#Leadership : Why Everyone Must Get Ready For 4th Industrial Revolution… It’s Well on its Way & Will Change Most of our #Jobs. First came Steam & Water Power; then Electricity & Assembly Lines; then Computerization… So What Comes Next?

Some call it the fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0, but whatever you call it, it represents the combination of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Systems.In short, it is the idea of smart factories in which machines are augmented with web connectivity and connected to a system that can visualize […]

#Leadership : What To Do When You Catch A Liar…It’s a Hard Fact to Accept, But your Friends & Coworkers Lie to you Regularly. The Real Challenge Lies in How you Respond Once you Catch Someone in the Act.

Some people tell infrequent lies to make themselves look good or to protect themselves. Others are pros. They’ve been doing it their whole careers, they’re good at it, and they’ve learned how to avoid getting caught. That’s why there’s no single solution that works in every situation. The best thing to do is to carefully […]

Your #Career : 5 New Jobs Skills Employers Are Looking For in 2016… So, What are Employers Looking For, and What Skills Do you Need to Make Yourself an Attractive Candidate? Read On to Find Out.

  In a rapidly changing world economy, it’s a question that’s consistently at the top of everyone’s mind: what job skills do I need, and which will get me a job? Hunting for a job requires not only a specific set of strategies and techniques, but also a strong sense of confidence in your abilities. […]

#Leadership : Why Bullies Make Bad Leaders…So Why Do we Think that #Bullies Make for Good #Leaders ? Bullies Might be Good at Gaining Power, But they Make for Terrible Leaders.

There is a dangerous and destructive idea fomenting in American society today, and it permeates almost every aspect of modern life. From politics to business, our society is increasingly mistaking aggression for strength, and bullying for leadership. One need only look at the nature of Donald Trump’s bombastic, aggressive, and wildly popular Presidential campaign for […]

Your #Career: Best Value Colleges 2016: The 300 Schools Worth The Investment (Entire List)…In the Coming Weeks, High School Seniors, Transfer Students & their Families will Make One of the Most Important Personal & Financial Decisions of their Lives: What College to Attend?

 For this reason, FORBES has compiled this newly reimagined Best Value Colleges ranking based on tuition costs, school quality, graduation success rates and post-grad earnings.   Have you heard, American higher education as we know it is fast approaching the cliff’s edge. Costs are way up, not to mention individual and collective student debt levels […]

#Leadership : How Being Busy Makes You Unproductive…”Beware the Barrenness of a Busy Life.” –Socrates

Being busy has somehow become a badge of honor. The prevailing notion is that if you aren’t super busy, you aren’t important or hard working. The truth is, busyness makes you less productive. When we think of a super busy person, we think of a ringing phone, a flood of emails, and a schedule that’s […]

#Leadership : How To Handle Good And Bad Mistakes…Mistakes Happen. Every Day, they Do. It is What Happens Next That Is the Critical & a Too Often Missed Leadership Piece of the Puzzle.

Yes Virginia, there are good mistakes. They need to be handled differently than do bad mistakes. In general, encourage intentional mistakes with minor impact and consider, excuse or prevent the rest. Mistakes happen. Every day, they do. It is what happens next that is the critical and a too often missed leadership piece of the […]

#Leadership : Why You Need to Stop Thinking That Geniuses Never Fail….Every Successful Person is Someone Who has Failed Before. The Difference is That they Refuse to Regard their Failure as Fatalistic.

Mozart, Vincent Van Gogh, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates–all failed, and failed many times.  But these geniuses are great leaders that all have one thing in common: They did not allow failure to keep them down. What does it take to hold on to your genius through failures and disasters? 1. […]

Your #Career : How to Craft the Perfect #ElevatorPitch ….An Elevator Pitch can Be Scary. But Once you Start Investing your Time & Effort, You’ll get More & More Confident. That Process of Building Confidence Starts by Squaring Away What you Want to Say, Getting Used to Saying It, & Speaking it to People Outside of your Current Circle.

An “elevator pitch” is so called because you’re supposed to be able to summarize your pitch so quickly that you can effectively get it across in an elevator ride.  The idea here is if you’re ever lucky enough to trap Richard Branson in an elevator for three minutes, you can pitch him on your killer […]

Your #Career : 10 Signs You’ve Stayed at Your Job Too Long…So How Do you Know it’s Time to Move On & Try Something New?

According to Business Insider, the average person spends 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. Since work comprises most of our lives, it is critical that you spend time at the right company, pursuing the right opportunities. Among so-called middle-class wage earners, work is glorified. People vie to be the first in and the last […]