#JobSearch : Interview Responses to Avoid at All Costs. You Need to Answer the Questions Correctly to Get the Job.

An interview is your opportunity to sell yourself. Regardless of how much you may look the part, you need to answer the questions correctly to get the job. Interviewers ask key questions and look for certain types of answers. Honesty is always the best policy, but remember that it is okay not to offer information that was not asked.

Never bash your former employer.
It doesn’t matter if your last boss was the Wicked Witch of the Workforce, don’t say anything negative about your former employer. Instead of saying that you left your last job to get away from your boss that micromanages like it’s going out of style, say that you are looking for an employer that wants to utilize your talents and allow you to truly contribute to the company. Instead of saying what you hated about your last employer, focus on what you love about the employer that you are interviewing with.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

Article continued …

Avoid slang.
It doesn’t matter if everyone you know uses double negatives and slang, don’t use them in your interview responses. Always make sure that you look and sound intelligent and articulate in an interview. You might be a college graduate from an ivy league school, but if you speak like you dropped out of grade school in your interview, there’s a good chance that you won’t be getting the job. An interview is the place to be as professional as possible.

Always have questions.
Almost all interviews end with the interviewer asking you if you have any questions about the position or the company. Be certain to have some questions. However, avoid questions about pay, vacation time, hours, bonuses, and similar things that depend on you actually having the job. Instead, do some research on the company that you are interviewing with and ask a question about something that you read. This shows that you are interested about the company and have done some research.

Never say you were fired.
When asked why you left your last place of employment, never under any circumstances should you say that you were fired, even if you were. You could say instead that you and your manager agreed that your last position may not have been the best fit. Do not lie about why you left, but avoid using the words fired, terminated, and let go in your explanation of why you are no longer with your previous company.

Don’t lie.
It’s better to admit that there is something that you don’t know than to lie. If you find yourself put on the spot with a question that you don’t know how to answer, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a moment or two to consider your answer. When you give the interviewer a well thought out response to the question that was posed, you can also make a point of emphasizing that you don’t make snap judgments and decisions, but instead prefer to think through how you are going to answer the situation. In many situations, this type of personality trait can be an asset.

FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.

FSC Career Blog | October 23, 2020

#JobSearch : Career Reinvention Is About More Than Just Skills: 3 Areas Critical To Employability In The Future Of Work. A MUst REad for All!

The future of work is here. And as Jack Kelly highlights in this sobering Forbes.com article, life is not going to be as comfortable as we remember it pre-pandemic and we must become self-reliant and entrepreneurial when it comes to our careers.

This may feel exciting for some and downright terrifying for others. What used to be a choice, is now becoming a guarantee: We will all need to reinvent ourselves multiple times throughout our careers to remain employable.

Those who resist may find themselves in an uncomfortable reality in the not-so-distant future. But even those who are ready to embrace the situation may not know where to begin.

Here’s how to remain employable in a volatile and ever-advancing market:

1) Reinvent expertise. This is traditionally how most professionals think about career reinvention. Building new skills through formal education, online courses, applied experience and self-created projects is a great habit and something all professionals should pursue.

Although some companies are leading efforts to upskill or reskill their workforces, this is still an emerging concept and most of those roles tend to be in technology fields where there’s a talent shortage. Since many organizations are not offering these programs or sadly, not proactively encouraging their employees to reskill, the onus is on the individual to drive this process. Here’s how:

  • Regularly take inventory. In today’s labor market, it doesn’t take long for skills to go stale, especially when it comes to technology solutions. While many employees go through some type of annual performance review, these are often rushed, unstructured and focused on the company’s performance metrics (vs. broader market skills). It will benefit you to review your accomplishments annually, update your resume and LinkedIn with new abilities, and identify any skills gaps that may exist. Specifically, take note if you realize that you’ve gained few new marketable skills in the last year. At the pace we’re moving, even one year with limited growth can set you behind.
  • Follow the market. Many employees focus on how to be successful internally at their organizations, which makes sense because this is likely what they’re measured on and where they earn a paycheck. However, make time to look externally as well. It’s easy to become myopic and the reality is what your company is focusing on may not be what the broader industry is doing. If your company is remaining stagnant when your competitors are moving forward, it may be time to take it upon yourself to upskill.
  • Make a plan. Once you’ve done your market and self assessments, take action. There are so many resources available today to increase your skills and knowledge, many low cost or no cost. Plan to take two LinkedIn Learning courses monthly, raise your hand to be on the board of an industry association, volunteer to lead the new retention task force your company is instituting, enroll in a business course at a local community college, select a new technology App or system to master. My favorite strategy is putting yourself into rooms where you’re the least qualified, which forces you to improve your skills while being surrounded by others who can help advise you. The list of possibilities is endless, but you need to schedule it and follow through. Most professionals have a lot of things competing for their time, so if it’s not a priority, it won’t happen.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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2) Reinvent brand. Whether or not you’re consciously building a brand, others observe what you do and develop their own conclusions. While you can’t necessarily control what others think, you can engage in behaviors that portray the brand you aspire to, and ensure the great work you accomplish is visible.

While you may balk at the necessity of this, you may change your mind when you realize the people around you who are landing stellar opportunities aren’t more talented or experienced, they just do a better job of broadcasting their skills and achievements. As Carla Harris points out in her book “Strategize to Win,” many decisions about your career are made when you’re not in the room, so if key decision-makers aren’t aware of your expertise, you will get overlooked, fair or not. Here’s how to create a visible brand:

  • Do great work. Whether in the boardroom or mailroom, building a trusted brand starts with being known as the person who gets the job done while being a role model to others in terms of work ethic, attitude and reliability. Create a strategy to measure your progress, even if it’s not a built-in aspect of your job (e.g., Sales, billable hours), and strive to improve your performance through building efficiencies, reducing costs or engaging creativity. What employers value more than anything today are employees who are agile, resourceful, and continuously learning. Regardless of your title, be that person and you’ll always land on your feet.
  • Create a visibility strategy. Doing great work is a must, but others need to know about it. If your organization is highly siloed, your manager tends to overlook recognition or your role doesn’t have a formalized measurement that ends up on a distributed report, it’s likely others aren’t fully aware of your contributions. Create a dashboard or scorecard for yourself and share it with your boss and team. Make it a habit to celebrate team accomplishments in staff meetings, including your role in the project. Volunteer for committees or projects that expose you to new colleagues and leaders so others become aware of your capabilities. Worst case, these steps may save you if your manager unexpectedly leaves or your company experiences a RIF, and best case, you may be hand-selected for a juicy new role. For more tips, click here.
  • Define your brand. Most don’t reflect on the question, “What do I want to be known for?” However, the answer to this is what defines the behavior guidelines for your professional brand. No, you can’t control what others’ think of you, but you can control your actions, which give others the criteria for making a judgment. If you want to get a promotion, show up to meetings on-time, prepared to contribute and ready to display leadership qualities like recognizing contributions and offering ideas. Knowing your goals and what attributes define someone who is successful attaining those goals will inform your actions, which others will notice. Take time to define your brand when you’re starting a new role, project or team. Then, determine the behaviors that make someone effective and exhibit them. Follow through on your social media and how you introduce yourself.

3) Reinvent connections. Your network is likely constantly evolving through work, community and social connections, even if you’re not putting too much effort into it. Imagine what could happen if you invested just a bit more?

More than anything, your network is the lifeline to career opportunities. Up to 70% of jobs are never posted, which means the only way to learn about them is through a connection, and 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) according to Jobscan, which often weed out 75% of applications before they reach the recruiter. Unfair? Yes. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted what we already knew: job security is a myth and even stellar performers are susceptible to a deflated economy. So, while reinventing your skills is a fantastic start, great performance can get you only so far. The rest is about who knows what you know. Here’s how to reinvent your network:

  • Take stock, then take a step further. You already have a great network, but you may not have thought about it. Go through your email, texts, Venmo, social media and other contact lists to learn more about the network you already have. Are you connected online? Have they changed jobs? Do they know your target? What could be learned from a 15-minute phone call? The people in your network are constantly evolving, so don’t underestimate their value in your reinvention. Reach out, share your current career goals, and be curious about theirs. You may just find that you can mutually benefit one another’s careers in a way you hadn’t imagined. See here.
  • Branch out. If you’ve been growing your network organically, it may be time to get more strategic. In this article, Herminia Ibarra describes a method for auditing your connections and ensuring you’re being thorough in your outreach. For example, are you networking in diverse groups outside of your normal circles? Have you considered who you’d like to meet to get to the next level of your career and started to follow their work? Much of what makes networking successful in the moment is planning ahead and giving yourself a lengthy runway to develop the relationship, so start before you need it.
  • Make it a habit. Like exercise and healthy eating, networking and building connections needs to become a way of life to be most effective. In the same way cramming in a few Peloton sessions won’t help your cholesterol numbers one week prior to your health checkup, reaching out to new contacts when you’ve just lost your job won’t quickly solve your employment woes. Your best bet is to first consider most people you meet a valuable part of your network. Connect with new colleagues on LinkedIn. After attending a webinar, reach out to thank the panelists and organizers. On you next Zoom event, jot down a few people you’d like to get to know better and follow up. Next, implement Ibarra’s strategy of proactively diversifying your network with industry thought leaders, diverse cultures, geographies, ethnic and age groups, and some super connectors. Once you start building outreach into your routine, it’ll feel like you’ve forgotten something if you don’t engage.


While two-thirds of Americans believe technology will eventually take over about 50% of current roles, over 80% of those same people believe their roles won’t be impacted. We need to face reality. Our careers will morph and change with innovation, which is moving at an accelerated pace, and no one is going to manage your career as well as you.

Happy hunting.


Forbes.com | October 20, 2020 | Dawn Graham 

#JobSearch : A 7-Step Job Search Plan To Beat The Tough Economy. A Seven Step Job Search Plan that has Gotten Results!

Job searches go faster when job-seekers first take a step back to plan strategically. And careful planning has become even more important during these challenging economic times. Think of it this way; your “job” in a job search is to be a world-class consultative salesperson, for yourself. So do what the best salespeople do: plan carefully first, to get the highest return on your time investment.

Here’s a seven step job search plan that has gotten results for my clients, and that any great salesperson would appreciate. 

1. Start with the audience. Define your audience using two parameters so that you can understand and market to them effectively. Vary one of these two parameters and your pitch needs to change to resonate with the new audience:

  • The position description, including the level. “Finance” doesn’t cut it; “Chief Finance Officer” or “Financial Analyst” does, because of the very different ways you need to sell yourself for each of these roles.
  • The type of organization, including the industry, for profit vs. non-profit, startup or global Fortune 100, and so forth. For example, a CFO at a startup will be expected to pitch in beyond their finance role more so than would a CFO at an established global company.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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2. Craft messages that will resonate with your target audience in your resumes, LinkedIn profile, emails, cover letters, and your networking and interview pitches. Which keywords, phrases, skills and experience would gain their interest? Find out by researching a) the words and phrases used in job postings, b) the LinkedIn profile content of those that do what you want to do, c) online publications for your field, d) blog posts and articles of relevant thought-leaders, and e) the “Investors” section on public company websites.

3. Make sure your target audience is big enough. Does your job target have enough potential so that your search won’t become a years-long odyssey? By “potential,” I mean the number of positions that exist, whether open or filled. You want to fish in a sea with a lot of fish so you’re more likely to catch one! Try to target roughly 200 potential positions, to help ensure you can complete your search in two to four months.

For example, a client was looking for a Chief Marketing Officer role at mid-sized technology companies in a remote part of the U.S. and identified 13 companies that met the definition. She thus identified only 13 potential positions, since each of these 13 companies has only one CMO.

This small number implies a very long search given that most positions will be filled, and for those that are not she would be competing with lots of candidates. She was ultimately able to target roughly 200 potential positions by expanding her geography, the types of roles she was willing to accept, and the industries to which she was open. And she did in fact land a role about three months after expanding her audience.

4. Prioritize your valuable job search timePlan to spend 80% of your time on the “active” marketing channels that are getting my clients (and my colleagues’ clients) roughly 80% of their interviews: networking (that is, getting introductions) and cold-calls/emails. Spend the remaining 20% of your time on the “passive” channels for getting interviews – job postings and search firms.

5. Think broadly about your network, then plan how you want to reach out. Aim to let at least 200 people know about your search. Include family, friends, colleagues you haven’t spoken to in years who might be open to helping you, former classmates, your neighbor and so forth. One of my clients landed an interview after reaching out to a former business school classmate she hadn’t spoken with in 17 years. This is typical.

Then segment your outreach by those who will receive a) a mass “Your help requested” email vs. individual emails, b) a highly personalized vs. templated email, and c) an informational meeting request vs. a referral request or simply an update on your job search.

6. Create a one-page marketing-plan document. Plan to share this document with those who are well connected in your field, as it will make it easier for them to help you. Consider emailing the document prior to, or even during, an informational meeting. In the document, include a) your job target, b) how you can help/what differentiates you, and c) a list of the better known organizations that you’re targeting, with the hope that they’ll more likely think of someone they can refer you to if they see the organization names.

7. Set up your contact management system. You’ll want to keep in touch with everyone in your broadly defined network so no opportunities pass you by. To do so, you’ll need to keep track of, and schedule, your individual outreach efforts.

Whether your system consists of a simple spreadsheet (like most of my clients) or something more sophisticated, every contact should have “next action,” “date of next action” and “priority” fields next to their name. This way you’ll always know what to do on a given day and ensure no opportunities slip through the cracks. Adding a “last action” field is also useful to see how you have been spending your time. Click here to download an example of what this spreadsheet might look like (customize to make it work for you). Plan to follow up with everyone in your system every three to six weeks.

Jobseekers often struggle with what to say when keeping in touch, and I routinely get asked about this. Here’s what to say.


Forbes.com | October 21, 2020 | Robert Hellmann 

#JobSearch : You Only Need To Do These Five Things To Succeed In Your Job Hunt—Block Out All Of The Other Noise. A MUst REad!

When you’re in between jobs, it’s an overwhelming experience. There’s an overflow of too much well-intentioned advice. Everyone’s telling you what you must absolutely do to succeed in the pursuit of a new job. Your parents offer stale advice that’s 30 years old. Colleagues—who moved jobs two years ago—give unsolicited guidance, but have no idea how out of touch they are with the current Covid-19 job market. All sorts of so-called experts come out of the woodwork and weigh in—for a hefty price tag, of course.

Allow me to simplify the process, Marie Kondo-style. Here are the core basics of what you need to do in the job hunt—without all of the drama and fanfare.

1) Know what you want to do next. 

Too often, people jump into a job search without seriously contemplating their next move. They lack a definitive goal and a system of actions to achieve it.

You’ll see this on LinkedIn when members post a banner with the #opentowork hashtag on their profile photo. They’ll write something like, “Hi, Covid-19 happened and I lost my job.” Then, they’ll add, “Please help me!”

I get why they do this, but it’s not terribly helpful. The job seeker hasn’t clearly stated what they’ve accomplished in their career, the type of job they want next, the reasons why they are suitable and appropriate for that type of role and the specific help they require.

Tell prospective hiring managers, recruiters, people in your network and random strangers how awesome you are and the specific role you covet. Politely ask if they could please introduce you to the appropriate hiring manager, human resources and decision-making personnel, along with a positive recommendation.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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2) Be honest—is this an achievable goal? 

Before you jump head-first into the search, ensure that you possess the appropriate skills, background and experience. This market is too brutal and unforgiving to expect that you’ll get an interview and job offer just because you show up.

Over 60 million Americans have filed for unemployment since March. On a daily basis, we continue to see major corporations conducting massive layoffs. With all of this competition, you need to possess all of the right stuff to garner attention.

If you think you’re a smart person, can figure things out and succeed in the role, that’s not enough. No one in this environment has the time to deal with someone who isn’t a direct on-target fit. They desire a plug-and-play person who can hit the ground running from day one. There are too many other people out there for a company to settle on a less-than-perfect fit. It sounds harsh, but management feels, “Why shouldn’t we continue looking until there are applicants that meet or exceed the appropriate criteria at a cost-effective price?”

If you’re chasing an illusionary goal, you’ll waste precious time. Yes, I know. Everyone has a friend who has secured an amazing job without all of the necessary experience. That’s the exception. We are not them.

3) Why should the company hire you? 

Clearly articulate the background and skill set you possess that make you a great fit for the position you’re applying to. It’s shocking how many people can’t tell and sell their own story. They stumble, fumble and go around in circles. This won’t fly. The interviewer will get frustrated with your inability to formulate a cohesive narrative and tell you that it was nice meeting with you and they have other people to see.

You must put together a marketing pitch to sell yourself. Just because you have 20 years of experience—and anyone can say that they’re at the top of their field—is not a sufficient enough reason to hire you. You have to sell them on yourself. Don’t say, “I shouldn’t have to sell myself, as my reputations and knowledge speaks for itself.” No, it doesn’t. You have to sell yourself hard. You also need to have a tight, concise pitch that tells a compelling story of your relevant background, how you’ll add value and why you’d succeed in the job. Practice until it sounds organic.

4) Network in person and online.

Nobody really likes networking. Unless you’re one of those gregarious, outgoing folks, it’s kind of icky. However, you must do it. Get on any and all career-related meetups online. Join all sorts of networking groups. Seek out top recruiters in your niche. Brand and market yourself on LinkedIn. Find relevant people to connect with, including human resources, talent acquisition and hiring managers. Comment on their posts and share your insights to brand yourself as a leader in your space.

5) Keep trying and don’t give up.

The search can last for many months, which can feel like years. There will be heartaches and roller-coaster ups and downs. You’ll be depressed with brief periods of elation. People will be rude, inconsiderate and unsympathetic. You’ll lose faith in people and feel miserable.

This can’t stop you. You need to persevere forward—despite all of the hurdles and obstacles in your path. Take the rejection, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start over again and again. Stay mentally and emotionally strong. The search may take one month or more than six months, but eventually you will get that great new job!


Forbes.com | October 20, 2020 | Jack Kelly 

#JobSearch : How To Answer This Awkward Interview Question. Where Do you See Yourself in Five Years?

Where do you see yourself in five years? Anyone who thought they knew where their lives would be five years ago is probably re-evaluating their plans right now. Five years ago, we had no idea our world would change as much as it has due to a global pandemic.

Yet, unfortunately, “where do you see yourself in five years?” is a question job interviewers still tend to ask in job interviews. Often, interviewers ask this question because they want to know if you actually do want the specific job you’re interviewing for and they want to know if you see yourself at their particular company for the long haul. This question allows them to get insight into your personal career goals to see if it aligns with the role and company. As a job candidate, it can be tricky to know if you should be brutally honest or fake and flattering when posed with this question.

To make answering this question easier, here are the only three things you need to focus on the next time you’re asked this awkward question:

Focus on what work you want to do

It may sound compelling to let the interviewer know that you plan to have a much higher senior title in five years or that you plan to start your own company or something similar, but these options aren’t the best way to approach this question. If you mention to the interviewer that you plan to have a specific job title at the company in five years, you might be shooting yourself in the foot before you even get the job. It’s uncertain if the particular role you might mention would even be available five years from now. If you mention that you plan to do your own thing five years from now, the interviewer might assume that they’re merely a stepping stone for you and that you’re not truly invested in the opportunity.

Instead, you want to focus on the responsibilities you hope to partake in over the next five years. Next time try something like, “In the next five years, I see myself growing and becoming an expert in [job function/industry]. I see myself still working on challenging projects like [specific projects mentioned in the job description or interview] and probably taking on even more challenging work as I learn and develop even more skills.”

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Focus on how you want to feel 

While you can’t predict where exactly you’ll be five years from now, or the role you’ll have, or that you’ll even be at the company you’re interviewing for now, you can visualize how you’d like to feel about yourself and your career five years from now. Focusing on how you want to feel when answering this question also gives you the chance to subtly infuse the elements that are important to you in your next career move. Plus, if the company’s culture and values align with your career goals (as they should), this will give you the chance to further prove to the interviewer that you’d be a great addition to the team.

Here’s an example of what you could say: “I see myself feeling excited about the work I do. I see myself working with colleagues and a manager who still inspires and empowers me to keep growing and stretching myself to achieve and exceed expectations.”

Focus on how you want to contribute

Companies want to hire problem solvers and team players and this question is a great opportunity to show that you have a strong desire to make an impact over the next five years. Focusing on how you plan to contribute is a creative way to do that without predicting the future and mentioning specific details that may or not happen five years from now.

To show how much you intend to be an asset, you can say something along the lines of, “I see myself continuing to be an asset to my clients, team and all the other people I’ll have the honor of working with over the next five years. That’s why I’m so excited about the opportunity to join your team as a [job title you’re interviewing for now] because I know I can jump right in and add tremendous value now.”

Yes, this question may seem awkward and intrusive. But, when answered the right way, it’s a great opportunity for you to share a little more about you and to drive home the key factors that make you a great candidate for the position. By only focusing on these three things, you’ll be able to answer this question with more confidence and authenticity, and you’ll likely increase your chances of getting hired.

Author:  Adunola Adeshola coaches high-achievers on how to take their careers to the next level and secure the positions they’ve been chasing. Grab her free guide.

Forbes.com | October 15, 2020

#BestofFSCBlog : #JobSearch -Not Getting Job Interviews? Your Resume Is The Problem. ATS(AI) Software Robots Deletes 75% of Resumes When you Apply Online.

Cathy is a 59-year-old Hotel Sales Director who has had a vert successful career until COVID hit and she lost her job. She has been job hunting for seven months and has applied to over 300 jobs. “No one is calling. No interviews, not even one email or inquiry. I’m so frustrated. Is the job market really that impossible right now?”

“I have to wonder what I’m doing wrong,” says Tom, a Baby Boomer IT executive who contacted me about resume help. “I have sent out so many resumes – literally over 100—and I haven’t gotten one interview. Any recruiters that email me are looking at work I did two jobs ago as a project manager, but I never get any interviews for current my job level. Help!”

Although it is a difficult job market, there are still jobs available, and more positions are opening up every day. If you aren’t getting any response to your resume, no matter who helped you write it, you have to wonder if something is wrong with your resume.

The first and most important thing is to be sure that you are applying for the correct job opportunities and are a good fit for those opportunities. That you have the specific skillset and the experience the employer is asking for. You are not “just trying to get your foot in the door,” which is a very old-fashioned strategy that does not work anymore. Recruiters complain that too many people are applying for jobs that they aren’t qualified to perform. This approach will not work when you have such a competitive marketplace. Assuming that you are applying for jobs at the correct level, you have to analyze your resume closely and ensure you get the next two items right.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Employers want outcomes

The number one mistake that most job hunters make is that they do not create a resume full of accomplishments and results. Instead they focus on vague, boring job descriptions or take the job listing and copy the content and paste it into their resume. These approaches do not work. Employers want to see results. They want to know the level of success that you have delivered in your previous jobs. So vague statements that don’t have any quantification won’t be effective at all.

The formula to follow is MY ACTIONS = My RESULTS

Whenever possible, use numbers, statistics, money or time saved, or note the dollars added to the company’s bottomline.

Here are some examples:

·  Streamlined the company’s sales process from start through installation. Improved processes. Implemented new sales training and changed suppliers. Results tripled sales within twelve months from $10M to $30M.

·        Spearheaded the moving of company facilities from one expensive location to three inexpensive locations including warehouses. Created strategic plan. Negotiated new leases. Results decreased rent, reduced labor, and transportation costs. Total savings of $7M.

·        Drove the turnaround of the department during acquisition. Restructured organization reducing team members by 35% plus improved processes and implemented new direction. Results increased revenues by 13% within nine months.

·        Developed the company’s marketing strategy and execution launching a new product into 13 countries.

·        Led the team project involving a complex redesign of a complex electrical system. Collaborated with engineering, manufacturing, and factory supervisors. Oversaw the implementation. Results saved $2.5M.

·        Created the training class for a new change management course. Taught class to over 300 managers.

·        Negotiated terms and pricing contract with the vendor. Results saved $100,000.

·        Established a new service program to improve the reach of the organization. Results delivered a 27% increase in aiding women and children.

Not everything is quantitative. When creating a new program or service, or you make an innovation that in and of itself is the accomplishment.

ATS blocks 75% of resumes

Over 95% of Fortune 500 Employers use an applicant tracking system called ATS software, that uses robots to review the resume and streamline the process. According to a study by job search firm Preptel, 75%of all resumes are never seen by a real human being. Instead, they are filtered out by ATS software robots. That’s right; these systems delete 75% of resumes when you apply online. That means if 300 resumes are submitted, over 225 are deleted and never seen by human eyes.


CNBC reported that out of 1,000 resumes analyzed that were submitted through an ATS, 43% were sent in an incompatible file type. That means not even the computer saw them. You need to ensure that you are using a WORD file and which seems to be universally accepted. Also, avoid using graphics, tables, columns, text boxes, headers, or footers. And of course, you must include the keywords that are specific for performing your job. (For more specifics, read Employers Ignoring Your Resume? 5 Mistakes To Avoid )

To get a different result – employers calling you for interviews – you must change what you have been doing. Improving your resume is a great way to increase your odds of getting hired.

Forbes.com | October 20, 2020 | Robin Ryan


#JobSearch : Fast Fixes for Your Resume.The Job Market is Tough Right Now, So you Have to Take Advantage of any Opportunity.

There are a myriad of tactics and tools you can use to improve your resume and not all are painful or require a lot of redo to your resume. The thing is – they can help you get a job, and isn’t that what you want?

So how do you go about fixing your resume quickly?

1- Delete your objective.  Many companies do not care what you want. It’s a sad truth but one that you have to live with. Removing your objective gives more space for you to focus on skills that the employer craves. Instead, replace this with a Career Summary, communicating your brand messaging and value proposition.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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2- Add a straightforward statement that explains why you are uniquely qualified for the position.  Such as: Proven Marketing Leader with Far Reaching Corporate Experience. Make sure that your statement is true and matches your job description. The last thing you want to do is make yourself out to be something that you’re not. HR Managers hate this, especially if you use a headline in your resume. But if done correctly, a statement helps recruiters immediately see that you are what they’re looking for in a candidate.

3- Include a summary of skills (keyword bulleted list) – especially if you have skills related to the open position. But, also include things like certifications, features you have, language skills, and any technical abilities that would set you apart from your peers. Do you understand Linux or can you program C++? Then add that on your resume. Any skills that you possess should be showcased, because it gives you extra value to the employer. You may not need those skills, but it’s good to have them on your resume.

4- Look through job descriptions in order to identify keywords companies are looking for on your resume. This sounds trickier than it actually is, but there’s a site called wordclouds.com. There you can copy and paste the job description, and it will give you a simple, easy to read explanation about the keywords that your prospective employer is looking for. Keywords help your resume stand out, and if a company sees that your resume has the needed keywords, you stand a better chance of landing the job. Adjust your resume according to the keywords and to match the description of the job.

6- Replace weak words and statements with Power Words. Instead of saying “Contributed to the company newsletter,” write, “Managed the award-winning Vista monthly publication, the flagship magazine of Made-Up Company, the world’s largest manufacturer of silicon diodes.” Both statements may be true, but the second one carries a lot more weight and showcases your talents. Make sure your statements are said with power.

The job market is tough right now, so you have to take advantage of any opportunity. Do not let one slip by because your resume is not up to par.

FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog | October 19, 2020


#JobSearch : New Study Provides Insights On Bouncing Back From Job Loss. Job Loss can Lower both your Mental & Immune System.

Stress associated with job loss can have a host of negative effects on individuals that may hinder their ability to become re-employed. A new study shows that self-regulation of your emotions is an important quality for finding re-employment.

Robin and Lisa lost their jobs due to pandemic layoffs. Robin believed no employer would hire her at her age. She became angry, cynical, and defeated. Her hopelessness blunted her motivation, and she halfheartedly conducted a job search. Lisa believed, regardless of her age, she had a lot to offer an employer who can benefit from her skills. She quickly accepted being unemployed, eagerly launched a job hunt, and hooked two interviews within one week. Lisa didn’t let stress get the upper hand. She outsmarted it with her beliefs. and Lisa isn’t alone. Duke university researchers reported a 2011 study showing that people who adopt an optimistic outlook are more likely to be quickly hired.

Job Loss And Stress-Related Illness

The worries that come with the current trend of Coronavirus job layoffs, shrinking financial resources and a questionable job future are raising stress levels across this country. Questions such as how you’re going to find a decent-paying job, will you lose your house, how will you get the kids through college or will you ever be able to retire can make you sick.

Studies show that for some of the unemployed, like Robin, job loss can lower the immune system, making you more vulnerable to viruses such as COVID-19. Workers living with unemployment and underemployment are five times more likely to catch colds than workers without job threats.

Job insecurities can make you more vulnerable to diseases and worsen existing chronic ailments such as heart disease, diabetes or depression. And a study by Yale researchers, published in the journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, found that older adults (50 years of age or older) who lose their jobs fare worse than the younger unemployed. They have more depression, and their risk of heart attack and stroke more than doubles compared to employees who do not lose their jobs.

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The Importance Of Self-Regulation

A new study published in the Journal of Employment Counseling examined the importance of self-regulation for enabling people to effectively search for a new job and to maintain their psychological well-being. Self-regulation allows unemployed workers to manage their emotions and behaviors in a way that produces positive results and to consider adversity as a positive challenge rather than a hindrance.

The study involved an online survey completed by 185 individuals who had recently been laid off and had not yet been re-employed. High levels of self-regulation predicted better well-being, job search clarity and job search self-efficacy—the belief that you can successfully perform specific job search behaviors and obtain employment.

The findings suggest that employment counseling efforts should help people improve their self-regulation in order to achieve positive outcomes after job loss. According to lead researcher, Dr. Matthew McLarnon, “Together, results of this study suggest that the components of self-regulation are key to a comprehensive model of resiliency, which plays a crucial role in enhancing well-being and re-employment outcomes during individuals’ search for employment.”

Self-regulation and a positive perspective reduce stress and cultivate peace of mind. That allows job seekers to manage what they can, let the rest go, and eliminate stressors that interfere with re-employment.


McLarnon, M., Rothstein, M.G., & King, G.A. (2020). Resiliency, self-regulation, and reemployment after job loss. Journal of Employment Counseling, 57 (3), 115-129.


Forbes.com | October 17, 2020 | Bryan Robinson, Ph.D.

#JobSearch : How to Target Your Resume to the Job Description. You Can’t Send the Same Resume to Each Job Opening!

Whether you are reworking an old resume or starting from scratch, writing a resume can be a daunting task. And in today’s competitive job market with so many unknown variables, it can seem overwhelming at times. But even if you have a resume you’ve used in the past, chances are some significant adjustments need to be made if you’re searching for a new job.

If you have never done this in the past, resume targeting is writing a resume specific to a position you are applying for. You do this by taking the job description and matching your resume to the position. You probably have heard from an executive resume service that it’s important to do so, but in what ways are you supposed to match them?

Here are some tips to consider when writing your resume. 

Find Keywords from the Job Description

The first step is to have a printed copy of the job description, grab a highlighter, and mark each keyword you can find. These keywords should describe the particular candidate the employer is looking for, as well as the strengths and skills you possess. Once you identify them all, plug them into your resume as high on the page as possible. Include as many keywords as you can, but be careful not to stuff too many of them in to make it sound unnatural.

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Consider the Audience

When you write a resume, you need to think about who will be reading it. It’s easy to talk about your past experiences and accomplishments. The biggest mistake professionals make is talking about previous achievements that aren’t relevant to the job they are applying for. When writing an effective resume, you have to write it while thinking about how a potential employer will read it. They want to see what value you bring to the table specifically for their company, and don’t necessarily care about anything else. By looking closely at the job description, the best professional resume writers can identify what’s appropriate to mention and what should be avoided. 

Determine What You Want from a Job

A mistake that many make is trying to reach a broader audience, keeping it more general. The thought is the more general your resume, the better your chances are of landing another open position, even if you don’t qualify for the one you really want. This can lead to a sloppy resume and an unfocused job search effort. Taking the time to truly discover what you want from a job, from a salary standpoint, cultural standpoint, work/life balance, and more will help you target your resume.

Ensuring your resume matches the job description shows the recruiter you took the time to review the qualifications for the position and you didn’t send a generic resume to multiple employers. This goes a long way in showing you are serious about their organization.

FSC Career Blog Author:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog | October 15, 2020

#JobSearch : Interview Questions That Make Candidates Nervous And How To Answer Effectively.

After mailing out dozens of resumes, your dream job calls to say they want to interview you. You’ve gotten past the recruiter who was verifying your information but didn’t have any of the hard questions you will face in the interview. It will be online, with a panel of people, and extra one-on-one interviews following that.

On the day of the interview, you turn on zoom and realize that your hands are clammy, your voice is shaky, and you have an overriding sense of anxiety in handling this interview online. You’re worried about what kind of questions you’re going to get asked. Some of them are going to be very hard and that makes you even more nervous.

Reboot Digital PR decided to examine the actual interview questions that raise people’s heart rate the most and have them squirm in their chairs. Reboot Digital PR asked participants to wear a fitness health tracker during an interview to conduct this study. They asked the same questions in the same order. They started with the person’s average heartbeat and recorded the most uncomfortable questions that raise their heartbeat.

So, what bothers people the most? A sudden ‘quick test’ frightens job candidates the most. Also, having ‘too many interviewers’ was an issue.

Here is the full list of questions noting the nervousness increases.

Interview questions rating nervousness felt by candidates

Ironically, the tell us about yourself question had the lowest impact in terms of making people nervous. Maybe if you understood how important that question was, your heart rate would go up more. (Read the Forbes article Best Way to Open the Interview to Secure A Job Offer)

Employers make snap judgments. You do not want to babble or bore them with a lengthy rendition of your background or life story. You need to open and grab their attention quickly because, most times, they are not paying attention to you yet. The most successful way to do this is to use the 60 Second Sell, a technique I use with all my interview coaching clients. You identify your top five selling points to perform the job you’re interviewing for. You link these together in a few sentences, and you have this verbal business card or elevator speech, known as your 60 Second Sell.

What salary range are you looking for?

In my experience working with job hunters, most people make critical mistakes when they answer the salary questions. Typically, people are asked what their current salary is, or what is the compensation they are looking for. Directly answering these questions can cost you the job or several thousands of dollars in future wages that the employer was willing to pay.

The salary range question should be straightforward for you to answer if you have done the appropriate homework in advance. You can first reply, “what is the range this job pays?” and see if they answer. If they push you for a number, then try this approach. Cite a source like payscale.com and mention that their salary survey says that for an experienced project manager, the range is between $90,000 – $150,000, and you’re in that range. Then do your best to move on. If they want an exact figure, mention that you don’t know enough about the job yet to determine the actual salary you would require. You can table it until later.

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Do you know what we do here?

This is an absolute must do. You must research before the interview to know about the company, what kind of products they sell, and precisely what they’re doing in the area or business unit you are going to work in.

What would your last boss say about you?

Think about your strengths and the duties required to perform this job. Then point out a couple of critical talents or abilities that your boss may have noticed that are specifically related to performing the new job. This gives the employer confidence you would work well in their position.

Why are you leaving your current employer?

Mentioning that you have gone as far as you can or want a new challenge are both acceptable answers. You can also bring up that you are trying to make a career pivot into a new industry. Of course, if you were let go because of a layoff, you can most likely attribute it to COVID.

What are the gaps in your CV?

Have a reasonable explanation as to why you took time off. You’re going to college, your family was relocating, you were on maternity leave, or the company restructured, so you got laid-off. One good strategy is to talk about what you might have learned during the gap. Maybe you picked up a new skill or finished a certification or degree, and you can move the conversation to talk about that.

What would you say are your weaknesses?

Notice this question is asking for more than one. Pick out skills that you don’t have that is not necessary to perform the job. For example, you could say, “I’m good at using Excel. I can take database info and layout the research or make macros subsets, but if you needed me to start coding or using SQL, I would need to take more classes. In this answer, you are pointing out something that you do well, and since coding or programming is not necessary for your job, the employer won’t worry about it.

Why should we hire you?

The answer to this question is the 60 Second Sell. You have already determined these are your five top-selling points. So, you would use the same response as noted in the Tell us about yourself question.

Where do you see your career progression heading?

Bring up the fact that technology and advances over the next few years will create brand new jobs that don’t even exist now. A solid answer is to say that you want to be working for the same company and apply your talents. If you have a goal in mind, you can mention it. Also, add that you are a lifelong learner and you keep yourself open to any new opportunities that might pop up in the company where they need somebody to go to a new area to help the company grow.

Tips to reduce nervousness

The number one way to reduce nervousness is to practice interviewing before the real event. Start by writing out the answers to the questions you think will be asked. Read them out loud and edit them so that you have the best possible response. Ask a friend to role-play with you, and you can practice answering the questions online because now almost all interviews are being conducted online.

Get comfortable with looking at your computer’s camera and answering people by looking directly into the camera. That builds rapport as people watch you. The last thing to do right before you start is to stand up, shake your arms, shake your legs, move your shoulders around, and do a couple of twirls. These actions help you get some of the nervous energy out of your body.


Forbes.com | October 13, 2020 | Robin Ryan