#Leadership : The 5 Worst Body-Language Mistakes you can Make in a #Meeting …It’s All In the Eye of the Beholder, So it’s Not What you Mean When you Do Something, It’s How Others are Going to Perceive It.
It’s Monday morning and you’re slouched in the corner of the team meeting, still slightly stuck in weekend mode. You may think that your grogginess doesn’t really matter, and that your contributions will speak for themselves. However, the way you carry yourself is often just as important as what you say and do. Carol Kinsey […]
Your #Career : What Recent College Grads Don’t Know About Getting Their First ‘Real’ Job … What Many New Graduates Don’t Fully Realize is the Amount of Competition Out There that They’re up Against. While Employers are Hungry for Talent, They have a Healthy Pool to Choose From. And Many of Those Candidates Already have Experience.
As a career coach and a mom with college-aged children readying themselves for the workforce, I hear from a lot of parents and recent grads with questions about how to best prepare for the “real world.” They want to know exactly what young adults can do today to position themselves powerfully to hit the ground […]
Your #Career : Looking for a Better Job? 6 Expert Job-Hunting Techniques…If you’re Sick of your Job, you’re Not Alone. A Full Quarter of America’s Workforce is Fed Up, & Either Actively Searching for Another Job, Or is at Least Giving it Some Serious Thought.
This says a lot about the current state of the American workplace – and a lot about how Americans view the economy. On one hand, it’s a drag that so many people are unhappy. On the other, it’s a good sign that people are confident enough to test the waters of the job market. The age-old […]
Your #Career : 14 things to Do as Soon you Realize you’re About to be Fired…Most People are Shocked when they Hear the Words “You’re Fired” Come Out of their Boss’s Mouth. They’re Blindsided by the News Because They didn’t Have their Eyes Open — or Perhaps they Just Chose to Ignore the Signs.
But the savviest professionals always keep an eye out for the classic signs that their job is in danger. This way, if and when they notice red flags popping up, they can attempt to turn the tides before it’s too late, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: […]
Your #Career : 6 Honest Mistakes That Will Get You #Fired …There are So Many Things that can Get Good, Hard-Working People Fired. Honest Mistakes Often carry Hard-Hitting Consequences.
A recent study from the ePolicy Institute surveyed more than 300 companies and found that a third of them have fired employees for the misuse of company technology. Companies are so worried about employee abuse of technology that 45% of those surveyed admitted that they track employee technology use (some all the way down to […]
#Leadership : 12 Steps to Achieving a Meaningful Change in Your Life…The Secret to Meaningful Change is to Focus All your Energy Not on Recreating the Old, But on Building Something New.
No matter what you do or what industry you’re in, chances are that your business is facing some form of change. It may be due to growth, poor performance, a new CEO, an acquisition, or the need to respond to changing market forces. It may take different forms. But sooner or later, change will happen. When it […]
#Leadership : 2 Business School Professors Explain How you Can Become a More Authentic Leader…The Newly Appointed Ask Themselves: Am I Tough Enough? Extroverted Enough? Can I Deal with the Constant Exposure? Faced with this Uncertainty, #Leaders Naturally Look for Models they can Emulate.
Few transitions test one’s character like moving to a senior leadership role. It’s one thing to gain mastery of a particular function or skillset; it’s quite another to take responsibility for, and earn the respect of, employees from different backgrounds, functions, and cultures. For many leaders, this transition is marked by a period of self-doubt. The […]
#Leadership : Top CHROs Discuss Culture In A Digital World…It’s Important to Begin Planning Today for the Use of Cognitive Computing in Enhancing Workforce Productivity, Reducing Business Risk & Increasing Competitive Advantage.
Steve Jobs once said, “Simple is harder than complex.” Human resources embodies that mantra where the complexities of behind the curtain data and analytics can yield the simplistic beauty of a great culture. To explore how top companies build winning cultures in a fast-changing digital world, on February 23, 2016 I spoke with these CHROs […]
#Leadership : In Business, Risk Never Goes Away, It Simply Evolves…The Period of Existential #Risk is Where Most Businesses Fail. It takes a Lot of Hard Work, Perseverance, & Luck to Survive.
One thing I’ve learned along my manager/ entrepreneurial journey is that business is evolutionary. Risk in particular, never really goes away. In just evolves and takes new and different forms. To understand the evolutionary nature of risk is to understand the lifecycle of your business. Good leaders understand the how risk changes and can focus […]
Your #Career : 5 Things I Wish I Knew About My Career When I Was 25…. 5 Things I Wish Someone Would have Told me About my #Career When I was 25.
Ten years ago I was 25 and just finishing graduate school. At the time I was working in mid-management for a state government agency. But, like many young professionals today, I was unhappy. I had what I considered a relatively substantial student loan (which is dwarfed by the average student debt young professionals currently face), […]