#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -How To Impress #HiringManagers During A #PhoneInterview . #MustRead !

Companies are increasingly using phone interviews at the early stages of screening candidates, before inviting them on-site for in-person interviews. This is a way to efficiently screen through large candidate pools, as the average job has over 250 applicants. Moreover, the phone screen is typically conducted by recruiters, many of whom may be remote so the phone-screen […]

Your #Career : 8 Companies That’ll Take You to Exotic Locations… #TravelPerks & #InternationalTravel are Offered by #Companies in Nearly Every Industry Enabling #Employees to Fill their Passport while Being #Productive .

Why work in a bland cubicle when you can work in Cancun, Punta Cana or Hanoi? Travel perks and international travel are offered by companies in nearly every industry enabling employees to fill their passport while being productive. Whether you want to work in hospitality, communications, the armed services or sales, here are 8 cool […]

#BestofFSCBlog : Sixteen(16) #InterviewQuestions that are Designed to Trick You. Here are a Few Particularly Thorny Questions — and Some Suggestions on How to Answer Them.

#JobSearch : 16 #InterviewQuestions that are Designed to Trick You. Here are a Few Particularly Thorny Questions — and Some Suggestions on how to Answer Them.

Your #Career : How To Tell The Difference Between A Career Pivot And A Distraction…When you’re Unhappy at Work, Quitting for Something Else can be Tempting. But here’s How to Tell If you’re Chasing a Rabbit or Heading Down the Right Path.

 Grace Chon was working as an art director in Los Angeles with clients such as the California Avocado Commission, Japan Airlines, and Domaine Chandon, but she felt like something was missing. “It was a stressful environment, and it got to the point where it didn’t make me happy anymore,” she says. Rather than look for a […]

Your #Career : On Thin Ice ( #JobTermination) ? …. Have you Ever Wondered If you Were on Thin Ice at Work? You are Doing your Job, Contributing to the Company and Even get Good #PerformanceReviews . But Something is Different.

Have you ever wondered if you were on thin ice at work? You are doing your job, contributing to the company and even get good performance reviews.  But something is different.  You can feel it, but you can’t quite pinpoint it. Maybe you were left out of a meeting. Or someone made an odd remark […]

Your #Career : What #Recruiters Pay Attention To When They Look At Your #SocialMedia …Great REad!

You probably already know recruiters are looking at your LinkedIn page, but what about your other social media platforms? You know, the ones where you post pictures of your latest vacation, share what you had for dinner and occasionally tag your friends in memes. Why, you might wonder, would a recruiter possibly be interested in viewing […]

Your #Career : #OlderWorkers – How to Manage a #PhoneInterview & Not to Sound “Old” …..You Need to Know Two Things. One, How to Present Yourself Well in General in a Phone Interview. And, Two, How Not to Sound “Old.”

Your cover letter and resume did the trick. You have an interview. But it’s by phone. That’s your first experience with being checked out on the phone instead of in-person. You need to know two things. One, how to present yourself well in general in a phone interview. And, two, how not to sound “old.” […]

Your #Career : How To Sell Yourself For A Job When You’re #Overqualified …Sometimes Being Too Experienced can Work Against You. Here’s What you Can Do to Prevent that from Happening.

When it comes to job searching, we often hear how difficult it can be for recent graduates, who are somehow expected to have years of experience straight out of school, to even be considered for an entry-level position. What happens when the situation is reversed, and your years of experience begin to work against you? […]

Your #Career : 5 Reasons You’re Not Hearing Back from #Recruiters (Prospective Company)……There is So Much About the Recruitment Process that is Beyond Any of your Control. Control the Parts of the Process that you Can, and Take the Rest in Stride!

Not hearing back from recruiters can chip away at our confidence and motivation to continue a job search. Rather than getting discouraged, let’s look at some common reasons recruiters might not be calling you back and discuss your possible course of action to see better results.  1. Your Resume Your resume is the first critical step to […]

Your #Career : 7 Ways To Make It Easier For #Recruiters To Skim Your #Resume …Recruiters Rarely Read your Resume from Start to Finish. Follow these Tips in Order to Grab their Attention Right Away.

It’s easy to think that after all the work you’ve put into perfecting your resume, recruiters will at least spend the time thoroughly reading it from start to finish. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case. Recruiters are generally very busy.  Resume-writing blogger and long-time recruiter Steve Wang says, “During my more busy weeks, sometimes I […]