Your #Career : These Are 5 Beliefs You Need To Ditch When You’re #JobHunting …When the Going gets Tough, it’s Easy to Succumb to Negative Thoughts. But Try your Best to Get over These Mentalities that Can be Detrimental to your Job Hunt.
We all have different filters through which we see the world that influence our attitudes and behaviors. One filter that is common to many is that of the “victim.” When circumstances become challenging, we sometimes use this “victim filter,” to ease certain ego bruises we experience. This filter leads us to feel victimized by events […]
#Leadership : How To Build A #Community Around Your Business (And Why You Should)…You already Onboard #NewHires . Why Not Do the Same with Customers, Users, Fans, and other Stakeholders?
Whether you know it or not, your business has a community. It could be a formal membership–maybe you offer a subscription-based product, for instance–or just a collection of loyal fans or customers that you should be treating like a community, if you want to stand apart from your competitors. How you treat new community members within the […]
Your #Career : Ask These 3 Questions To Learn Something New At Any #CareerStage …You Need to Shake Off your Inertia Before you Can Start to Vacuum Up New Knowledge and Skills. This Quick Exercise in Self-Examination can Help you Do That.
Forget what you’ve heard about old dogs and new tricks. Even if it were true–and it isn’t–it wouldn’t help you out. The fact is that you’ll need to adapt in order to thrive in the future workplace. And the good news is that our minds are wired with an unquenchable desire to learn, whether we recognize it or not. […]
Your #Career : 14 Everyday Habits That Drain Your Energy…Here are 14 Bad Habits that are Easy to Justify in the Moment, But are Hurtful in the Long Term.
Habits are the foundation of who we are as a person and as a professional. We are the product of our everyday habits, and we choose every day whether we want to improve ourselves, maintain excellence or contribute to our own discontent. But first we must be aware of bad habits, so we can take […]
Your #Career : Why You Didn’t Get the #Job Even After You Had a Great #Interview …Unfortunately, this Happens More Often than One Might Think, but There are Reasons for It, and Sometimes it Might Not have Anything to Do with You.
It’s happened to the best of us. You walk out of an interview feeling great but don’t end up securing the position. Unfortunately, this happens more often than one might think, but there are reasons for it, and sometimes it might not have anything to do with you. You weren’t right for the position According […]
#Leadership : 3 Ways Managers Can Empower #TeamMembers With #MentalHealth Struggles… My views on #MentalHealth went Viral in a Tweet Last Summer – and Revealed just How Taboo the Topic is, Especially in the #Workplace .
The stigma of mental illness never made much sense to Ben Congleton, CEO of live-chat software maker Olark. He’d grown up with kids whose lives improved after they received treatment for their illnesses. He knows one in five U.S. adults experiences mental illness in a given year. He’s always understood mental health is as important as […]
#Leadership : How To Build A #ProductiveTeam (And Weed Out #ToxicBehavior )…Whitney Johnson’s new book, Build An A-Team, is Based in Understanding where Collaborators are on their Learning Curves.
Whitney Johnson isn’t afraid to challenge people to be their best selves. From her books Dare, Dream, Do, to Disrupt Yourself, Johnson puts forth a framework for innovation that starts with empowering the individual to take charge of making change. It’s something she’s learned from personal experience. Originally a classically trained pianist, Johnson went on to become an […]
#Leadership : My Mom With Alzheimer’s Needed Me. My Business Did, Too…Unexpected and Unasked-for Lessons in #Caregiving –In Work, Life, and Death.
When my mother was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, in 2014, she was 86 and already at a late stage of her disease. I was hard at work running my brand marketing agency, and knew I’d need to scale things back in order to care for her. I trimmed my client list and planned for the […]
#Leadership : How Bad Is the #LaborShortage ? Cities Will Pay You to Move There…Towns with Unfilled Jobs are Handing Out Money, Student-Debt Relief and Home-Purchase Assistance to Lure Potential Employees–One by One.
HAMILTON, Ohio—Jobs at the paper mills and safe manufacturers on this stretch of the Great Miami River mostly dried up by the early 2000s, leaving behind closed factories and an abandoned downtown. Today, a spruced-up waterfront, loft apartments and help-wanted signs give the appearance of economic renewal. All that’s missing are workers—and that has prompted […]
Your #Career : How to #Negotiate Beyond the Raise You Were Offered? ….You Get a Strong Review and the Same Old Mediocre 2% Merit Increase you Got Last Year. That’s Disappointing. Is There Anything you Can Do?
It’s been a long year. You changed teams, picked up new projects, started mentoring a couple junior developers, wrote a couple spectacular white papers, or any number of other productive things. If you follow these five steps and find that a larger raise isn’t available within a reasonable timeline, you may need to begin looking for […]