Your #Career : The 7 Most Common Mistakes We Make Promoting Ourselves…Self-Promotion is a Struggle for Many of Us (Women Particularly). We Know we Should Do It & Do It More Often if we are to Gain the Visibility/Credibility we Need to Advance our Careers. But it’s Not a Simple Task.

Although women seem to agonize more about self-promotion, the challenges transcend gender and status. In general, people fall into three different categories relative to promoting themselves. Those who promote often in a flamboyant, ego-driven manner. (This may or may not be well-received.)  Those who attempt it with ambivalence and are challenged to do it effectively. […]

Life #Strategy : 13 Online Courses that Could Help you Get Rich…The Wealthiest, Most Successful people Appreciate the Power of Learning Long after College or any Formal Education is Over.

Today, it’s easier than ever to continue your education with the chance to take online courses from some of the best universities in the world. We’ve picked out some of the best classes for anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge and grow their wealth, with courses from learning personal-finance basics to developing negotiation […]

#BestofFSCBlog : #YourCareer -So, What Have You Done for Me Lately? (Applying the SAR). Typically, you are going to be called in for an annual or semiannual review. The company may be on the verge of a massive downsizing: Who can we cut? Where is the fat in our organization?

I’ve received many a puzzled look. Jar of moonshine? Jar of marmalade? What is this “jar” you speak of? It’s quite simple: you never stop recording your achievements. You have to maintain a journal of actions and results. This is the ongoing history of your SARs (Situation / Action / Result) within the organization, and […]

Your #Career : 3 Skills You Need To Rock Your Interviews & Your Career…I’d Like to Share My Take on What Interviewing Really Is, & Why you Need to Be Interviewing & Out there Consistently & Regularly Talking to Other Employers, Leaders & Managers.

If you can’t answer these questions, you can’t present a compelling story of who you are and what you have to offer. Secondly, you’ll not be able to guide your career to the level you want it.  Amazing careers require a great deal of planning, vision and management, as well as a big dose of […]

Your #Career : The 5 Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Accepting a Promotion…The Fatter Paycheck. The Bigger Office. The Increased Authority to Make Decisions . Note: 2015 Gallup poll, Only 35% of U.S. Managers actually Feel Engaged in their Jobs.

To most people, moving into a management role seems like a natural rite of passage when climbing the career ladder. But for all its impressive-sounding perks, joining those ranks may not necessarily upgrade your job satisfaction: According to a 2015 Gallup poll, only 35% of U.S. managers actually feel engaged in their jobs. As the […]

#Strategy : The 5 Best Ways to Say ‘No’ to Your Co-workers…If you’re Constantly Shifting your Schedule to Accommodate a New Project, or you’re Picking up the Slack for another Co-Worker on a Frequent Basis, your Own Work will Suffer.

You have to say ‘yes’ to a lot of things throughout your day. You answer emails and questions, get roped into mandatory meetings, and need to pick up projects at the last minute in order to meet company deadlines. In some cases, you won’t have a choice about those new tasks that get added to […]

#Leadership : 4 Things You Need To Know About Working With #Teams Today…Not all Teams are Created Equal. So if Working in Teams is as Normal as the Workday Itself then Remember These 4 Points When Working With your Team

Businesses today are compelled to keep up with the rapid pace of change if they want to survive. If they want to stay competitive, however, they must get ahead of that change curve. Companies—and the people who run them—must adapt to change by finding new ways of working for which there are no blueprints. And they must […]

#Strategy : This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Fail (And How To Fix It)…Failure is Inevitable. How we Move Forward from Failure Determines whether Failure becomes a Biologically Ingrained Habit or a Spotty Memory. What Will you Choose?

Four months after graduating college among the top of my class, I failed. Imoved to Vancouver to be with my boyfriend and travel somewhere. I tried to be Lululemon’s Senior Director of Marketing, but somehow that didn’t work out. So I wound up a legal secretary—a job that was, for me, unfulfilling and unrelated to […]

Your #Career : LinkedIn Thinks it Can Tell you How Likely You are to Get a #Job ….A New Patent Awarded to #LinkedIn on Tuesday Describes a System that Could Score your Success Chances & How your Strengths & Weaknesses.

Applying for a job can be anxiety-inducing, but LinkedIn has come up with a way to tell you what your chances of getting a job could be — and what you can do to improve them. A new patent awarded to LinkedIn on Tuesday describes a system that could score your success chances and show […]

Your #Career : You Only have One Chance to Make a First impression…….When you Unintentionally MisUse or MisSpell a Word, you Appear to be Uneducated, & your Entire Message Loses any Sense of Credibility.

A client recently shared an email he had received from a competitor in his industry. The author of the email was attempting to position himself as an expert in their trade and belittle my client for his unique style of doing business. The email carried a negative tone and read as a stream-of-consciousness rant written […]