Your #Career : 6 of the Most Captivating #CoverLetter Openers (& Why They Work)…Let’s Cut Straight To The Chase: Most (if not all) #CoverLetters are Bad.
Let’s cut straight to the chase: most cover letters are bad. In fact, Dawn Rasmussen, certified resume writer and president of Pathfinder Writing and Career Services, happily admits that “I love writing cover letter openings because I know how bad they usually are.” But that doesn’t mean your cover letter is destined for the slush pile. By starting […]
Your #Career : These Are The Smartest Decisions I’ve Made For My Career…From #SwitchingCareers to Finding Ways to Add Value to their #Employers , Three Writers from The Motley Fool Shared some of the Biggest Lessons they’ve Learned During their Working Lives.
A surprisingly high number of Americans are unhappy with their work; some estimates are that more than half of us don’t like our jobs. And while there are always things we have no control over, none of us should feel completely powerless. There are almost certainly things you can do to put yourself in a […]
Your #Career : The Three Smartest Ways To Use #LinkedIn Early In Your Career…Why Bother using LinkedIn. When you Don’t have Much #JobExperience to Put On your #ProfilePage ? Here’s Why–and How to Do It.
LinkedIn is a great place to build a network, diversify your knowledge, and find new career opportunities–even when you’re early in your career. Students and recent grads may neglect LinkedIn, thinking it’s premature to start investing time into the platform before actually building up a solid amount of work experience. That’s a mistake. I’ve found […]
Your #Career : 5 Methods To Make Your #CoverLetter Irresistible To #HiringManagers …Writing #CoverLetters is a Boring but Necessary Part of #JobHunting . Here’s are Some Tips on How to Craft One that Catches the Hiring Manager’s Attention (in a Good Way).
You’ve probably heard that many recruiters don’t always read cover letters when they review applications. Unfortunately, despite some grumblings about it being an antiquated practice, many companies still include it as part of their application process. Sure, sometimes they make it optional, but do you really want to risk getting put in the “no” pile because most […]
#Leadership : Three Ways To Improve Your #InterviewProcess So You Can Make Better And Faster #HiringDecisions …These Things Might Not be Rocket Science, But they are Surprisingly Not Done with as Much Consistency or Rigor as you Might Think.
Interviewing may not be the most effective way to evaluate candidates, but it is still the most common. There are other better predictors of job success, but some of those methods require more resources to manage than your company many have. If the interview is all you’ve got, it doesn’t mean that you are relegated to a life […]
Your #Career : Are You Prepared for Your #JobInterview ? Don’t Say Yes Before Reading This….We’ve Simplified your Prep Work into Eight Foolproof Steps, So you can Walk into the #Interview Armed with the Information and Confidence you Need to Seal the Deal.
Getting ready for a big job interview can be stressful, and the best thing you can do to calm your nerves is to ensure you’re adequately prepared. Improvising responses and questions on the spot works for some people, but there’s no reason to leave it up to chance, especially if you have your heart set on a new gig. […]
#Leadership : How To Get Better At Saying “No” ….You Don’t Have to Let the Guilty Voice in your Head Get the Best of You.
You’re running around with a million things to do, and you’ve barely made a dent in your to-do list. Then someone asks you to take on a project you definitely don’t have time for, and you answer “yes” without thinking. Learning to say “no” is an ongoing challenge, but it’s a skill you can refine […]
Your #Career : These Are 4 Types Of #Bosses You’ll Have, And How To Deal With Them…Most Bosses you’ll have Fit into One of These Categories. Here’s How to #Manage Each–and When to Jump Ship.
Many types of people become managers, and they employ many different leadership styles once they do. And considering the wide spectrum of personality traits there are out there, you’d think that would lead to a multitude of managerial types. But according to Ximena Vengoechea, you’d be wrong. A design researcher at Pinterest as well as a Fast Company contributor who writes prolifically about […]
Your #Career : #Recruiters Look At This More Than Your #LinkedIn …Here’s what they are looking for when they scroll through your #Instagram and #Facebook accounts.
When it comes to getting your online profiles ready for a job search, you probably focus your attention on LinkedIn. However, a study by the job search website Simply Hired found that hiring managers are more likely to check your Instagram account. Just 29% of hiring managers look at an applicant’s LinkedIn profile, while 38% search for […]
#Leadership : Why Asking About Current Pay Is the New Taboo for Prospective #Employers … New Laws around the U.S. are trying to Close #WageGaps in the #Workforce
Your next salary offer might look nothing like your current pay. Big companies like Amazon Inc. , Bank of America Corp. and Wells Fargo & Co. say they have instructed recruiters not to ask about salary or benefits a candidate received in other positions, as more employers shift away from using past wages as a guide for setting their future pay. The move stems from […]