Strategy: 3 Smart Ways To Regain Your Focus…When do you Tend to get Distracted? Ever Notice when you End up Browsing the Internet with No Particular Purpose in Mind?

Working in a focused way can greatly boost our productivity.  It also helps us stay calm, as we tackle tasks with our full attention rather than flitting from thing to thing.

Cross Training

Here are some ways to regain your focus and combat distractions.
1- List it

Lists help because we don’t have to keep everything in our memory. That frees up space for us to focus on the task we’re doing in the present moment. If, instead, you try and keep a running To Do list in your memory, your mind will turn again and again to those things you need to remember to do. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about everything you have to do, try writing a list of all the tasks. This simple step can make a difference to feeling you are in control of the tasks – before you’ve even done any of them! Then, you can focus on doing one thing on the list at once (don’t try and multitask).

There’s no need to think or worry about the next thing on the list until you get to it – the list is doing that job for you. A list can also help direct your focus for making good use of your free time. This is a way to guard against a week or a month going by without getting round to anything you really wanted to do.

At the start of each month, think about what you want to get out of your free time in the month ahead. Set some intentions (big or small) and note them down. They might be as simple as meeting a friend for coffee or going for a run each Tuesday. You could also give each month a theme, if you wanted to concentrate, for example, on health one month, or creativity the next. Make sure the list is not so long it’s unachievable or overwhelming – remember there’s always next month.

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2- Monitor distractions

The first step in tackling distractions is to assess your level of distraction. Sometimes we don’t even notice that we’re repeatedly breaking off from our work and losing focus every time our smartphone beeps. Start to become aware, not just of your own distraction, but of the distraction of people around you. Look at how often people reach to respond to their phones. Notice when you switch to check email. Notice when you end up browsing the Internet with no particular purpose in mind.

When do you tend to get distracted? Is it always at the same time of day or when faced with a certain task? How long do you get distracted for? Start to time how long each distraction is taking up. Perhaps decide to have five minutes of deliberate distraction before you get on with a task (time it). How does that feel? Notice who is distracting you today.

Other people can be a major cause of distraction. Try saying you’ll get back to them later and write yourself a note (so you don’t have to remember). See what you can find out about what distracts you and when you get distracted. Try changing one thing about your behaviour so you begin to take control of distractions.

3- The feeling of focus

Most people enjoy the feeling of focusing on a task. Remind yourself what it feels like to concentrate fully on something. Turn off distractions or potential distractions, such as your smartphone and your email. Then sit down – for an hour if you can – and get on with something that really needs your attention. Enjoy the feeling of not being interrupted and of being able to give your 100% attention to this task.

If you feel tempted by distractions, or an urge to “just check” your messages, try getting up and walking around for five minutes instead of checking, then return to your task. One clear benefit to focused work is the boost in productivity it creates. Measure your output in your hour of focused work. How much did you get done? Is that more than usual? Choose times that suit you to work in a focused way like this.

Most of us work better at certain points in the day – so work with these productive times if you can. Make sure you take regular breaks and don’t expect yourself to sustain this level of focus for hours on end.

Frances Booth is author of The Distraction Trap: How to Focus in a Digital World. To get your free first chapter of The Distraction Trap, and for more productivity tips, join her mailing list here. | April 22, 2015 | Frances Booth

#Leadership: 3 Success Traits Women Can Learn from Men…Men Brush off Criticism more Easily than Women — & We can Learn from Them by Doing the Same.

Women are still not equally represented in the most senior leadership and executive roles in business. And one key question remains: Why?


First, consider the facts, provided by Judith Warner, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and a columnist for Although they hold more than half of all professional-level jobs, American women represent:

  • Only 14.6 percent of executive officers, 8.1 percent of top earners, and 4.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs.
  • Just 16.9 percent of Fortune 500 board seats.
  • 54.2 percent of the labor force in the financial-services industry, but only 12.4 percent of executive officers and 18.3 percent of board directors. None are CEOs.

The data speaks for itself — women are still struggling to get equal representation in top positions in the business world. The feminist movement did a lot for building awareness around the pay and power gap, but didn’t solve the problem.

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Today, the same challenges remain, but the solutions are evolving. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO and author of Lean In, and Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, longtime journalists and authors of The Confidence Code, identify a new, more relevant reason for the inequality in the numbers above: A confidence gap.

The good news? Confidence can be built. The bad news? According the to research cited in The Confidence Code, men are innately more confident than women in these three particular areas. But if women can work to overcome the three common confidence-killers below, then watch out, men — these statistics are going to change, and change fast.

Killer No. 1: Waiting to seize new opportunities. AHewlett-Packard study to identify ways to get more women into top management positions revealed that the women working at HP applied for promotions only when they believed they met 100 percent of the qualifications necessary for the job. Conversely, the men were happy to apply when they thought they could meet just 60 percent. Essentially, women wait until they are perfect candidates before reaching for new opportunities.

The takeaway: Women can learn from men to jump for opportunities that excite them and feel like a perfect fit with their strengths — no matter what the exact qualifications are.

Killer No. 2: Internalizing failure or dwelling on negative feedback. Legendary WNBA coach Mike Thibaulthas had the unique position of training both men and women (as an NBA coach and scout, he helped recruit Michael Jordan) and has been coaching women for 10 years. He had this to say the authors of The Confidence Code, about the difference in how his male and female players differed when it came to handling failure: “The propensity to dwell on failure and mistakes, and an inability to shut out the outside world are the biggest psychological impediments for my female players, and they directly affect performance and confidence on the court.

There’s probably a distinction between being tough on themselves and too judgmental” he said. “The best males players I’ve coached, whether it’s Jordan or people like that, they are tough on themselves. They push themselves. But they also have an ability to get restarted more quickly. They don’t let setbacks linger as long. And the women can.”

The takeaway: Men brush off criticism more easily than women — and we can learn from them by doing the same. Internalizing failure slows down the process of innovation and the ability to be your best self for the next opportunity that may be right around the corner.

Killer No. 3: Being held at the mercy of what others think. Other studies, according to The Confidence Code,suggest that men rely less on praise to feel confident than women do. I have seen this in my client work — men brush off criticism with ease, while women hold on it and spend way too much time wondering why it happened, what they can do to fix it, or beat themselves up for not being what those have criticized them for.

The takeaway: Women need to take a note from men on this one. The key to success is to not care what others think. While not an easy challenge to overcome, start noticing when you are making decisions or initiating action: Why are you doing this? Is this coming from your own truth or based on what others think? Once you notice how often you care what others think, you can begin to reverse the behavior. The more you can stay true to yourself in the face of opposition, the better.

While men certainly aren’t perfect, there are some key lessons in confidence and creativeness that they can teach women. While you can’t gain confidence with a snap of your fingers, it’s something that every woman can work on. My take? Once women start overcoming these confidence barriers, we will finally have a world that all women have strived for — one with balance and equal representation of the genders in all fields and levels of authority. | April 21, 2015 | Laura Garnett

#Strategy: Here’s How to Win Any Argument…Attacking Someone’s Idea Puts them into a Fight-or-Flight Mode. Once on the Edge, there is No Way Getting Through to Them

It’s easy for a calm debate to turn ugly. When this happens, it’s almost impossible to persuade your opponent. We created an infographic  of the most successful tactics to help you get your point across in a courteous and educated way.


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How To Win Any Argument Graphic | April 20, 2015 | 

#Strategy:10 Ways Mobility Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing…The Net Result is Greater Communication, Collaboration & Responsiveness to Customer-Driven Deadlines & Delivery Dates than has been Possible Before.

81% of CEOs see mobile technologies as being strategically important for their enterprises.  The top three technology priorities of industrial manufacturing CEOs are mobility (73%), cybersecurity (72%) and data mining and analysis (70%).

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]

Develop an Effective Knowledge Transfer System

Develop an Effective Knowledge Transfer System

86% of CEOs say a clear vision of how digital technologies including mobile can create competitive advantage is key to the success of their investments.

These and many other insights are from PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO Survey (free, no opt in). The report provides insights into the priorities, plans and technology adoption trends of CEOs for 2015. Based on interviews with 1,322 CEOs located in 77 countries, the survey provides valuable insights into the strategic direction enterprises are taking with technology investments. The following two graphics from the report illustrate the strategic importance CEOs are placing on mobile technologies in 2015:

combined mobility graphic

Exploring How Mobility Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

CEOs prioritizing the strategic importance of mobile technologies are driving a revolution in manufacturing today. Designing mobility into new production strategies, processes and procedures is bringing greater accuracy & speed to production centers. Augmenting existing processes with mobility is delivering solid efficiency gains.

The net result is greater communication, collaboration and responsiveness to customer-driven deadlines and delivery dates than has been possible before. Manufacturers are staying away from BYOD on the shop floor due to security, scalability and support challenges. Instead, the focus is on how to standardize on industrial-grade mobile devices including tablets designed for manufacturing environments.

Based on my visits with manufacturers, here are the ten ways they are using mobility to revolutionize manufacturing:
1- Integrating mobile CRM systems with distributed order management, pricing and fulfillment to improve customer responsiveness. Providing information to sales teams, prospects and customers when, where and how they need it is driving greater mobile CRM adoption. Respecting prospects’ time and delivering a real-time response can make the difference between making a sale or not.

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2- Generating quotes for build-to-order products that reflect the latest pricing and delivery dates available. A VP of Sales at a local manufacturer told me that when his team delivers the first complete quote immediately following in-depth discussions with a prospect, they win 70% of the time. Mobile integration of their configure, price and quote (CPQ) system to pricing and inventory systems makes it possible for a sales rep to get a complete quote done and delivered within hours of leaving a prospect.
3- Making distributed order management more transparent to sales while increasing order fulfillment accuracy. The more complex the product being built, the more the purchasing and procurement teams on the customer side want updates. One global leader in high tech distribution created a series of mobile applications their sales reps give to customers so they can request order status, delivery dates and configure order alerts that are delivered 24/7, anywhere in the world. The result: 76% reduction in order status calls to the enterprise sales teams and 13% increase in sales the first six months these apps were available.
4- Improving supplier traceability and quality levels using real-time analysis and reporting. Too often quality systems and processes are manually integrated or isolated from manufacturing systems. Mobility is starting to have an impact here, making it possible for supplier traceability, quality, non-conformance & corrective action (NC/CA CA +1.73%), corrective and preventative action (CAPA), Statistical Process Control (SPC) and genealogy traceability data to be immediately made available plant-wide. Forward-thinking manufacturers are using this data to benchmark suppliers in real-time, all over mobile devices.
5- Replacing manually-intensive inventory management systems with enterprise-wide mobile inventory tracking, traceability and reporting systems. An aerospace manufacturer producing mid-range personal and commercial aircraft is using an enterprise-wide mobile inventory tracking, traceability and reporting system. This manufacturer has worked so closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) they can now report production status to the work instruction level electronically, saving thousands of hours a year in government-mandated reporting paperwork. Mobility is saving this manufacturer thousands of hours and dollars a year.
6- Monitoring production workflow performance using dashboards accessible from mobile devices. A build-to-order engine manufacturers in the rust belt of the United States found that to complete just one customized engine, the entire order traveled six miles inside the building. By integrating mobile-based systems to provide real-time updates and propagate data through the production center, four miles was trimmed off the typical order workflow, saving two weeks of production time.
7- Tracking machine-level compliance and providing alerts to production engineering when maintenance is required. In highly regulated manufacturing industries including medical products, production machinery and systems need to be regularly calibrated to stay in compliance. Manufacturers are starting to use mobile-based sensors to capture this data and report it in real time. Production and quality engineering teams get the alerts immediately and can plan on how to keep an entire shop floor continuously in compliance.
8- Reducing Field Service call cancellations and delays by accurately communicating parts and staffing requirements. There is nothing more frustrating from a customer’s perspective than waiting for a field service technician to show up, only to find they don’t have the necessary parts or were told the problem was completely different than the one that needs to be solved. Cloud-based mobile platforms show significant potential here. Combining emerging mobile platforms with service optimization apps, manufacturers can get the right technician to the right customer problem with the right parts the first time.
9- Improving logistics and supply chain coordination with suppliers using mobile technologies. Manufacturers whose business models rely on rapid inventory turns, tight production schedules and thin margins are the leading early adopters of mobile technologies for logistics and supply chain coordination. High tech hardware manufacturers are a case in point, as are many distributors whose business models are shifting to value-added services over pick, pack and ship operations.

10- Making Manufacturing Intelligence the new normal in production operations. The CFO at a well-known auto parts manufacturer told me recently that her greatest challenge is taking shop floor data and interpolating it to financial results fast. Mobility is helping with the data collection, and this manufacturer is using advanced pattern detection and predictive analytics to get in front of production cost trends. Their financial models also include cost analysis, cost formulation tools, cost and defective monitoring analysis and comparative financial analysis tools. All of these can be accessed from a secured tablet by her and her staff anytime.
Bottom line: Mobility is forcing manufacturers to compete in their prospects’ and customers’ timeframes while delivering greater value in less time than before. | April 20, 2015 | Louis Columbus 


#Leadership: 5 Ways To Make Your Teams More Engaged & Productive…By Following the Jeff Bezos “Two Pizza Rule” Organizations are Able to make Sure that Bureaucracy is Kept to a Minimum.

This is part 2 of a post I wrote last week called “Why Smaller Teams Are Better Than Larges Ones.” In the first post I explored several concepts and research studies which all point to why smaller teams are more effective than larger ones.



I touched on the Ringelmann Effect, Social Loafing, and Relational Loss; all theories that help explain why people don’t perform as well when their team size increases. Today I want to explore some things that organizations can actually do to help make sure their teams are more engaged and productive while countering some of the above. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

1- Invest in collaboration technologies

Internal social networks, video conferencing solutions and the like are a great way for employees to stay connected anywhere, anytime, and on any device. As a result employees will get a better sense of how their individual contributions are impacting their teams and the organization as a whole.

 Companies investing in these technologies are also much more likely to offer flexible work environments which helps with employee engagement. These technologies also make it increasingly easy for managers and leaders to “listen” the pulse of the organization to better understand what employees value and care about. Finally, as a result of collaboration platforms employees can start to reduce their reliance on email which can be a massive time-suck.

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2- Provide visibility into goals and objectives

At Morningstar Farms (who I will be writing about more in the future), employees create Colleague Letters of Understanding (CLOU) which is a personal mission statement for how the employee will help the organization including performance metrics. This CLOU is how employees hold each other accountable for various projects since they have complete visibility into each others goals, objectives, and performance metrics.

As a result employees are not able to hide behind ambiguity which makes “social loafing” much harder. Morningstar Farms is also unique because they don’t have any managers but that’s another story. Technologies such as BetterWorks are also making goal setting transparent and scalable across the entire company.

3- Keep teams small(er)

By following the Jeff Bezos “two pizza rule” organizations are able to make sure that bureaucracy is kept to a minimum. This also prevents group-think from happening as employees are forced to share their own individual ideas instead of just blindly agreeing with others.

While communication and collaboration are indeed good things it is certainly possibly to have too much of a good thing! As mentioned in part 1 of this post smaller teams are indeed more effective, productive, and engaged. If your team can’t be fed by two pizzas then it might be time to rethink the current structure or perhaps split them up into smaller teams.

4- Provide autonomy 

One of the things I have learned from interviewing, working, and speaking with many organizations of the past few years (some of whom I have interviewed on my future of work podcast series) is that autonomy is a crucial factor for productivity and engagement. Nobody wants or likes to be micro-management.

Instead of tracking hours organizations should focus on outcomes and outputs. As many organizations have told me, the role of managers is simply to help employees understand where the company needs to go, but how the company gets there is up to the employees. F5 Networks does an excellent job of this and they recently won a Glassdoor award for being one of the best companies in America to work for.

5- Challenge outdated management practices

Do annual reviews still make sense? What about strict hierarchy, centralized decision making, and constant expenses approvals? As the world of work continues to evolve and change organizations struggle to adapt. As the gap between the evolving workplace and our organizations grows, so do the disengagement rates. In fact, I believe this to be the single greatest cause for employee disengagement.

The best thing that organizations can do to continuously improve engagement and productivity is to evaluate and test common assumptions around how work is currently being done. Adobe recently got rid of all annual employee reviews in favor of more regular “check-ins,” Automatic- the company behind WordPress (on which this blog is powered) operates a distributed team around the world, Buffer- the social media scheduling platform recentlypublished their employee salaries for the world to see, Linkedin gives people a budget to take an “interesting person” out for coffee, Whirlpool abolished their managerial roles in favor of making everyone a “leader,” and the list goes on an on. All of these organizations are doing these things not just for fun, but to help improve engagement and productivity across the company. All of these organizations are challenging convention and thinking differently about work and so should you.

Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, author (most recently of The Future of Work), and futurist. You can get the first 30 pages of his book for free as well as weekly content on the future of work by subscribing to his newsletter. | April 20, 2015 | Jacob Morgan 


#Leadership: The 3 People that Stand in the Way of a Productive Meeting…From the Person who Kills Every Idea to the One that won’t Stop Talking, here’s How to Keep People from Standing in the Way of Progress.

It’s 7 a.m. and you see a 10 a.m. meeting on your schedule. Are you excited? Annoyed? Dreading it already?


If you’re like 46% of Americans, you’d probably rather have any other unpleasant activity in that time slot according to a survey by project management software company Clarizen. But why? Is it because meetings are a time-suck or do certain personality types on your team make them more difficult?

For many managers, it’s the latter. Here are three personality types that destroy meeting morale and a few strategies for keeping them from causing too much damage:


Who She Is: Karen is an idea killer. She likes to be the center of attention and loves to make sure you and her teammates know why any idea won’t work. It’s not that she doesn’t want the meeting to go smoothly, she just likes to play devil’s advocate…a little too much. While hearing pros and cons for any idea can be productive during a meeting, Idea Killers often focus on the cons of an idea, which may discourage other employees’ creative impulses.

How To Fix The Problem: The best way to keep Idea Killers from destroying your meetings is to institute a two-for-one rule. When an employee wants to discuss the negatives about an idea or strategy, ask them to share two positives first. This may seem basic, but it will make Idea Killers like Karen consider every angle of an idea before trying to shoot it down. Karen will have less negative things to say, and the creative ideas at your meeting will flow.

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Who He Is: Every office has a Chatty Cathy. They are the employees who try to chat with other employees while you are talking or while one of your employees is presenting. They like to make side comments and jokes that can often affect your employees’ focus and destroy the agenda for your meeting. They need structure.

How To Fix The Problem: Create a detailed meeting agenda, assigning a certain amount of time to every item you have to discuss. Be sure to let your team know that everyone will have time to speak, but that you need them to stay on-topic to help get everyone out the door on time. If you already prepare a meeting agenda, try handing it out as your employees walk through the door to give Chatty Cathys less time to think about what topics might be fodder for jokes and side comments.

If Chatty Cathy still tries to start side conversations, pause the meeting and ask your team to get back on track. Taking the time to build some structure into your meetings—and enforcing it—will help keep Chatty Cathys on task and make your meetings run smoother.


Who He Is: Raymond is a repeater. Even though he is intelligent and creative, he often feels self-conscious about how his ideas are different from the rest of the team’s. So, he repeats ideas from earlier in the meeting, sometimes adding his own little twist at the end. This kind of idea repetition can kill the creative flow of a meeting and put you behind schedule.

Repeaters want the group to like their ideas, so they repeat ideas the group has come up with and try to add their personality to them. What they are really looking for is validation. Create a culture of praising original ideas to help encourage Repeaters to come up with creative ideas of their own.

How To Fix The Problem: In brainstorming sessions, use a whiteboard to record ideas and strike them off the list once a conversation is over. By providing a visual list you are helping Repeaters move on from old ideas and encouraging them to add to the discussion. Focusing Repeaters on adding original ideas to the discussion will help keep the conversation moving and the meeting on schedule.

Great ideas can happen at meetings, but not without strong leadership. It’s a manager’s job to make sure their team stays on task, encourages one another, and respects everyone’s creative impulses. As you prepare for your next meeting, think about the Idea Killers, Chatty Cathys, and Repeaters on your team and how you can apply these strategies to keep them from destroying your team’s creative flow.

Molly Owens is the CEO of Truity, a California-based provider of online personalityand career assessments and developer of the TypeFinder® personality type assessment. Learn more about personality type and career achievement and connect with Molly and Truity on Twitter and Facebook. | April 15, 2015 |  Molly Owens 


#Leadership: 18 Reasons Why You Need Every Employee Using #LinkedIn Every Day…What Does this Add up to? The Organizations that Build Comprehensive LinkedIn Programs, Engaging all their People in the Platform, Will have a Tremendous Competitive Advantage.

Corporations are finally waking up to the fact that they need to engage all their people in social media. The impact of social media on a company’s brand is monumental, and it affects everyone throughout your organization – from the entry-level millennials you just hired to your CEO.

Attentive people

But where do you start? I say with LinkedIn. Why?

  • It’s the world’s largest professional network – growing with over 330+ million members
  • It’s the place where people go when they want to learn about your people. This includes customers or clients, business partners, employees, and potential hires. They can get information about your company on your website, but LinkedIn gives them a personal tour.
  • It’s an unbeatably efficient place to start. Not all social media have the influence that LinkedIn has. Those who aren’t actively engaged feel that they should be.
  • It has an unparalleled impact on your corporate brand, employer brand and the brand of your people. Let’s look at these benefits in-depth.

Senior management often balks at the need to be social savvy, but according to a study by BrandFog, “CEOs are better leaders who can strengthen brands, build trust in products and services, demonstrate brand values, and communicate accountability – all by simply being on a social network.”


Corporate Branding

1. Make your business more human. When your leaders and people throughout the organization are on LinkedIn, they increase the authenticity, transparency and humanity of your organization. People want to work with and buy from other human beings.

2. Increase the visibility of your communications. A SlideShare from LinkedIn CEO Reid Hoffman shows that HubSpot employees have twice the average number of LinkedIn connections. And that translates into eight times the average numbers of shares, likes and comments of company content.

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3. Grow sales and revenue. According to Weber Shandwick, employees with socially encouraging employers are significantly more likely to help boost sales than employees who don’t have that support – 72% vs. 48%.

4. Increase media mentions. When your people are using social media and are on LinkedIn, they become sources for journalists. ING’s Social Media Impact survey showed that dialogue on social media is gaining importance in the world of press coverage. In fact, 50% of the surveyed journalists say social media is their main source of information.

5. Express thought leadership. LinkedIn is one of the best places to share thought-leadership content. Why? Because there are 330+ million sets of eyes to potentially view and share the content. It’s the ideal place for sharing professional ideas and demonstrating your company’s expertise.

6. Turn employees into brand ambassadors. According to the Organization Communication Research Center, “Brand-centered human resources and corporate communications management positively affect brand psychological ownership of employees, which can ultimately lead to their constructive brand citizenship behavior.” Engaging your people in LinkedIn for their benefit and the benefit of the organization via talent development programs is a great way to demonstrate brand-centric HR.

7. Help your company stand out from the competition. A study conducted last year by and DOMO revealed that 68% of Fortune 500 CEOs had no social presence whatsoever – not even on LinkedIn. Getting your CEO – in addition to all your people, whether they’re in leadership positions or not – on LinkedIn will help differentiate your company while making a statement about innovation.

Employer Branding

8. Make your company a more attractive employer. Today’s employees prefer to work in a socially savvy organization, and they use the web to determine social-savvy levels. According to Spherion Staffing, 47 percent of Millennials now say a prospective employer’s online reputation matters as much as the job it offers. And a study from Altimeter showed that 76% of executives say they would rather work for a social CEO.

9. Make your people talent magnets. One of the first places professionals go when they are looking for a job is LinkedIn. When your people are using LinkedIn regularly, they become visible to those who are seeking employment, attracting talent to your company.
10. Source staff. You don’t need to wait for people to find you. By being active in LinkedIn groups, with your connections and those who follow your long-form posts, you can directly identify and source staff as needed – without the cost or delay involved in hiring a recruiter. You build your own relationships with the future employees of your company.

11. Become visible to their fellow alumni. One of the most popular and valuable features of LinkedIn is the Alumni search. Finding others who share your alma mater is a powerful tool for recruiting and being visible to ideal potential candidates. It’s like a college campus recruiting campaign without having to be on campus.

Personal Branding

12. Open the door to clients and business partners. LinkedIn helps your people make special connections that are valuable to business development. Simply by having a stellar profile, they are more likely to get in to see a potential partner or client. Why? Because people are using LinkedIn as a filter to determine who’s worth their time – and who’s not.

13. Enable them to benchmark. LinkedIn is the best place to benchmark your organization against competitors inside and outside your industry. Through groups, your people can connect with others who can help you identify best practices, evaluate your systems and processes, and spur innovation.

14. Improve performance and productivity. Your people are looking for ways to streamline. According to a Microsoft survey of 9,000 workers across 32 countries, 31 percent would be willing to spend their own money on a new social tool if it made them more efficient at work. LinkedIn helps them compare systems and processes to enhance efficiency.

15. Learn and grow. According to PwC’s Global CEO Study, 66 percent of CEOs say that the absence of necessary skills is their biggest talent challenge. LinkedIn is on-the-job training. When your people engage in it fully, they stay on top of thought leadership and develop skills that are essential to remaining relevant.

16. Solve problems. Often the challenges your people are experiencing aren’t easily solved by their colleagues inside your organization. By building a solid network via LinkedIn, they’re able to reach out to experts who can help them push through challenges faster and more effectively.

17. Introduce them to social media. I consider LinkedIn to be the gateway drug when it comes to social media. It is the most straightforward social tool and comes with less resistance than, say, Twitter or Google+. But once in LinkedIn, people are hooked, and they’re open to trying other social media. It’s the foundation to building a truly socially savvy organization.

18. Expand their network. According to a studyfeatured in this post by Michael Simmons, the number one predictor of success is simply being in an open network instead of a closed one. LinkedIn is vast and provides the opportunity to connect with people in different functions, industries and geographies.

What does this add up to?

The organizations that build comprehensive LinkedIn programs, engaging all their people in the platform, will have a tremendous competitive advantage.

Are you ready to make this happen for your company?

Join me for a complimentary live webinar on May 5th, 2015 to learn how to engage your team or entire organization with LinkedIn. Register here. | April 19, 2015 | William Arruda


#Leadership: What Leaders Can Learn from a Long Run…Hiding your Shortcomings is Virtually Impossible in Long-Distance Running.

With the 2015 Boston Marathon coming Monday, the world’s attention will be on the 30,000 runners as they endure the highs and lows of running 26.2 miles.

Runners leave the start line in last year’s Boston Marathon.Associated Press

Hiding your shortcomings is virtually impossible in long-distance running. More than in any other athletic endeavor, a marathon forces you to confront weaknesses head on, exposing your limitations as well as your strengths. That’s something that marathon-running corporate leaders know well, a group that includes T-Mobile chief executive John Legere, and Steve Reinemund and Bill Perez, the former chiefs of Pepsi and Nike, respectively.

Dambisa Moyo, an adviser to big businesses including Barclays BCS -1.92% PLC and soon to be two-time marathoner (she’ll be in the pack in London on April 26) explains what corporate leaders can learn from a long run.

The Middle of the Road Isn’t Such a Bad Place to Be
Ever wonder why runners jostle for position at the center of the road? The roads in many cities are bevelled or hump-shaped, a feature that helps rain run off to the roadside. Experienced marathoners know that it’s also the best place to run during a race, since running on an incline wreaks havoc on hips and joints, hindering performance.

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Think of your company’s core mission the same way. When you are running a marathon and you see a space opening on the margins or a clear track emerges on one side, it seems like an alluring shortcut–but it’s not. This is equally true in business. Though it’s tempting to veer off into new territory, leaders should keep business plans and growth strategies on the high ground. Innovation can improve efficiencies and productivity, these should be balanced against staying close to businesses in which a company’s core strengths and unique selling proposition lie.

It Takes a Team
Running a marathon can take a lot more than slipping on a pair of sneakers and getting out there to train. My training regimen included gym trainers, masseurs to keep supple, Pilates instructors, nutritionists, coaches, and podiatrists. To be sure, thousands of people complete marathons without these trappings. Yet even now, looking back, it is daunting to imagine how much harder it would have been to cross the finish line without all this support. It’s likely I would still have completed the race without all that help, but I’d be in worse shape for it.

Leaders who go it alone also achieve what they set out to do, but without a diverse team and broad support, the victories can be somewhat hollow. Victory is sweeter when the whole team – from the client-facing individual to the people in legal, compliance, and on the shop floor – works like a well-oiled machine.

Have a Mantra
Training for a marathon requires long, solitary hours on the road. Many marathoners have some form of mantra, whether it’s a playlist, a quote or a motto they repeat when things get tough. Diana Nyad, the 64-year-old woman who completed a 50-hour swim from Cuba to Florida, relied upon the John Lennon song “Imagine,” as one of the mantras to get her through her punishing feat.

Leaders must also rely on mantras to achieve their objectives. Guiding principles focus the mind of the manager who has to prioritize a range of alternatives. More importantly, these codified values are the tools to rally the troops. They push everyone in the organization to strive behind one strong message.

Never mind the Competition
Experienced runners counsel novices to “run their own race” — in short, staying focused even when an expectant mother or someone in a gorilla suit whizzes past you. In my specific case, a woman in her eighties (nearly twice my age) ran the marathon faster than I did.

Yet, if you listen to these wise words, you invariably end up passing at least one of the runners who passed you.

Careers, and especially executive careers, are not that unlike marathons. It’s easy to get caught up in who’s up (and who’s down), comparing your own trajectory to your peers’, or to the new hotshot in marketing who’s rising fast. It is tempting to let newfangled opportunities and the latest trends seduce you but staying focused on your goals and your own path is crucial. Whether racing down the track in your own time or resisting the allure of “opportunities” in the subprime mortgage market, leaders are rewarded for taking the road less traveled.

Be prepared
After months of intensive training for the New York City marathon last year, I thought I was prepared. I had glycogen supplements, electrolytes, and had completed my major training milestones. But I wasn’t prepared for the chilly temperatures and 30-mph winds that dogged race day.

You can’t plan for everything, no matter how much you train. Businesses pride themselves in being able to manage, grow and profit by understanding the risks they face. However, tail risks and exogenous factors – occurrences that are not anticipated, let alone planned for – are almost always the reason companies struggle.

Leaders can help companies brace for headwinds by fostering a culture that allows for creativity and flexibility so that companies can face the unexpected challenges.

Failure Happens
In running, you need a plan B. On race day last year, my performance ended up over one hour worse than my worst-case scenario due to the cold wind.

When your plan fails, you have to adapt quickly and find a way to get back home. Changing plans midstream is not without its costs: in a marathon it can add significant time to your race. Anyone running a company must be willing to cut losses when the costs of pursuing a particular plan become burdensome–consider the many leaders who have stuck too long with a losing proposition.

Whereas stodgy companies have the luxury to reject the fact that elements of their plans are failing and not adapt to changing circumstances, no marathoner can afford this without enormous costs. Even so, in a world of rapid technological advancements and innovation, laggards ignore change at their own peril.

Marathon runner, global economist, and author Dr. Dambisa Moyo serves on the board of directors of Barclays PLC, SABMiller and Barrick Gold. | April 18, 2015 | DAMBISA MOYO

Your Career: 7 Things To Do At The Start Of Your Job Search…Here are 7 Things To Do to in the First Week of a Job Search

The Deloitte CFO Signals Survey shows continued optimism among CFOs, forecasting significant growth in earnings and hiring. When CFOs are bullish, my recruiter ears perk up because CFO’s hold the purse strings. Anecdotally, I’ve been getting a lot of calls from my recruiter colleagues about openings, especially recruiting openings. When recruiters need to be hired, that means the company is anticipating increased hiring in the near term.

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If your résumé is hard to read, no one will.

If your résumé is hard to read, no one will.

I’ve written before about the improving job market, and both the Deloitte survey and my current experience support the same conclusion. If you’ve been thinking about a job search or if you got discouraged before and are waiting to jump back in, get your job search started ASAP. Here are seven things to do to in the first week of a job search:

1- Block time on your calendar

A proactive job search will take several hours per week – 10-20 if you can manage it. These hours won’t magically appear without you protecting your calendar. Job search requires focus, so pick time when you are still fresh. As you get busier in your search, remember that you will need more time and you will need time during normal business hours, so block out extra time now so your colleagues don’t claim it for their own meetings.

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2- Pull together your “example” list

For your resume, online profile, cover letters, interviews, and networking meetings, you will need to outline your value proposition. The best value proposition is backed up with examples. Go year-by-year from undergraduate through today, and itemize the roles you played and projects you worked on. Include volunteer and extra-curricular activities as well.

The most recent examples will carry the most weight so don’t panic if you can’t remember the distant past. (You still want to include the past, however, because there may be a unique story to tell about a skill, personal quality or accomplishment that happened to be early in your career!) Your examples might repeat – that’s ok as you’ll pick just the most substantive ones. Some examples may not be that exciting or have tangible results – that’s ok as you only need a handful. You’re looking for the stories that will form the backbone of your networking pitch, your correspondence, and your interview points.

3- Do a resume data dump

If it’s been a while since you’ve written or updated your resume, then you might have severe writer’s block as you try to remember what you’ve done, including dates, titles and other factoids, as well as write it in resume style.

This can be overwhelming and cause you to procrastinate on this very important marketing tool. Instead, write your resume in prose. Or dictate it into a recorder. Or take your example list from above and attach dates to it. These data dumps won’t be a proper resume but they’ll get the facts out there, and then you can edit for aesthetics, wording and format.

4- Focus on your LinkedIn headline and summary

A comprehensive LinkedIn profile is different than a resume, but initially your LinkedIn can be a simple chronology for education and experience. You can play around with these other sections later. Most importantly, start with your headline and summary. The headline is what appears under your name (mine says “career expert, executive coach, recruiter, author, speaker and comedian).

Yours can be your current title if that’s descriptive of your role and scope, or it might be your industry expertise, years of experience, functional expertise, or some combination. The summary is the first box people see, and it primes the reader for everything else that follows. (It may also be the only thing people read before deciding whether to call you in or agree to your networking request!)

5- Ping three old contacts per day

If you reconnected with three old contacts every day for the duration of your job search, you would have rekindled ties with almost 100 people in your first month alone. Do not limit yourself to contacts that you think are relevant to your search. Reconnect with people from your alma mater, first internships, all the way up to your current affiliations. Reconnect with people from old trade associations, volunteer stints and hobby classes. Just say hello.

If you feel like you need a reason, tell them they popped up on your LinkedIn or Facebooksuggestions for people you might know. This outreach practices networking overall – you’re not ready to pitch for a job so don’t bother limiting yourself to job-specific contacts. You also clean up your database. Finally, you don’t know who people know. You might find that your rowdy frat buddy is now at a company you would want to research. Reconnect now on a friendly, non-job related basis. Then, if you do need to ask a question later on, you have already reconnected.

6- Skim business magazines for articles that catch your attention

While you’re working on your marketing and shoring up your personal connections, you also want to be mindful of the external market. The job search is a meeting of the minds between candidate and employer. Who are these employers? What are their concerns (that will prompt them to hire you)? What are the innovations happening in the industry (that will color what hiring managers are looking for)? How do your interests translate into roles that companies will hire for?

To get this information you need to know about business. It’s unrealistic to think you will read every business publication cover-to-cover – it will take too long and may actually be a form of avoiding a more active job search. But at least look at the headlines and start getting familiar with what is trending and what you are interested in. For your interests, read deeper and incorporate specialty publications and industry blogs.

7- Rest and reflect

You will burn out and sour on your job search if you don’t take a break. You also might spin your wheels or go down the wrong path if you don’t stop to reflect on how your actions are contributing. Build in active and engaging breaks each week – a walk in your favorite park, a movie, a yoga class. Don’t spend a lot of money because you want to take breaks repeatedly throughout your search.

Troubleshoot your search to ensure you are focusing on the right things and giving attention to all areas. The activities I mention above are internally-focused (your schedule, your marketing) and externally-focused (your network, market research). Aim for a balance of internal and external. If the internal comes more easily, make sure you schedule external activities so you don’t only do one half of a search (like the job seeker who edits their resume over and over without ever sending it out).

Purposefully, I haven’t listed anything about applying for jobs or reaching out to contacts about jobs specifically. In the first week of a search, you’re not ready to pitch for jobs. You don’t want to get called in with a sub-standard resume or no examples to share or no knowledge of the market.

That said, I also limited this preparation period to one week (this is a suggestion which is aggressive I admit) to ensure you don’t prepare, plan and analyze for too long before going after actual jobs. If you have more time for your job search (a long severance, a cash cushion), you might take more than one week for this kick-off. But not that much longer – you want to network and interview sooner than later to get real-time feedback on how you’re perceived in the market.

Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a career and business coach withSixFigureStart. | April 16, 2015 | Caroline Ceniza-Levine


Leadership: The 3 Components Of Mental Strength That Will Help You Succeed…Building Mental Strength is About Learning to Regulate your Thoughts, Manage your Emotions, & Behave Productively despite Whatever Circumstances you Find yourself In.

Whether you aim to become an elite athlete, or you aspire to become a prosperous entrepreneur, mental strength is the key to long-term success. After all, you need fierce determination and tenacity to reach your greatest potential.

mental strength to succeed

There will always be obstacles and challenges that stand in your way. Building mental strength will help you develop resilience to those potentials hazards so you can continue on your journey to success. Mentally strong people overcome setbacks with confidence, because adversity only makes them better.

Building mental strength is about learning to regulate your thoughts, manage your emotions, and behave productively despite whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Here’s why you need all three of those components for success:

1. Mental Strength Improves Your Ability to Think Realistically

Just because you think something, doesn’t make it true. Yet, many people allow their pessimistic thoughts to prevent them from taking action. Believing things like, “I always have bad luck,” can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Exaggeratedly positive thoughts can be equally detrimental. Underestimating how difficult a task will be or overestimating your abilities could you leave you unprepared for the reality of the situation. It’s imperative to have a realistic inner monologue that will help you recognize danger, while also giving you hope for the future.

Building mental strength involves learning to recognize and replace thinking errors. With practice, you can train your brain to think differently. An improved ability to recognize irrational thoughts will give you a more realistic outlook. Regulating your thoughts gives you better judgement and improved insight, which equals more success.

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2. Mental Strength Helps You Control Your Emotions
The road to success is often filled with emotional turmoil. If you lack adequate skills to cope with those emotions, you’ll struggle to delay gratification and resist temptation and you’ll be less likely to face your fears and take calculated risks. Mental strength is the key to controlling your emotions, so your emotions don’t control you.
Mentally strong people don’t ignore their emotions – in fact, they’re acutely aware of their feelings. They possess confidence in their ability to behave contrary to their emotions. So even when something feels uncomfortable, they’re willing to press forward if it is for the greater good.

Success requires a certain amount of personal growth – which means stepping out of your comfort zone. Mental strength will give you the courage to face your fears and become better, because you’ll trust in your ability to deal with discomfort. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more confidence you’ll gain in your ability to manage your emotions.

3. Mental Strength Leads to More Productive Behavior

Mental strength helps you dedicate your finite resources – like time and energy – into productive activities. You won’t waste effort worrying about things you can’t control or complaining about things you can’t change. Instead, all your resources will go toward activities that will help you move toward your goal.

Developing mental strength will help you learn from mistakes so you can avoid repeating them. It’ll also help you recover from failure and overcome challenges. When you invest all of your effort into productive activities, you can accomplish incredible feats.

Mental strength ensures that you’re working smarter, not harder. Instead of becoming like a hamster running in a wheel, it helps you get rid of the counterproductive bad habits that are holding you back.

Building Mental Strength

Fortunately, everyone has the ability to build mental strength. Similar to developing physical strength, building mental strength requires hard work and exercise. But if you choose to make mental strength a priority, you’ll grow stronger and become better.

You can’t climb to the top without the strength to get there. Becoming mentally strong will separate you from the pack and help you achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and the author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, a bestselling book that is being translated into more than 20 languages. | April 17, 2015 | Amy Morin