#BestofFSCBlog : How To Find A Full-Time Job When You’re Over 50. Great Read!

With unemployment at all-time lows, now might be the best time for you to be looking for a full-time job. The challenges, however, are greater if you’re over 50 years old.

According to data compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average it takes those 55 to 64 two weeks longer to find a job compared to those 20 years and older. (The news is worse if you’re 65 and older, where this average duration of unemployment is 10 weeks longer.)

It seems the idea of early retirement hasn’t caught on with those in their 50s (and even beyond).

“Our research shows that experienced workers are staying on the job longer or looking for a job for two reasons,” says Susan K. Weinstock, Vice President, Financial Resilience Programming at AARP. “Financially, they need the money, and, secondly, they like their job and find it fulfilling and want to keep working.”

Bankrate regularly surveys workers regarding their financial circumstances. Its data confirms what AARP found for those working well past age 50.

“When Bankrate asked Americans who were neither retired nor permanently disabled about their retirement savings, more than half said they were behind where they should have been,” says Mark Hamrick, Senior Economic Analyst at Bankrate.com.

“For members of Generation X (age 39-54), the percentage was 63% and Boomers (age 55-73), 54% said they were behind on their retirement savings. No doubt many people who would otherwise be candidates to retire seek to remain in the workforce because they feel they need income, or to further boost their savings. Others may choose to work as a means of remaining engaged and active.”

If you’re like many older workers, you may prefer to retain your current position. But what if your present employer can’t accommodate you? It may have been decades since you last tried to look for a new job. What has changed since then? What do you have to do differently today to land full-time employment?


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Bryan Zawikowski has been a recruiter for 25 years and is the vice president and general manager of the military transition division for Lucas Group. Forbes ranked Lucas Group as one of the top 10 executive search firms in the nation in 2019. Zawikowski’s team works with many people who find themselves either changing careers or looking for new jobs later in life. He shares the following advice:

“What are the best practices?”

·        To thine own self be true: “Don’t try to hide your age. It doesn’t work, and you end up looking either vain or foolish—maybe both.”

·        Polish up your online presence: “Your LinkedIn profile should be very professional, including the photograph.”

·        Emphasize your real-world experience: “No ‘functional’ resumes. They end up in the trash.”

·        Brevity is the soul of wit: “Maximum 2-page resume. The further back in your work history you go, the less detail there should be.”

“What are the easiest ways to make it happen?”

·        Recalculate: “Be financially prepared to take a step back in compensation (either scale back your lifestyle or be prepared to dip into savings if need be).”

·        Re-calibrate: “Be emotionally and mentally prepared to work for someone younger and perhaps more talented than you.”

·        Circulate: “Network with former classmates, former work colleagues, friends and acquaintances that know something about your desired career path.”

·        Captivate: “Have a GREAT story about why you are interested in this new career field and why you’d be good at it.”

“What are the do’s and don’ts?”

·        DO something you enjoy: “Pick a career that you are really into, something that energizes you and somewhere you look forward to going to work most days.”

·        DO maintain your health: “Stay physically active. You don’t have to be a marathon runner, but do something to keep your energy level up.”

·        DO continue to learn: “Read as much as you can about your new career field.”

·        DON’T lie: You can’t “pretend to be an expert at something just because you were good at something else.”

·        DON’T assume the status quo: You’ll be disappointed if you “think you will be able to make a lateral move from where you are in your current career field.”

·        DON’T be unrealistic: You’ll only hurt yourself more if you “sacrifice more than you can afford to in terms of compensation. Retirement isn’t too far away and you don’t want to jeopardize that.”

You are the master of your own destiny. If you want to find a job, you can. No matter what your age.

Forbes.com | January 17, 2020 | Chris Carosa

9 Important Things to Discuss With HR Before Accepting a New Job.

At one time, many people had the mindset that jobs were hard to come by, so they should take whatever was offered to them with no questions asked.

Today, people are becoming choosier about their career paths, and they know that they are deserving of more than the bare minimum. In our job seeker-driven labor market, people aren’t content to take anything that is being offered, and they know that they need to ask certain questions to make sure that they are going to be treated like a valued employee and not just a number. 

If you are offered a new position, here are nine important things that you need to talk with HR about before you accept the offer.

1. Ask About Benefits 

It is important to know what is included in the benefits package. If the benefits are not appealing, this may not be the right company for you to work at. Find out about provider options, how much you have to pay into the health plan yourself, what is covered (including prescriptions and specialty services), if dental and vision care is covered, etc. These days, with the high cost of health care, it is important to know that you have excellent health care coverage through your employer.

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2. Ask if the Salary Is Negotiable

Depending on the employer, and the job being offered, the salary may or may not be set in stone. Most employers aren’t going to come right out and tell you that salaries are negotiable because they want to pay as little as possible. This is information you are going to need to dig for, so you are just going to have to come right out and ask. You will never know unless you do, after all. Besides, you may be pleasantly surprised by the answer. In many cases, if the candidate has enough to offer an employer, the employer is going to be more than willing to negotiate the salary a little bit.

3. Ask About Other Perks

These days, it is not always enough for companies to offer competitive wages and benefits packages. The more perks a company offers, the more attractive the job offer is going to be. So, you need to find out what other perks might be available to you should you decide to accept the position being offered. Perks can be anything from flexible shifts and working hours to office parties to paid time off and more. Some of the best perks to ask about are advancement training and promotion opportunities.

4. Ask about Vacation Time

Now may not seem like the most appropriate time to ask about vacations, but it is as good a time as any. Plus, you need to know before you take the job if you are going to actually be able to take vacations at all. Some companies only let you take time off that is unpaid, while others offer paid vacations once you have worked for them for a certain amount of time. Don’t forget to ask if you can roll over any unused vacation days and use them in the following year. My doctor told me that Cialis is probably my best chance to improve my sexual performance, so I wasted no time in ordering it at Cial4ED. And I am glad to announce that he was right about it! It didn’t go too smoothly: I felt nothing first few times and he allowed me to increase the dose. The result is nothing short of spectacular! My wife is even happier than I am!

5. Ask What Other Employees Say About the Company

You can tell a lot about a company by listening to what current and past employees have to say about it. If it is a good company to work for, the HR person should have no problem telling you what employees are saying about the company, and even find people within the company for you to talk to. (Of course, you can always check Glassdoor reviews as well!) If you find out that the employees are happy in their jobs, chances are you will be as well, and that this is a company that you would like to work for.

6. Ask About Incentive Compensation 

Some companies will give bonuses to their employees as compensation for certain incentives, such as taking on additional responsibilities, pay raises based on performance, etc. Find out if monetary bonuses are offered, and if so, what the criteria are to be eligible for these bonuses. The more you know about how you will be compensated, the more you will strive to really earn those bonuses and be the very best that you can be when it comes to doing your job.

7. Ask About Relocation Expenses 

If you are going to have to relocate in order to take the position, you need to find out if the company is going to help with any of the relocating expenses. Obviously, they are not going to pay for everything, but if they expect you to move for them, they should be expected to help in some way. For instance, they may offer to pay a percentage of the actual moving expenses or put you up in a rental unit until you are able to find an appropriate and affordable place to live.

8. Ask About Education Opportunities

Many companies will offer incentives for employees to go back to school or receive additional training that is going to help them advance in their careers. In fact, this is one way that companies can ensure long-term employees, because these employees are grateful for the help, and want to give back. Some companies will pay for a portion of tuition, and some even allow you to take a leave of absence in order to get your degree. The more education you have, the more you will have to offer your employer, and they often recognize this and will help.

9. Ask for Everything in Writing 

Ask if you can have the job offer, and everything that you have agreed on, in writing. This way, there is little chance that the employer is going to pull back on the offer. A written agreement is much more binding than an oral agreement, and if you have everything on paper, they can’t turn around later and say that something wasn’t part of the offer, add work that isn’t in the job description. If they don’t want to give you anything in writing, it is a good sign that this may not be the best company for you to work at.


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5 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make When Searching For Resume Help Online. Before You Pay, Read This!

Resume help can be found all over the web. There are resume templates and builders to help format your resume, online tools to identify important industry keywords, resume samples to get inspiration from, and articles like this one containing tips and tricks to help elevate your resume to the next level.

In fact, there are so many resources to choose from that sometimes its hard to pick out whats actually accurate and useful. Like anything you Google on the internet, theres going to be a lot of hogwash that just isnt worth your time. So with this in mind, here are 5 mistakes you should avoid when searching for resume help online.  

Mistake 1: Believing the first thing you read

Your resume may be printed in black and white, but how you should actually go about writing your resume certainly isnt that simple. Blanket statements that “resumes should never exceed one page” or that resumes should never include an objective statement” are thrown around willy-nilly by self-proclaimed resume experts all the time. Sadly though, things are almost never this simple. Many of these pieces of advice are oftentimes only applicable in certain situations, and sometimes just downright incorrect.

Before treating the first piece of advice you read as gospel, be sure to do some more research. Ask yourself: Whats the logic behind the advice? Does the advice apply to everyone at all job levels and in all industries? Is the advice an oversimplification of the truth? Do all resume experts agree on it? 


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Mistake 2: Paying for something you can get for free

Lets get two things straight here. First, whatever type of resume help youre searching for, chances are theres a way to get it for free. Whether its resume builders, resume templates, resume samples, resume critiques, or resume articles, you can easily find free options for all of these resources. 

Second, just because theres a paid option doesnt mean its any better than the free option. This is the trap many of us can fall prey to. We see a fancy resume template that costs $20, and we immediately think it must somehow be better than all the free templates weve been staring at for the past hour because one costs money and the others do not. In actuality, paid templates are oftentimes too over-the-top and not compatible with applicant tracking systems.

Mistake 3: Hoping resume builders will solve all your problems

Resume writing can be a very painstakingly difficult and drawn-out process. This is why many job seekers turn to online resume builders with the hope that they will make the writing process a whole lot more bearable. Unfortunately, this is all just wishful thinking. 

For the most part, resume builders really only help you with formatting your resume by providing an assortment of different resume templates to switch between. While this certainly is a handy feature, resume builders are completely useless when it comes to helping you with what youre likely really struggling with – writing the actual content of your resume. So, if youre looking for help with highlighting your work achievements and constructing each bullet point, dont get swept up in all the hype resume builders are getting these days.

Mistake 4: Not utilizing resume samples

If resume builders are the most overrated tool, I daresay the most underrated resource you can use would be industry-specific resume samples. While everything else you find online merely tells you how to write a resume, resume samples actually show you how a well-written resume should look like – and thats priceless.

Ive had so many job seekers over the years ask me to critique their current resume, and many of them looked nothing like how professional resumes should appear. Whether its using a poor design, personal pronouns, paragraphs instead of bullet points, or oversized fonts, job applicants often make a ton of fundamental mistakes that can easily be avoided by perusing online resume samples in order to understand the basic mechanics of a resume.

Mistake 5: Failing to realize when to use resume writing services

The crème de la crème – that is the standard you should be setting for your resume. However, if writing has just never been your forte or if English isnt your native language, it can be nearly impossible to get your resume to that level of excellence all by yourself – even with all the online resources out there at your disposal. If thats the situation youre in, you should consider asking for professional help.

Now keep in mind, this is by far the most expensive alternative to take when it comes to having your resume written. Even as the CEO of a resume service myself, I would only suggest using a resume writing service as a last resort. However, if you are certain that you cant write a stellar resume on your own and can afford to spend a few hundred dollars on a resume, then going with a resume writing service may be the best decision you can make for your career.

Its honestly awesome that there are so many ways the internet can help you with writing your resume. However, dont just dive into this without any strategy in place. With so much at your disposal, its important to identify what types of help are out there and what exactly you need help with.


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Hate Your Job? Stop Complaining And Take Action

As a career coach, I hear every complaint under the sun as to why someone doesn’t like their job. I also see people get into the rut of constantly complaining about the situation without feeling empowered or responsible to do anything about it.

But it’s a new decade, and a perfect time to seek new opportunities. According to Glassdoor, in January, there are 22% more job applications started on their site than in a typical month. Take advantage of a fresh new year to create your own fresh start.

Below are some tips to help you transform your current career roadblocks into guides for taking action.

1.    Assume abundance vs. limited options. This is the first thing that needs to be tackled. The mindset that there are no options is the number one reason that people throw their hands up and take on the role of a victim. Though there are definite roadblocks that people face such as geography and experience limitations, we are experiencing a great job market at the moment. Even in tougher times, opportunities exist that go beyond your geography due to the accessibility that online businesses and work from home options that are available.


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2.    Look at where job growth and demand are already abundant. Glassdoor is a great resource to get you thinking about what’s possible. They’ve just released their annual report that reveals the 50 Best Jobs in America. They’ve researched which jobs based on earning potential, job satisfaction and job openings. It’s a great place to get ideas of where you might want to invest some time and energy.

3.    Align your career choices to your personal purpose. Though job growth and market trends are insightful of where the job market is going, it shouldn’t solely dictate your career decisions. The clearer you are on what your individual purpose is, the more proactive you can be in building a career that supports that. People who are clear as to how their job supports their individual goals tend to have higher levels of job satisfaction. If I know this job is really about creating time for me to be with my family over rapid growth, then I’ll enjoy a more low-key environment. On the other hand, if I’m all about taking on complex challenges then long hours will feel worthwhile.

4.    Shift to listening for the opportunities and guidance vs. obsessing over your grievances. If you find yourself hating your job, don’t waste your time complaining. Instead, tune in to what the situation is challenging you to do. Should you be going back to school to set you up to qualify for the job you want? Do you need to speak up and make sure your viewpoint is heard? Do you need to finally take that step you’ve been afraid to take towards your dream but risky career path? This isn’t about falsely sugar coating your situation. It’s about using your experiences as a compass vs. getting sucked into a victim mindset.

5.    Take one step at a time. Too often, people are waiting for all the pieces of the puzzle to be perfectly clear and understandable. That’s no way to make things happen. Instead, know what steps you can take while you figure things out. You can usually start reaching out to people that may have more information on what you’re looking to do. At the very least, you can start to look up websites, send away for information and read up on companies or jobs that you’re interested in.

Author:  H.V. MacArthur

Forbes.com | January 15, 2020

Must Read: How To Make Career Decisions Without An Ounce Of Regret.

These days, we have access to nearly unlimited resources, advice, and tools to help us plan our career paths.  Of course, that makes things pretty tricky, too.

Often, there are a seemingly infinite number of paths you could take or opportunities to pursue. How do you know what the right decision or direction is? There’s nothing taught in school about how to manage career decisions with confidence.

Because of this, we often make decisions based on the advice we get from others: bosses, colleagues, even well-meaning friends and family members. Or, we make them out of pressure or desperation, when we’re feeling the least confident and most unsure of the next step. 

This is a recipe for career regret. When you make decisions that aren’t right for you, you won’t be happy, and your work will likely suffer, too.

How, then, can you make decisions without regretting them?  The solution depends on doing the following six things:

1. Know Your Zone Of Genius

Your Zone of Genius provides two essential data points to great performance: your Genius and your Purpose. Your Genius is the kind of thinking or problem-solving you’re best at. Your Purpose is the impact on the world or others that’s most meaningful to you. Know this, and you can confidently determine whether or not a potential decision—like accepting a promotion or taking on a new role—is a great fit. If you can’t be challenged intellectually or fulfilled by the impact it has on others, then it’s a definite no.

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2. Build Your Confidence Muscle

Confidence can seem fairly elusive like it’s a trait that some people have and others simply don’t. First and foremost, forget that. After years of working with successful executives, I’m here to tell you: Everyone deals with confidence issues. It’s universal. However, it is absolutely possible to build up your confidence over time—and when you do so, it’ll be a whole lot easier to make those big decisions with ease.

Start by telling yourself every day that you appreciate and value yourself. This may sound hokey, but the way to rewire your brain is to re-write the messages you tell yourself. If you typically tell yourself negative things, then over-riding those messages with positive ones will start to make you feel different.

3. Seek Support Instead Of Advice

Advice is everywhere! And, more often than not, it’s based on what worked for that one person or situation. But just because it worked for someone else’s career path, doesn’t mean it’ll work for yours.

You need to filter advice through the lens of, “Does this make sense for me? Does this excite me?” If it doesn’t, discard it and move on—no matter who gave it to you. Instead, seek out people who will take the time to know who you are, understand what’s right for you, and support you in the process of figuring things out.

4. Be Clear About What You Want

Create a vision for yourself and your career. Where do you want to be in the next three years? What do you want to focus on, and what do you want to give up? What are the key goals you have? Make sure your vision is exciting and energizing for you to think about.

Once you have this vision in place, use it to help you make decisions. When facing new projects or opportunities, consider: Will this decision help you actualize your vision? If not then the answer is no; if so then it’s an easy yes.

5. Appreciate And Value Who You Are—Not Extrinsic Rewards 

This one is so important. If you don’t appreciate yourself, then you’re going to be more easily swayed by extrinsic rewards such as prestige, money, and perks. Because when you’re not happy or don’t love yourself, you need more external validation.

The reality is, external rewards will never do anything other than give you a small blip of joy, and then you’ll need another one right after. Appreciating and valuing yourself is more valuable than anything you can get. Make this a priority.

6. Resist Conformity

The urge to conform is powerful. We want to be a part of the group, and being an outsider can be painful. It’s instinctual to change who you are to fit in.

Resist this. It can be difficult, but ultimately if conforming means losing yourself or letting go of your values, don’t do it. The best decisions are made when you’re being absolutely true to who you are.

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I am a performance strategist, Mother, TEDx speaker, and author of, “The Genius Habit”. I work with CEOs and executives to identify their unique genius and purpose an…

Forbes.com | January 15, 2020

How to Change Careers. 5 Steps to a Successful Career Change.

You went to college to become, let’s say, an accountant, but after five years in the business, crunching numbers all day for a corporation isn’t doing it for you. Instead, you think you’d like to have a career in the arts—a 180-degree change from your previous nine to five job.

You’re nervous. Is it even possible to make such a big career change, you wonder. We’re here to tell you not only is it possible, but it’s probable—if you’re willing to take the correct steps to achieve your career dreams. Here’s how you can change careers and get a new job.

Follow Your Gut

You’re unhappy in your current field or you wouldn’t want to make this change. But instead of wallowing in your misery, recommends Aurora Meneghello, founder of Repurpose Your Purpose, you should take the risk and apply for something new. “It may be disappointing to hear, but you probably won’t know what to do and how to be successful at it until you do it,” she says. “You will have to follow that hunch that you should be doing something else and then try to do something different, fail, pivot and try again until you find your calling.”

She continues, “You might not experience an epiphany before quitting your current job, but when you finally find the right career, you will know for sure.” The point, she says, is to try.

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Focus Your Job Search

Now that you know you’re ready to change careers—and you’re ready to follow your gut—it’s time to start a job search. But you don’t want to apply to any ol’ job in your new chosen field, or you could end up back where you started—unhappy and looking for yet another change. So, when you launch your job search, “be clear on what you want, why you want it and what qualifies you,” even if this is a brand-new field for you, advises career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide Roy Cohen. Because, “without clarity from the very start, virtually every stage that follows will be based on little more than a hunch—and that is an extremely fragile foundation for navigating a dynamic job search.”

Cohen says your job search should include some form of self-assessment. “It could involve taking a standardized assessment instrument, keeping a journal, or talking with people whose advice and feedback you value—friends, family, or a career coach,” he says. “The goal is to achieve self-awareness in the form of a career target.” After that, “the next—and equally important step—is a reality check,” Cohen says. “Here is where you determine that the goal you selected makes sense. Is it appropriate for you and is it attainable?”

Whip Your Resume Into Shape

While you may not have experience in the field you’d like to enter everyone has what are called transferable skills—skills any manager would want their employees to have. These skills are very important to highlight when you’re making a career change, according to career coach and resume writer Anish Majumdar. In fact, Majumdar insists, after a certain number of years as a worker, your training and education take a backseat to skills such as:

  • Managing change, i.e. can you handle change well?
  • Communication, i.e., can you build relationships, manage conflict, and influence people in positive ways?
  • Leadership, i.e., can you coalesce people around a vision for the future?
  • Complex problem solving, i.e., can you find the opportunity in adversity?

Take a look at the new job and career field you’d like to enter and identify which of these transferable skills will be the most valuable. Then, make them stand out on your resume.

Majumdar recommends you show—rather than tell—your transferable skills on your resume. Think: hard numbers and facts. For example, if you’ve managed change well in the past, she suggests writing something like, “mitigated the effects of a $42 million revenue shortfall as a result of new policy affecting direct marketing efforts [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][and] led a digital marketing campaign that cut a $42 million loss into a $5 million loss in eight months.”

Network, Network, Network

Much like dating, scoring a job — in your current industry or in another one — is about getting out there. Putting yourself in networking situations will help you, one, speak to people in the industry about trends, companies hiring and current happenings. It will also allow you the opportunity to vocalize your intent to change careers.

It’s not enough to simply apply to jobs in a new industry, you must speak up for yourself and let your network know that you are actively looking for a new job and that you are taking the steps (i.e. Taking classes, learning new skills, rebranding yourself, etc) to position yourself for the change.

A big no-no when networking is coming right out and asking someone you’ve just met for a job. Sure you may be eager, but nurture the relationship a bit before launching into asks. While speaking directly is important in business, being this direct is downright presumptuous and rude. When networking, it’s risky to ask for a job from a new acquaintance. It’s just as risky to request a reference, especially if you’ve just met the person. Networking should yield a mutually beneficial relationship, not an Aladdin and the genie arrangement. Your wish is not their command.

Lastly, remember to think beyond your intended industry. Industries and careers are more fluid than ever, so having a network beyond your immediate skill set may give you a leg up when you plan your next career move.

Instead of looking specifically to cultivate your network, try to find ways to meet more people organically through your interests outside of work. Join a running group or start talking to the regulars at your yoga class. Volunteer or attend a fundraising event in your community. The point isn’t to talk work — it’s just to expand the group of people you know.

Consider Informational Interviews

As you’re choosing your new career—and applying for new jobs in your chosen field—consider setting up a few informational interviews with people who are doing what you’d one day like to do. They can give you solid advice on how to enter the field and impress in an interview, which is invaluable information to someone completely new to the industry.

“The best way to get a meeting with decision makers is to ask for informational meetings with them,” says April Klimkiewicz, career coach and owner of bliss evolution. “Rather than the ‘hard sell’ of ‘I’m looking for a job, do you know of anything,’ this informational meeting takes the ‘soft-sell’ approach of asking for information and for them to share their story so you gain advice for your job search and career journey.” Don’t be nervous to ask for a face-to-face, Klimkiewicz encourages. “People who are happy in their work generally love to talk about what made them successful,” she says, “so if you reach out to decision makers and ask for informational meetings, it’s only a matter of time” before someone says they’ll meet.

Don’t Be Afraid to Apply

You’ve found your dream job. You’ve whipped your resume into shape. You’ve talked with people in your new career field. And yet, you’re still afraid to apply because you could get rejected. Apply anyway, encourages Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, MRW. “If you feel stuck in toxicity at work, then do something that feels tangible,” she says. “For example, if you want a job at a specific company, send a resume there. Even getting a rejection letter—or in some cases, no response—is better than doing nothing. In other words, the energy vibe you will feel—the palpable traction—will be invigorating.. The act of composing a cover letter and focusing yourself on an action that may resolve your work discord is empowering.”



#BestofFSCBlog :How To Cope When Your Career Hits A Wall. The Challenge is that When Bad Things Happen, Most People become Shell Shocked.

You’d love to start the new year filled with excitement and high hopes for your career. For many, unfortunately, just because we flip the page in a calendar, it doesn’t mean their work-life miraculously changes overnight. For some people, things are not working out at all. You take on more of a mental and emotional burden, as society says you should be charging into 2020 feeling great and ready to succeed.

Although we have a reported red-hot economy with record levels of employment, not everyone is benefiting or doing well. Sometimes, it’s due to matters out of their control. Your company may be relocating jobs to lower-cost cities and countries or deploying artificial intelligence and new technologies, which results in the loss of a job. 

Surround yourself with a support group consisting of family and friends who can cheer you on and pick you up when you feel down. 

Sometimes you’re in a good job, but you feel stuck. There is a roadblock on the corporate ladder. Your managers are not going anywhere soon and you can’t see any path forward. You can be in an industry that is undergoing serious changes and you’re beset by anxiety over what to do next. It’s especially difficult when you’re over the age of 40, earning a certain salary level and it becomes clearly obvious that companies would rather hire a younger and less costly person. Alternatively, you may be relatively young, possess fantastic abilities, but are overlooked because you don’t have some grey hairs.

The challenge is that when bad things happen, most people become shell shocked. They are used to a pretty good run of a career and have never really confronted any major setbacks. Their initial response is disbelief that their job is going nowhere or may be eliminated. It’s easy for them to pretend that this isn’t happening and the circumstances will change in their favor. The problem is that the longer you ignore the upcoming train coming your way, the harder it is to get off the tracks to safety.

Here is what you need to do if your career is hitting a wall and you’re paralyzed with fear, indecision, disbelief, and frustration. 

Don’t Ignore The Problem—Acknowledge What’s Happening

It’s the path of least resistance to hope the problem will just go away. You scoff at the thought that you could be replaced by technology or a junior person in India. The natural tendency is to think that your boss will come around and recognize how awesome you are, your nasty co-workers will change their tune and become your allies, the company pulls out of its death spiral or the takeover by your competitor will never happen.

You need to acknowledge what is actually happening. Hopefully, things will work out your way, but you can’t depend upon hope alone. It’s okay to want to believe that things will improve, but you need to plan for the worst-case outcome. You need to accept the reality and start planning for your next move.

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It’s Not Just You

If you read the biographies of successful people, such as Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling and Albert Einstein, you’ll notice that they’ve all failed—sometimes often and spectacularly. It’s extremely rare for someone to steadily climb forward in their career without any major setbacks.

The challenge is that society likes to talk about and reward those who are already successful. We are beset online and in the media with celebrities who have wealth, privilege and fame. When you scroll through Facebook and Instagram, you see a cultivated awesome lifestyle of your friends that makes you feel inadequate.

This is not reality. In real life, most people fail many times. They face job losses, businesses that go bankrupt, make investments that blow up and miss out on the big promotion. What makes matters tough for you is that our culture doesn’t like to talk about the people who are struggling, so you feel alone.

The key is to recognize that the best and brightest understand that the need to accept and deal with rejection, failure and bad luck. They view it as all part of the game. By recognizing it’s not just you, but that everyone is going through the same travails, it could offer some solace and peace of mind.

Push Yourself To Engage 

When you experience a career setback, it’s natural to withdraw. You don’t want to have to tell your family and friends that you lost your job or the promotion you told everyone about didn’t materialize. To avoid awkwardness in social settings, people pull back. They withdraw into a cocoon in their sanctuary, which is home.

This is the direct opposite of what you need to do. When you are experiencing career-related challenges, that’s the time to engage with people You need to let others know what’s happening; they may have some answers for you or leads on new opportunities. They may have been down the same road and have some wisdom to impart. It feels better to get things off of your chest by sharing with others.

If you stop taking proactive actions, you actually move backwards. In science, an object in motion stays in motion. Once something stops, it’s hard to start up again. You need to keep pushing forward—even if you only want to pull the covers over your head and stay in bed all day.

Come Up With A Game Plan

No one is going to knock on your door with a great new job or opportunity. You need to make your own breaks in life. Instead of being a victim, take aggressive bold actions. If you think your job is in peril, demand to speak with your boss and ask her what is really going on and how you will be impacted.

It’s a little scary to start a job search, but that may be the best path forward if you don’t have a future where you are. Put together a résumé, enhance your LinkedIn profile, network with former co-workers and reach out to recruiters.

It could be that your career is not cutting edge and there is less need for your services. There may be little hiring and not be many jobs in your field. It’s time to reassess and think about a career pivot. It won’t be too easy, but it may be the best option if all other doors are closed off to you.

Remind Yourself How Remarkable You Are

When you are in a tight spot, it’s not uncommon to lose confidence. You start doubting yourself and second-guessing all of your decisions. Negative thoughts keep running through your mind. Sometimes, these thoughts become really dark.

It’s important for your mental and emotional health, as well as your career, to counter the tendency to lose faith in yourself. When you find this happening, remind yourself of all of your past accomplishments. Stop ruminating and start reciting all of the good qualities that you possess. List all of the reasons why you are special and what skills and experiences you have to offer that any company would love to have.

Surround yourself with a support group consisting of family and friends who can cheer you on and pick you up when you feel down.


Forbes.com | January 13, 2020 | Jack Kelly

Why Young Professionals Don’t Negotiate Salary (and Why They Should). How about You?

Salary negotiation is a pivotal step when you’re interviewing for a new job. It’s your chance to get paid what you’re worth (or get closer to that figure), and could establish your financial trajectory at your new company for years to come.

The more you negotiate, the better you’ll get, no matter where you start the process.

According to a 2018 survey from Robert Half, only 39 percent of people polled said they’d asked for more money upon receiving their latest job offer. In other words, more than half of all new hires accepted whatever they were offered, with no attempt at negotiation.

And that indicates that among millennials and young adults, negotiation is especially rare; in fact, only 37 percent of millennials have ever asked for a raise, according to Payscale.

So, why are so many young professionals reluctant to negotiate salary, and is that proactive move really that important in the first place?

Why young professionals are reluctant.

According to the Payscale study, there are many reasons why young people don’t negotiate salary or ask for raises, but two main reasons stand out: They feel uncomfortable in the negotiation process and don’t want to be viewed as pushy.

Discomfort is natural, especially if you’re nervous about the position, but it’s typically a byproduct of lack of exposure to an experience. If you’ve never negotiated your salary before, haven’t had education or practice on how to do it and haven’t witnessed anyone doing it, you’re bound to be uncomfortable trying it for the first time.

As for being pushy, most employers expect some degree of pushback or negotiation from new hires. And, sure, there are some ways to negotiate that can make you seem arrogant or demanding, but negotiation in and of itself is not the issue.

Related: How to Eliminate Salary Negotiation Anxiety

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Why salary negotiation is so important.

So why is salary negotiation so important in the first place?

  • No downsides. Unless you’re unreasonably aggressive, condescending, or unprofessional in your negotiation, there’s virtually no downside to negotiating your salary. All you’re doing is asking for more money, and your employer can accept or reject that request. If your request is accepted, you’ll instantly get more money for the duration of the job. If it’s rejected, you face no inherent penalty. In other words, there can only be positive or neutral results — nothing negative.
  • Compounding returns. Negotiating for a higher salary sets you on a more valuable trajectory and one that will reward you for many years to come. For example, data suggests that executives who negotiated their salary at their first job out of college stood to make at least $500,000 more over their careers, compared to those who did not. Imagine pushing for $60,000 a year instead of $50,000. Assuming proportionately similar raises in both scenarios, a person who negotiates for $60,000 would make $10,000 more each year for the remainder of his or her time with the company. That extra $10,000 would certainly be nice, but if you work at the same company for 30 years, that $10K could turn into $300,000.
  • Future salary effects. Your current salary could also play a role in how your future pay is calculated. If you change roles within a company, it may use your existing salary as a baseline for determining your new pay. If you start out higher, you’ll have room to ask for even more money, eventually. You may also feel confident asking for more money in a role at another company in the future.
  • Integrity, research, and power. Some employers may think more highly of you if you ask for more money. If you’re basing your request on objective data and research, you’re demonstrating your willingness to put in the time to conduct research properly. If you’re up-front about your expectations, you’re showing integrity. And the mere fact that you’re willing to ask for more money shows you’re confident in your abilities, which could reflect well on you.
  • Employer incentives. Remember, employers are incentivized to pay you as little as possible. They aren’t motivated to give you more money up-front, so they may expect you to ask for more money no matter what. For these reasons, employers typically offer you a salary slightly-to-moderately lower than the going rate. If you accept that figure blindly, without pushing for more, you’ll effectively be operating at a loss. Negotiation is a way to counteract this issue.

Related: Fixing the Pay Gap Starts With Your Salary Negotiation Skills

If you’re a young professional, it’s in your best interest to start negotiating for your initial salary, and if you’re looking for a raise, to do that as soon as possible. You can learn the fundamentals of negotiation by reading upon them, but if you want to feel more confident and get better results, role-play what you’ll say, in a real environment. You don’t have to start with job interviews; instead, start small, with negotiations at flea markets or in your everyday interactions.

The more you negotiate, the better you’ll get, no matter where you start the process.


Entrepreneur.com | April 22, 2019 | Anna Johansson


#BestofFSCBlog : How to Search for a Job. This Today’s Guide will Take you Through Every Step You Need . Best One Stop REad!

A Guide for Finding & Landing the Job of Your Dreams

Whether you’ve never searched for a job before — perhaps you’re a new college graduate — or it’s been so long since you’ve applied to a position that you don’t know where to begin, have no fear, dear job seeker. This guide will take you through every step you need to take to snag your dream job, from how to prepare to the best days to search. Read on for more.

How to Prepare

As they say, sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to simply start. When you’re looking for a new job, this statement is true: with thousands of job listings to consider, and what seems like a million items on your job-search to-do list, it can be tough to force yourself to sit down at your computer and get to work. But the good news is, with preparation, you can make your job search so much easier. How can you prepare? Here are a few simple steps.

Ramp up your resume: You’ll want to tweak your resume for each job you apply to, but it is still a good idea to make sure it’s up-to-date and in tip-top shape. Reconnect with yourreferences to make sure they’re still willing to vouch for you, and proofread for errors. Review your resume and ensure all dates, positions and descriptions are accurate.

Practice for an interview: While you can’t prepare for every single interview question you will be asked, you can still brush up on your interviewing skills by practicing your answers to the mostcommon questions asked by recruiters and managers alike. Knowing how you will respond in advance will keep you cool, calm and collected during any future interviews.

Network: Mark industry events on your calendar that you can attend, where you can meet recruiters or industry insiders who can give you the scoop on open positions. Alternatively,join a club or organization you’re passionate about. You never know who you could meet there — or the ways you could help your resume pop — by giving your time to a good cause.

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What Days You Should Search

You may think that any day is a good day to search for a job. And while that’s mostly true, data shows that there are better days to apply than others. In fact, Tuesday seems to be the best day of the week to send in your resume. (And the same research shows that you could find more success in your job search in the months of February, March, May and June.)

Another important element when it comes to the timing of your job search is to make sure it doesn’t consume all your time. (If it does, you’ll go crazy —trust us.) So stick to a 72-hour schedule, if possible: prepare on Monday, apply on Tuesday and follow-up on Wednesday.

What Sites You Should Use

Of course, we think Glassdoor is the best place to search for a new job. (The stats don’t lie: Glassdoor helps 67 million people per month in their job search.) But that doesn’t mean Glassdoor is the only site you can use in your job search.

If you’re looking for a flexible work schedule—or even the chance to work from the comfort of your couch five days a week—consider signing up on FlexJobs, a site that only posts job listings for positions that offer flexible or remote work options. (FYI: it’s a paid service.)

Another website you could use in your job search is LinkedIn. After all, it’s not just a place to post your resume; LinkedIn also posts job listings tailored to your field and interests. So, make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and robust, with projects, videos, or blogs.

Other sites that post job listings include: Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder and US Jobs.

How You Can Use Apps in Your Job Search

Your phone could be your new best job-search friend: with apps, you can ramp-up your job search, get prepared for an interview, get reminders for follow-ups and so much more.

Did you know Glassdoor has an app? It does! And it’s a great one to use to find jobs. The app pairs millions of open job listings with important information like company reviews, salary estimates, interview questions and more to help prep you for the job hunt.

You’ve got dozens of jobs to apply to, and that’s a lot to organize. We’ll get to the nitty-gritty of organizing your job search soon, but in the meantime, download Workflow, an app that will help you organize your job content and create shortcuts that will save you major time.

Once you’ve scheduled an interview, it’s time to practice your interview skills. If you’re the kind of person who clams up, consider using Orai as a speaking coach. The app will “coach you to add fewer filler words, speak clearly, and at a good pace,” according to its website.

Lastly, don’t forget the value of social media apps in your job search. You should use social media to build a personal brand, which will make you more attractive to a hiring manager. (For example, you can post pictures or summaries of projects you’ve worked on, include a short bio about your skills, or share articles that show you know a lot about the industry.)




How to Write a Thank-You Letter After an Interview.

A Guide to Writing a Memorable Thank-You Note

Sending a thank-you letter after an interview might seem old-fashioned, but it’s just as important to write one as ever. One survey from TopResume showed that 68 percent of hiring managers say that a candidate’s decision to include or not include a thank-you note after an interview affects their final hiring decision. But while sending a thank-you note has become expected, it’s not enough to simply send a note that says “Thanks for chatting with me” — you need to put some thought into it. In this guide, we’ll show you how to write a thank-you note that will impress interviewers and increase your odds of getting a job offer.

When to Write a Thank-You Letter

Writing a thank-you note to your interviewers shows that you are gracious, humble and thoughtful — all important qualities for potential new hires to possess. That’s why you should write a thank-you letter after every interview within 24 hours. You don’t want to risk having recruiters or hiring managers think that you’re cocky, ungrateful or absentminded.

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Who to Write a Thank-You Letter to

In general, it’s a good idea to share a thank-you note with everybody you interviewed with individually, from recruiter to hiring manager to potential colleague. If you don’t already have their contact info, request it from your main point of contact throughout the hiring process (likely the recruiter), explaining that you’d like to thank them for taking the time to speak with you. If you had a panel interview, you might want to save your time by sending one email to the main interviewer with everybody else CC’d.

If you spoke to many different people — say, you presented to a room of 10 or more — it’s probably not practical, or a good use of your time, to include each and every one of them. In this case, you can follow the same procedure you would in a panel interview: Send one note to the main interviewer with several of the key players CC’d.

Formatting Tips & Tricks

There are an infinite number of ways you can write a thank-you letter. And while there’s no one right way to do it, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind while drafting your note.

Email vs. Handwritten

Handwritten letters have a certain charm, but in most cases, a thank-you email is the best choice. Why? For one, an emailed thank-you can arrive instantaneously, while a postmarked note can take days to arrive. For another, handwritten letters might feel like a bit much. So when in doubt, send an email. Exceptions could occur if a) you’re close enough that you can simply drop off a handwritten letter, b) you’re applying to a very traditional or old-school organization and c) if you have a prior relationship with an interviewer (say, if they were your former coworker at a previous job).


Don’t feel pressured to send a five-paragraph essay — thank-yous should be short and sweet. Just as you don’t want to spend too much time writing one, your interviewers don’t want to spend too much time reading one. After all, they’ve got their own jobs to stay on top of. Make your thank-you letter long enough to cover everything you need to say, but short enough that it only ends up being a few sentences long.

Voice & Tone

When it comes to writing thank-you letters, professionalism is the name of the game. Avoid slang, typos, excessive exclamation points, emojis, etc. But you don’t need to sound so formal that you come off as stiff. Opt for clear, concise language, not the longest word you can find in the thesaurus.

Thank-You Letter Template

According to Glassdoor contributor Caroline Gray, every thank-you letter should express gratitude for your interviewer’s time, enthusiasm for the role and appreciation for learning more about the opportunity and company. The following template does all three — read on to see it in full and learn more about each component.

Dear [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me [today/yesterday]. I loved getting to hear about [interesting thing you learned from this person], and was especially impressed by [quality or trait of the company or team that made you even more eager to work there]. Our conversation reinforced my excitement to join [company] and help you all [achievement you would support in this role]. I look forward to hopefully working together in the future.

[Your Name]

  • Intro: Avoid a generic term like “to whom it may concern,” or something overly formal like “To the attention of Mr. So-and-So.” Using “Dear” plus the person’s first name works just fine.
  • Thank Them: Show your interviewers that you’re considerate and appreciative by thanking them for taking the time to get to know you and educate you about the role.
  • Get Specific: Mention something in particular that you really enjoyed learning about in your conversation, such as the go-to-market plan for their newest product or their insider perspective on what kind of person thrives at their company.
  • Compliment Them: A little flattery never hurts, as long as it’s not excessive. Bring up one thing about the company or the team that you were really impressed by, such as the team’s infectiously positive attitude or the company’s dedication to community service.
  • Highlight Your Eagerness: Let your interviewer know that you’re excited about the opportunity, and also show how you would add value to the team.
  • Close the Letter: End with a farewell line — such as “best,” “cheers,” “sincerely” or another professional, yet approachable choice — and your full name.

Now, you’ve got everything you need to write an amazing thank-you letter — so get writing, and good luck!
