#Leadership : These are the Conversations you Need to Have as a #NewManager …First and Foremost, you Need to Focus on Building Trust Before you Announce any Sort of Grand Vision.

It happened: You’re a new manager now. Perhaps it’s the first time you’re leading a team. Or you’re taking over a new team as a manager. Either way, that first meeting as a new manager is a daunting event. What should the agenda for that first meeting with the new team be? How should you set expectations as a new manager? Should you make prepare some sort of “new manager introduction speech”?

Time to Line Them Up?

First impressions are often lasting ones. And there’s no better time and place to solidify that impression than the first meeting with your entire team.

Whether you’re taking over a brand-new team, or you’re a first-time manager, here’s how to approach that first meeting. I’ll walk through what you should be thinking about, some things you can say, and some questions you can ask.

Related: 7 skills managers will need by 2025 


The goal of this initial meeting with your new team isn’t to map out the vision for the next nine months or declare your mandate for change. You’ll have the space (and greater knowledge) to do both in the coming weeks. This first meeting is to establish trust and set the tone for the kind of team environment you wish to foster.

Specifically, as a new leader, you’ll want to internalize these goals for your first meeting:

  • Show you’re worthy of your team’s trust
  • Show that you’re humble and ready to learn
  • Show that your intention is to help

This may feel like a passive approach to your new leadership role at first. But keep in mind this one truth: You’re new. And your team will be skeptical of you (rightfully so). So, as tempting as it might be to come into a new team situation and project confidence, certainty, and a sense of direction, know that it will only be seen positively by your team if they trust you. Without trust, your confidence will seem arrogant, your certainty will seem oblivious, and your sense of direction will seem misguided. Nothing moves forward without trust.

Related: This is the link between employee motivation and their manager’s mental state

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This may be one of the most overlooked aspects for new managers: getting to know their team members, personally. Icebreakers can feel forced and trite–but I encourage you to spend some time in your first meeting asking at least a few get-to-know-you-questions to the group. (Here are the 25 best icebreaker questions we’ve found to work well, based on four years of data.) Take notes. Think about how you can incorporate their answers in future interactions, events, etc. For example, someone’s favorite food is ice cream? Consider bringing in ice cream to celebrate their birthday or work anniversary.


This isn’t about touting your accomplishments and expertise (though, of course, you can share those things in this first meeting if it feels right). Rather, when introducing yourself to the team, it’s a chance to expose who you really are–what motivates you, inspires you, and brings you fulfillment. The more your team knows of the real you, the more likely they are to trust you.

How to do this? Share your leadership philosophy: What do you see as the purpose of a manager? What do you value? Who do you look up to? What drew you to the organization? Share your intentions: That you are here to help, to help them do the best work of their careers, to get out of their way and support them to accomplish something greater. Share your personal interests: What do you like doing in your free time? What social causes or nonprofits do you support? Be mindful to make sure you don’t spend more than 25% of the meeting, tops, talking about yourself. In building trust, the last thing you want to do is come across as self-absorbed.


If you want to build trust as a leader, you have to be vulnerable. You should let your team know that you don’t have all the answers and you have much to learn. This is one of the hardest parts of being a leader. As leaders, it feels like we’re supposed to have all the answers. Admitting that we don’t can feel like a blow to our sense of self. Yet exposing this vulnerability helps build trust in a team–it shows you’re humble, fallible, and human like the rest of us.

To do this, try saying something like this: “I am the new person here, and so all of you in this room know more than me. You carry with you insights and experiences that I don’t have. I am a sponge, and I aim to learn from all of you.” No need to beat yourself up and say that you’re ignorant, by any means. Essentially, you are saying that you’re “in learning mode” as a new leader. A learning mindset is one of the greatest ways to show vulnerability, and build trust with your team.

Related: This is my secret to giving empathetic criticism as a new manager


The majority of your first meeting as a new manager should be spent asking a few key questions to your team as a group. I’d also strongly recommend setting up separate one-on-one time with each individual employee before or after the first team meeting to further learn what’s on their mind (whichever is most appropriate).

Here are some ideas for questions you can ask…

  • What do you want to change in this team?
  • What do you not want to change in this team?
  • What’s typically been taboo to talk about in the past? What have you been nervous to bring up?
  • What looming concerns or apprehension might you have?
  • What’s been the most frustrating thing to have encountered with the team lately?
  • Where do you see the biggest opportunity for improvement with the team?
  • How do you prefer to receive feedback? (Verbal, written, in-person)? How do you prefer to give feedback? (Verbal, written, in-person)?
  • What’s been the most motivating project you’ve worked on all year? With whom? And why?
  • What excites and energizes you about the company?
  • What are you most grateful for in being a part of this company?
  • What do you think has been a big obstacle to progress?
  • What do you wish was communicated to you more often?
  • When have you felt micromanaged? When have you felt like you’ve needed more support?
  • Who’s the best boss you’ve ever had and why? The worst boss you’ve ever had and why?
  • What was the best team experience for you? The worst team experience?
  • How do you like to be shown gratitude?
  • How often would you like to set up a standing one-on-one or check- in meeting? Every week? Biweekly? Once a month? Once a quarter?

If this list of questions overwhelms you, remember, you only need to pick two to four of these questions for the all-team meeting. Save the rest for your one-on-one follow-up conversations.

As you listen to the answers, there are a few things to pay particularly close attention to:

  • Listen for the things you can fix, solve, and knock out quickly. Is there a project that is deadweight? Is there a useless policy that’s slowing people down? The best way to build trust with your new team and show that you’re here to help is to actually help.
  • Listen for what people view as “success” and progress, and consider how you’re going to define and measure that. As a leader, one of your primary jobs will be to say what “success” is, and how well the team is doing to get there.
  • Listen for what people’s communication needs are. What do they feel in the dark about? How might people prefer you sharing what’s going on? How regularly will you need to set up touch points with team members?


As you wrap up your meeting, one of the worst things you can say as a new manager is this: “Feel free to stop by my office if you need anything.” Don’t say that. Why? You’re implying that if they have questions or concerns, they have to come to you. The burden is on them, not you. Instead, try saying: “In the next __ days, I’ll be setting up a time to meet with each of you. From there, based on your preferences, we can set a standing one-on-one time. In the meantime, if you want to meet anytime sooner, grab me in the hall, send me an email–I’d love to sit down sooner.” There’s a huge difference between the two statements. One is reactive and sounds lazy (the former), while the other sounds proactive and that you want to help (the latter). A strong way to end your first meeting is to show that you’re willing to come to them– that you won’t be waiting for them to bring up issues. You want to show as much proactiveness as possible.


Note that you may get asked questions during your meeting such as, “What do you think you’ll change?” and “What do you see as the vision for the team?” Some might be tough to answer, especially with you being new. Be prepared to answer them honestly–and with a good dose of humility. There is much for you to learn. This is only Day 1, and the more you can level with your team that you’re here to learn from them about what the direction or what those changes should be, the better. You’re here to listen and to serve.

This is by no means comprehensive. Every team is different–from who managed the team before you, to the interpersonal dynamics at play, to the challenges that they’re facing with their work. You’ll likely need to tweak some of the question suggestions I offered, or some of the phrases I recommended. Regardless, I hope at the very least these tips give you a framework to start planning your first meeting as a new manager, and kick things off on the right foot.

Best of luck to you!


FastCompany.com | June 20, 2018 | BY CLAIRE LEW—KNOW YOUR COMPANY 8 MINUTE READ



Your #Career : #ResumeWriting – 64 Action Verbs That Will Take Your #Resume From Blah to Brilliant….Here’s How to Use Action Verbs on your Resume Intelligently to Help you Land the Job of your Dreams. 

You’ve probably heard the advice that action verbs should be sprinkled throughout your resume. By starting each bullet point about your past experience with a powerful action verb, you draw hiring managers in and give them a concrete picture of your expertise. Certain action verbs are also likely to help your resume get past automated scanning tools.


But it’s not as simple as just throwing a bunch of verbs on a piece of paper and hoping something sticks. Here’s how to use action verbs on your resume intelligently to help you land the job of your dreams. 

Choose Them Carefully

“It is important to be strategic on the action verbs used to describe your skills and experience,” notes Jessie Czerwonka Roller, Manager of Career Services at Turning the Corner. “Being in the career services field for over a decade, I have seen an abundance of resumes: the good, the bad, and the ugly.” The ones that stand out, she says, are resumes that are tailored toward both the job and the industry, using verbs that feel relevant and targeted.

Shefali Raina, an NYC-based executive coach, agrees. “For maximum impact, use action verbs selectively and convey simple, direct messages. Nothing dilutes the impact of action verbs than being surrounded by many other action verbs!” In other words, you definitely want action verbs throughout your resume, but don’t go overboard. 

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Show Who You Are

It’s a good idea to include action verbs that showcase your personality. “Empowered speaks to your ability to give energy, authority, confidence, and power to a group or a team to achieve a certain result,” Raina says. “It suggests that you possess the confidence and the influence to be able to authorize and energize a team or group to have powerful impact.”

Organized is a wonderful verb that denotes an individual who can prioritize not only the items on their desk, but their tasks too,” says Gabrielle Pitre, Recruiting Team Lead at Coalition Technologies. “This lets employers see that you understand what is valuable to your job. But, perhaps, an even better verb is orchestrated, as it’s rarer and more likely to attract attention.”

Initiated is a powerful one because it demonstrates that you are proactive and that you spent the time and energy to begin a project or originate an idea,” Raina notes. “To employers and recruiters, it speaks to a positive, ‘can do’ mindset and says that you will be a solution starter.”

Be Specific 

One of most key ways to use action verbs effectively is to choose them based on the jobs you’re applying to. “If you are a job seeker who wants to gain a leadership position, you want to describe both your skills and experiences using strong leadership action verbs such as advocated, bolstered, drove, engaged, elicited, and spearheaded,” Roller explains. 

To highlight management experience, you’ll want to use verbs like establishedand delegated, Pitre says. “These words can say much more than more common verbs, such as led or oversaw. You want to show how proactive you are and these verbs express that well.”

Try brainstorming industry-specific action verbs, as well. For example, “if you are a job seeker targeting the IT industry, use action verbs such as administered, centralized, configured, engineered, installed, and programmed,” Roller recommends. These show that you know the space inside and out and you won’t need to be brought up to speed.

If you’re looking at creative jobs, you might want to consider the verb designed. “This word tells me that the candidate has built something new that did not exist before,” says Amanda B. Gulino, founder of A Better Monday. 

Be Open to Trial and Error

“A job seeker’s goal is to entice the recruiter or search committee member to read more and get excited about their background to elicit an interview invite,” Roller points out. “You know your resume isn’t working if you aren’t getting interviews.” If your current resume isn’t working for you, be flexible in switching it up until you find the right eye-catching combination of words and phrases.

And remember, it’s not just about the verbs. “We love to see candidates stray from ordinary statements,” Pitre says. “It’s not always just about a specific adjective or verb, but everything around it. The best candidates often understand how important it is to share their specific stories, give examples and show how and why they are good at something, rather than just stating that it’s a skill.”

More Verb Ideas 

Need a little more inspiration? Here are some of our favorite action verbs to get your resume-updating wheels spinning. 

Entry level and above:

Audited, Built, Collaborated, Created, Delivered, Earned, Exceeded, Generated, Identified, Improved, Minimized, Negotiated, Obtained, Outperformed, Planned, Presented, Produced, Redesigned, Reduced, Researched, Solved, Trained, Tested

Manager level and above:

Championed, Coached, Consolidated, Decreased, Enabled, Facilitated, Grew, Hired, Implemented, Instituted, Integrated, Launched, Managed, Mentored, Partnered 

Executive Level: 

Advised, Aligned, Cultivated, Developed, Evaluated, Founded, Guided, Motivated, Transformed

HowtoGetJob Toolkit Glassdoor 2018 ResumeHowtoGetJob Toolkit Glassdoor 2018 Resume2

GlassDoor.com | June 18, 2018 |  Posted by 


#Leadership : The Impact Of #AI on the #HR Profession…The Real Benefit of Using More #ArtificialIntelligence is that our Human Leaders can Put More Time into Bringing More of their #EmotionalIntelligence to their Role.

The HR function has seen many transformations over the years but the increasing use of robotics in the workplace presents challenges and opportunities to the profession.

The 2018 Deloitte Human Capital Trends report revealed that the adoption of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating dramatically. Forty-one percent of respondents rated this topic as very important. Almost half of the survey’s respondents said that their organizations are deeply involved in automation projects with 24% using AI and robotics to perform routine tasks, 16% to augment human skills and 7% to restructure work entirely.

David Mallon, vice president and analyst-at-large at Bersin argues that centralized shared services are likely to be the first HR area in which “robots”—or robotic process automation (RPA)—will replace human labor.

Created to streamline, scale, and standardize repetitive HR administrative processes or programs, centralized shared services functions lend themselves well to RPA which systematizes manually intensive, high-volume, routine work.

Imagine front-end rather than back-en system integration; that is, anything a human can do by accessing a system and entering data via an interface can likely be done using RPA to mimic human actions.”

The influence of AI has already been seen in the arena of recruitment, remarks Ksenia Zheltoukhova, head of research at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. “This is about ensuring that candidates have a personalized journey and one particular stage of the recruitment journey facilitated by AI is video interviewing.”

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Alan Stukalsky, chief digital officer for Randstad US, believes that organizations are still at the infancy stage when it comes to the use of automation in recruitment.

There’s a lot of hype surrounding the use of chatbots to deliver personalized experiences online and to streamline parts of the hiring cycle. However, I believe there’s room for these tools to evolve with the end game being little distinction between talking to a robot versus a human.

It’s also important to remember that, while bots may work to screen candidates, it would be very hard for a bot to assess the cultural or non-technical traits a person brings to a company. However, the speed of innovation in AI and machine learning is lightning fast, so more sophisticated chatbots and machines will keep you wondering if you are interacting with a machine or a human.”

Kurt Heikkinen, chief executive of Montage said that its 2018 survey found that talent acquisition leaders agree AI is an accepted concept in recruiting but remain cautious about adoption. “Nearly half (46%) have considered using AI to automate their recruiting processes, while 51% say they are confident in using machine learning to inform their hiring decisions.”

Heikkinen added that AI that enables recruiters to be more efficient and strategic with their time is showing greater adoption.

Currently, talent acquisition teams are overburdened with administrative tasks, like sifting through resumes and conducting initial interview screens. But, as organizations adopt recruiting tools that harnesses the power of AI, like text-based interviewing and automated scheduling solutions, these tedious administrative tasks will be eliminated, allowing recruiters to be more strategic with their time and focus on engaging, interviewing and hiring the right talent.”

The Deloitte research also found that AI and robotics are opening exciting new capabilities for HR. Software can now recognize faces and identify gender, listen to voices and identify mood and decode video interviews to identify education level, lying and cognitive ability. Analytic tools are intelligently selecting candidates, identifying employees’ career options and coaching managers on improving their leadership skills.

Zheltoukhova warns that HR as a function needs to understand the skills required in an organization and how it will be adding value to that firm before it even dives into the world of AI.

Organizations will need to try and identify what type of value they are adding to the organization and look at the available tools at their disposal. Some of those tools are technological; some are people in your business and it’s about combining different types of solution.

It’s about considering the best technology present in the workplace and how organizations will interact with that technology and also how people will want to work and planning for that. It’s about a transition to a more automated workplace and the skills needed to facilitate that transition.

The challenge to the profession is that in the next five to 10 years, some individuals within the HR profession will be fulfilling tasks that we know will be automated.”

Doug Upchurch, chief learning architect at Insights Learning and Development, believes that AI will continue to support HR roles where clear-cut polices and processes need to be applied, such as candidate screening and recruitment.

However, the real benefit of using more artificial intelligence is that our human leaders can put more time into bringing more of their emotional intelligence to their role. Something we are still sorely lacking. It’s a time to let the computers do what they do best and let the humans do what we do best.”

Mallon is quick to point out that the potential that AI has for the HR function doesn’t end there.

Every major human capital management cloud provider is now implementing algorithms, making it important for organizations to maintain accurate data and carefully review these tools for accuracy and potential bias.”


Forbes.com | June 14, 2018 | 

Your #Career : #SalaryNegotiation -This is What No One Tells you About Conducting #SalaryResearch …Figuring out How Much you Should Ask for When Starting a Job or Getting a Raise Takes a Little Bit of Savvy Work.

Every article on salary negotiations has the same piece of advice: Do your research before naming any figures.

But what exactly does this entail beyond going on websites like Glassdoor and Payscale? How do you find out whether a salary is “fair” when your coworkers won’t talk about how much they make, or you’re a new grad with no connections to people in the industry? Fast Company spoke to two salary negotiation experts to find out just what salary research involves.


Ideally, you should start your salary research before applying for a job. For example, “if you’re an IP lawyer, you need to know what you’re making five years out of law school,” business adviser and leadership consultant Carol Sankar tells Fast CompanyCynthia Pong, former public defender turned career coach, agreed. “A lot of it [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][comes down] to the planning. Ideally, it’s good to start this conversation before you put the application out.”

Related: Exactly what to say in these four common salary conversations

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While looking up figures on Glassdoor and Payscale can be a good start, you can’t just stop there. Pong recommends starting with family members and friends who might know someone in your industry, “however you can get your way in,” she said. “I think it’s great to use search tools like LinkedIn, you know you can message people on LinkedIn pretty easily and it’s not terribly intrusive.” A lot of people won’t reply, but if you send enough messages, some inevitably will, Pong said.

Sankar agreed, saying that it’s a “beautiful resource” to have organic conversations with someone who sits “at the table you want to sit at.” When you approach them, make sure to frame it as a conversation and a strong interest in learning about a particular field. “It’s okay to ask, I’m planning to look for a job in this area. I don’t know what the landscape is like . . . do you know what the general landscape is like for someone with similar experience to mine?” Pong said.

Sankar said that once you do have a ballpark figure, you can go into the negotiation armed with facts and figures rather than assumptions. Say you learned that the standard salary in your industry, at your level, is $80,000, and the company offers you $60,000. When you go negotiate for a higher offer you can say something along the lines of, “According to my recent research and the conversations I’ve had with others in similar roles in this city, this is the market salary.”

Related: How to negotiate your salary when you have no obvious leverage


Perhaps you took a job without negotiating your salary, and after you’ve been in your job for a year, you have a suspicion that you might be underpaid, at least in your company. You’re thinking about speaking to your coworkers about it. In this situation, “It’s best not do it during your lunch hour,” Sankar emphasized. She recommends going to HR and seeing if your company has an employee resource group that provides tools that helps workers negotiate their salaries, and if the answer is a no, think about starting one yourself. Chances are, there are many others in the company who would benefit from having access to the information you’re seeking.


If, for whatever reason, starting an employee resource group is not an option, take the time to figure out who your allies are in the office. “This is where somebody who has built relationships in the organization [will] do better,” Pong said. If you are going to take this approach, Sankar also suggested approaching more than just one coworker. Not only will you get more data and information, but talking to just one coworker might raise suspicion, Sankar said.


Sometimes, discussing market value isn’t enough. Employers want to see a reason to justify the increase in salary. This is where your unique value proposition comes in, Sankar said. Everyone has it, “but at the negotiation table, very few people bring up what’s unique about them.” As a result, they’re missing out on the “differentiating factor” that can bump their salary. Using herself as an example, Sankar said that when she pitches herself as a speaker, she highlights the fact that she is a writer as well as an orator. “I have to be able to create value around what I’m doing that no one else in my industry [has].”

Pong also recommends using examples outside of work if you’re early in your career, whether it be internships, volunteer work, or even similar responsibilities in your personal life. You need to always tie it back to “the benefit of the organization hiring you, and what you will be able to do for them,” she says.

If you’re seeking a raise, make sure you have a running list of accomplishments before initiating a conversation. Ideally, Pong said, you should have planted that seed during the interview process by making sure you know what success is required in that role, and what metrics you need to meet. That way, when you approach your boss for a raise or a promotion, you can quantify your achievements, and show that an increase in salary will not benefit only you, but the company.




FastCompany.com | June 18, 2018 | BY ANISA PURBASARI HORTON 4 MINUTE READ


Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – This is The 3-Step Process you Should Follow When you Get a #JobOffer …When you’re Desperate to #LeaveYourJob , it Can be Tempting to Take the First Offer that Comes Along. Don’t.

When you want a job–whether it’s your dream job or you’re simply ready to move on–it can be all too easy to accept any offer you’re given–even if it’s not the right offer for you.

The number one misstep I see clients take is the failure to step back, take a breath, and meaningfully assess a job offer,” says Karen Elizaga, executive coach and author of Find Your Sweet Spot. “They are almost inclined to jump immediately at an offer.”

So how can you pause to determine whether an offer is really worth it? Luckily, it’s easy to do with Glassdoor’s How to Get a Job guide. It offers a bevy of questions you can ask yourself to assess the offer, gives tips to help you negotiate, and it even provides a complete email script for sending your initial negotiation email you can use word for word.

Here, we’ve distilled the basic steps you need to take to assess any offer, and how to begin a negotiation with a potential employer. It doesn’t have to be intimidating with these steps!

Related: How to identify a toxic culture before accepting a job offer 


When you receive a job offer, you need to hit pause long enough to ask yourself questions before you give an answer, according to Glassdoor’s guide–and Elizaga totally agrees.

“It is crucial to take a step before taking a leap,” she says, advising that you first ask, “is this job what you want to be doing? And does it align with your skills, talent, and purpose?”

You may also want to evaluate what the upward trajectory, in other words, the possibilities for advancement at this company, are, says Elizaga. “You want to consider not only the wonderful aspects of this job, but where you might rise to in the future,” Elizaga explains.

Related: How to mine the internet for hidden clues about a potential job offer


The next step in evaluating a job offer is to move past the job and look at what is also being offered in the pay and benefits package. Glassdoor suggests you ask yourself the questions, “does the salary align with what you were expecting [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][and] do the benefits offered feel fair and reflect what you were looking for?” With the answers, you’ll know whether to negotiate.


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The idea of negotiating can be unnerving to many people, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.

According to our guide, “one of the worst things you can do during salary negotiation is just make up a number. By backing up your ask with research, you’ll likely feel more confident about making it.” Luckily, you can use Glassdoor’s Know Your Worth™ salary calculator to discover the job’s average pay range. “It’s important to know what is reasonable for the market,” Elizaga agrees. That’s because, in part, “you don’t want to be negotiating for more when, in fact, what you are being offered is entirely reasonable and/or generous,” she says.

Of course, you don’t want to focus on salary alone. Before you begin your negotiation, think about whether the other benefits–vacation, commissions, bonuses, stock options, and so on–are appropriate and appealing, or could be tweaked to make the offer even better off.

Related: How your personality type affects your negotiation style 

Then, “when negotiating, think about what value you bring to the table, rather than how their first offer is deficient or not enough to cover your lifestyle,” advises Elizaga. “Consider the offer from the employer’s point of view. What are they getting for the compensation that they’re offering? If you think you contribute more value than the compensation would indicate, then definitely ask for more.” Or ask for an expansion of their benefits package.

Lastly, “when going in to negotiate, have a strategy and be entirely comfortable with what you’re asking for,” she says. Employers can tell when you don’t believe your own story. You’re much more likely to get what you want when you emphatically believe your value.”


FastCompany.com | June 18, 2018 | BY JILLIAN KRAMER—GLASSDOOR 3 MINUTE READ 


Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 5 Myths That Prevent #JobSeekers from Overcoming Failure…So if you’ve Been Hearing Rejection after Rejection Lately — or Worse, No Responses at All — it’s Time to Set Things Straight.

For many people, the job search is a mysterious and frustrating process. Unless you’re a recruiter or hiring manager, you usually don’t have a good idea of what goes on behind the scenes — and because of that, people tend to come up with their own ideas of what happens, and what it takes to be successful.

Often, this works like a game of telephone: You may start out with a grain of truth, but it will get repeated and altered so many times that it ends up being completely misinterpreted. As a result, buying into these “common sense” ideas and pieces of advice can actually end up hurting your chances of scoring your dream job.

So if you’ve been hearing rejection after rejection lately — or worse, no responses at all — it’s time to set things straight. Read up on the most pervasive job search myths out there, what the facts of the matter are and how you can tweak your job search for better results.

Myth #1 You Should Send as Many Resumes as Possible

So many job seekers think their odds of hearing back are directly proportional to how many times they blast their resume out to recruiters. There is some merit to the idea that you’ll need to apply to multiple opportunities, but taking a total spray-and-pray approach is one of the worst things you can do.

“While applying to more jobs does increase potential callbacks, remember not to sacrifice quality for quantity. Recruiters will quickly trash applications that are generic or a poor fit,” says Christopher K. Lee, Career Consultant and founder of Purpose Redeemed.

Instead, you should “focus your job search on jobs you really want, and jobs where you compete against the best applicants in the pool,” adds career concierge and hiring consultant Kim Stiens of Ranavain.

And if you really want to stand out, customize each application you submit, says Cheryl E. Palmer, Executive Career Coach and owner of Call to Career.

“Carefully review the vacancy announcements for different positions and then tailor your cover letter accordingly so that you can convince a hiring manager that you are right for the job,” Palmer recommends.

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Myth #2 You Shouldn’t Apply if You Don’t Meet All the Requirements

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some job seekers are hesitant to apply to any job with a description that doesn’t match their skills and experience 100 percent.

“Many job seekers refrain from applying to positions where they don’t meet all the listed qualifications. This is a shame because some of them would excel in those roles,” says Lee. “Truth is, job requirements are often a wish list. Few applicants will meet all the points.”

A good rule of thumb: if you match at least 75-80 percent of the requirements, it’s worth applying.

“Speak to how strong you are in the other areas, and highlight any areas of experience which demonstrate you’ll be able to pick up the lacking skill quickly,” recommends business coach Dave Labowitz.

Myth #3 If You’re Qualified for the Job, You’ll Get It

While qualifications are important, they’re only part of the equation.

“Too many job seekers believe they should get the job because they have experience. Yes, experience is important, but it doesn’t help you stand out,” says career coach and resume writer Melanie L. Denny. Rather than simply assuming you’ll get the job due to your stellar track record, “focus on the value you have produced for past employers in the form of achievements,” she recommends.

Another reason hiring managers may choose a less qualified candidate is if they prove to be a better culture fit. If you have all of the necessary skills, but don’t seem like you could work well with others at the company, that’s a big red flag.

One way to combat this is by only applying to companies that you know you would be compatible with. But if you’ve already found a good match, you can prove you’re a good culture fit in your application materials — particularly your cover letter. Which leads us to myth number four…

Myth #4 You Don’t Need a Cover Letter

Sure, not every recruiter or hiring manager will read a cover letter — but enough do that it’s still worth taking the time to write one, says Stiens.

“While some hiring managers don’t read them, a lot still do, and for those hiring managers, your cover letter is at least as important as your resume. While a resume is a fairly rote, formulaic document, cover letters are your place to show your personality and show how you operate on the job,” she explains.

Cover letters can especially help demonstrate the oh-so-important aforementioned culture fit.

“With today’s companies caring far more about cultural fit than ever before, a cover letter is your opportunity to show them who you are, not just what you’ve done. This will differentiate you from other applicants and increase the likelihood of an interview,” Labowitz says.

To demonstrate that culture fit, share relevant anecdotes from your career.

“Soft skills are key, and using anecdotes in your cover letter are the most effective way to demonstrate them in an application,” Stiens recommends. And remember — no one-size-fits-all cover letters. “You should submit unique, custom cover letters for each job you apply to (though you can certainly recycle material and anecdotes that are relevant to multiple jobs).”

Myth #5 All You Can Do Is Apply

So you satisfy most of the job requirements and have a great resume and cover letter that share what you could bring to the company that other candidates couldn’t. And yet, you still aren’t hearing back from recruiters. What gives?

“Several of my clients think having a strong resume is enough to get them the job… [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][but] if you don’t get that resume in front of the right person (your potential future boss) and sell yourself in an interview, you won’t be hired,” Denny says. “Make sure you are strategic about marketing yourself and master the art of selling your value to a hiring manager.”

The best way to do that, experts agree, is to network. If you know somebody at a company you want to apply to, ask if they’d be comfortable referring you. If you don’t know anybody at the company, look online to see who you can connect with and send them a friendly email or LinkedIn message requesting an informational interview. If all goes well, you can ask them for a referral.

Don’t get too in your head about who you “should” be connecting with. Some job seekers think “I can’t reach out to people I worked with 10 years ago and haven’t spoken with since then — it would be an imposition,” says Career/Executive Coach Tammy Gooler Loeb. But put yourself in their shoes. “If this person reached out to you after 10 years, would you feel imposed on or flattered that they contacted you?  More often the latter, and you’d likely be happy to do anything you can to be helpful to them,” she points out.

And don’t hesitate to connect with somebody just because they’re not directly recruiting or hiring for the role.

“Most people find their next meaningful role through a third-, fourth- or fifth-degree connection and how they reached that point may likely have been through a string of connections that are not necessarily in your industry or doing a role similar to yours,” Gooler Loeb says. “Think of those people you know who seem to ‘know everybody’ and ask them who they know may be good people for you to speak with to learn more about companies that are growing or hiring.”

GlassDoor.com | June 13, 2018 |  Posted by 




#Leadership : How to #InspireyourTeam When you’re Feeling Uninspired…You Don’t have to be a Cheerleader to Keep your Team’s Spirits Up. Next Time you Aren’t Feeling Up to Motivating Others, Consider these Options.

You’re prepping your team for an upcoming project and you know you need the best ideas on the table. But when you try to get up the motivation to work on the project, you struggle to focus. You just don’t seem to have the same energy for the project as you usually do. How can you get the best ideas and productivity out of your team when you, their leader, are feeling uninspired, and perhaps even unmotivated?

Cheri Torres, business leadership coach and the author of Conversations Worth Having, says good leaders don’t have to be cheerleaders. “Sometimes we feel like we have to be the cheerleader, that our energy is what is contagious. This is a focus that says, ‘It’s all about me’,” says Torres. The pressure that comes from feeling like you need to be the team cheerleader can make it even harder to emerge from your slump.

Related: How these 4 different personality types find motivation

Next time you find yourself uninspired to inspire, try having these conversations with yourself and your team first:


To get inspired, you need to be in a physical, mental, and emotional state that generates inspiration. Begin by checking in with your physical state. Are you eating well? Are you getting enough sleep? “Sometimes the body is what is impacting energy and inspiration,” says Torres.

Next, check in with your mental self. What are you ruminating about? What is your inner dialogue like? Keeping a journal of your thoughts can help you uncover how you are speaking to yourself. If your mind is full of negative self-talk, it’s no doubt you’re feeling uninspired.

Lastly, check in with your emotional state. Is there something that is going on in your personal life that is preventing you from being inspired at work?


Leaders often feel that they need to have all the answers, but it’s important to remind your team that you are human, too. Don’t be afraid to tell your team that you are having a tough time getting inspired at the moment and ask for their help. “The most effective leaders are those that have the courage to be vulnerable,” says Torres. Showing vulnerability helps to facilitate trust and mutual respect, which are a good foundation for collaboration and connection–exactly the traits required for a productive brainstorming session.

Related: 4 ways to help employees find meaning at work


“If all the conversations are about problems, trying to fix what’s wrong and focused on negative outcomes, no wonder you’re uninspired,” says Torres. Instead of talking about what you don’t want the outcome to be, focus conversations on what you do want and the positive outcomes you will have. It’s easier to discover the path to achieve those goals if you speak using positive language, rather than giving in to negativity.


Leaders often misunderstand what their team needs in order to get inspired to action. Ask team members what is currently inspiring them, and what they would need to happen to help inspire them further. Do they need to step away from the desk and have some fun for a few hours to get their creative juices flowing? Or do they need a better understanding of the goals of the project?


Schedule something in your calendar that brings you joy and invite your team to do the same. It could be going out for lunch, spending the afternoon playing laser tag, or even simply taking off a little early to enjoy a good book. The point is to do anything that increases your positive emotions and brings you joy. “Positive emotions are correlated with a biochemical soup that increases energy, connection, motivation, and inspiration,” says Torres.

Related: This is the link between employee motivation and their manager’s mental state


To reignite your inspiration, turn to your “why.” Try to remember why you do what you do in the first place. Review some positive customer testimonials, remember your “why,” and share this with your team.

Lisa Evans is a freelance writer from Toronto who covers topics related to mental and physical health. She strives to help readers make small changes to their daily habits that have a profound and lasting impact on their productivity and overall job satisfaction.



FastCompany.com | June 14, 2018 | Lisa Evans

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – Follow Up On Your Job Application With This Easy Template…Here, we’ll Take you Through our Best Application Follow-Up Advice, with Added #CareerExpert Insight & a Template to Use for your Next Follow-Up.

That’s right: Glassdoor has written a guide to knowing when to follow up — and a template you can use, word for word if you’d like, to check in on the status of your job application.

Here, we’ll take you through our best application follow-up advice, with added career-expert insight and a template to use for your next follow-up.

Wait — and wait a little more.

You’ve surely heard that patience is a virtue, and that saying holds true when it comes to following up on a job application. So, if the job posting or the application indicated a timeline for the company’s reply, you should try to respect it and wait to follow up until that time has passed. Another reason to wait? Sharlyn Lauby, founder of HR Bartender, says that waiting can actually warm hiring managers and human resources professionals to you. “I know applicants want to set themselves apart early,” she says. “But take a moment to consider the company’s perspective. If the company promotes a job opening and 50 people apply, and then all 50 people decide they’re going to try to find a way to contact the hiring manager . . . well, now multiply that times 10 job openingsand you’ll see how that just delays the entire hiring process — which, of course, no one wants.”

Figure out who to contact.

When enough time has passed that you can follow up, try to find a direct contact. That may be a specific person in the company’s human resources department, or it could be a hiring manager. It may take some research on your part, but try to find a name and email address.

Send your materials again.

When you send a follow-up email, be sure to include your application materials again for easy reference. (After all, you don’t want to make the human resources professional or hiring manager work to find out why you’re right for the job.) As our guide points out, “they may have a pile of applications they haven’t looked at, and you want to make it as easy as possible for them to review yours.” Let them know your documents are attached.

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Stay patient.

Your follow-up may be perfect, and yet, you still may never hear back from a company. We recommend following up no more than two times to the same contact person or company.

Lauby actually encourages you to consider moving on not after a specific number of follow-ups, but after a certain amount of time. “If an individual applies for a job and hasn’t heard from the company after a week, they need to decide if they want to work for a company that treats applicants that way,” she says. “Same with, ‘If I take the time and effort to follow-up with the company, and don’t hear back, do I really want to work for them?’” And that’s not a silly, emotional reaction. “The way applicants are treated during the hiring process can be an indicator of the way they will be treated as an employee,” Lauby points out.

Here’s what to say.

Now, what should you write, you ask? Well, that’s what this simple email template is for:

Dear [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Contact’s Name],

I recently sent in an application for [job title] at [company]. I’m sure you all are very busy reviewing applicants, but I wanted to touch base to make sure it got to you, and see if you had any updates on your decision timeline. I’m still very excited about the position and would love the chance to talk more with your team about how my background in [the most relevant thing about your past experience] would really allow me to help your company [something you would expect to help achieve in the role].

I’ve attached my application materials to make it easy for you to find—please let me know if you need any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

No excuses now — go ahead and fearlessly follow up on those applications!

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Your #Career : 5 Things you Should Never Tell your #Boss (and What to Say Instead)…What you Say to your Boss can Impact your #CareerGrowth in the Company, So Choose your Words Wisely.

Whether you’re lucky enough to have a great boss or have an uncomfortably rocky relationship with your manager, it pays to put some thought into your interactions. The language you use with your boss could end up dictating whether you get promoted, end up on the chopping block, or fall somewhere in between.

With that in mind, here are five phrases you should make an effort to avoid uttering to your boss–even if they seem appropriate on the spot.


We all have our share of grunt work to tackle on the job, whether we’re entry-level assistants or senior-level executives. So if you’re asked to do something that’s outside your purview, don’t be so quick to push back. Rather, be a good sport and comply, especially if it’s the first time you’re being put in that position.

Furthermore, if you’re going to push back, do so on the basis of being too busy, as opposed to being too good for the lowly or undesirable task your manager attempts to assign. Saying, “I’m afraid that doing this will cause me to miss my project deadline” sounds a lot better than, “That’s not what you hired me to do.”

Related: Yes, you can still get stuff done with a hands-off boss 

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In the course of our jobs, we’re often put in situations where there’s some miscommunication. But if that happens, and your boss calls you out for not following instructions, don’t bite back by insisting you’re in the right and he or she is in the wrong. Unless you have documented proof that your boss said what you claim he or she did, keep quiet.

Even if you have that proof–say, your manager sent instructions in writing, and is now backtracking and trying to put the blame on you–be polite about it. Pull up that email and say something like, “I really thought I was following these instructions precisely. Please show me where I went wrong, and let’s see how we can fix things.” It’ll spare your boss the embarrassment of being wrong, thus sparing you some backlash later on.


We all make mistakes at work. So if your boss calls you out on one, own up to it rather than deflect the blame. Even if you aren’t at fault, there’s a politically correct way to make that clear. For example, say your manager asks you to provide an estimate for a project, and you use your colleague’s inaccurate data to arrive at your own set of incorrect numbers. It’s easy enough to claim that you’re not at fault and point a finger at your coworker instead. But rather than go that route, say, “I should’ve done further diligence before relying on Bob’s numbers. I’ll be happy to run those calculations again and get you a more spot-on estimate.” This shows a degree of maturity that your manager will no doubt appreciate.

Related: How to talk to your boss about your career goals 


Maybe your boss wants you to turn around a major report in two hours, when you know it would normally take five to get that sort of task done. Tempting as it may be to throw your hands up in the air and state that it can’t be done, find a way to get it done to some degree. You might say, “I can turn around the first half of this report in time, and then prioritize the remainder first thing tomorrow.” It’s not a yes, but it’s also not a no, and that might be just enough to appease your manager.


Here’s a news flash: Life isn’t fair, and that applies to office life as well. So yes, maybe you’re being asked to work late for the second time this month when your colleague who sits next to you has yet to be asked, but for the love of job security, don’t mouth off to your boss about how unjust that situation is. You never know what weight your other colleagues are pulling, and what they’re sacrificing to get their jobs done. You also may not know what rewards your boss is secretly planning for your solid effort (more money, perhaps), so before you complain about things being unfair, take a step back and try to power through.

Related: Four times your boss doesn’t want your input (and how to get heard anyway) 

Now if it becomes obvious that your boss is blatantly treating you unfairly–say, you’re always working late while every other member of your team clocks out at 5 p.m. consistently–then that gives you a leg to stand on. But think long and hard before moaning about one-off requests. And if you do complain, do so diplomatically. Try, “With all due respect, it seems like I’ve been pulling some long nights at the office lately. Can I help bring some other folks up to speed on these issues to better divvy up the load?”

Saying the wrong thing to your boss can come back to haunt you. Avoid these career-zapping phrases, and you’ll be a happier employee for it in the long run.




#CareerAdvice : #SalaryNegotiations – Negotiating Over Email? Here’s Exactly What to Write to Get Top Dollar…”It’s Best to Keep your #SalaryNegotiation Emails Polite, Professional, and Direct.”

First, congratulations. You’ve received an offer! Now, the more difficult news: the job search process isn’t quite over yet. It’s time to think over the offer, compare it with your other options, and most importantly: negotiate. 

If you’ve just received a job offer, especially if it was over email, crafting a quick message is a way to strike while the iron is hot for a salary negotiation. To get the inside scoop on getting top dollar through an email negotiation, we reached out to Lewis C. Lin, CEO of Impact Interview, an executive coaching practice that provides interview coaching for job seekers.

As a general matter, Lin advises “it’s best to keep your salary negotiation emails polite, professional, and direct. You want to demonstrate that you are thoughtful and organized, and you want to respect your supervisor’s time.” He also recommends striking a tone of thankfulness for the opportunity you’ve been given, and avoiding taking a pushy or entitled tone. 

“It’s best to keep your salary negotiation emails, polite, professional, and direct,” Lin says. 

As to the specifics – here’s exactly how to respond to the offer you’ve received: 

Step 1: Thank the employer for the offer

The hiring manager needs to know that you’re genuinely excited and grateful to take this offer. The language most appropriate to use in this part email is phrases about working together. You are excited about working together at this company. You are also looking forward to working together to find a salary and benefits package that is suitable for both of you. You can even restate the offer in the terms they put it, using a sentence like “I am very grateful for your offer of [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][salary], but…” 

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Step 2: State your counter-offer

The number you state in the email is the jumping off point for negotiations, and not necessarily the number you expect will ultimately be offered to you. For this part of the email, Lin recommends striking a tone that is “respectful, polite, and professional,” adding that “it’s also important to remember that the majority of employers expect that job applications will negotiate starting salary.” Lin advises using the following phrases to help keep that respectful and professional tone while getting your point across, as well as some to avoid: 

Effective Phrases

  • “Is there any wiggle room?”
  • “If it’s not too sensitive, do you mind if I ask you what the salary range is for this role?”
  • “Can we discuss the other components of the compensation plan?”
  • “How willing are you to…”

Ineffective Phrases

  • “I will not accept anything less than X”
  • “I need a higher salary to pay my bills”

Step 3: Back yourself up 

The number you ask for doesn’t mean much if you can’t back it up with research and justification. In fact, research is one of the most important things you can do in order to make your salary negotiation a success. Tools like Glassdoor’s Know Your Worth can help you get a sense of what the average salary range is for someone with your experience, in your industry, in your city. Always try to cite your sources, especially if you’re relying on numerical information to backup your ask. “Candidates often forget to explain the reasons why they want or deserve a higher salary,” says Lin. “Researchers have found that negotiators that include a reason why they deserve something are 20+ percent more effective than those who don’t.”

Lin recommends using the following template as a jumping-off point for your salary negotiation email. According to Lin, this template is ideal because it’s brief and to the point, which fits the needs of busy recruiters and hiring managers, along with being polite, clear, and direct. 

Dear Hiring Manager, 

Thank you for offering me the position. I am excited about the opportunity, and I can’t wait to start. 

For starting salary, I am looking for something closer to [insert specific number]. The reason why is [specific reason]. 

Is there wiggle room? 

Remember, this is a jumping off point, and further negotiations may come later. But by putting in the work of research now, and distilling your ask into short, sweet terms, you are well on your way to getting the top dollar salary that you are asking for. 

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