#Leadership : #StressManagement – 5 Ways #NewManagers can Protect Themselves from Burning Out….Don’t Try to Do it All–That’s a Recipe for Disaster.
Your company just promoted you, and you’re a newly minted manager. After a well-deserved celebration and many congratulatory messages, you come face-to-face with one harsh truth that comes with your new role–the lack of empty time slots in your calendar. In my experience, new managers tend to make one crucial mistake–trying to do it all. They […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – How to Use #LinkedIn to Add Cold Contacts…Your #Career is About Who you Know, Sure. But it’s Also about Who You can Get to Know. That’s where LinkedIn Comes In.
With over 400 million users, there’s no question LinkedIn reigns supreme as the go-to professional network. From your former roommate to the stranger with your dream job, every savvy woman (and man) seems to have an active account where they regularly post references, professional recommendations, and recommended reads. If you’re like most users, you’ve probably taken a laissez-faire approach to […]
#Leadership : #StressManagement – The Difference Between Routine #Burnout & Something Serious…These Days, Most Jobs Come with a Dose of Stress. But if you Can’t Sleep at Night Due to the Anxiety, you Might Have a Bigger Problem.
Have you ever had that feeling when the thought of going to work makes you physically ill? What was once your dream job becomes something you dread on a daily basis. You tell yourself that it’s just a phase, but it’s been days of feeling like this and you can’t seem to generate that spark […]
#CareerAdvice : #Networking – How I Leveraged an #InformationalInterview to Land a #Job …Networking is Something that I Didn’t Value (or even really understand) Before I Stumbled into my First Informational Interview.
THE INITIAL MEETING : There was a woman in one of my first master’s classes who was very well spoken, and generally quite impressive. Our class only met once a month, and each time she left an impression on me. Finally, after the last class, I approached her and asked if I could meet her for […]
#CareerAdvice : #SalaryNegotiations -Why Summer is the Best Time of Year to Ask for a #Promotion And Why Fall is the Worst Time… If you’re Looking for a Promotion, Now’s the Time to Act.
After reviewing data from 3.5 million employees at about 80 companies, workforce analytics provider Visier Analytics found that summer is the best time to get promoted. “Traditionally, organizations award promotions as recognition for a good year of performance,” says Ian Cook, head of workforce solutions for Visier. “They usually follow a cycle, such as reviews […]
#Leadership : #WorkPlace – All your #CoWorkers’ Weird Behavior, Explained…. A Psychologist Breaks Down the Three Factors that Drive most People’s Actions. Understand These, and your Colleagues’ Behavior Won’t Seem so Puzzling.
Succeeding at work requires understanding other people’s actions and the motivations behind them: Did your colleague intentionally word her email in a way meant to undermine your credibility? Did your client fail to call back because he’s thinking of using another supplier? Did your boss pass you in the hallway without smiling because she’s angry […]
#CareerAdvice : #CareerNetworking – Three Surprising Ways your #Network can Help your #JobSearch … #Networking Doesn’t Always Lead to #Referrals or #Introductions to #HiringManagers . But Sometimes your Contacts can Prove Helpful in Ways you Hadn’t Expected.
My professional network has never led directly to a job opportunity. I’ve had people on the inside graciously pass along my resume and extend referrals, but while I’ve landed interviews this way, they’ve never crystallized into an offer. In fact, every job offer I’ve ever received has come about the old-fashioned way: by applying to […]
#BestofFSCBlog : #JobSearch – Four(4) Crucial Tips for Writing the Interview Thank You Note. So you Really Want this Job?
So you really want this job? You have likely already written a captivating cover letter, undergone a brief phone interview and finally, were invited into the office for an interview. The interview went swimmingly (because you prepped for it like a pro)? Awesome! Now that you’re exiting the office building of your (hopeful) future job, it’s time for your […]
#Leadership : #HiringEmployees – Here’s What Most People get Wrong about “Passion”….These Days, many People See Passion as Something they Either Have or Don’t Have. Here Are the Reasons Why That’s the Wrong Mentality.
Yes, it’s cliché. But while we all seem to get that marriage requires more than a little love and affection, there’s still this pervasive myth that passion is the secret key to your career. Don’t get me wrong. Passion counts for a lot, especially if you’re tasked with convincing someone to give you a shot. […]
#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 6 Ways to Make the Skills Section Shine on a #Resume …Here are a Few More Tips on How to Make the #SkillsSection on your Resume Truly Shine.
For many resume writers, the “skills section” presents a unique quagmire. On the one hand, you want to showcase as many skills as you can to show your competence. On the other hand, you don’t want to make it look like you’re padding your resume, and you definitely don’t want to list skills that you’re […]