#Strategy : How to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile in 5 Minutes… Want to Attract More Clients, & Customers using #LinkedIn? Here’s a Simple, Copy-&-Paste Script you Can Use to Make it Happen!

If you want to Discover How to attract Clients using LinkedIn , it’s critical to understand what your ideal audience on that particular platform wants… and what they don’t. For instance, they’re not interested in reading an online version of your work résumé. (In fact, that’s about as far away as you can get from creating a killer LinkedIn profile.)  They do want to know, as quickly as possible, who you are, what product or service you provide, and how that product or service can help them achieve their […]

Your #Career : Work From Home? 4 Key Ways to Maximize Productivity…To Help you Tackle the Specific Work Issues you’re Likely to Face, we Tapped 3 Work-from-Home Experts for their Tips on How to Maximize 4 Key Areas of Home-Based Office Life so You can Boost Productivity & Success.

No morning commute. No open floor plan that makes it challenging to focus on your work. No boss looking over your shoulder or co-worker who insists on showing you photos of his cat every morning. The sweet freedom of working from home can seem like a dream come true for some—and the number of people doing so is […]

#Leadership : The 8 HR Analytics Every Manager Should Know About…People are Vital to the Success of any Company. There’s No Doubt that any Business Which can Attract the Right Competencies, Manage Talent Effectively, Utilize Capacity Efficiently, & Retain Employees is Setting Itself Up for Long-Term Success.

HR departments are generating more data than ever before but at the same time they often struggle to turn their data into valuable insights. Based on the work I do with companies all over the globe I have identified some of the most important analytics managers can use to better understated the people-related side of […]

#Strategy : The Secret to How People Work Well Under Pressure…So, How Do you Do It? Handling Pressure is a Learned Skill, & One That is Very Valuable. It’s Something that Separates the ‘Men from the Boys’, & Can Get you a Long Way If you Can Treat the Ability Like a Muscle, & Exercise It.

You’re up against a lot at work — environmental factors are likely killing your productivity, your more socially savvy coworkers could be getting promotions over you, and you may even be tempted to cheat your way to the top. It’s a lot of pressure, and one of the ways that we can truly get a glimpse […]

#Leadership : The 25 Best Leadership & Success Books to Read in your Lifetime, According to Amazon…We’ve Highlighted the Top 25 below, including Books by Psychologists, Economists, & Competitive Athletes. Each One Offers a Unique Look at What it Means to be Truly Successful & How you Can Achieve your Gull Potential.

This week, Amazon’s editors selected their 100 favorite books on leadership and success. We’ve highlighted the top 25 below, including books by psychologists, economists, and competitive athletes. Each one offers a unique look at what it means to be truly successful and how you can achieve your full potential. Read on and start stocking your shelves […]

#Strategy : 17 Unprofessional Work Habits that Make your Boss & CoWorkers Hate You…Do your CoWorkers or Boss Show Signs that They Secretly Hate You? If you Answered “Yes,” then Sure, It could Be that They’re Generally Disagreeable People. Or it Could be You.

You may not realize it, but you could be engaging in workplace habits that make you look unprofessional.  While many of these habits violate the basic rules of common decency and respect, sometimes you need a reminder of how to behave at work. And since your office-mates aren’t speaking up, we decided to chime in on their behalf. Here’s […]

Your #Career : 25 Colleges with Alumni who will Jump-Start your Career…Networking can be Difficult & Time-Consuming, Especially Early in your Career. But Graduating from a School with a Solid Alumni Base means Diving Straight into a Built-in Network of Professionals. 

The Princeton Review compiled a list of the 25 colleges with the best alumni networks in the country, featured in the book “Colleges That Pay You Back: 2016 Edition,” published in February, based on students’ ratings of how visible and active alumni are on their campuses. At Texas A&M University, you become an Aggie for life. […]

Your #Career : 20 Negotiation Tips for Getting the Salary you Want…Negotiating your Salary Can be Awkward & Challenging — & Actually Getting the Pay you Want Often seems Impossible. But it Isn’t.

“A job interview can be stressful, especially when it comes time to talk about money,” says etiquette expert and “Poised for Success” author Jacqueline Whitmore. “However, you can get what you want and deserve — most job seekers just aren’t sure when and how to ask for it.” To master the delicate dance that is a salary negotiation, you […]

#Leadership : 9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit…Managers Tend to Blame their Turnover Problems on Everything Under the Sun, while Ignoring the Crux of the Matter: People Don’t Leave Jobs; they Leave Managers.

It’s pretty incredible how often you hear managers complaining about their best employees leaving, and they really do have something to complain about—few things are as costly and disruptive as good people walking out the door. Managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under the sun, while ignoring the crux of the matter: […]

Your #Career : The Woman’s Guide To Getting Back On Her Own Two Feet….Women are Often the Default Caregivers in many Families.  This often Results in the Decision to Leave the Workplace which Can have Detrimental Effects on their Career When Returning to the Workplace.

Sadly, the longer a woman off-ramps, the harder it is to get back into her field of choice. When deciding to start a family, these are the issues that should be discussed ahead of time via proper planning to ensure a smooth on-ramp back into the workplace. On the upside, we do live longer, but those of […]