#Leadership : The Secret to How People Work Well Under Pressure…The Trick is, of Course, Developing the Ability to Handle Pressure. So, How Do you Do It?

You’re up against a lot at work — environmental factors are likely killing your productivity, your more socially savvy coworkers could be getting promotions over you, and you may even be tempted to cheat your way to the top. It’s a lot of pressure, and one of the ways that we can truly get a glimpse […]

#Strategy : 7 Memory Skills that will Make you Smarter…If you’re Good at Learning, you Have an Advantage in Life.

“We need to keep learning and remembering all our lives,” they write. “Getting ahead at work takes mastery of job skills and difficult colleagues. … If you’re good at learning, you have an advantage in life.”   Learning ability is probably the most important skill you can have.  Take it from Peter Brown, Henry Roediger, […]

#Leadership : Hate #Meetings? 5 Ways to Stop Them From Being a Waste of Time…The Time you Actually Spend in Meetings Might Depend on How Much your #Boss (or you) Actually Likes Them.

Meetings are infamously the bane of work life. As far as workplace drudgery goes, they’re right up there withchecking emails and mandatory fire drills. But no matter whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or one that’s just getting started, meetings are a necessary evil in order to run smoothly and have employees on […]

#Leadership : 3 Types of #Employees you Should Fire Immediately…You May Not Even Realize It, but These “Time-Suckers” Hurt your Business by Drawing your Attention Away From the Tasks you Need to Do Each Day.

As a Manager/Business Owner, your Time is Limited; you Hired a Team of Capable Professionals Because there’s No Way you Can Do it All.  Even if your organization runs like a well-oiled machine, there’s usually at least one team member who causes you more stress than the others.   You may not even realize it, but […]

#Leadership : 9 Things #Employees Hate Most about their #Bosses …. According to a Recent Poll, 91% say Communication Issues Can Hurt their Relationship With their #Boss.

If you’re getting the sense thatyour employees secretly hate youand you’re wondering why, it could be your communication style.  If you’re getting the sense thatyour employees secretly hate youand you’re wondering why, it could be your communication style.   According to a recent poll of about 1,000 US workers by Harris and Interact, a communications […]

Your #Career : 5 Things You Should Do If You Get Fired or Laid Off…Be Alert & Know the Signs. You Should be Especially Leery If you Start Getting Terrible Assignments or your Co-Workers Act Differently Around you or Stop Talking to you Altogether.

Getting fired or laid off can be an unpleasant experience. You feel a range of emotions including shock, sadness, disbelief, intense anger, and sometimes even hopelessness. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that never seems to go away.   “For most of us, termination is shocking. For some, it is even debilitating. For […]

#Strategy : 5 Setbacks that Will Help you #Succeed Later in Life…Here, 3 #Millennials Share their In-The-Moment Nightmares that Eventually Helped Them Overcome

Among the good times, your college years are also filled with moments of hair-pulling and the occasional screaming in frustration at the top of your lungs. Back then, you probably asked yourself, “Why is this happening to me?!” but with the passing of time, your mindset shifts.  The stress, sadness, or anger that you once felt […]

#Leadership : How To Let Go & Become The #Manager #Millennials Want…Like most Millennials, I Bristle at Command & Control. My Generation Expects a More Personal Interaction with #Management

As a manager, I’ve Struggled to Double as a Mentor to my Employees. I’ve felt, at times, confined in my formal role by unseen pressures that pervade any organization.   Robert Pirsig’s famous motorcycle treatise contains a lesson for managers who aspire to be better mentors (Credit: Public Domain) Like most  Millennials, I bristle at command […]

Your #Career : 8 Steal-Worthy Secrets of Power #Networkers …Since There are So Many Different Platforms for People to Market Themselves these Days, You Have to Find Ways to Cut Through the White Noise & Get Noticed

You’ve no doubt heard it a million times: Career advancement is as much about who you know as what you know—and that’s exactly why being a powerful networker is so important. But mastering this crucial skill requires more than just schmoozing over cheese platters and exchanging business cards. There’s actually an art to it.   “Since there […]

#Leadership : A Retired Navy SEAL Commander Explains 12 Traits Effective #Leaders Must Have…Just as Discipline & Freedom are Opposing Forces that Must be Balanced, Leadership Requires Finding the Equilibrium in the Dichotomy of Many Seemingly Contradictory Qualities Between One Extreme & Another.

Jocko Willink is the retired commander of the most highly decorated special operations unit of the Iraq War: US Navy SEAL Team Three Task Unit Bruiser, which served in the 2006 Battle of Ramadi.   Retired Navy SEAL Task Unit Bruiser commander Jocko Willink. In his new book “Extreme Ownership: How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win,” […]