#JobSearch : Job Searching During the COVID-19 Pandemic- No Time to Stop; Definitely Time to Start!


  • ·       Conducting a Job Search during the COVID-19 Crisis- What has changed?

  • ·       Current State of  Today’s Landscape

  • ·       Job Search Tips-  What to continue/start/change/adjust to the current environment

  • ·       Network/Network/Network- Welcome to the Virtual World

  • ·       Informational Interviewing Tips

  • ·       Taking Control of the Job Search and Everything Else


Conducting a Job Search during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis- What has changed?

·       A new reality for all of us- Government/Employers/Hiring Managers/Employees/Job Seekers

·       Upheaval/Uncertainty/Status of Current Searches/Potential Lack or Slowdown of Information and Subsequent Follow-Up

·       Therefore- how do you change/adjust your current approach/strategy?

·       How do you keep the same pace as before when you now have a new family or other responsibilities?  Or do you?

·       Availability of practical physical space and managing technological needs for all family members to go to school/do remote work and job search at the same time

·       Patience and Motivation- How these become even MORE important in these constantly changing times


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …

Current State of  Today’s landscape

·       Typically in the past- our area has not experienced downturns as badly as other geographic areas (The Great Recession, e.g.) but that does not make us immune

·       Less Impacted Industries- Federal Contractors/HealthCare/Biotech/Delivery Companies; More Impacted- Hospitality/Real Estate- Other Examples

·       Will be downsides to the local economy- experts see bumps back by summer/more sustained by Fall

·       BUT- companies are hiring…at all levels…

·       Keep informed with LOCAL news sources- Wash Post/Local Business Journals/Local Academic Institutions and Think Tanks that provide regional updates and predictions

Job Search Tips- What to continue/start/change/adjust to the current environment

·       Do you have to take a step back and re-assess or can you continue with your current strategy and approach?

·       Time to review all your Job Search/Branding collateral- Elevator Pitch/Resume and Bio/LinkedIn Profile/Marketing Plan/Prioritized Networking Contacts/Cover Letters/Interviewing Stories

·       Practice- Review your current interviewing experiences- what can be improved? Write down answers to those really difficult questions

·       How to use LinkedIn during this time- Research people and jobs and companies/take training/spend more time reading in your groups/post articles to show thought leadership and do more “ liking/sharing and commenting” to help your algorithm

·       Reach out to Recruiters- Be available to them- as the market turns- they will want to be responsive to their company clients and have candidates- YOU- ready to present to them

·       Other “Gig Work” Considerations- Temporary/Contract/Consulting/Franchising

·       Volunteer Work- Can learn new skills or industry as well as helping others

·       Be confident and enthusiastic!

Network/Network/Network/Welcome to the Virtual World

·       This is probably one of the most important things that you can do now- that is in your control

·       Pick the best communication platform for the immediate need- text/email/phone/video (Zoom/FaceTime/Google Hangouts/Microsoft Teams/Company proprietary platform- AND prepare/test systems for all what that entails- connectivity/lighting/dress

·       All previous rules/guidance/advice on networking holds- BUT- give time in the beginning to address the current environment

·       Remember to ask how you can help them

·       Thank people/follow-up/pay it forward

Informational Interviewing Tips

·       Do these types of networking meetings take on new meaning during times of uncertainty and now during the COVID-19 crisis?

·       Why conduct?

o   Explore careers and clarify your career goal

o   Discover employment opportunities that are not advertised

o   Expand your professional network

o   Build confidence for a job interview

o   Identify your professional strengths and weaknesses

·       Steps in Conducting an Effective Informational Interview

o   Identify the occupation or Industry you wish to learn about

o   Prepare for the Interview- In general and then specifically with each person- Remember- You asked for time with this person- you must set the agenda!

o   Identify people to Interview

o   Arranging it- Remember Patience- Be assertive but not aggressive

o   Conducting the Interview/Do the Ask of the other person

o   Follow-Up

Taking Control of the Job Search and everything else…

·       ROUTINE– Establishing one and sticking to it is probably one of the most important things that you can do and control. Yes… it may not be the easiest…

·       SETTING GOALS/PRODUCTIVITY- Keep them nominal/expect some change/ set activities/ tasks in all areas of the search/Celebrate the Successes!

o   Keep posting for jobs

o   Update any collateral and repost to job boards

o   Keep Networking

o   Assume job openings are still open- how to do that

o   Think creatively- contract or consulting opportunities

o   Don’t settle on something.. yet…

o    Maybe a pivot to another related/adjacent industry

·       PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/SKILLING UP– LinkedIn Learning/Other platforms- lots of free courses

·       BALANCE of Job Search and Other Responsibilities- Family/Self/Friends- How are you checking in/schooling for your children/



FSC Career Blog Author:  Lisa A. Colten is a versatile senior level Human Resources Leader/Consultant and Career Transition Coach/Consultant with extensive experience identifying and solving complex organizational problems and issues in the DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia Markets. She created and founded Éxzeto in 2013.

Feel free to review her website- www.exzeto.com for additional job search resources. She offers initial gratis consultation if you would like to work with her as a career or leadership coach.

FSC Career Blog | April 27, 2020

#YourCareer : 16% Unemployment This Summer: CBO’s Prediction And How To Prepare For It. Are you Processing This?

The economic fallout from the novel coronavirus pandemic is expected to be drastic and last much longer than first believed. On Friday, the Congressional Budget Office updated its 2020 and 2021 projections for the U.S. economy. CBO is forecasting that unemployment is likely to rise to 16% and then hold at levels of 10% through the end of 2021.

If you’ve learned that your company will soon begin layoffs or that your job is being eliminated, you have to get your mind around processing the bad news, and then you have to take action.

This is mind-blowing. It was just February that the U.S. economy had been riding a wave of record-level low unemployment with numbers as low as 3.5%. Can it really be that in neck-breaking speed unemployment could rise from 3.5% to 16% by summer? Yikes!

Are you processing this? It was also announced this week that 26.5 million new jobless claims have been filed since mid-March. When you add this to the fact that CBO’s economists and analysts are predicting 3rd quarter unemployment of 16%, you get the picture.

f this is to be, it means that unemployment will exceed the 14% high of the Great Depression as soon as this summer. And then it’s expected that it will remain excessively high and hover around 10% (the peak level of the Great Recession) all the way through 2021. If these predictions prove true, millions more Americans will become unemployed, and they will stay that way much longer than most had hoped.

This drastic increase in unemployment numbers was first reported in early April when the first of five straight weeks of devastating job reports started rolling out. Five weeks ago, The Guardian summed it up this way. “America’s decade-long record of continual job growth came to a shuddering halt on Friday as the US unemployment rate rose for the first time since 2010.” That first week it was 701,000. So we’ve gone from 701,000 new jobless claims to 26.5 million in a stunningly short time.

With the CBO predicting that it’ll get much worse before it gets better, here’s my recommendation for how you can better prepare for it.

Pay attention to what your company and others are doing.

Whether you are employed or unemployed today, pay attention. Whether you think your job is at risk or you’ve already lost it, pay attention. And whether you think your job is safe and secure and will remain that way, still pay attention. It’s up to you to do what’s necessary to own your career. You can’t afford to blindly leave your career—and financial security—in the hands of others. None of us can.

Stay in the know about what’s happening in the economy, with your employer, with your employer’s competitors, with your employees and all across your industry, and then ask lots of questions. Find credible sources of information—organizations, companies, and people—and follow them.

Find out who’s hiring and who’s not; who’s making pay cuts and who’s dolling out pay raises. If the core of your network is comprised of people rooted in a dying profession or a dying industry, take notice. To stay informed, you want to build a network that includes people who work in growing professions and industries for the future. Take notice of the companies that are disrupting themselves as a way to stay competitive and those who can’t seem to embrace anything beyond legacy systems and processes.

And, if you find that your job isn’t actually at risk today but you’re considering a career change, first assess what career capital you can leverage and how to go about doing it. I recommend you set time aside to answer these six questions before making any voluntary moves.

Learn where the demand is.

When making decisions about your job or career, it’s important to know what’s driving demand because demand is a huge catalyst for input (sales, business exchanges, deliverables, resources, money, innovation, time, etc.). Where you see a need—where you see demand—focus on it. Search out the companies and industries that are likely to be called on to meet demand so that you can better determine who is likely hiring now or will be hiring soon.

Conduct your own analysis by learning the answers to questions such as these.

  • What are the essential products and services the economy needs now?
  • What are the essential services and programs of the future?
  • Where is the demand in the economy?

By figuring out answers to these kinds of questions, you can make better decisions about which companies to seek out and which ones to avoid for hiring opportunities. Hence, you can better manage your career for the long haul.

If you’ve already lost your job, focus here.

Sometimes you can do everything right. You can play to win and still lose. You can manage your career on an upswing and still have it take an unexpected downturn. Things happen. Sadly, even bad things happen, and they happen to good people far too often.

If you’ve learned that your company will soon begin layoffs or that your job is being eliminated, you have to get your mind around processing the bad news, and then you have to take action. It’s very important that you immediately file for unemployment, learn about the available mortgage protection programs if you are struggling in that area, and take care of yourself. Read this advice for more specifics on what to do next after learning of a pending job loss, a termination, a layoff, or any other decision that otherwise leaves you unemployed.

It’s okay to feel disappointment, anger, sadness, and an array of other emotions during such a time. Give yourself the space to process the news and your feelings about it. But by all means, you’ve got to keep it moving and lockdown that next job as quickly as possible.

Terina Allen
I cover careers, professional advancement and leadership development.


Forbes.com | April 26, 2020


#JobSearch : Here’s How Making Casual Video Calls Can Be A Smart Job Search, Networking Strategy.

I’ve been hosting online Zoom career and job-search advice meetups to help people navigate through these tough times. With people self-isolating at home and disconnected from the outside world, it’s easy to feel forgotten.

Think of this networking strategy as channeling your inner Johnny Appleseed—planting seeds in a lot of places that will eventually grow, blossom, and yield fruit from your labor. 

You may be working from home and periodically checking into work, but it’s not the same as being there. You can’t go out to lunch with a colleague, grab a cup of coffee with a former co-worker, or have an impromptu beer with a collection of friends from different companies. These small ways to keep in touch and network with folks are gone for the time being.

If you’re in between jobs, it’s even more difficult. You’re stuck at home and don’t have the option of going outside to attend a face-to-face interview, looking someone in the eyes, and shaking their hand. It’s a catch-22. You need a job, but 26 million people have already filed for unemployment benefits since mid-March. You can’t engage in social interactions and hiring is at a standstill. Non-essential businesses are closed.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …

Companies that are still operating lack clarity of what will happen next. Management is more preoccupied with staying afloat than adding to the headcount. They contend that it’s more reasonable to simply take a wait-and-see approach to hire until there’s some semblance of an end to this pandemic and the economic toll it’s taken on us.

Now that many of the traditional means used to search for a job are rendered useless, here’s a smart and productive hack. Jed Clark, the former chief compliance officer for ICONIQ Capital, a multifamily office and private equity firm, offered a brilliant solution during one of my virtual meetups.

A little backstory is helpful. Clark previously left his important executive job to embark upon a once-in-a-lifetime trip around the world, planning to visit 11 countries on 4 different continents. He meditated in silence for 10 days in Prachin Buri, Thailand, trekked 125 miles over 13 days in the Nepali Himalayas, circumnavigated the Annapurna Massif, taking a very cold (and brief) swim in Tilicho Lake at an altitude of 16,000 feet and crossed the Thorong La mountain pass at an elevation of nearly 18,000 feet during an early morning snowstorm. In the midst of his wild journey, the coronavirus hit, and Clark was forced to rush back home to San Francisco.

Although he returned home without a job, Clark wanted to keep mentally occupied and start seeking out a new position during one of the toughest job markets in recent history. He casually shared with the group what he’s been doing since arriving home and self-quarantined. Clark said that he had a goal of setting up three or more video calls a day with people. The online calls are with former co-workers, bosses, people who have reported into him in the past and extended out to casual business relationships.

Clark tailored a brief email politely asking the person if they’d like to jump on a quick video chat to catch up. No agenda or ulterior motive was mentioned. His theory, which has proven true, was that everyone is in the same boat now. We’re all incredibly bored and stuck at home looking for something to do, as there’s only so much time you can spend binge-watching Netflix shows, like the Tiger King. We all need something a little different and interesting to pass the time. It’s an added bonus if it’s also productive. What’s better than mixing a friendly reacquainting, talking shop and maybe gaining something valuable out of the conversation?

The call would be light and go over the standard stuff, like how’s the family, gossiping about mutual friends, sharing what’s new and discussing ways to cope with our collective new reality.

Invariably, the person will ask Clark about his work. When informed that he’s no longer connected with his firm, the other person would usually offer to help, almost as a knee-jerk reaction. They’d provide some advice and suggestions, as well as a name or two of people whom he should get in touch with. The more video calls he made, the more job leads were generated.

As you can imagine, ditching your well-paying, high-end job for a trek about the globe takes chutzpah. Clark is friendly, articulate and unafraid of taking risks, so it comes easy to him to initiate the cold video calls. We’re not all that fortunate to possess that level of gregariousness and comfort level of putting ourselves out there and possibly getting blown off.

It may feel awkward at first, but I’d suggest that you should immediately add this tactic to your job search repertoire. This is especially a brilliant move during this time period. Within weeks or months, most of us will hopefully be out of our homes and back to the daily grind and the moment will be gone.

By now, we’ve been locked up at home for a month or so. We’ve lost all concept of time, so it’s hard to remember exactly how long it’s been. As most of us are at our wits’ end, it’s a perfect time to reach out to someone and say “hello.” They’ll be happy to hear from you, as they’re bored silly and hungry for someone new to see and speak with. Once we return to work, this approach may not work as well. Right now, this is the perfect time to reach out to as many people as possible.

You should start by contacting co-workers, former colleagues, friends, business associates, family members with some insights and connections, college alumni, the kids you grew up with who went on to bigger and better things and haven’t spoken with in years, as well as anyone else who you think it makes sense to get in touch with.

You don’t need to force anything. Strive for a nice, casual conversation. When the time’s right, you can ask for some help if they don’t offer it first. Under the circumstances, it’s socially acceptable to say that you’d like to find a new job and could use some help. Most people will feel flattered that you asked them. Be forewarned. There will always be a few people who are not interested in helping and won’t be bothered.

Reaching out to recruiters is important too; however, there is a catch. Many of them may not currently have many—if any—relevant jobs available to share, as companies are aggressively cutting back hiring. That’s okay. The goal is to just at least get in front of them, so they know who you are. When things start opening up again, they’ll remember you and keep you in mind when they have appropriate job requisitions available.

Think of this networking strategy as channeling your inner Johnny Appleseed—planting seeds in a lot of places that will eventually grow, blossom and yield fruit from your labor.

In addition to the video calls, remember to follow up with these individuals on social media sites to keep in touch. Connect with them on LinkedIn and Facebook. Like and comment on things that they post. Share information about your job search. Write articles or share videos to remind them that you’re still actively searching.

The video call is an effective job search strategy, but you should still continue searching for jobs online, submitting résumés, completing applications, practicing your elevator pitch and following up on leads.


I am a CEO, founder, and executive recruiter at one of the oldest and largest global search firms in my area of expertise, and have personally placed thousands of

Forbes.com | April 24, 2020

#JobSearch : Here’s Why Career Switchers Have A Huge Advantage In This Job Market.

In just three short months, the market has completely transformed and there are three realities job seekers need to know to succeed going forward.

Let’s get the unfortunate news out of the way first. Whether you want to label it a possible depression, temporary freeze, or V-shaped recession, our economy is experiencing a major transformation, and job seekers will continue to be impacted for the extended future.

Most professionals dislike a job search even when they’re voluntarily pursuing a career change, so having it thrust upon you makes it that much worse. But based on unemployment numbers, 26 million people are experiencing this now, and many others are aware the clock is ticking.

Even if scientists discover a cure for COVID-19 tomorrow, the “new normal” has already been established. Here’s what we can expect in terms of the job search:

  • Everyone’s looking. If you’ve been laid off or furloughed, there are no guarantees if or when you’ll be called back to the job. Even if re-employed, it may part-time, a different position, or at lower pay with fewer benefits. Customers may be slow to return and many professionals don’t have the luxury of waiting around and are pursuing other opportunities.
  • Companies are running lean. Organizations are cutting back, reducing budgets, and going without. As they learn to increase efficiency, they realize they can function effectively with less, which means they won’t rehire as many people as they had planned before the pandemic.
  • Virtual is winning. Companies have learned that many roles can be done remotely, and teams no longer need to reside in one place to be successful. This means they can search for candidates across larger geography, further increasing job search competition.
  • Compensation is waning. It’s an employer’s job market now, and organizations realize they can find a candidate who will work for less, even if you’re a rock star and worth the extra pay. Yes, it may be short-sighted, but the odds are in their favor.

So, the first major reality is:

Competition for job seekers has become fierce and will remain high even after the pandemic has resolved. If you don’t have a strategy to stand out, you’re sunk.

Making a career switch — defined as a change in industry, function or both — in any economy with our current over-reliance on online platforms and untrained hiring managers is tough. If you’re a successful switcher, you know that. If you’re an unsuccessful one, you also know it.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …

But, it may not be your fault, which brings me to point two:

The current online hiring system isn’t set up for selection. It’s set up for elimination.

  • Welcome to the online universe. With Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) being used by over 98% of Fortune 500 companies receiving on average 250 resumes per posting, online platforms like Zip Recruiter offering to share 16 million resumes with employers, and big boards like Indeed.com boasting 200 million monthly job seekers, it’s no wonder most online applications end up in the internet ozone. Seriously, I have a pretty solid LinkedIn profile, but even I wouldn’t hedge my bets against 200 million other job seekers, especially if I was a potential switcher. And the only way an employer can eventually find the one person for the open role is to eliminate the 199,999,999 million other job seekers. No one has time for this. Job seekers are being lured into a system that needs serious improvement (and employers fall for it, too), only to get hopes up, then crushed.
  • Next stop, inadequate hiring practices. The way ATS eliminates job seekers is by looking for keyword matches, proper resume formatting (completely irrelevant), and requirements such as degrees, certifications, and salary expectations. Seventy-five percent of applications get spit out before they even reach human eyes, and many job requisitions are written more for marketing purposes than to actually align with the performance measures of the role. For example, listing a “Bachelor’s Degree” as a cost to entry usually has no purpose other than being a simple way to eliminate a large number of applicants (many of whom are likely highly qualified otherwise).
  • Final stop, bias and emotions. Very few hiring managers are trained to hire, which is unfortunate, but justified by companies in that their day job is not hiring people and they do it only a few times per year. If practice (and training) make perfect, then hiring managers are anything but. Also, decisions that humans make go through the amygdala —the emotional center in the brain — which impacts choices. So more often than not, hirers mistakenly use the data to support their gut choice based on confirmation bias (e.g., focusing on information that supports your pre-existing beliefs), while assuming they’re being objective. So yes, as a candidate you’ll be dealing with the whims of unconscious bias and mood swings. And, while advocates of ATS promote them as a fairer process due to the technology replacing human bias, who do you think programs the requirements into these systems? Yes, those same biased humans. The beauty of skipping the system and getting a referral is that you get to use that bias to your advantage. And this is why the brand is so important. But we’re getting to that.

So, the way the majority of job seekers search for work (online) is prohibitive. And strangely, even though companies invest a great deal of money into recruiting technology, research shows:

  • 40% of hires come from the referral pool, which is only 7% of applicants.
  • referrals have a 50% chance of getting an interview and a 20% chance of landing the job whereas for non-referrals that drops to a 3% chance of an interview and a 1.2% chance of getting hired.
  • over 65% of job seekers recommended by a current employee were hired. That number increased to 91% if the referral originated from a director-level employee or above.

So, there is certainly a mismatch and this is crucial to know in a highly competitive job market where you want every advantage, which brings me to the final point:

Switchers have an advantage in the current market because they already know they need to bypass the online path and create their own strategy to get in front of decision-makers.

Professionals who have made a successful career switch have been prohibited from using the traditional job search tools because they easily get eliminated in the early rounds for not fitting “traditional” criteria programmed into the ATS. Here’s what they do instead:

  • They’re proactive vs. reactive. Switchers have learned to use a self-directed process, redirecting their energy away from the seductive lure of the throwing spaghetti at the online abyss to see what sticks, and instead focusing on a clear target or Plan A. They take the time to reinvent their career stories to align with changing market needs, engaging transferable skills from all areas of their past experiences to remain agile to meet current demands.
  • They build a relevant brand. Switchers know that brands are not just for products, but rather are an important career tool to show their target audience how they can solve their company’s greatest pain points. They weave this brand value proposition through everything from their resume and online profiles to their personal networking introduction and interview responses to consistently and visibly build trust.
  • They cultivate ambassadors. Switchers recognize the power of relationships. They go beyond building a Rolodex, ensuring their network understands the value they bring to the marketplace to gain access to valuable career information and those opportunities that will never be advertised to the general public (e.g., the hidden job market).
  • They drive the process. Switchers recognize that there isn’t an “easy” path to success and that the energy and creativity invested into the job search is usually equivalent to the types of opportunities they can expect to find. The most interesting, lucrative and in-demand roles are usually scooped up long before hitting the big job boards.

And the good news is that you can use this process, too, even if you’re not a Switcher. In fact, in this transformed job market, you can’t afford not to use this strategy to find employment if you want to be competitive.

Fair or unfair, the internet is oversaturated with candidates, and even companies who engage these online hiring strategies have learned that the best hires come from trusted resources inside the company or from people they already know. This is why they pay $1000, $5,000 and up to $25,000 in some cases per hire through Employee Referral Programs.

In normal economic times, the Switcher strategy enables you to be the most competitive candidate, opens the door to unadvertised opportunities, and helps you to create new roles suited to your exact interests and abilities. In today’s economy, the Switcher strategy helps you to land the job. Period.

If you want job security today and throughout your professional career, learn how to conduct your job search like a career Switcher. While at some point, hiring software and recruiting technology might get “smarter” and more effective, if a company’s greatest assets are its people, than relationships and trust will always be a part of the decision-making. You may not like the game, but if you’re serious about landing a new role, especially in highly competitive times, learning how to play it is critical.

Switchers have learned long ago that forging your own path is much more effective and rewarding for your career than following the herd to wherever it leads, which if online, is often a black hole.

Happy hunting!


Forbes.com | April 23, 2020



#JobSearch : Accelerate Your Job Search During COVID-19 . Must Read!

Actively seeking employment is hard, frustrating, humbling and downright depressing. Even when the job market was strong, like two months ago, it was a challenge to keep up the strong push for meaningful employment. Life gets in the way with ailing family members, kids, vacations, and other distractions.

NEWSFLASH: COVID-19 is one massive distraction for everyone. That’s an understatement, of course. It’s wreaking havoc on so many levels.

However, I have meaningful and robust advice for continuing your job search:

1. Get out of your own way.

Your head is creating myths that give you an out. It’s human nature. Ask yourself these questions: Do I know this to be a fact? Do I have hard data that validates my mental block? Or, is my statement an excuse to stop or take my foot off the accelerator? Challenge yourself to consider the choices you have, such as shifting your job goal to another industry or job type. Consider contract work versus working directly for your target company. But don’t stop your job search; you need to ramp it up now more than ever.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …

2. If you are not in the game, you won’t get anything.

What if other candidates are applying for the job you want, yet you are invisible? Well, other candidates are still actively growing their careers.

• What is the downside for keeping up your efforts? None.

• Are you concerned the recipient will think worse of you for promoting your skills and introducing yourself to them during this crisis?

Quite the opposite. What if you are the only one who is continuing to share your passion for the job and following up every week?

3. Recruiters are still doing their jobs, and hiring managers still need to fill their open positions.

Executive recruiters have assignments to fill jobs, and they don’t get paid unless they fill them. Internal recruiters are employed and paid to fill open positions. Hiring managers are filling open positions that they critically need. Perhaps prior employees left the company, moved to another division or location or got promoted. It doesn’t matter why any position is open. Pursue it.

4. Work actively on your job search daily.

Use your calendar to block task time. Dedicate each hour to a specific task rather than doing random job search activities. Here are some examples:

• Apply to open positions. Apply with a résumé and cover letter. Note: Submit a résumé in Microsoft Word versus a PDF so the robot can read it (robots are the automated systems that review résumés online). Cover letters are critical to telling your story, if you write them differently. Tell the reader the three top reasons you are a fit for their position.

• Source positions are available. I highly recommend you source directly from company websites. Go to the company’s career or jobs webpage to find the most current inventory of their open positions. Not all opportunities are on LinkedIn, and job boards such as Indeed or Monster may have a lag to remove jobs that are no longer available. If you see a position on LinkedIn or any boards, try to find the identical one on the company website.

• Maintain a job tracker. Your job tracker is your day-to-day list of things to do and to log your future steps. Juggle 10 open jobs at one time. Be prepared for some positions to be on hold or “frozen.”

• Follow up on applications and network connections. Your job tracker, if filled in completely, will indicate when to follow up. I recommend you follow up weekly on every communication and for three weeks in a row. Don’t worry about being a pest. Compete to win the job! If you networked with someone, put that in your tracker, and follow up with them within one week, even during COVID-19.

• Send thank-you emails daily. Before you go to sleep every night, ask yourself, “Who helped me today in any way for my career goals?” Be sure to thank someone who spoke to you on the phone about job searching, a recruiter who interviewed you, or a friend who gave you support.

• Make time for LinkedIn. Block time to respond to messages, connect with new people who can help your career growth, and resource open jobs.

Finally, my No. 1 recommendation for accelerating your job search during COVID-19 is to get help. Get unstuck, learn the latest techniques for every step of the job search, then get more active. No matter what industry, job type, level or specialty you target, the fundamentals of getting hired to have changed dramatically. Even internal job searches need the same new techniques.

Author:  Dana Manciagli is President of Job Search Master Class®, the world’s leading online course for job seekers and the veteran community, too.…

Forbes.com | April 23, 2020

Your Career: 8 Job Skills To Succeed In A Post-Coronavirus World. A Must Read!

As most of us are in lockdown at home, we are left to wonder what a post-coronavirus-world might look like. There’s a lot unknown about how the world will transform after we get the novel coronavirus under control, but it is extremely unlikely that things will just go back to exactly the way they were before. Our workplaces are likely to change, and with it, the skills companies will require.

Here are 8 job skills that are likely to be in high demand in a post-coronavirus world.

Adaptability and Flexibility

One thing is for certain, the ways companies operate and work are going to change. The world was already changing rapidly, but the pandemic accelerated it. There will be few “jobs for life.” Someone that is going to succeed in a post-coronavirus-world will need to be able to adapt to ever-evolving workplaces and have the ability to continuously update and refresh their skills.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Tech Savviness

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for a post-coronavirus-world is to acquire technology skills. The COVID-19 pandemic is fast-tracking digital transformations in companies as they are trying to become more resilient to future outbreaks and disruptions. The reality is that technologies such as artificial intelligencebig data, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics will make businesses more resilient to future pandemics, and anyone that can help companies exploit these technologies will be in a great position. Whether you work in a factory or an accounting office in a post-coronavirus world, you need to be comfortable with these tech tools as well as be able to work with them effectively.

Creativity & Innovation

We have already seen the importance of creativity and innovation during the pandemic. Businesses that have been able to come up with ways to deliver services virtually (like many healthcare providers have done) or quickly shift to new products (like Mercedes F1 that have shifted from making racing cars to innovative breathing aids) have been able to better weather the storm. In a post-coronavirus world, we will need human ingenuity to invent, dream up new products and ways of working. Human creativity is going to be essential.

Data Literacy

As the fuel of the 4th Industrial Revolution, data is a critical asset for every company. With the right data, companies are able to better predict the impact of future business disruptions and are better able to serve customers with the right products and services during or after any pandemic. Companies that understand business trends and shifting customer needs are better able to respond in the right way should a future pandemic come along. However, the data is useless to a company unless there is data literacy—people equipped with skills to understand the data and make better decisions because of it. Professionals with data literacy will be even more appealing to prospective employers than ever before.

Critical Thinking

Another skill that will be essential as our global economy rebuilds from the damage done by COVID-19 is critical thinking. During the pandemic, we have seen a spike in fake news and misrepresentations of data and studies, as leaders, businesses, and governments are trying to shift blame and divert attention and proper scrutiny. People who can objectively evaluate information from diverse sources to determine what is credible will be valued. Not all information should be trusted, but organizations will need to rely on critical thinking to understand what information should inform decision-making.

Digital And Coding Skills

The digital transformation of organizations got a boost because of coronavirus; therefore, professionals with digital skills, including coding, web development, and digital marketing, will become even more important than they are now. People who can keep the digital business running—and thriving—during economic downturns or pandemics that make in-person business impossible or less efficient are going to be on the must-hire list. And, basically, ALL companies are now digitally based in some way, so the opportunities to put digital skills to work are countless.


One of the changes in a world that is heavily augmented by the support of machines and where social distancing and home working might continue for the foreseeable future, is that more people at all levels of an organization will be in a position where they lead others. The gig economy is only going to grow post coronavirus, and people will be working in more fluent teams where people are taking the lead at different times. Professionals with strong skills in leadership, including how to bring out the best and inspire teams as well as encourage collaboration, will be in demand.

Emotional Intelligence

Closely linked to leadership is another skill that is even more important in uncertain and challenging times: Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The ability to be aware of, express, and control our emotions and be aware of others’ emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about. At times when people might feel uncertain about their job and the future of their business, it is key to connect with people on an emotional level. Individuals with strong EQ will be coveted by organizations of all sizes and in all industries.

Commit to a Lifetime of Learning

According to the World Economic Forum, in just five years, 35 percent of the skills deemed essential today will change. There’s only one way to remain relevant in a post-coronavirus reality: commit to a lifetime of learning.

When faced with a tight job market, professionals with advanced and expert job skills will still be in demand and will likely struggle less to find employment. The good news is that improving your skills has never been easier. Today, it doesn’t require years of study or hefty loans to build up your skillset to be prepared for a post-coronavirus world. There are endless free and open online courses (MOOCs) available that will help you improve your skills.

Here are just a few examples:

·        Artificial intelligence and machine learning courses

·        Data literacy and data science courses

·        Emotional Intelligence courses

Or just search for the skills you want to develop on platforms such as CourseraedXUdacityFutureLearn, or iversity 


Forbes.com | April 17, 2020 |  Bernard Marr Enterprise Tech


More About the Author: For more on AI and technology trends, see Bernard Marr’s book Artificial Intelligence in Practice: How 50 Companies Used AI and Machine Learning To Solve Problems and his forthcoming book Tech Trends in Practice: The 25 Technologies That Are Driving The 4Th Industrial Revolution, which is available to pre-order now.


#Networking : Please! Don’t Make Me Network! Great Two(2) Min Read!

I think it is safe to say that networking is often considered the most dreaded activity for someone in a job search. For some of our clients, it is the worst aspect of their job search process.

Through the years, I have gotten many calls at 8:30 PM from clients who are driving home from a networking event.  They called just to vent and decompress from the stress of the evening.

“Do you know how hard it is for me to go to one of these meetings?” They would ask.  “Don’t you know how exhausting this is for someone like me? I’m totally stressed out by this! Tell me again, why do I need to do this?”

When I get these questions, this is always my answer: “Yes! Yes! I DO know how hard it is for some people to network, and my team and I genuinely applaud our clients for their effort.”

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Fortunately for me, I don’t dread networking.  It doesn’t bother me to go to these meetings, and very often I feel really good afterward because ultimately, I meet someone new, or see someone that I haven’t seen in a long time.

The reason I enjoy networking is that I approach it in this way:

I go to meetings where I think I will most likely meet people who I would personally want in my business network.  I’ll state this again: I go where I think I will meet people that I would find interesting and who I would like to have in my community of professional relationships.

With this intention, I tend to be more relaxed and have more meaningful conversations that make an impression and are more memorable to me and to the person to whom I am talking.  To me, this is truly the act of building a network.  And by the way, just for fun, I am collecting the name tags from the events that I have attended just to see how long it takes me to fill the jar!

You hate networking?  Think about approaching it completely differently and remember, people, do business with people they like.  People hire people they like, too!


FSC Guest Author: Susan Howington is a sought-after expert in the Executive Career Transition field, applying her practical knowledge and visionary wisdom as a consultant, coach, author and industry speaker. Her success derives from her understanding that in circumstances of job search, nothing replaces the effectiveness of human interaction and person to person connections. Through her company, Power Connections, Susan utilizes her highly respected reputation to assist companies in transitioning their employees during outplacement initiatives.


How Smart People Sabotage Their Job Search
Susan’s book How Smart People Sabotage Their Job Search is on Amazon. Be sure to check it out and order your copy today!


FSC Career Blog |  April 21, 2020

#ResumeWriting : Get Your Resume Updated for Spring. Today’s Resume is More than Just Changing some Dates.

Spring is the most popular time of the year to get some cleaning done in and around the house. But it’s also a great time to clean up your executive resume! This is one of the busiest times of the year for professional executive resume writers, so if you plan on using a resume service to clean up the cobwebs for your resume, now’s the time to make an appointment.

Updating your resume is more than just changing some dates. If you haven’t looked at your resume in the past few years, you need to consider these tips to spruce up your resume for the upcoming hiring season. Once this global health crisis is over, the flood gates will open, and you don’t want to be left behind.


  1. Highlight Only Relevant Skills

Your last resume may have been filled with a lot of different skills in hopes of the relevant one getting recognized. Any executive resume writing service today will tell you to highlight only relevant skills, because hiring managers won’t take the time to read through them all. You’ve got six seconds to impress a recruiter, so make them count.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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  1. Remove any clichés

Words like “passionate,” “reliable” and “dependable” all may describe you perfectly, but the reality is everyone believes those words describe them as well. Do yourself and your resume a favor and remove these clichés, since they don’t add any value to your executive resume.


  1. Update Dates

Depending on your age, you may need to update or remove a significant amount of dates on your executive resume. Dates are good to use to an extent, but if you are attempting to

highlight experience from 30 years ago, chances are it won’t help you land your next job.


  1. Be More Focused

The best executive resume services want you to target your resume more. The days of creating one general resume to send out to many different companies are over. Companies today want to see a resume tailored to their needs, so you need to comply if you want to have a chance.


  1. If All Else Fails, Start from Scratch

Updating an old resume can take more time than just starting over from scratch. Sometimes even the best professional executive resume writers will suggest starting over with a clean slate. This will help clear your mind from all of the older accomplishments and experiences and allow you to focus on the more current experiences you can remember.

Resume formats change, and now is the time to dust the cobwebs off your resume and dress it up. You want to make sure you have added not only your most recent jobs and promotions, but also achievements and new skills since your last update. Take advantage of this downtime to put some thought into presenting yourself accurately in your new resume.


FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog | April 20, 2020

#JobSearch : How to Handle a Job Search During a Pandemic. Great Checklist!

If you’ve lost your job due to COVID-19 or were in the middle of a job hunt when the coronavirus hit, don’t panic—and don’t give up job searching.

Even though it can be challenging, there are ways you can successfully look for work during a pandemic. Some industries are cutting back, but others are hiring.

Some organizations will need more workers than in the past, and they may need to get them onboard quickly.

Search Indeed for “urgently hiring” and your location to view immediate openings. That will give you a sense of what jobs are in demand in your location.

Below are some tips for job hunting during a pandemic.

Check Your Benefits

Before you start looking for work, be sure that you’re collecting any job loss benefits to which you’re entitled. Check with your human resources department or manager for details on what’s available.

You may be eligible for unemployment benefits. If you’ve lost your job because of COVID-19, expanded unemployment insurance may be available.

The federal government, state governments, and some employers are providing additional unemployment compensation for affected employees. Standard state unemployment benefits are already in place.

In most states, you can apply for benefits online. Check with your state unemployment office website for eligibility and benefit guidelines.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Get Ready to Job Search

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile. If you haven’t had to look for work in a while, take some time to update your resume and LinkedIn. Be sure to tweak your resume for the job you want each time you apply.

Write a cover letter. Also, take the time to write a cover letter each time you apply for a job. It will help your application get noticed. Not writing one could hurt your chances of getting hired. CareerBuilder reports that 10% of surveyed employers said not including a cover letter was an instant deal-breaker.

Be Aware of the Job Market

Not every occupation and industry will be affected in the same way. The Washington Post reports that the first layoffs related to coronavirus hit the job market last week.3

Companies in travel, food services, hospitality, and event planning have been especially hard hit, as well as those headquartered in areas that experienced the first cases, such as Washington state. On the other hand, the healthcare field is hiring, as are grocery stores and cleaning services.

Workers shouldn’t assume that their industry isn’t hiring.

However, industries like online shopping and delivery have surged, and essential services like healthcare and warehousing are hiring rapidly to meet demand. Some jobs are booming, and employers are actively recruiting candidates for employment.

Amazon is hiring for 100,000 new full and part-time positions across the U.S. in its fulfillment centers and delivery network to meet the demand from people relying on its service.

Walmart is hiring 150,000 new associates to work in stores, clubs, distribution centers, and fulfillment centers. These roles will be temporary, but may convert to permanent roles over time.

The company is also implementing a new process expedite hiring for key roles, such as cashiers and stockers. The typical two-week application cycle will be reduced to a 24-hour process.

Job Search Online

During a traditional job search, it can be important to job search and network in person as well as online. In the current climate, however, you’ll want to focus on searching and applying for jobs online on the top job sites, social media, and directly on company websites.

Find and keep track of new job postings quickly and simply by:

  • Taking the time to organize your job search. It will make the process smoother.
  • Setting up job alerts, so you are notified about new postings as soon as they are listed.
  • Using hashtags to expedite your job search.

Consider Work-from-Home Options

With the general uncertainty of a pandemic, you may find yourself in a situation where you absolutely can’t work outside the home. Perhaps you suddenly have young children at home because their schools have been closed indefinitely.

Or, maybe you yourself have underlying health issues that would make you highly susceptible to infection should you leave your house.

The good news is that, if you have an internet connection, you have the capability to search and land work-from-home jobs that will at least supplement your income (and, depending upon your professional skillset, you may even find a work-from-home job that is just as lucrative as your old job).

Check out these tips for finding work-at-home jobs that are hiring now.

Search Top Job Sites

Get started by typing keyword phrases such as “work at home,” “freelance,” or “telecommute” into one of the top job sites.

Search Remote and Gig Job Sites

Also check out websites that list gig jobs, and niche sites like FlexJobs that focus on remote positions. FlexJobs has a list of 20 full remotely companies that are hiring now, as well as a list of the top 100 companies with remote jobs.

Be Ready to Offer Solutions

This is a challenging time for employers as well as workers. If you can show the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes to help the company succeed, you’ll increase your chances of getting hired.

Think about the problems that companies are facing and explain how you’ll solve them. Whether you’re applying to clean public spaces or write code, the way to get hired is to show prospective employers that you have the skills they need. Decode the job listing and emphasize your most valuable qualifications in your cover letter, in the profile section of your resume, and in job interviews.

If you can do your job from home, you may have a better chance than ever of getting a hiring manager’s attention. Many businesses and professional services companies, especially in the tech space, are having their employees work from home.11 hat means a whole lot of eyeballs are on a whole lot of inboxes—and some of them belong to hiring managers. If you have experience telecommuting, this would be good to mention on your resume.

Be Prepared to Ace the Interview

Be sure that you’re prepared for video interviews. Practice interviewing via camera. If you’ve never interviewed via Skype or Zoom, there’s a bit of a learning curve.

Get acquainted with the technology and do a practice interview before you speak with the hiring manager. Pay close attention to the lighting and background as well as how your interview outfit shows up on camera.

Spend Time Networking

Remember that networking doesn’t require meeting in person. In the era of LinkedIn, Facebook groups, and other social networks, you don’t need to be able to shake someone’s hand to make a good impression.

Now is a particularly good time to practice one of the most important tenets of networking: if you want people to help you later, be willing to help them right now.

Write LinkedIn recommendations for former colleagues. Refer friends for open positions at your company. Offer to proofread your friend’s resume and cover letter. It will give you a sense of satisfaction, and it will help strengthen your network for the future.

Upgrade Your Skills

You may have extra time, and if you do, it’s an opportunity to upgrade your skills. There are many opportunities to work on your skillset online, including LinkedIn LearningCoursera, and many other sites where you can learn new skills.

Be Patient and Kind

The coronavirus has impacted many facets of everyday life in addition to the workplace. If you’re not hearing back on jobs as quickly as you’d like, be patient and kind to hiring managers and your networking connections. Everyone has issues to deal with and is doing the best they can during a difficult time.

The hiring process may be longer and different from what you’re used to, but you’ll get there. When you do, take the time to thank everyone who helped with your job search.

Key Takeaways

HIRING HASN’T STOPPED:Hiring may slow down in affected industries, but employers are still hiring.

PRACTICE INTERVIEWING:If you haven’t used video for job interviews or meetings, practice ahead of time.

GIVE TO GET:These are challenging times for almost everyone, offer to help whomever you can. You’ll find people are willing to help you, too.


TheBalanceCareers.com |  April 9, 2020 |  

#Resumes :Skills Recruiters Want to See on Your Resume. Recruiters see Thousands of Resumes a Month, So you Need to Make your Resume Stand Out From the Rest.

Anyone who has worked as a recruiter or hiring manager knows the difficulties in sorting through executive resumes. And as an executive, you may quickly realize you possess very similar skills as your competition when searching for a new job.

Highlighting your best skills and attributes will help set your resume apart from the others. When you combine your tangible skills with writing an effective resume, you’ll have a better chance of distinguishing yourself.

Here are some of the most optimal skills that look great on an executive profile. 

Critical Decision-Making

Being able to make highly critical decisions with limited time and information is extremely valuable. Quick and thoughtful decision making shows you are very aware of any given situation and aren’t just making a random decision just because you have to. You’ve thought through and anticipated certain decisions that may have to be made, so you’re always prepared. This is a key skill for executives in any industry.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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There’s a difference between multitasking and doing busy work. Multitasking means you can get multiple jobs done at the same time in order to be more efficient and move business forward. Be sure to explain situations where you had to multitask to meet a strict deadline in your executive profile. Every executive has to multitask at some point, but the best ones will create positive results out of it. 


One of the best things you can put in your executive bio is your team-building experience. Every company wants to hire a team player, whether it’s a lower-level employee or a high-ranking executive. Many executives like to stay tucked away in their office and not talk to others. So if you are actively building stronger teams for your organization, then you’ll stand out. 

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking just means you think about the past, present and future in any decision you make. You’re also willing to take some risks if the potential reward is high. It’s difficult to display strategic thinking in an executive profile, but it’s a great skill to demonstrate when you have an interview.

Recruiters see thousands of resumes a month, so you need to make your resume stand out from the rest. Highlighting your skillset is one way to set yourself above. Just make sure that the rest of your resume showcases how you utilized those skills for the benefit of your employer.

FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog |  April 16, 2020