Your #Career : New Year, New Strategy, New Job…So the Good News for Job Seekers is that Many People are Looking & Planning to Leave their Current Positions, which in Turn Creates Turnover

Whether you are thinking about finding a new job or contemplating a career shift to another field, the start of a new year is actually a good time to embark upon your search. Making a career change ranks high on many people’s list of New Year’s resolutions. A large spike in people searching on-line job […]

#Leadership : 6 Things Great Leaders Do Differently…Behavior can Change, & Leaders Who Work to Improve their Skills get Results.

Great leadership can be a difficult thing to pin down and understand. You know a great leader when you’re working for one, but even they can have a hard time articulating what it is that makes their leadership so effective.   It was recently rumored that Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz would run for president, but […]

#Strategy : 3 Proven Ways to Survive a Bad Day at Work… OK, We’ve All Been There Before: the Dreaded Bad Day at work. Truth be Told, a Day is Only as Bad as You Allow it To Be.

You wake up late after hitting the snooze button too many times. You stumble into the office with coffee stains on your tie. A calendar reminder about a mandatory meeting you forgot about pops up at the worst time. Your incompetent boss wants to talk to you about putting a cover sheet on all TPS […]

#BestofFSCBlog : #Leadership – 7 #LeadershipMistakes To Avoid. Great REAd!

It’s that time of year again—time for everyone, young and old, to make resolutions to better themselves in the upcoming year. And, taking a look at the resolutions lists we write, a lot of people tend to focus on positive “dos”—actions to take or new habits to form so that their health, attitude, or workplace […]

#Leadership : 10 Ways a Terrible Boss Can Still Teach You How to Lead…If you Have a Terrible Boss, Comfort yourself by Considering How Much you’re Learning.

Terrible bosses are everywhere. They’re no fun to work for, but their lousy leadership does come with a silver lining: valuable “what not to do” lessons on effective leadership. Here are 10 of the most important areas where you can learn from your boss’ bad example. 1. Lack of decisiveness. Atrophy, entropy and lethargy hold […]

Your #Career : People with these College Majors Get the Biggest Pay Raises…Here are the 20 College Majors with the Greatest Increases in Wage between Early- & Mid-Career.

In some jobs, you have to wait until you’ve got some experience under your belt before you begin to see a substantial payday — but when it comes, you’ll be thankful you paid your dues. PayScale recently looked at salary data from this year’s College Salary Report and analyzed the difference between starting (less than five […]

#Leadership : 11 Signs You Have The Grit You Need To Succeed…There are a Ton of Qualities that Can Help you Succeed, & the More Carefully a Quality has Been Studied, the More you Know it’s Worth your Time & Energy.

There are a ton of qualities that can help you succeed, and the more carefully a quality has been studied, the more you know it’s worth your time and energy. Angela Lee Duckworth was teaching seventh grade when she noticed that the material wasn’t too advanced for any of her students. They all had the […]

Your #Career : 7 Things You Must Do To Maximize The Value Of Your LinkedIn Profile…Your LinkedIn Profile is One of the Most Important Career Marketing Tools you Have.

You’ve done all the hard work to create a stellar LinkedIn profile. You have a professional headshot, a compelling headline and a complete, authentic summary (if you are still working on this, read this post for guidance). When LinkedIn says your profile is “all-star,” it’s time to turn your hard work into a tool that […]

Your #Career : Do You Need A New Job in 2016? This One Question Will Tell You…So here is the Question. Where is your Career on the Curve?

Should you stay in your current job, or is it time to move? You will have various ways of dealing with this question, but let me suggest one concept that you may have missed. Or if you are thinking of it, you may not have realised its full ramifications. I’m going to ask you a very pointed question […]