#CareerAdvice – #JobSearch – How to Organize Your Job Search

When on the hunt for a job, it’s not uncommon to be applying for multiple opportunities at once. This is especially true for those of us just starting out in our careers. But multiple applications mean different resume versions, various cover letters and many, many different deadlines to keep track of. With so many moving parts at once, it’s easy […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 6 Hacks to Save Time During Your Job Search

“It’s important for job candidates to conserve mental and emotional energy so that they’re better able to communicate their strengths, skills and unique value proposition with confidence,” says Macken. “Taking an approach that prioritizes discernment and efficiency can not only save candidates time, but position them for what can be a long … process of […]

#CareerAdvice : #LeadershipDevelopment – Why being a Manager is a Career Change, Not a Promotion

Almost two years ago, I fell into becoming a manager. In my past career, I never thought that this would happen. Most of my life I’ve been a maker: working as an engineer, solving technical problems and building apps, products, or just circuit boards. People management was a huge change. I learned a lot of things […]

#JobSearch : 6 Ways to Use the Holidays for #Networking . A #MustRead Now!

The holidays are the time for gatherings and good cheer, and that makes them a natural time for networking. Business is about relationships, and sharing kind wishes and getting some face time can help to strengthen them. Since the season is a busy one, make the most of your connections by creating a plan. Here […]

#CareerAdvice : How to Talk to Anyone from the CEO to the Interns at your #CompanyHolidayParty … Great Read!

It’s that time of year when parties fill your calendar. Mingling with both people you know very well and those you never speak to, you might be you a little nervous. But little nervousness goes a long way to helping you get ready. Saying the wrong things can be career limiting, just as saying the […]

#Leadership : How to Manage Your Team’s Calendar During the Holidays

The end of the last quarter is a time of rest for many, but founders and their teams keep working hard to set up their companies for success in the new year. Just because the grind never stops, however, does not mean that founders should take their teams for granted. But there are ways to […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – The Surprising Ways Companies Assess Job Applicants…

For every job seeker looking for their dream job, there is also a company hoping to find its dream employee. In order to find the perfect match, companies are learning to get more creative during the hiring process to streamline the search for the perfect candidate. But with so many applicants applying to a position, how does […]

#Leadership : Six Entrepreneurs Share Tricks For Diffusing Office Conflicts…Arguments are bound to happen. Here’s how to deal with them.

Below are ideas/concepts from the following Entrepreneurs to manage your company’s conflict: 1. Confront it. “If people come to me with a conflict, my first question is whether they’ve addressed the person or people directly. If they haven’t, I send them back. I’m clear about this expectation from day one, and employees’ performance reviews include […]

#WorkLife : When People Would Rather Work with Competent Jerks than Likable Fools…When Money is on the Line, a New Study finds, People give Less Weight to Social Warmth.

You can fill a room with studies on leadership that hail the importance of being a likable, honest, caring, and modest boss. In the work world, however, that’s not what people want most. When people have a chance to choose whom to work with, and their own success depends in part on those people, a new […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Want to Look for a Job in 2019? Start by Doing these Things Right Now! …You Don’t have to Start Looking in December, But Doing the Groundwork Ahead of Time Can Help you Hit the Ground Running when 2019 starts.

Most people looking for a job put it on hold in December. That’s generally because hiring slows down during the holiday season as people take vacations and lose time to seasonal events, and companies do other year-end activities like budgeting and employee evaluations. December may not be when you’ll land a lot of interviews for permanent work, […]