Your #Career : 19 Changes to Make in your 20s to Set Yourself Up for Lifelong #Success … How you Spend your 20s is Hugely Important for Determining Who you’ll Become

In fact, one psychologist calls this time period the “defining decade,” since it sets the stage for the rest of your life.

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#Strategy : 4 Morning Habits That Will Help You Stay #Productive All Day… Here are a Few Morning #Habits that Will Get you In the Mood to Put your Best Foot Forward All Week.

The way you start your day can make the difference between finishing a project on time or sitting at your desk all day, staring at your computer screen until a spark of motivation magically hits you.

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#Leadership : The 15 most Influential Thinkers in Business…Behind Some of the World’s Biggest #Trends in #Business are #Management Thinkers

We’ve highlighted the careers of the 15 top-ranked thinkers below, and you can find the full list at the Thinkers50’s site.

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#Leadership: 10 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs… “People Inspire you, Or they Drain You—Pick them Wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

Truly Toxic People will Never be Worth your Time and Energy—and they Take a Lot of Each.


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#Strategy : 8 Habits of People With Amazing Determination & Willpower…How #Successful People Resist Temptation, stay Focused & Determined, & Remain Resolute in Pursuit of their #Goals.

“The ability to work hard and respond positively to failure and adversity is so crucial.”

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#Strategy : 7 Smart Ways to Step Up Your Networking Game…The World of #Networking is Growing & Changing, so you Need to Up your Game to keep Up.

Professional networking is not what it used to be. What was once confined to the world of networking events and lunches has now grown to encompass the vast and multifaceted world of digital communications.

To network in today’s world is crucial to the success your career. 

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#Leadership : Vision 2020: 7 Ways Millennial #Managers Will Change Work…Like It or Not, #Millennials will Soon be Promoted en Masse. Here’s How they’ll Shake Things Up.

Like it or not, here they come. Whether you’re cowering in dread at their coming, or cheering in the corridors at the latest regime change, millennials will soon be in positions of power — and they’ll be making changes.


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#Strategy : 7 Foods That Can Boost Productivity & Creativity

You are what you eat. You’ve heard that plenty of times before, but have you ever given it some serious thought? What does it mean, exactly?

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Your #Career : College Students: These 7 Industries Are Hiring Like Crazy… Here are 7 Industries that Expect to Significantly Increase their Hiring of New Grads with Bachelor’s Degrees

College seniors, it’s time to get cracking on your resumes. The job market for the class of 2015-16 is strong, according to Michigan State University’s Recruiting Trends survey, with hiring projected to increase 15% over last year.  “Most signs point to another explosive year of growth in the job market for college graduates,” said Phil Gardner, a Michigan State economist and the survey’s lead author.


Researchers asked 4,700 employers in every state about their hiring plans for this year. They found that employers in virtually all industries are expecting to expand their payrolls this year. Increased turnover, baby boomer retirements, and strong business growth are all driving increased hiring.

While the overall outlook for hiring is good, the future looks especially bright for graduates in fields like hospitality, business, and finance, which all expect to boost hiring by 20% or more. Even construction businesses, which have struggled post-recession, expect to increase their hiring of graduates by 19% this year.

People seeking jobs with non-profits, the government, and real estate may struggle more to find work. Hiring should be up in those fields, but only in the single digits. People looking for work in the mining and oil industries may want to start panicking now, though. Hiring looks to be down 47% compared to last year. Meanwhile, companies that manufacture chemicals and pharmaceuticals are dialing back hiring by 40%.

One area where newly minted grads won’t see a big increase? Their salaries. Starting salaries should grow by 2% to 5% this year, according to the survey.

Here are seven industries that expect to significantly increase their hiring of new grads with bachelor’s degrees this year compared to last.

1. Educational services

Hiring increase: 73%

Education majors have had a tough go of it in recent years, as school districts slashed jobs and cut budgets. But things seem to finally be turning around. California alone planned to hire more than 21,000 teachers for the2015-16 school year.

Education graduates might want to expand their job search beyond the traditional school environment. While there should be more jobs available for elementary and high school teachers, companies that provide other educational services like alternative learning, online content development, and tutoring expect to increase hiringby 73%.


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2. Management services

Hiring increase: 64%

Hiring is strong in the professional, business, and scientific sector, where jobs should increase by 38% for new bachelor’s degree holders. Things are looking especially good for the future managers of the world; the number of jobs available is expected to double compared to last year.

3. Accounting

Hiring increase: 63%

Number-crunching students, rejoice. Hiring for new accountants should be up 63% this year. The average starting salary for accounting majors in 2014 was $48,420, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

4. Insurance

Hiring increase: 49%

Job growth in the financial industry is strong, with hiring up 28% over last year. But the real bright spot is the insurance industry, which plans to boost job offers to new grads by 49%. Jobs in depository banks, in contrast, are disappearing, with hiring in that sector down 26% from 2014-15.

5. Administrative services

Hiring increase: 40%

The broad category of administrative services, which includes jobs in office administration, employment services, and business support, is doing well. Hiring of recent grads should increase by 40% this year.

6. Utilities

Hiring increase: 35%

Jobs for bachelor’s degree holders in the electric power, natural gas, water supply and sewage, and airconditioning industries should increase by more than 30% this year. People with less than four years of experience who work in the water utilities industry earn about $50,000 annually, according to Payscale, while those in electric power distribution earn about $61,000 per year.

 7. Internet services

Hiring increase: 34%

Most people won’t be surprised to see that hiring at Internet-related businesses is up this year. In fact, jobs at these companies are responsible for almost all the growth in the broader information services sector. Little or no growth is expected in the publishing, film, and broadcasting industries.

Follow Megan on Twitter @MeganE_CS | November 1, 2015 | 


#Leadership : The Secret to How People Work Well Under Pressure…The Trick is, of Course, Developing the Ability to Handle Pressure. So, How Do you Do It?

You’re up against a lot at work — environmental factors are likely killing your productivity, your more socially savvy coworkers could be getting promotions over you, and you may even be tempted to cheat your way to the top. It’s a lot of pressure, and one of the ways that we can truly get a glimpse at our character is by our actions and attitudes in the face of that pressure.



Most career paths come with their stresses, but others are particularly well-known for being high-pressure gigs — think Wall Street finance jobs, management positions, and pretty much anything involving customer service. The people who typically succeed at those positions, however, are the ones who can best handle stress and pressure. An ability to remain cool and confident under pressure is one trait that is shared among many of the world’s business and political leaders, as well as many of history’s most famous and influential names.

 The trick is, of course, developing the ability to handle pressure. So, how do you do it?

Essentially, handling pressure comes down to meshing the ability to assess one’s surroundings in a thought-out and logical manner with composed behavior.

For example, if you’re working in a kitchen and there’s a grease fire at one of the cooking stations, what do you do? Do you panic, and dump a bucket of water on the fire? Or can you think on your feet, walk briskly to the fire extinguisher, and use it to dispose of the problem?

Or put yourself in another position. If you’re in a customer service position and have a line of angry, screaming customers all looking to make you the target of their ire, do you run away, start crying, or take control of the situation?


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You can guess which type of person hiring managers are going to want to put out on the floor, and it’s not the guy who’s going to run away or start with the waterworks. But overall, the real key to handling stress and high-pressure situations is as simple as this: never stand still.

To reiterate, the best thing you can do in high-stress, high-pressure situations is to keep moving. Simply stay on your feet, and engage with the crisis around you. Fear can be paralyzing — but as previously mentioned, it’s the ability to push through that paralysis, logically take stock of what’s going on, and grab a hold on the situation that makes a true leader.

We’ve written before about how, in many professional settings, emotion can actually be your biggest weakness. This rings true in the face of stress and pressure — if you let your emotions (fear, anger, etc.) take the wheel, you’re going to go careening off a cliff.

 Though you will want to keep your emotions in check, focusing all of your energy on staying calm could backfire as well. According to Alison Wood Brooks of the Harvard Business School, who has done a good deal of researchinto the best way to handle stress and pressure in a variety of situations, staying upbeat, yet focused, is the ideal way to tackle hairy situations.

“People have a very strong intuition that trying to calm down is the best way to cope with their anxiety, but that can be very difficult and ineffective,” she said, according to a recent article from Inc. “When people feel anxious and try to calm down, they are thinking about all the things that could go badly. When they are excited, they are thinking about how things could go well.”

Clearly, handling pressure is one of thosesimple, yet complicated’ abilities. To really boil it down, and work on your own abilities to handle stress, simply remembering to not freeze up, and to control your emotions in the face of screaming customers or grease fires is a great place to start. But it’s going to take balance — you don’t want to calm yourself down to the point that your mind is flooded with the worst possible outcomes.

Handling pressure is a learned skill, and one that is very valuable. It’s something that separates the ‘men from the boys’, and can get you a long way if you can treat the ability like a muscle, and exercise it. When the time comes to put it to use, you’ll be glad you did.

Follow Sam on Twitter @SliceOfGinger | October 31, 2015 | Sam Becker