is coming long before it actually happens. Supervisors avoid them. Coworkers may even avoid eye contact. In many cases, a worker […]

#Leadership : How Successful People Make Smart Decisions…With so Many Decisions Taking Up Each Day, Learning to Prioritize Them & Make Them Effectively is Essential to your Success & Happiness.

Your days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. A study from Columbia University found that we’re bogged down by a good 70 decisions a day.   Some decisions are minor, like what to eat, which route to drive to work, or in what order to tackle tasks. Others are more difficult, like deciding […]

#Strategy : 21 Highly Successful People who Rebounded after Getting Fired…From Steve Jobs to Jerry Seinfeld, here are 20 People who Turned their Termination Into an Opportunity.

Getting kicked to the curb by your employer can certainly be demoralizing. But these successful people prove that what may initially feel like failure may just be the launching pad you need for success. From Steve Jobs to Jerry Seinfeld, here are 20 people who turned their termination into an opportunity. Vivian Giang and Alana Horowitz contributed to […]