#Leadership : How Successful People Overcome Toxic Bosses … Research Suggests that Roughly 50% of Workers are Currently Working for a Bad Boss.
Bad bosses contaminate the workplace. Some do so obliviously, while others smugly manipulate their employees, using them as instruments of their own success. Regardless of their methods, bad bosses cause irrevocable damage to their companies and employees by hindering performance and creating unnecessary stress. The stress your boss causes is bad for your health. Multiple studies have […]
#Leadership : 11 Ways Successful People Overcome Uncertainty…The Ability to Strategically Manage Ambiguity is One of the Most Important Skills You can Cultivate in an Increasingly Uncertain Business Environment.
Our brains are hardwired to make much of modern life difficult. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with uncertainty. On the bright side, if you know the right tricks, you can override your brain’s irrational tendencies and handle uncertainty effectively. Our brains give us fits when facing uncertainty because they’re wired to […]
#Leadership : How to Train your Brain to Make Better Decisions…Researchers have Shown this Growth-Mindset #Strategy of Changing How you Interpret an Event will Change Negative Response Patterns.
Overcoming obstacles is synonymous with entrepreneurship. The ability to engage with difficulties and stress in an empowering way is described as the biggest factor for success in life — more significant than your IQ, social networks, physical health, or socio-economic background. When you encounter stressful situations, there are two basic ways your brain will respond: fight or […]
Your #Career : 5 Strategies to get Constant #Promotions …What’s the Secret to Getting to the #C-Suite? Being Self-Critical, Self-Aware, & Keeping your Ego in Check.
Climbing the career ladder doesn’t happen though hard work alone. But the skills it takes to reach the C-suite might not always be that clear. Krisi Rossi O’Donnell, chief recruiting officer for the staffing and recruiting firm LaSalle Network, has cracked the code. She started at LaSalle 11 years ago as a temporary office […]
Your #Career : The 10 most Popular Free Online Courses for #Professionals …. Your #Education Shouldn’t Stop When you Leave the Classroom. Learning New Skills is a Great Way to Expand your Mind & Get Ahead in your Career
Your education shouldn’t stop when you leave the classroom. Learning new skills is a great way to expand your mind and get ahead in your career — and it’s easier than ever with a plethora of online classes just a click away. A good place to start is with this year’s most popular Courseracourses […]
#Leadership : 7 Reasons Why your #WorkMeetings are a Waste of Time — & How to Fix Them…There are a Few Small Fixes you can Make that will Transform your #Meetings from Breaded Blocks on your Schedule into Efficient Ways to Realign your Team.
Team meetings can be massive wastes of time. Instead of taking a few moments to catch up and develop ideas, you and your colleagues proceed to either doze off or check email as someone drones on. The good news is there are a few small fixes you can make that will transform your meetings from […]
#Strategy : The 5 Biggest Things In Tech You Missed This Week: 12/19 … Here are 5 Things that Happened in the World of #Technology this Past Week & Why they’re Important for your #Business (& mine). Did you Miss Them?
Here are five things that happened in the world of technology this past week and why they’re important for your business (and mine). Did you miss them? 1. Facebook FB -1.92% quietly tests a new way to find (and review) local businesses (and Yelp’s stock plunges). From Business Insider: ”Facebook has […]
#Leadership : The Only Thing Not to Fear Is Success Itself …. Can you Imagine an #Entrepreneur/ #Manager Who is Actually Afraid of #Success? None will Ever Admit it Openly, but I’m a Strong Believer that Actions or Lack of Action Speaks Louder than Words.
Can you imagine an entrepreneur/manager who is actually afraid of success? None will ever admit it openly, but I’m a strong believer that actions or lack of action speaks louder than words. In my years of advising startups, I’ve seen too many cases of seemingly irrational actions, or just freezing with that “deer in the […]
#Leadership : Why #Millennials Don’t Want To Work For You(& your Company)….Millennials will Represent 40% of the Total #Workforce by 2020. Like It or Not, They are Critical to the #Success & Sustainability of your #Business . If they Don’t Want to #Work for You, your #Organization will Die.
If you want to attract and retain the best talent, you need to face reality and start thinking radically different. Don’t address the issue by trying to design more interesting jobs. Millennials don’t want jobs. They want lives. Instead of focusing on milking whatever you can out of the younger generation workforce before they move on […]
#Leadership : 11 Tweaks To Your Morning Routine Will Make Your Entire Day More #Productive … ‘If Today were the Last Day of my Life, Would I Want to Do What I am About to Do Today?’ And whenever the Answer has Been ‘No’ for Too Many Days in a Row, I know I Need to Change Something.” – Steve Jobs
I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a little boost in their energy, productivity,and self-control. Researchers at the University of Nottingham recently published findings from their exploration of 83 separate studies on energy and self-control. What they found will change the way you start your day. The researchers found that self-control and energy are […]