#Leadership : 14 Habits Of The Most Productive Remote Workers… From Hardware to Soft Skills, Here’s What it Takes to Master the Art of Working Remotely.
Working from home sounds like an idyllic situation, in theory: You can roll out of bed each morning (or afternoon, even) and get started on your day without having to dress up, brave traffic, or engage in mindless chit-chat around the communal coffee machine. However, not going into an office every day presents its […]
Your #Career : 5 Mistakes People Make Straight Out of College…The Years after Graduating College Should be Exciting, & You can Learn a Lot & Advance Professionally & Financially If you Avoid Financial & Career Mistakes.
Finishing college is a big accomplishment, and for many people, a big relief. College can be a lot of fun, but some people are just ready to start their careers and start the next phase of their lives. Whether you’re ready or not, you will need to move forward after college. If you are still […]
#Leadership : How Giving Up TV For A Month Changed My Brain & My Life…Watching a Couple Hours of TV a Day can have Major Effects on your Brain. So What would Happen if you Quit Cold Turkey?
“Television mesmerizes people and turns them into intellectual spectators. It feeds passivity and makes you less engaged.” I’ve never seen Game of Thrones, I don’t know what the Scandal is, and I couldn’t name a single “real” housewife. I thought I didn’t watch much television and that taking a 30-day break would be a piece […]
Your #Career : 6 Tips to Successfully Transition From Your Day Job to Your Own Business…Many of you Reading this Right Now are Working for Someone Else — Helping Someone else Build their Dream. But you Probably have a Dream of your Own that Thrills & Excites You.
If you’re like most people, you have two main worries holding you back from making the leap: “How will I replace my day job income?” “I have an idea for a business, but no idea where to start!” You are not alone, and you don’t have to hold yourself back anymore. Here are six […]
#Leadership : 10 Ways to Become Luckier in Business…Fact is, Luck is Really about Chance: The Chance of Something Good Happening. If you Make yourself Available to New People & New Opportunities — You’ll be Rewarded for It. It’s Really Pretty Straightforward, Actually.
Do you believe in luck? I don’t, not really. Not in the conventional sense anyway. I believe it’s entirely possible to create your own luck. You can become luckier, absolutely. Because fact is, luck is really about chance: The chance of something good happening. If you make yourself available to new people and new opportunities […]
Your #Career : 7 Reasons Why Your Salaried Job Is Like Crack Cocaine…Are You Ready to Start Conquering Your Dangerous Addiction to Comfort?
Remember, though, that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. If you are seriously interested in becoming a business owner, maybe these words will help: Start each morning with the following mantra — I am a salary addict. From there, you will eventually gain strength and, maybe one day, kick the habit. From […]
Your #Career : 5 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Performance Review…How you Respond to Criticism & Praise will Make a Difference in your Career Path. Let’s Take a Look at 5 Things you Should Never Say in a Performance Review.
A performance review is like a report card for adults. It tells workers how they’re performing on the job, or at least how their bosses think they are performing. Except, job performance reviews are prone to more subjectivity. You don’t simply receive a letter grade or a “satisfactory” based on right or wrong homework answers, […]
Your #Career : The Future Of Jobs- 5 Options Everyone Must Consider…There’s a Robotic Apocalypse Coming – Everyone Seems quite Certain about This. The Real & Present Danger Appears to Be about Jobs.
“The replacement of full-time jobs has happened very slowly, in most cases,” he tells me. “For example – before the invention of the ATM, there were around half a million bank tellers in the US. Today, we have about half a million bank tellers. There’s a Robotic Apocalypse coming – everyone seems quite certain about […]
#Leadership : The Bottom Line On Why You Can’t Fill Jobs…Here’s What I Hear from Employers: We can’t Find Talent. We can’t Keep Talent. We can’t Keep Talent Engaged.
From my perspective, there certainly is a disconnect. Here are the facts. Unemployment in the U.S. is 4.7 percent, which is down from last month’s figure of 5.0 percent and the new Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLT) report for April has just been released. There are now over 5.7 million job openings, which equals […]
Your #Career : Layoffs! 7 Types of Jobs That Are Making Cuts in 2016…Jobs are Lost All the Time, for One Reason or Another. The Best you Can Do to Protect Yourself is Be Aware of What’s Happening In & Around your Industry.
Your job is consistently threatened whether you give it much thought or not. While many people do enjoy a good level of job security, the truth is, anything can happen at any time that renders you redundant — robots can take our jobs, a new CEO may decide that layoffs are necessary, or a fire or natural […]