Your #Career : Need a Job? 5 Ways to Get Employed Faster …. If you’re Searching for a New Job, You’re not Alone. 71% of Workers are Workers are either Actively Looking or Interested in Finding a New Position
If you’re searching for a new job, you’re not alone. Seventy-one percent of workers are workers are either actively looking or interested in finding a new position, according to a survey by Jobvite. For many, the process of finding new work can be tedious at best and soul-deadening at worst. The hunt for the perfect […]
Your #Career : 33 #BusinessBooks every #Professional should Read before Turning 30…Your 20s are the Time when you Lay the Foundation for your #Career & Finances, which Means there’s Plenty to Learn Along the Way.
Your 20s are the time when you lay the foundation for your career and finances, which means there’s plenty to learn along the way. To help you figure out how to navigate the professional world and set yourself on the right trajectory, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite business books. They include career guides, business memoirs, and academic […]
#Leadership : Outsourcing #Outplacement ? Machines vs. Humans …. Process vs Outcome: Service Model of using Qualified #Career Consultants Helping Job Seekers Face-to-Face to Software Applications Without any Assigned #Coaches in Person.
The business of helping people without the human touch. The most significant trend in the Career Transition or Outplacement industry is undeniably the introduction of technology-based services. It’s hard to accept that the industry I’ve been in for over 15 years has been eliminating the human touch. It has gone from the service model of […]
#Strategy : 12 Mind Tricks That Make People Like You And Help You Get Ahead…With Minimal Effort on your Part, their Unconscious Influence on Behavior can Make a Huge Difference in your Day-to-Day Life.
When you’re working hard and doing all you can to achieve your goals, anything that can give you an edge is powerful and will streamline your path to success. Mind tricks won’t make you a Jedi, but using the brain’s natural quirks to your advantage can have a positive impact on everyone you encounter. None […]
#Strategy : These 7 Foods Are Killing Your #Productivity … What you #Eat can Severely Hinder your Levels of Productivity – or Significantly Increase it.
There are numerous foods, drinks, and combinations thereof that can easily give you an edge at work, providing a cognitive boost and a shot of energy to get you through the day. It’s pretty simple really; just think about how certain foods make you feel. When you eat something at McDonald’s or Wendy’s you’re likely to […]
#Strategy : 5 Ways to Stay #Productive During the Holidays…Between Parties, Shopping, & Vacation Time, it’s a Wonder anyone gets any #Work Done around the Holidays.
Whether you’re trying to cram in last-minute gift buying, stressed about your mother-in-law’s looming visit, or simply suffering from year-end burn out, there’s a good chance your productivity tends to dip the closer you get to the New Year. You’re not alone. Twenty-two percent of people surveyed by Accountemps said they were less productive in […]
#Leadership : 7 ways #MentallyStrong People Handle #Stress …Whether they’re Dealing with Financial Setbacks, Health Problems, or #Workplace Difficulties, Mentally Strong people don’t let Stress Drag them Down.
While stress causes some people to crumble, mentally strong people continue to thrive in the midst of added tension. In fact, they view adversity as an opportunity for self-growth. Whether they’re dealing with financial setbacks, health problems, or workplace difficulties, mentally strong people don’t let stress drag them down. Here are seven ways mentally […]
Your #Career : 10 Great #Internships For 2016…This Year More than 90% got #JobOffers at the End the Summer, & of Those, 90% Accepted.
The 60-some interns in Evercore’s summer program work shoulder to shoulder with analysts at the New York-based investment banking firm. “This is not by any means a shadowing program,” says Randi Brown, head of recruiting and training. While interns work on actual deals, they also get plenty of mentoring and support, she says. “They’re not […]
#Strategy : ‘4-Hour Workweek’ author Tim Ferriss Explains how to Teach Yourself to Read 3 Times Faster in 20 Minutes … This Post is a Condensed Overview of Principles I Taught to Undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998
How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time? Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement — period. This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called […]
Your #Career : Here’s How to Write an #Email to a Potential #Employer … In a Way, Writing the Perfect Email to a Potential Employer is a Balancing Act.
On the one hand, you want to make your message and application stand out from the others they’re receiving. But you definitely don’t want to be too gimmicky or unprofessional. We consulted Amanda Augustine, career advice expert for TopResume, about how to send a clear and compelling message to a company you’re dying to work for. Read […]