Your #Career : 4 Warning Signs Of The Next Recession—And How To Tell If Your Job Is Safe…Recessions are Cyclical, and There are some Foreboding Signs to Watch. Now’s the Time to Hash Out How Much you’re Worth to your Employer.

The U.S. economy may have added more jobs last month than experts had predicted, but while that’s something to cheer, it isn’t cause for getting too cozy. A recent J.P. Morgan economic model, based on a broader range of indicators, puts the chances of a recession occurring within the next 12 months at roughly one […]

#Leadership : Day In The Life; Simple Ways To Turn A Bad Day Around…The Mind is Like a Muscle: It Requires Careful Maintenance or It’ll eventually be Pushed Beyond its Limit Sending You into Burnout Territory.

Being a millennial entrepreneur comes with it’s fair share of emotional ups and downs. Some days your energy is high. Your creativity is on fire.  Other days? You find yourself in a motivational slump, wondering where that inspiration and focus disappeared to. Let’s talk about bad days, because we all have them. Recently I had […]

Your #Career : 20 Signs You’re Destined to Become a Millionaire…In Reality, It’s a Lot More Common Than you Think and Completely Possible If you Have the Right Mentality to Become Rich.

Becoming a millionaire may seem like an unobtainable dream. I’ve been there and felt like it was unattainable and something that would never happen to me.  Then I started reading, studying and mimicking countless different successful millionaires. In reality, it’s a lot more common than you think and completely possible if you have the right mentality […]

#Leadership : How To Give Leadership To Millennials Without A Promotion…Many Millennials, and their Employers, Mistakenly Assume that Leadership at Work comes Only from a Title. In other Words, Too many Think Leadership can Only Happen through a Promotion.

The 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey estimates 63% of millennials say their leadership skills are not being developed. That number is alarmingly high, because essentially two out of every three employees have a desire to lead at work. Yet, despite their desire to lead and grow as leaders, companies are not creating those opportunities for leadership and […]

Your #Career : 25 Signs your Company is About to Conduct Mass Layoffs…If you Notice a Combination of these Signs in your Own Company, it May be Time to Start Looking for a New Job.

In my career as a journalist, I’ve lived through two rounds of mass layoffs. While I didn’t see either of them coming, hindsight is always 20/20, and I now have a much better sense for when the tides are changing. To get a better understanding of the signs that layoffs are coming, I polled others who’ve […]

#Leadership : Craft a Legal, Effective Employee Social Media Policy With These 5 Steps…Social Media has the Power to Boost a Brand’s Image, Reinforce Relationships with Customers and Increase Sales. When Abused by Employees, however, It can Cause Irreversible Damage.

Take KitchenAid, for example. In October of 2012, the company tweeted out an offensive comment about President Barack Obama’s grandmother. As a result, it faced a huge backlash and received a plethora of negative media attention. This happened simply because an employee tweeted his or her opinion from the brand account, rather than from a […]

#Leadership : Leadership Lessons From The Man Who Runs The U.S. Olympic Track Team….CEO Max Siegel Shares his Strategies for Managing a Team on a High-Stakes Project: the Olympics.

At this moment, 129 American track and field athletes are settling into their living quarters in Rio de Janeiro as part of the 555-person strong Team U.S.A. They are getting acclimated to the weather and training daily, using every last minute to prepare physically and mentally for one of the most important events of their […]

Your #Career : 4 Ways To Bounce Back When You’re Treated Unfairly At Work…You can Get Even, Or you can Take the High Road—Where the Outlook’s Much Better for your Health and Career.

Depending on how you see it, there’s more than just death and taxes on the short list of things life throws at pretty much everybody. There’s also unfairness (which cynics might even see as the umbrella term for both death and taxes), as many a parent has informed a 5-year-old who’s too young to know what […]

Your #Career : This Internship Program Only Hires Women Over 40…What Inspired you to Start the Program? Answer: Ageism Hurts, and these Women Feel Like, “Am I Worthless at 54? Am I Over the Hill at 52? Why will No One Hire Me?”

You’ve probably seen, or at least heard of, Nancy Meyer’s latest film The Intern. Starring Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNiro, it follows a 70-something man attempting to reenter the workforce. When the retired widower has difficulty finding employment, he opts for a senior internship at a digital fashion startup. “That movie was kind of an aha moment for us,” explains […]

#Leadership : The Most Profitable Industries in 2016…Some Businesses Tend to have Healthier Bottom Lines by the Very Nature of the Industries that they Operate In.

Which U.S. industries are the most lucrative? The answer depends on how it’s measured, but based on pre-tax net profit margin, the top money-makers include specialty service providers in accounting, law, health care and real estate, according to the latest ranking from Sageworks, a financial information company. Accounting-related companies (accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll […]