#CareerAdvice : #JobChange – 8 Warning Signs that You’re in a #CareerRut (and how to get out)…Do you Secretly Browse #JobListings and No Longer Look Forward to your Company’s Annual Conference? It Might Be Time to Make some Changes.
A rut is never a fun place to be in, but it happens to nearly all of us at some point in our careers. Perhaps you’ve been working in a job for a while, doing the same tasks, working with the same people in the same office every day. Suddenly you wake up one morning […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Can Your #Boss Help You Get Another Job Elsewhere? Yes, Here’s How…Anyone Can Say That They are a Great Employee, but Very Few People can Show It.
One of the most important factors of a great resume is including data to back up your claim of being a great employee. Anyone can say that they are a great employee, but very few people can show it. If you can articulate what you’ve accomplished and what you can bring to the table, this will greatly […]
#CareerAdvice : This is How you can Disagree with Senior Management and Keep your Job…When it Comes to Presenting your Arguments the Right Way, you First Need to Decide if you’re Disagreeing for the Right Reasons.
Life is made up of disagreements large and small, with everyone from your spouse, kids, or parents, to strangers on the street. But perhaps one of the most fraught and stressful situations is when you disagree with the person who can decide whether you keep your job. So how can you argue with your boss […]
#CareerAdvice – #ResumeWriting – Three (3) #ResumeTips to Ignore Right Now…Don’t Waste Valuable Hours Making Changes that Won’t Make Much of a Difference.
Writing a resume can be a lot of work. Not only do you have to condense the entirety of your career and knowledge into just one page of paper–you have to customize it for the position and company you’re applying to, proofread it, and revise it until it’s perfect (your resume is, after all, the most important […]
#Leadership : #Productivity – This is How to Fix your 3 Biggest Problems with your CoWorkers .
Your coworkers may look busy, but if you’re not sure what they do all day, you’re not alone. According to the State of Work Report 2018 by the project management platform Workfront, 86% of us don’t have a clear sense of what our colleagues are working on. We also believe that we’re the most productive employees at […]
#Leadership : #TeamBuilding – Why you Need to Make your #Team Uncomfortable from Time to Time….It’s Crucial to have a Sense of Community in the #Workplace, but Too Much Comfort can Hinder Progress.
People get comfortable with where they sit, what projects they work on, and what teams they are responsible for. For leaders, no‑drama days where everyone does their thing without any complaints or conflict feel great–so they assume that a calm, hassle-free existence is the one that produces the best work. As a result, they optimize […]
#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – Stop Wasting Your Time on These 3 #Resume Tips…If you Want a Stellar Resume, but Don’t want to Waste Time with Unnecessary Tweaks, Read On.
Writing a resume can be a lot of work. Not only do you have to condense the entirety of your career and knowledge into just one page of paper — you have to customize it for the position and company you’re applying to, proofread it and revise it until it’s perfect (your resume is, after all, the […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 8 Secrets #Recruiters Won’t Tell You (But Really Want To)…There is Confidential Information that, Unfortunately, Recruiters Cannot Divulge.
Recruiters may seem intimidating, but they genuinely want the best for both candidates and the company. Good recruiters want you to have the best experience possible during the application and interview process — but even though they want the best for you, there are some things that they just can’t share. Salary bands, candidate competition, internal HR tactics […]
#CareerAdvice : #SalaryNegoiations – Four Things you Absolutely Must Do in your #SalaryNegotiation …Keep These Tips on Hand the Next Time you’re #Interviewing for a #NewJob or Angling for a #Raise .
Countless job seekers and employees still struggle with negotiating salaries and advocating for themselves. But let’s say you’ve worked yourself up to asking for a higher salary. You could still be missing out on perks that can further enhance your compensation package–and they may not be that far out of reach. “The whole salary negotiation […]
#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 9 Important Things to Discuss With #HR Before Accepting a #NewJob …If you are Offered a #NewPosition, Here are Nine Important Things that you Need to Talk With HR about Before you Accept the Offer.
At one time, many people had the mindset that jobs were hard to come by, so they should take whatever was offered to them with no questions asked. Today, people are becoming choosier about their career paths, and they know that they are deserving of more than the bare minimum. In our job seeker-driven labor […]