Your #Career : How to Answer ‘Why Should I Hire You?’…This is Where you Stand Out from the Crowd. Once you’ve Established your Ability to Deliver on Core Competencies of the Job you can Consider yourself at Least as Impressive as the Best Qualified Candidate.

It’s one of the most popular questions in interviews, and also one of the most understandable. Why not hear why your future employee is right for the role straight from the horse’s mouth? Why then, does it fill us with so much trepidation? Partly because there’s no way of tricking this question, you’ve just got […]

#Leadership : How Leaders Can Engage & Retain Top Sales Talent…Turnover: Minimum 20%. Fact: 71% of Companies take 6 Months or Longer to Onboard New Sales Reps; & at a Third of All Companies it Take 9 Months or More.

According to Glassdoor, professionals working in sales can make well into the six figures and are one of the most popular positions companies seek to fill. But retention tends to be low with the pressure to meet numbers, lack of adequate training and inevitable rejection. 71% of companies take 6 months or longer to onboard […]

#Leadership : Are You Hurting Your Career With Corporate Jargon?…When we have to Dedicate Time & Energy towards Figuring out What someone is actually Talking About, we(your Team) is Inherently taking Away Time & Energy we Could be Putting Towards our Work.

Mindshare? Sticky wicket? Straw man? Power alley? Can you improve your credibility and achieve better results simply by eliminating corporate jargon from your vocabulary? James Sudakow had declared war on the use of stupid corporate lingo. In his new book, Picking the Low Hanging Fruit…and Other Stupid Stuff We Say in the Corporate World, Sudakow […]

#Leadership : We Bet You Never Knew Your iPhone Could Do These 10 Things…If you’d Like to Tap into the True Potential of your iPhone, Check Out the Below Cool Features.

With so much tech out there these days, the learning curve for what different devices can do can be quick and easy. However, not everyone knows about some of these handy capabilities to help make your life easier. For instance, iPhones — a device most use every day — can do anything to sending tweets, identify […]

Your #Career : The 3 Ways Ego Will Derail Your Career Before It Really Begins…Do Not Let Ego Derail your Career — Before it Even Begins.

“Among men who rise to fame and leadership two types are recognizable—those who are born with a belief in themselves and those in whom it is a slow growth dependent on actual achievement. To the men of the last type their own success is a constant surprise, and its fruits the more delicious, yet to […]

#Leadership : 7 Ways to Master Poise Under Pressure…The reality is Business isn’t Always in the Flow of Success. Heartbreak, Hardship & Challenge Occur that are Largely Out of Your Control. It’s Just the Nature of the Beast.

Business is full of challenge. There are going to be losses, heartbreaks, bad days, slow months and less-than-stellar years. For this reason, business always brings with it a certain amount of pressure. There is the pressure to succeed, the pressure to keep up with your competitors and the pressure to grow the business. Like any […]

Your #Career : 4 Signs Your Boss Is Spying on You…Bosses have Been Spying on Employees for as Long as They’ve been Hiring People to Work for Them. But New Technologies have Made it Easier for Companies to Track their Employees’ every Move While at the same Time making it Harder for Workers to Tell If they’re Being Watched.

Chances are, your boss is keeping an eye on you. Forty-three percent of companies actively monitor employee emails, according to the American Management Association (AMA), and roughly the same number track the time you spend on the phone and who you call (16% go so far as to record those calls). Nearly half of companies […]

#Leadership : Anyone can Use the ’20-Minute Rule’ I Learned From 5 years of Studying Rich People… “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs, 2005 Stanford Commencement

In other words, don’t put your ladder on someone else’s wall. Pursue your own dreams. Not those of your parents, teachers, or some other significant influence in your life. In order to make that ideal life a reality, you need to follow a process: 1. Define each specific dreamthat is part of your collage of […]

Your #Career : Start These 225 Franchises for $50,000 or Less…There Once was a Time when Franchising Appeared to Be the Domain of People with Deep Pockets Who Could Afford to Build a Restaurant or Retail Store. But No Longer.

Today some of the most popular and successful franchise categories — such as children’s services, food and fitness — offer businesses that can be started for less than $50,000. So if you’d like to be your own boss without breaking the bank, look no further than the 225 budget-friendly franchises. Opportunity awaits. AUTOMOTIVE   WINDSHIELD REPAIR […]

Your #Career : 10 More Great Sites To Find Gigs & Part-Time Work…Growing Number of Americans Thriving in the Gig Economy. Unfortunately, while the Interest in Flexible Work is Stronger than Ever, the Process of Finding Flexible Jobs Remains Challenging. That’s why I’m using this Post to Update a Very Popular One I wrote 2 Years Ago (over 1 Million Hits).

Last year, after her company went through a merger, Judith Meritz decided the time was right to walk away from her 30+year career as a senior corporate counsel. After doing some traveling, she turned to Your Encore, a firm that places seasoned experts into short-term work assignments. As a result, Meritz now enjoys a satisfying […]