Your #Career : How to Find a Job Abroad…Finding a #JobAbroad Can be Difficult. However, If you are Experiencing a Time in your life When you can Easily (or even with some effort) get Up & Move to Another Country, Applying for a Job Abroad Might be a Fun Change for You.
Perhaps you have been pondering a career or job change: Maybe you’re bored, maybe your job isn’t good for your health, or possibly you just want to try something new. While it can be difficult to find a job in America, finding a job in a different country can be difficult in other ways. You […]
#Leadership : 4 Warning Signs You Have A Toxic Company Culture…Make a Point of Practicing Early Detection, Because If you Protect your Culture, you’ll Protect your Future.
When I took my first job leading a large team, I was sure I knew how to spot a toxic culture. And I was sure that I didn’t have it in my team. I was wrong. We had issues (many of them were my fault). It wasn’t long until I was a young leader with […]
#Leadership : 6 Easy Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive…“Time is What we Want Most, but What we Use Worst.” –William Penn
When it comes to productivity, we all face the same challenge—there are only 24 hours in a day. Since even the best ideas are worthless until they’re executed, how efficiently you use your time is as important as anything else in business. I’ve become fascinated by productivity secrets because some people seem to have twice […]
Your #Career : 19 Signs your Company Doesn’t Care about You…One of the Biggest Reasons People Leave their Jobs is Because they Feel UnAppreciated.
“People come to work for more than a paycheck,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert, leadership coach, and author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.” “They want to feel that their contributions are making a difference. If an employer cares about your long-term growth and happiness, you’ll […]
#Leadership : #ProductivePeople -5 Ways #SuccessfulPeople Tackle Monday Morning…Great REad!
One of the most popular posts I’ve written on this blog is How Successful People Start Their Day. It seems like every Manager/Entrepreneur is interested in learning how to get ahead early. But starting every day isn’t the same as starting a Monday. Mondays are proven to be harder to face. Many studies have shown that […]
#Leadership : 4 Keys to a Killer Interview Process…One truth I’ve learned in that experience is: The Most Expensive Hire you Will ever Make is Hiring the Wrong Person.
Throughout my career, I’ve made both good hires and bad hires, and I have helped hundreds of clients find their key staff. One truth I’ve learned in that experience is: The most expensive hire you will ever make is hiring the wrong person. Culture, momentum, growth, and morale are just a few of the […]
#Leadership : Why We Seem To Be Talking More And Working Less — The Nature Of Work Has Changed….The Real Reason That we Communicate More is Because, Today, we Need to Collaborate More to Be Effective.
Are communication technologies like Slack, Yammer and Skype actually helping us, or just getting in the way? Certainly, they have made it easier to communicate, share information and collaborate with colleagues, but what if all that extra communication is actually preventing us from getting important work done? In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, […]
Your #Career : 18 Awesome Career Choices Most College Kids Would Never Think Of…For many Students, a College Degree Puts you On the Direct Path to a Certain Career, Such as a Doctor, Teacher, or Journalist. But for Many Others, the Future Isn’t as Clear-Cut.
Maybe you want to go to med school, but don’t necessarily want to be a doctor. Maybe you love maps, but aren’t sure how to incorporate that passion into a career. Or perhaps you just haven’t found anything that sounds appealing yet. Luckily, there are tons of great career options out there that many […]
#Leadership : How to Rewire Your Brain for Serious #Productivity …If your Meetings are Sputtering, Rewiring the Gray Matter May Help Get Employees Reconnected.
The co-founders of Aditazz, which uses software to design and construct hospitals and other specialized buildings, were beyond frustrated. Zigmund Rubel, an architect, wanted to design buildings in one direction, either from the outside in or from the inside out, depending on the project. Deepak Aatresh, the CEO and an electrical and computer science engineer, […]
Your #Career : Here’s Why #Facebook is Bad for You & Your Career…You might Think you’ve Earned a Few Minutes on Facebook after Completing a Task or Getting Through a Meeting, but Taking Frequent Social Media Breaks Can Derail your Productivity.
It probably happens before you even realize it. One minute you’re in the middle of a work project and the next, you’re mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook timeline, Twitter news feed, or even your LinkedIn connections to see if there’s a colleague you haven’t yet connected with. In some cases, you don’t even remember opening […]