Your #Career : 7 Reasons Why Your Salaried Job Is Like Crack Cocaine…Are You Ready to Start Conquering Your Dangerous Addiction to Comfort?

Remember, though, that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. If you are seriously interested in becoming a business owner, maybe these words will help: Start each morning with the following mantra — I am a salary addict. From there, you will eventually gain strength and, maybe one day, kick the habit. From […]

Your #Career : 5 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Performance Review…How you Respond to Criticism & Praise will Make a Difference in your Career Path. Let’s Take a Look at 5 Things you Should Never Say in a Performance Review.

A performance review is like a report card for adults. It tells workers how they’re performing on the job, or at least how their bosses think they are performing. Except, job performance reviews are prone to more subjectivity. You don’t simply receive a letter grade or a “satisfactory” based on right or wrong homework answers, […]

Your #Career : The Future Of Jobs- 5 Options Everyone Must Consider…There’s a Robotic Apocalypse Coming – Everyone Seems quite Certain about This. The Real & Present Danger Appears to Be about Jobs.

“The replacement of full-time jobs has happened very slowly, in most cases,” he tells me. “For example – before the invention of the ATM, there were around half a million bank tellers in the US. Today, we have about half a million bank tellers. There’s a Robotic Apocalypse coming – everyone seems quite certain about […]

#Leadership : The Bottom Line On Why You Can’t Fill Jobs…Here’s What I Hear from Employers: We can’t Find Talent. We can’t Keep Talent. We can’t Keep Talent Engaged.

From my perspective, there certainly is a disconnect. Here are the facts. Unemployment in the U.S. is 4.7 percent, which is down from last month’s figure of 5.0 percent and the new Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLT) report for April has just been released. There are now over 5.7 million job openings, which equals […]

Your #Career : Layoffs! 7 Types of Jobs That Are Making Cuts in 2016…Jobs are Lost All the Time, for One Reason or Another. The Best you Can Do to Protect Yourself is Be Aware of What’s Happening In & Around your Industry.

Your job is consistently threatened whether you give it much thought or not. While many people do enjoy a good level of job security, the truth is, anything can happen at any time that renders you redundant — robots can take our jobs, a new CEO may decide that layoffs are necessary, or a fire or natural […]

#Leadership : What Bad Bosses Can Teach You About Good Leadership…List of 10 Things a Bad Boss can Teach you about Good Leadership, for the Day When you Might Have his (or her) Job

A lot has been written about what makes a bad boss, or about bosses to avoid or signs you are working for a bad boss. And then what – leave? To go where? Today’s business world is so precarious may of us don’t know if we’ll be in the same company from one week to […]

#Leadership : 8 Ways Smart People Use Failure to Their Advantage…Failure is an Inevitable Part of Life, but Smart People Know How to Make it Work for Them.

One of the biggest roadblocks to success is the fear of failure. Fear of failure is worse than failure itself because it condemns you to a life of unrealized potential. A successful response to failure is all in your approach. In a study recently published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers found that […]

Your #Career : 5 Ways To Bounce Back From Criticism At Work… Remember: It’s Not the Critique that Counts – It’s What you Do With It That Has the Power to Change your Life & Inspire the People Around You. If you Can Let that Dust Sit on your Face with Grace, You are a True Professional.

As a career coach, I am all too familiar with the emotional history we carry into our professional lives. Many of my clients come to me with self-imposed, often limiting, ideas about what they are capable of in their careers. As we discuss all of the career avenues available to them, without fail, they offer […]

#Leadership : How To Make Yourself Work When You Don’t Want To…With the Holidays Approaching, the High Season for Procrastination is upon Us. It’s Even More Difficult to Get Work Done when you’re Stuck at the Office, Wishing you were Enjoying Time with Family & Friends.

Procrastination affects everyone. It sneaks up on most people when they’re tired or bored, but for some, procrastination can be a full-fledged addiction. They avoid all day the work that is right in front of them, only to go home and toil late into the night, frantically trying to finish what they could have easily […]

#Leadership : 6 Productive Ways to Spend Your Idle Time…Regardless of your Workload, You are Sure to Have a Few Gaps Here & There. Choose to Spend your Time Wisely & Make Every Second Count.

Only the most productive among us see time as it really is: one of our most valuable assets. Perhaps you’re one of the ones who recognize that time has a “limited offer” attached to it; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. Therefore, you strive to make every single second count. While […]