#Leadership : Managing Conflict Is Essential to Success…A Functional Workplace of Diverse People and Ideas is Fertile Ground for Creativity — And for Conflict. Here’s How to Be a Good Referee.

Those of you who have read my articles before can probably envision me embroiled in numerous conflicts. To keep from being killed or killing someone, I have acquired fairly effective survival skills. I’m not a pacifist; in fact, people who say “fighting never solves anything” make me think they have been on the losing end of every fight they’ve […]

#Leadership : How Successful Leaders Communicate With Their Teams…Choosing your Medium — Text or In-Person? — and Keeping your Message Decisive and Focused are Just Two of the Key Strategies.

One of the most critical factors for your success as a leader will be how you communicate with your team. On a primary level, communication is all about exchanging information, whether that means brainstorming as a group, delegating responsibilities, setting expectations or alerting others to a problem. Related: 5 Ways to Effectively Communicate With Employees The completeness, accuracy, […]

Your #Career : Five Myths About Landing a Good Job Later in Life… The Conventional Wisdom says it’s Impossible. The Facts Say Otherwise.

There’s a stereotypical view of job opportunities for older workers, and it’s not pretty.  It goes something like this. If you’re past 50 and thinking of a career switch, forget it. The opportunities for older workers in the new economy are pretty much nonexistent. As the U.S. economy shifts from manufacturing to services, it’s creating […]

Your #Career : Should You Apply For Your Dream Job If You’re Not Qualified?…Recruiters Weigh in with some Surprising Advice on the Importance of Being Qualified to Get the Job you Want.

 There it is: your dream job. There’s just one problem. You don’t meet all the qualifications. It’s a conundrum. Should you channel your inner life coach and go for it? Or should you follow the rules and wait until you have the right experience or credentials? If you sit it out, you may miss a […]

#Leadership : Why Flex-Hours Will Save Your Millennial Workforce…Use These Three Tools to Help your Business Retain its Millennial Workforce.

“I had to leave,” she said. Dianne, a tech-savvy marketer in Albuquerque, just accepted a flex-hours position at a software company. The decision to quit her current job wasn’t even a question. “They offered me more money and more flexibility,” Diane said. “Now I don’t have to pretend like I’m busy at a cubicle when […]

Your #Career : 15 Grammar Tips to Make You Smarter, From the World’s Coolest Word Nerd Mignon Fogarty is the Grammar Girl. And She is Awesome.

Does this sentence need another comma?  What’s the difference between emoticons and emoji?  How do I make product names (like the iPhone 7 or 6s) plural?  That’s a sample of questions that Mignon Fogarty, a.k.a. “Grammar Girl,” answers on a weekly basis.  Fogarty is the founder and managing director of Quick and Dirty Tips, an […]

#Leadership : Why Nearly Half Of Workers Globally Could Leave Their Jobs In 2017…Managers can Help Retain their Staff by Applying these Five Strategies.

Enjoy spending time with your coworkers this holiday season, because many of them are likely to be gone by this time next year. According to a recent survey of 3,300 employees across 14 countries by Dale Carnegie Training, 26% of U.S. employees say they will look for a new job within the next 12 months, […]

#BestofFSCBlog : 34 Things you Should Remove from your Résumé Immediately. A MUst Read!

If you want to pass that test, you need to have some solid qualifications — and the perfect résumé to highlight them. Here are 34 things you should strike from your résumé right now. 1. An objective If you applied, it’s already obvious you want the job. The exception: If you’re in a unique situation, […]

#Leadership : 5 Ways to Keep Your Productivity High All Day…Ever Hear of the Ivy Lee Productivity Method? You’re About To.

In 1918 Ivy Lee, a productivity consultant, counseled Charles Schwab, then the president of Bethlehem Steel, to adopt this plan for his employees. Schwab did just that, saw productivity soar and presented the consultant with a $25,000 check — a princely sum back in those days. There are a few things we can actually control in […]