#Leadership : A Guide for Professionals -How to Know When It’s Time to Seek Help for an #Addiction …With Millions of Americans Facing Addiction, it’s Important How to Recognize the signs, Especially if you See It in a #CoWorker or are as a #WorkingProfessional .

With millions of Americans facing addiction, it’s important how to recognize the signs, especially if you see it in a coworker or are a working professional.

Addiction can sneak into your life and steal everything away from you: your job, your family, your home, and your friends. It can affect you physically and mentally, making it difficult to function in even the most basic of daily activities, and it can take away your motivation, making it hard or even impossible to reach your professional and personal goals.

Knowing when it’s time to seek help for an addiction can help you avoid all the negative pitfalls that come with it, allowing you to take control of your life. Learning about the warning signs — abusing drugs or alcohol throughout the day, losing interest in the things that once gave you joy, experiencing major changes in your sleeping and eating habits, among others — can help you get treatment before things become dire and possibly save your career at the same time.

Here are a few important tips on how to know when it’s time to seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.

 Educate Yourself

 Knowing the signs of addiction can help you come to terms with the reality of it. For most people, those signs include:

  • Isolating yourself from friends and family
  • Changes in your sleep schedule
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abusing substances alone several times a week
  • Disinterest in activities or hobbies you once enjoyed

 If you or see it in a coworker that is feeling or displaying any of these signs of addiction, it’s imperative that you take the necessary steps to begin treatment. The faster you do that, the better your chances will be of keeping your job and home life unaffected.


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Know Your Rights

Knowing your rights is important when you decide to seek treatment, especially where your job is concerned. Many individuals who are battling addiction take time off work in order to check into an in-patient rehabilitation facility, and your employers can’t discriminate against you if you decide to do so. Do some research to find out what your rights are — and what your employers rights are — so there won’t be any nasty surprises down the road.

Be Straightforward

There is often a sense of shame or guilt when an individual makes the decision to seek help for an addiction problem, and this can cause a rift in the family or office dynamic. Rather than allowing your addiction to create a serious issue at home or at work, be straightforward with your boss and your family members. You don’t have to give specific details, but letting them know that you’ve made the decision to get healthy will keep everyone on the same page and will help them see that you’re committed to making it work in the long term.

Garner Support

No one can get through addiction treatment on their own. It’s important to garner support from your friends and loved ones so you have a circle of people who are there for you when things get rough. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about your substance abuse with them, consider joining a support group or finding a counselor.

One of the most important things about battling an addiction is learning how to see it for what it is. Once you’ve come to terms with the issue and all that it entails, you can create a plan to figure out how best to get healthy and onto a path of recovery, for the benefit of both your professional and personal life.


        FSC Career Blog | July 3, 2018 | Larry Mager

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 15 #Books That #TopCEOs Think Everyone Should #Read ….So if you Want to Enjoy your #Vacation Time and Stay on Top of the Hustle, we’ve Built your Summer #ReadingList with Recommendations from our #TopCEOs of 2018.

Think spending the summer lying on the beach with a book is unproductive? Think again. Successful leaders such as Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban dedicate hours each day to reading.

So if you want to enjoy your vacation time and stay on top of the hustle, we’ve built your summer reading list with recommendations from our Top CEOs of 2018.

1. “The Speed of Trust: The One That Changes Everything” by Stephen Covey

Those who are perfectionists often struggle with micromanagement tendencies — when you have a clear vision for something, it’s hard to not want to take the reins at all times. But this often slows the whole team down, and ends up being more harmful than helpful, Stephen Covey argues. In the quick and competitive atmosphere of the start-up world, trusting your team is paramount.

Eric S. Yuan, CEO of Zoom Video Communications, counts “The Speed of Trust” among his favorite books.

“The big thing I learned from this book is that especially for start-up companies, speed is everything. You’re competing with the legacy companies and quite often you have to make tough, critical decisions… how to build a company at full speed at the same time without creating major problems is the challenge. But if trust is already there, it is very easy,” Yuan said. “If I trust you, I know your intentions are good. Even if you tell me, ‘Eric, this is a huge mistake. Can you fix that’ I trust you and I can make the fix.”


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2. “Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company” by Andy Grove

Authored by Andy Grove, founder and former CEO of Intel, this book gives guidance to leaders facing sudden change in their companies — and shares how these moments can actually be some of the most valuable opportunities available to a company. Yuan counts this another favorite book of his.

“I’m very paranoid. I think in any start-up, no matter what, there is no room to say, ‘We’re okay now,’” Yuan said. “No, we’ve got to work harder. We need to always be paranoid and ready.”

3. “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Harari

In this New York Times’ bestseller, Yuval Harari manages to capture the story of the past 70,000 years of the human race. Beyond chronicling the history of our species, Harari’s book also implores readers to think about what it means to be human, and ask how we want to shape the future of the many generations to come.

This groundbreaking book is a favorite of Sanjit Biswas, CEO of Samsara — but he’s not alone. Fellow leaders Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have also endorsed the book.

4. “The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves” by Matt Ridley

Don’t listen to the naysayers and doomsdayers. According to nearly any metric — food availability, lifespan, income — now is the best time to be alive by a wide margin, Matt Ridley believes.  In this nonfiction book, Ridley touches on how the human tendencies of exchange and specialization have improved life for everyone over the past 100,000 years — and how they will continue to benefit mankind in the future.

Biswas cites this book as another of his favorites: “It’s interesting to zoom way out and realize how fortunate we are to live in modern times,” he said.

5. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Klaus Schwab

We already know how much of an impact the steam engine, the telephone and the personal computer have had on the way humans work —but what is the next industrial revolution around the corner? According to Klaus Schwab, we’re smack-dab in the middle of it. Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, quantum computing and more are transforming the way business is done in a completely unprecedented way.

Among this book’s fans is Bernard J. Tyson, Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, who said it has helped him stay up-to-date and ready for whatever comes next.

“I keep current by reading what very smart people are thinking about the future,” Tyson said.

6. “Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship, and Sacrifice” by Adam Makos

It might not be the first book you think of when it comes to professional development, but this work of historical fiction has lessons about leadership and collaboration in spades. Set in the midst of the Korean War and widespread segregation, “Devotion” recounts the friendship of aviator duo Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown, the first African American carrier pilot for the U.S. Navy.

“It’s a wonderful book about friendship, resilience and amazing courage,” said Michael Mahoney, CEO of Boston Scientific.

7. “Return on Integrity: The New Definition of ROI and Why Leaders Need to Know It” by John Blumberg

We live in a world where sacrificing morality in order to drive the bottom line is no longer profitable, said John Blumberg. In fact, integrity might just be the most valuable asset you have. In “Return on Integrity,” Blumberg explores the intersections between the core values of CEOs and leaders and the impact on their companies.

Lynne Doughtie, CEO of KPMG, describes it as “a powerful book that challenges you to reflect on the importance of personal core values.”

“When each of us really knows our personal core values, they’ll permeate the organizations we work for by strengthening our decision making and enhancing openness, collaboration and trust,” Doughtie said.

8. “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard Cutler

Penned by Dr. Howard Cutler and the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, this seminal guide on happiness explores how to overcome loss and everyday anxieties in order to find your own personal nirvana.

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, credits the book with shaping his management philosophy.

“That’s where I learned the true definition of compassion and the difference between compassion and empathy and how important it is to aspire to live compassionately and manage compassionately,” Wiener told the Silicon Valley Business Journal.

9. “Being Digital” by Nicholas Negroponte

Although it was written over 20 years ago, “Being Digital” is still a classic on the future of digital technology. It dives deep into the successes and failures of technological innovations like the Internet, virtual reality, the CD-ROM and more.

Weiner recommends this book as well, and said it played a large part in helping him shape the online business plan for Warner Bros.

“One of the key points that Negroponte was making was everything that can be converted from an atom to a bit will be. So I looked around Warner Bros. and thought, well, that’s going to have some pretty serious implications for a studio and for media,” Wiener said in the same Silicon Valley Business Journal interview.

10. “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander

In 2015, CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg created a digital book club in which he and other members read a new book every two weeks, then took to Facebook to discuss it. One of his picks was “The New Jim Crow,” a gripping critique by Michelle Alexander that pulls back the curtain on the crisis of mass incarceration in the United States.

“This social justice book outlines the many ways the US criminal justice system discriminates against minorities, disadvantages them and prevents everyone from having equal opportunity. I’ve been interested in learning about criminal justice reform for a while, and this book was highly recommended by several people I trust,” Zuckerberg said on his Facebook page.

 11. “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu

Written nearly 1,500 years ago, this Chinese military treatise revolutionized military strategy — and still makes an impact to this day. Sun Tzu’s lessons on strategy, planning and leadership are applicable not just on the battlefield, but also in the business world.

The book made so much of an impression on Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, that he wrote the foreword for the 2008 release “The Art of War—Spirituality for Conflict: Annotated & Explained.”

“Fundamentally, the book demonstrates how small armies can defeat larger ones,” Benioff said. “Ultimately, it is how salesforce.com took on the entire software industry.”

12. “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel James Brown

Nobody expected a group of Washington boys descended from loggers, shipyard workers and farmers to beat elite rowing teams from the East Coast, let alone the world over, but that’s exactly what they did. In “The Boys in the Boat,” Brown tells the story of the U.S. men’s rowing team in the wake of the Great Depression and their ultimate triumph over the team playing for Nazi Germany.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella endorsed this book in an interview with Fast Company, calling it “a wonderful illustration of the importance of teamwork, which was a core part of my focus out of the gate as CEO.”

13. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth

Strike the word “talent” from your vocabulary — Angela Duckworth’s “Grit” shares that the power of persistence is the true driver of success. Duckworth knows a thing or two about success, having earned a MacArthur Genius Grant and serving as an advisor to “the White House, the World Bank, NBA and NFL teams, and Fortune 500 CEOs.”

One of the many CEOs who counts themselves as a fan of Duckworth’s is Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit

“It’s full of amazing, inspirational stories that show that anyone, regardless of I.Q., talent or background, can succeed if they have grit — a blend of passion and persistence,” Smith said in an interview with Lifehacker. “This book makes all of us underdogs feel like we’re just as capable as anybody else.”

14. “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t” by James Collins 

The world’s best companies don’t reach the top by settling for “good enough” — rather, a constant drive for excellence propels them forward. But what exactly separates a good company from a great one? In “Good to Great,” Collins defines these differences, and shares how to make the transition.

Richard Flint, CEO of Sky Betting & Gaming and the #1 Top CEO in the UK, recommends this book to those hoping to make the leap: “It contains some surprises on what makes good leaders and companies,” Flint said.

15. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Whoever said CEOs can’t enjoy a good fantasy novel (or seven) on occasion? Craig Donaldson, CEO of Metro Bank, endorses Rowling’s acclaimed series to every parent out there.

“Read all the Harry Potter books with your kids if you have children, because there is no better way to relax than reading with an eight-year-old!” Donaldson said.


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Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 5 Ways to Use Your Summer Fridays to Find a New Job…Here, Find Five Key Ways to Ensure your Summer Fridays are Well Spent, Straight from #JobSearch Pros.

If you’re lucky enough to have Friday afternoons off from work during the summer months, it’s probably tempting to head straight home, to the beach, or out with your friends when it’s time to leave the office. But by investing your free time on Friday afternoons into your job search, you can accelerate it in several meaningful ways. Though most employers are unlikely to schedule formal interviews on Friday afternoons during the summer, there are plenty of other ways you can get ahead.

Here, find five key ways to ensure your Summer Fridays are well spent, straight from job search pros.

1. Do your research. 

It can be tough to set aside time to really figure out what you’re looking for in a job and potential employer, and Summer Fridays are the perfect time to do it. “Use all your resources to understand what the kind of company you want to work for is like,” suggests Joshua M. Evans, a career coach and owner of an HR consultancy firm.

Research can also help you immensely if you make it to the interview stage. “Checking out articles, looking at their business’s social media accounts, and jumping on LinkedIn to understand who works for them and how you can be introduced can be immensely valuable in giving you a leg up,” Evans says.  

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2. Use the time off to network.

Scheduling informational meetings and informal catch-ups can be difficult logistically during the work week, but people often have more flexibility on Summer Fridays if their employer offers them, making it an ideal time to get some networking done. “People often say, ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,’ and though not entirely true, because you do need skills for a job, finding a job is a lot easier if you know someone within the industry or at a company themselves,” says Steve Pritchard, HR Manager at Cuuver.com. “Ask friends, family or even former employers if they know of any jobs, or to meet up for a coffee and a catch up to network and see what opportunities may lie on the horizon.”

3. Don’t go home.

If you don’t normally work well at home, it’s best to take your Summer Friday job hunting efforts elsewhere. “It is too tempting to take time off when the weather is nice and you’ve just had a long week at work,” notes Debra Boggs, co-founder of D&S Professional Coaching. “To keep from getting distracted, go directly to a coffee shop or library and set a specific amount of time that you’ll spend looking for and applying to jobs.”

4. Make phone calls.

Yes, really. Though phone calls about job applications have fallen out of fashion, experts say Summer Fridays are a uniquely good time to pick up the phone. “Proactively call people that do the hiring at a company you want to work for,” Evans recommends. “People, especially those in recruiting, are often more friendly on Fridays. If you reach out to them in the morning, they will have more time to chat and can even be in a good enough mood to offer to bring you in for an interview. People associate their good feelings on Friday with a good feeling about you.”

5. Volunteer your time.

“If a career switch is in your future, Summer Fridays are a great time to build your skills and contacts in your new market,” explains  Dawn Graham, PhD, a career coach and Career Director for the MBA Program for Executives at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Volunteer for a non-profit practicing your data analytics skills, explore a self-created internship with a company in your target industry, start a side hustle offering services in your target function, and attend conferences where professionals in your dream field will be congregated,”she suggests. “It’s tempting to want to begin the weekend early, but a few months of strategic action could be the foundation for your new career!”

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Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – Here’s When it’s Worth Taking a Big Risk in your Career…Sometimes, Playing it “Safe” Can be Detrimental in the Long Run.

In most situations, it makes sense to play it safe. Don’t cross the street without looking both ways, and never drive a car without wearing a seat belt. Both of those things make sense because there’s no upside to making the dangerous choice.

When it comes to your career, though, sometimes it does make sense to take risks. You shouldn’t be (small-f) foolish or take risks just for the sake of it, but there are situations when the safe choice limits your upside.

If you take a risk and fail, you can always get another job. The prospect may seem scary, but if you take enough smart, well-considered risks, then hopefully some will work out for you.


There are plenty of times when the best thing to do at work is “keep your head down” and focus on the work. Whether it’s avoiding office politics (or discussing real politics), gossip, or correcting your boss when it would only cause you to catch their ire, these can be “high-risk, low return” situations that are best avoided. And there are other times it may go either way, if there’s real risk you could do permanent damage to your reputation if you have a plan or idea that fails.

However, there should be a red line when it comes to your integrity. This is because, in my experience, an employer or coworker who asks you to start letting “little” things slide will eventually expect you to start ignoring–or possibly even hiding–bigger things. And sometimes these can mean breaking the law and becoming an accomplice to a crime. Of course, it’s important to consider context here, but in general, it should be pretty obvious when you’re starting down a dangerous path.

But if you always make a point to be honest in your dealings with your employer, peers, and clients, you can avoid a slippery slope that can ruin careers and lives. The bottom line is, no job is more important than your integrity. If you have to break rules or lie or commit crimes to stay employed, you’re risking a lot more by trying to stay with that company.–Jason Hall

Related: Why you should probably take that risk you’ve been weighing up 

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I’m the first person to encourage others to pursue their dream careers, because having done so myself, I know how rewarding it can be. I worked at a hedge fund for almost five years after college, all the while wanting to move over to something more creative. When I finally took the leap, I knew it would involve a major pay cut, and I was okay with that. The reason? I had savings to back myself up.

We spend so much time at work that we deserve to be doing things we love. At the same time, we can’t neglect our bills. If you know you want to switch careers, or take a similar risk that might result in a drop in income, go for it–but save some money first. When I went from collecting a steady paycheck to freelancing, I knew it would take time to build up a client base, and so I saved enough to ensure that even if I didn’t earn a dime during my first six months of independent work, I’d be okay.

It’s brave to take a career risk, but it’s unwise to compromise your near-term and long-term financial security in the process. So don’t. Save money to buy yourself the option to take that risk. This way, you can approach your new venture head on without having the stress of getting evicted or running up credit card debt holding you back.–Maurie Backman

Related: The surprising habits of the biggest risk takers 


A few years ago, I was working as the editor of two small–some would say dying–local newspapers. My boss was a nice enough guy but we had differing philosophies on local news. I believed in cramming as many local stories in the paper as possible. He believed in spending as little money as he could.

It wasn’t a bad job, but it was dead end. If I stayed I was never going to get a meaningful raise, a promotion (there was nothing to promote me to), and it was unlikely my boss would come around to my thinking as to how we could get back to growth.

I wanted to leave and could have left for better newspaper jobs. That, however, would have likely been trading the headache I knew for a different one. Instead, I joined a friend of mine and started a business.

At the time we started, we pooled the income I was making in my early days freelancing for Motley Fool and the money he was making building small-scale websites. It was barely enough to cover rent on a small office and pay each of us fairly meager salaries (less than I had been making).

It took a while, but I started bringing in more as a writer, and we landed a contract to manage a company’s digital portfolio. It was a grinding slow build, but we went from struggling to successful, and slowly the imminent danger we had been in through our early days faded.

That risk led to my current career as a full-time, work-from-home writer. Many people I worked with at that newspaper still work there or hold similar jobs elsewhere. Most of them wish they had taken risks, and now with time having passed, it’s harder and scarier for them to do so.

I might have failed, and if I had, I would have found a job. Perhaps that position would not have been as good as the one I had left, but ultimately I would have reset myself and gotten back in position to take the next risk.–Daniel B. Kline


FastCompany.com | June 29, 2018 | BY THE MOTLEY FOOL 5 MINUTE READ

#BestofFSCBlog : #ResumeWriting – 13 Irresistible #ResumeTemplates to Download Now! Everything You Need to Know About Writing the Perfect #Resume .

If there’s one area worth investing in when it comes to the job search, it’s definitely your resume — after all, in just about seven seconds of glancing at it, recruiters and hiring managers already know whether or not they want to move forward with your application. Of course, writing a great resume is easier said than done, but at Glassdoor, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

That’s why we combined our job search expertise with Grammarly’s top-notch writing knowledge to create a comprehensive guide on how to write, format and design the perfect resume. With our new Ultimate Guide to Resumes, you’ll learn which type of resume is right for you, what to include in it, how to highlight your skills and more all in one place, so you can create a recruiter-approved resume in no time.

Download the full eBook here, and get a sneak preview with our tips below!

1. Choose the Right Type of Resume

If you thought there was just one type of resume, think again. There are multiple different kinds, and the one you should use will depend on your own unique career circumstances. A chronological resume lists your different positions top to bottom from most to least recent, and is best for those whose careers reflect a clear path to the role they’re applying for. A functional resume emphasizes relevance over recency, with different positions listed top to bottom from most to least relevant, a skills section and a professional summary explaining why you’re a great fit. This is a great option for those who are transitioning into a new field or re-entering the workforce after a resume gap. A combination resume borrows from both formats by combining the professional summary and skills section of a functional resume and the chronological work experience order of a chronological resume. This is a good way to emphasize skills and experience equally, and is a great choice for many different types of job seekers.

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2. Know What You Need to Include

Resumes tend to have six major components: a header and contact info, professional summary, skills section, work experience, education and additional experience. Here’s a brief rundown of what they are, and tips for how to make the most of them:

  • Header + Contact Info: The top of your resume (or whichever is the most prominent part) containing your name and contact info.

    • Pro Tip: Think twice before including your street address. It’s largely unnecessary nowadays, and can hurt your chances of scoring an interview if you live far from where the position is
  • Professional Summary: A brief, one- to three-sentence description that encapsulates who you are, what you do and why you’re a great fit for the job at hand.

    • Pro Tip: Avoid descriptors like “hard-working,” “self-motivated,” etc. — those terms are vague and generic. Focus instead on the skills and accomplishments that set you apart.
  • Skills: A list of the key skills you possess that will help you do the job you’re applying to.

    • Pro Tip: Can’t decide what skills to include? Look to the job descriptionto see which skills matter the most. 
  • Work Experience: A list of the different titles you’ve held, places you’ve worked and achievements you accomplished. 

    • Pro Tip: When writing out your bullet points, use the STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to not just describe what you did in a previous job, but what sort of impact it had.  
  • Education: Details on the level of education you’ve attained, where you went and what you studied.

    • Pro Tip: Only include your GPA if you’ve graduated in the last couple of years and earned a 3.0 or higher — the further along you are in your career, the more recruiters and hiring managers pay attention to experience over education.
  • Additional Experience: A catch-all section where you can add your volunteer experience, hobbies, awards, etc.

    • Pro Tip: Some companies are particularly passionate about volunteering and giving back to the community. If you’re applying to one of them, use this section to describe how you’ve made a difference — it’s a great way to show culture fit!

3. Don’t Forget Design & Formatting

At the end of the day, a well-written resume with relevant experience will win out over one that’s pretty, but light on content. However, if you combine great content with a neat, clean design and proper formatting, you’ve just hit upon a winning combination. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want your resume to look its best:

  • Use an easy-to-read font of no less than 11 pt.
  • Add margins of at least .7 inches.
  • Make sure there’s sufficient white space between sections
  • Keep your resume to 1-2 pages max, unless you’re in a field like academia or medicine and must cite papers and publications.
  • Don’t go overboard with intricate design or decoration — touches of color are fine, but avoid any clashing or visually busy details.

4. Check for These Last-Minute Items

Once you’re feeling good about your resume, don’t click submit just yet. Uploading your resume before giving it a thorough scan can result in errors and missed opportunities to make the best impression. Check off the following items to make sure your resume is ready to be seen by the world:

  • Verify your employment information to make sure that it matches what you have on LinkedIn. Any discrepancies, even if they’re accidental, might raise red flags for a recruiter
  • Use a platform like Grammarly to edit your resume. Grammarly can save you from misspellings, hundreds of types of grammatical and punctuation mistakes and words that are spelled right but used in the wrong context, all of which look unprofessional on a resume and can seriously hurt your chances of making it to the next round.
  • Save your resume with a simple file name to maintain professionalism and to simply keep better track of it in your files. You can’t go wrong with “Lastname-Resume-2018”
  • Double check capitalization on company names and titles — consistency in your resume is key.
  • Review your bullet points to make sure they’re focused on showing results, not simply listing your tasks.

Want more details on how to create a next-level resume? Check out the full Ultimate Guide to Resumes!



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Your #Career : 7 Steps to Rebrand Yourself for a #CareerChange …Just Because you Don’t have Experience in a New Field Doesn’t Mean your #Skills aren’t Valuable in that Field. Here’s What to Do Before you Make a Move.

Ready for a career change, but worried you don’t have the experience or skills to land a job in your desired field? Filling your resume with your previous work experience that has no similarity to the job you’re applying for is likely to land your resume in the trash can. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck in a career you hate forever.

Dawn Graham, PhD, career coach, psychologist, and author of the book Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Career–and Seize Success, says rebranding your professional experience is key to a successful career switch. “When you’re making a switch, you need to be a good fit for the role, and while some of your skills and experiences may be transferrable, many may not be,” she says. Here’s how you can prove that you’re worthy of the title, even when your resume shows no previous experience in the field.


Use social media to your advantage to rebrand yourself in your new career area. Follow thought leaders in your target industry and comment on their posts. Connect with relevant industry groups and associations, share relevant and interesting articles within your online network, comment on posts, attend the biggest industry conferences, and develop a network of contacts in the industry. “Technology makes it easier than ever to market yourself in a way that appeals to the audience you choose,” says Graham. The more you can demonstrate that you’re serious and invested in your new target industry, the more credible you will seem.

Related: Changing careers? Here’s exactly what to put on your resume

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Rebranding yourself takes time and introspection. Everyone has transferrable skills, even if you think you don’t. Graham gives the example of a recruiter who wants to move into social media marketing. “You can show off your customer research, analytics, and technical savvy skills,” she says. Demonstrating how you can reach new customers using the same skill set you used to uncover qualified candidates is a way to prove that your experience is relevant.

To determine your skills, Graham recommends breaking down achievements. “If you contributed to saving a large client, consider the steps that got you to that result–perhaps problem solving, diplomacy, creativity, and influencing.” Do the same with other accomplishments and you’ll soon notice a pattern of core strengths. Try going through this exercise with a colleague or manager who may be able to see strengths that you are overlooking.


In order to find out what skills and experiences are most relevant to your new career choice, spend time learning as much as you can about your target position. Speak with professionals in your target industry, look for volunteer positions in the industry, take courses, and attend professional events to learn what experiences and skill sets are most valuable in the new industry.

Related: When to ignore the most common piece of career advice


While most of us use our job title when introducing ourselves, this can be an error when you’re switching careers. Many companies use language that doesn’t translate outside the industry. A title can cause confusion for someone in another industry, and biases their opinion toward your application. They may think right away that you’re not a good fit without reading further into your experiences. Instead of focusing on your title, place the emphasis on your value–the skills you developed in that position.


In order to highlight your value and position yourself as a good fit for the job, you need to know the challenges the hiring manager is trying to solve. “Many job seekers have incredible accomplishments, but without knowing what is important to your audience, you risk leading off with accomplishments that, while impressive, lead the hirer to think you’re not a fit for the role,” says Graham.

When in a job interview, make one of your first questions about the challenges the company or department is facing at this time. Once you find out the hiring company’s pain points, you can select the achievements from your background that best align with what the hiring manager is looking for in the role.


Some of your best accomplishments and achievements may not be impressive to the hiring manager if they have no relation to the job you’re applying for. To be most effective in rebranding yourself professionally, select the parts of your experience that align most closely with your target role. To make your application in this new field stronger, highlight these experiences in your LinkedIn profile. If hiring managers are reviewing your resume and then jump over to LinkedIn and see a whole different type of experience highlighted, they may be confused and cause them to put aside your resume. Rebranding your professional experience may mean dropping what you think are some of your best accomplishments, but by focusing on “fit” first, you will have a better chance of a recruiter recognizing you as a potential candidate for the position.

Related: What career changers wish they knew before making the switch


“Every hiring manager wants to know why this job at this company at this time,” says Graham. Your answer to this question will be especially important if you’re a career switcher. Graham argues that switchers can have the upper hand in answering this question because they have most likely spent a great deal of time studying the industry, thinking about what they want in a job when making their career switch decision.



FastCompany.com | June 28, 2018 | BY LISA EVANS 4 MINUTE READ

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 5 Email Templates to Use When Asking for a #Reference …It’s No Secret: Asking for References can Be Intimidating. We Reached Out to #CareerExperts for Right Way to Ask Someone to Serve as a Reference Over Email.

It’s no secretasking for references can be intimidating. Since references often don’t come from the company you’re working at currently — especially if you haven’t yet told them you’re sniffing out new opportunities — you often must reach out to colleagues from across the spectrum of your career.

This means contacting people you may not have spoken to in a while, and asking them to take time out of their schedule to remember your attributes and speak about them with your potential employers. The quality of your references can make or break certain hiring processes, so it’s of the utmost importance to find the right people.

Although sending the same stock email out to each potential reference can save you time, it’s not advised. A reference request should be personalized to the person you’re sending it to, and the type of relationship you had with them.

We reached out to career experts Tiffany Franklin, who is the founder of TFJ Career Coaching  and works in career services at an Ivy League School and Emily Kapit, MS, MRW, ACRW, CPRW, career strategist and owner of ReFresh Your Step career consultancy, to learn more about the right way to ask someone to serve as a reference over email.

“You want them to feel like you’re asking them because you truly want them to be a reference, not just because you have to have three,” says Kapit, underscoring the importance of tailoring each request to the person you’re reaching out to.

To get an idea of what personalized email requests for references would look like, these five templates give a full idea of what type of language is appropriate for different relationships.

For A Former Boss

Hi Donna! I hope you have been doing well. It’s hard to believe it has been three years since we worked together. I learned so much while we were working on the XYZ project and have fond memories of working at [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][company name].

Things have been good here. I have enjoyed working at [company name] for the past two years and getting to explore the city of Denver. After much contemplation, I’ve decided it’s time for new challenges, so I’m beginning to search for Marketing Director roles and hope to relocate to San Diego later this year.

Would you be available to serve as a reference and provide a positive recommendation for me? If you are, I would be happy to send you my resume and a sample job description so you have an updated view of my experience and what I’m seeking.

Thank you for considering this. I look forward to connecting with you again and hearing your updates.


[Your Name]

This reference request, written by Franklin, masterfully re-establishes the connection with the former boss and brings them up to speed on your recent professional history. “The wording of your message to re-introduce yourself to a potential reference will depend on the nature of the relationship (former boss vs. coworker), how close you were at the time, whether you saw each other outside of work in social settings and exactly how long has it been since you last connected,” Franklin says. She adds that it’s also important to consider the timing of your request and how far you are in the job search process, which can determine the likelihood that they will be imminently contacted.

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For A Former Collaborator

Dear X,

I hope you’re well. I’ve been following your career via LinkedIn for the last several years and see that you’ve moved up to [new role] — congratulations! In the last few years, I have also moved up and am currently doing [current role]. I’m looking to transition to an even more senior role and am conducting both an internal and an external search regarding future opportunities. In doing so, I was reflecting on who would be a really good reference for me, and felt that you would be one.

I recall our time working on [particular project] and I thought that given what I’m looking for in that next role, you would be a great person to speak to the skills I bring to the table as well as the kind of hard worker that I am, and would really appreciate if you could serve as a reference for me.

Of course, I am more than happy to do the same for you at any point in time. Please do let me know. Additionally, if you would be so kind as to put the recommendation on my LinkedIn profile, I would greatly appreciate that. Again, I would be more than happy to do the same for you.

I wish you continued success in your career and look forward to being in touch. Please do reach out with any questions!

All the best,

[Your name]

This template, written by Kapit, contains a few powerful elements. First of all, it gives the recommender a specific reason why you’re asking them, of all people, to be your reference. Second, you’re following what some call the “golden rule of networking”: offering your help to someone else, so that they may offer their help to you. This particular template offers to recommend or serve as a reference for the other person in return for them doing the same for you — a great strategy for making the “ask” feel much less one-sided.

For A Former Mentor

Hi Mr. Thomas! I hope you’re doing well. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four years since we worked together at [company name]. How have you been?

I really appreciate all I learned during that time and the guidance you provided. It has been so helpful with my client projects here at [company name]. I have been networking as you suggested and recently became aware of an interesting opportunity to become a Marketing Manager. Given my work on client projects over the past few years, I feel it would be a perfect fit and great next step. Would you be willing to provide a positive recommendation for me? I’ll be happy to provide you with my resume, full details of the job and any other info you would find helpful.

Thank you for considering this. I hope we can catch up properly soon.

Warm regards,

[Your name]

This request, written by Franklin, shows the power of a brief — yet humble, respectful and professional – email. When you have reservations about sending a request to someone, or are worried that the connection might be too tenuous, always defer to a humble, professional tone. In addition, Franklin says, “when making any request in life, it’s helpful to use empathy and think about how you would feel if you received a similar request. If you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’re asking for too much or it sounds like you’re sucking up or something like that, re-think the email.”

For A Former Direct Report

Dear X,

I hope all is well with you. I heard you were promoted to [new position] at [former company]. Nice!

I’m reaching out today because I’m looking to make my next career move, and I’m in need of references for the positions I’m applying for. Given our extensive working history together, I thought that you would be able to speak to my ability as a manager, and I was wondering if you would be willing to serve as a reference. If asked, I think that the example of [X project] we worked on together would be particularly salient.

Of course I would be more than willing to act as a reference for you or provide you with any sort of recommendation. Please let me know if you have any questions!


[Your name]

While it’s less common to ask someone who you formerly managed to be a reference for you, it can be appropriate in cases where you’re looking to show off your management skills to the hiring team. Reaching out to a person who was your subordinate has a slightly different tone than asking someone who you worked under. “You want to mirror the tone of the relationship that you had with them in your prior role,” Franklin advises. “That way, the style of your request is consistent with how you have always interacted with that person and won’t seem outside the balance of what that relationship [is] and always [has] been.” Franklin also provides a number of templates outreach examples in her “Essential Guide to Securing References for a Job Search.

A Former Client

Dear X,

I just heard news that your company recently [accomplishment]. Congratulations! I’m always heartened and delighted to see what your company is doing in the world.

I’m writing today because I’m looking to transition into a new role doing [new job], and I’m looking for a few people who can serve as references for me and speak to my skills as a [your profession]. I thought that the project we worked on last year was a great example of how I can [list skills]. I would be very grateful if you were able to serve as a reference for me.

Please let me know if you have any questions — and I’m also happy to refresh your memory on the details of the project and the role I played if you want me to send anything over.

All the best,

[Your name]

“Try to be specific regarding why you’re asking that particular person to be a reference for you,” counsels Kapit. In this template, praise is given to the former client in order to remind them of their connection to you. In addition, listing specific skills tied to the project you worked on together can help trigger their memory of why exactly they would be qualified to comment on your professional prowess.


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Your #Career :The #FutureOfWork – How to Prepare your Kids for Jobs that Don’t Exist Yet…. #ArtificialIntelligence will Rule the Jobs of the #Future , so Learning How to Work with It Will be Key. But the Skills Needed Might Not be What you Expect.

With total robot domination seemingly impending, preparing the next generation for the future of work can feel like a lost cause. But fear not, the future may be brighter than expected.

“There’s three job opportunities coming in the future,” says Avi Goldfarb, coauthor of Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial IntelligenceHe divides them up into people who build artificial intelligence, people who tell the machines what to do and determine what to do with their output, and, finally, celebrities. This last category comprises actors, sports players, artists, writers, and other such luminaries surrounding the entertainment industry.

2017 report from Gartner concludes that artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it kills. In particular, the report singles out healthcare and education as areas ripe for growth. But the handling of artificial intelligence is where Goldfarb thinks an overwhelming number of those new jobs will be created.

“We’re moving toward more equality of opportunity,” says Goldfarb, noting the steady increase in overall access to technological tools. “But that doesn’t mean equality of outcomes.”

He thinks even human-centric positions in nursing and education will require a proficient understanding of artificially intelligent tools as the technology becomes a more routine facet of those jobs. For example, to assist with home healthcare for elderly populations, little robots have emerged to help patients remember to take their medications or go for a walk. These bots are still nascent, but it’s not hard to imagine a world in which nurses have to understand how to help patients set reminders or even be able to communicate with these devices remotely as a way of checking in on a patient as part of their jobs.

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“The most valuable combinations of skills are going to be people who both have good training in computer science, who know how the machines work, but also understand the needs of society and the organization, and so have an understanding of humanities and social sciences,” he says. “That combination, already in the market, is where the biggest opportunities are.”

Related: Welcome to the first day of work for the class of 2025


So how does one prepare to lead these artificially intelligent machines into the new world? Oddly enough, a liberal arts education might be the best antidote to automation, says Goldfarb. While he believes that most people will need a basic understanding of computer science, he thinks that studying art, philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, and neuroscience could be key to preparing for the future. These studies will help young people to have a broad range of knowledge that they can use to put artificial intelligence to its best use.

Experts who study the future of work agree that our ability to make sense of the world is our biggest asset in the wake of automation. While artificial intelligence is good at narrow, repetitive tasks, humans are good at coming up with creative solutions. Anything you can do to get your child thinking creatively will no doubt help prepare her for joining the working world.


In addition to embracing the humanities, Amir Orad, CEO of business analytics software Sisense, says that children should be multidisciplined. “Our tradition of schooling from the Industrial Age makes you really, really good at one thing,” he says. “I think that’s very dangerous for the next generation.”

Parents should encourage kids to be good at more than one thing as a way of being flexible, he says. By choosing interdisciplinary courses of study, kids will not only develop a variety of skills, they’ll also be knowledgable about more than one subject area, giving them some adaptability as jobs change. Another way to think about it? Try out a lot of different stuff. Having a variety of experience will prove valuable in the future, he says.

Related: These are the 5 “super skills” you need for jobs of the future


One more piece of advice from both Goldfarb and Orad is to expect the unexpected. “Fifty years ago, the idea that people would be social media marketers wasn’t imaginable,” says Goldfarb. Artificial intelligence and automation will change the jobs landscape in ways that can’t be anticipated. Kids should be engaged with both culture and the latest technology, he says. Whether that means engaging on a new social media app or learning how to edit video for fun, kids should be allowed to play intuitively with technology.

Because of how cheap technology has gotten, Goldfarb says, this means that more people have more access to the kinds of technology and tools that will prepare them for the future. However, that doesn’t mean that all kids will be on equal footing in this technologically advanced future. There are still pockets of the U.S. without quality internet. The Federal Communications Commission reports that 24 million people don’t have high-speed internet. Meanwhile, roughly 11% of Americans don’t have broadband at all, according to PEW.

“We’re moving toward more equality of opportunity,” says Goldfarb, noting the steady increase in overall access to technological tools. “But that doesn’t mean equality of outcomes.”


FastCompany.com | June 27, 2018 | BY RUTH READER 3 MINUTE READ

Your #Career : #ResumeWriting -How to Write a #ResumeSummary That Grabs #Recruiters’ Attention…Here are a Few Tips to Keep in Mind for your Summary.

To include a resume summary, or not to include a resume summary? The nagging question that has plagued many a job seeker.

Well, here’s some advice to clear the matter up: yes, you should include a summary. Unless you are really pressed for space, have a significant amount of description writing in the body of your resume, or you’re specifically directed not to include a summary, it’s an essential addition to a professional resume. “Most people should have a summary,” says Lynn Carroll — a career coach who writes about authenticity in the job search, gender equity in the workplace, and inclusion — who we reached out to to learn how to create an eye-catching resume summary.

Carroll distinguishes between a resume objective, which she says is what the jobseeker is looking to find in a company or position, and a resume summary, which tells a recruiter what the jobseeker can uniquely offer to a company or position. “The objective is now considered by most recruiters as an out-of-date function because it focuses on the jobseeker… The summary is considered more current and a better way to describe the relationship between the jobseeker and the company because it talks about what they can offer,” says Carroll.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind for your summary:

Keep it Short

There are plenty of opportunities to expound on your qualifications and experience in the job search process, like in your cover letter or the interview. The resume summary is a place to make the resume a bit more personalized, and to frame your resume in terms of the type of candidate you believe the company is looking for. For this reason, it’s important to keep the summary short. Carroll recommends writing a full paragraph at first, and then gradually whittling it down to two or three sentences full of powerful, important words. “By condensing — rather than on the very first pass have a short summary — sometimes you give a lot more thought to what the most important pieces really are,” she advises.

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Tell a Story

A resume summary isn’t a place to re-hash your professional experience, or to list out your soft skills. It’s about giving the reader a brief, vivid taste of what kind of person you are in the workplace, what drives you and makes you tick, and what kind of environments you thrive in. Keep this in mind as you write your summary: tell, don’t list.  

Use Relevant Keywords

Keywords are important for several reasons. First of all, they can help you stand out in applicant tracking systems, a type of software that companies use to digitally sift through job applications. Second of all, you can show that you know how to speak the same language as the company. “If you were using the word ‘customer’ for example, and they were using the word ‘client’ in their job description, the idea is the same but they don’t see that you are using their same lingo,” Carroll says. “They might feel like you’re not in touch with where they’re at.”

Use Vivid Language

Carroll says she always encourages her clients to use vivid, descriptive language, that brings their experience and skills to life. “If I describe a meeting I ‘organized’, that seems like I set the conference call up. If I describe a meeting that I ‘envisioned,’ or I describe a gathering that I ‘developed’, that sounds like I had more input into the content,” she says. Using verbs that have active connotations rather than passive connotations can help this, Carroll adds.

Match the Tone to the Occasion

There’s no one tone to strike in a resume summary. It all depends on the type of job you’re applying for and the kind of company you’re sending your resume off to. Carroll gives the example of someone applying to a job at a more traditional, hierarchical Fortune 500 company versus someone applying to a job at a Silicon Valley startup. At the Fortune 500 company, she says, the applicant might want to use phrases like “solid foundation” and “excellent skills” to imply stability and reliability. At a startup, however, one might want to use phrases like “creative,” “innovative,” or “dynamic.” It all depends on the job you’re applying for, and also – don’t forget! – what describes you as a candidate the most accurately.

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#Leadership : #WorkPlace Evolution – 4 #EmotionallyIntelligent #HRPolicies #Employees May Suffer Without…When #TeamMembers Face Crises in their Personal Lives, they Need to Know their #Employers have their Backs–in Word and in Deed.

Depression, suicide, addiction, domestic abuse, mental health: These issues impact workforces in countless ways, many of them hidden from public view and employers’ eyes alike. But responsible organizations can’t assume that bad things aren’t happening in their employees’ lives just because they don’t hear about them.

A great work culture is one that goes out of its way to proactively support employees who are struggling with grief, mental health, abuse, and addiction issues–and does so with compassion and emotional intelligence. These are a few ways to adjust existing human resources policies in order to do that.

Related: I lost my brother to opioid addiction. Here’s how employers can address the crisis


Many organizations need to be more flexible in the ways they support employees who are experiencing loss. The standard policy of three days of bereavement leave may be enough time to attend a funeral out of state, but it hardly sends the message that employers care deeply about their team members during their periods of greatest need.

According to Susan Bartel, a researcher at Maryville University of St. Louis who studies grieving and loss in the workplace, “Many people need or use distraction to help manage their grief at work, and their jobs can be a healthy distraction. Allowing longer bereavement leave gives employees an opportunity to adjust slightly to a new way of life before having to reengage in the world at large,” she explains. “If they feel their grief is recognized and understood they are more likely to contribute to the organization even earlier than they could otherwise.”

After the death of her husband, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg revamped the company’s HR policies to include up to 20 days of paid leave days to grieve an immediate family member and 10 for extended relatives. The change was an acknowledgement that organizations have a duty to think more compassionately about how employees cope with loss.

Related: Here’s what companies lose by skimping on mental wellness programs

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Few organizations have formalized employee assistance programs, or “EAPs” on the books, and they may be underutilized at the employers that do. These programs can be set up internally within HR departments or operated through third parties, but the core goal is the same: to offer employees confidential support for coping with crises in their personal lives.

To promote an EAP and encourage employees to use it, HR leaders can ask team members who’ve already done so to share letters of endorsement (including anonymously, of course) regarding the help they received. Employees who participate in EAPs often become their biggest advocates. Offer those who express interest opportunities to take ongoing training in areas of grief, addiction and abuse counseling, and suicide prevention. These knowledgable allies inside the company can be crucial in vouching for and connecting their colleagues with the EAP resources they need when HR managers can’t.

Related: How to build a kinder workplace when its leaders don’t


In addition to being more generous, employers need to market their policies more widely and continuously, making sure team members are aware of what they’re entitled to; scrambling to sort out an unfamiliar policy during a time of intense emotional pain usually only makes things worse. Many employees only learn what’s available to them in the midst of crisis, while leafing through a benefits package or union booklet or by speaking with an HR manager they’ve barely interacted with before. It’s pretty easy for organizations to do better. Regularly sharing information on social media and internal chat platforms is a great start; tying messages about company policies into events happening in the news can be even better.

Managers should also remind team members during meetings and other events not just what the organization’s policies consist of, but that there are multiple ways to gain support and information. Links to external resources like National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or Crisis Text Line should be prominently displayed within the company’s intranet, for example, and leaders should remind staff that they’re there.

Perhaps more important still, leaders should personally raise awareness and launch initiatives to support their workforces. Employees need to see this in action in order to overcome the stigma of asking for help with their personal lives at work. Some may even worry that doing so could prevent them from being considered for promotion. If possible, managers should share their own experiences coping with mental health issues or supporting relatives with addiction problems. Transparency and authenticity goes a long way toward giving employees permission to do so themselves.


Every workforce contains countless people who have deep experience coping with a wide range of difficult issues. Many of these staffers are willing to lend a hand or a kind ear to their colleagues if only there were an appropriate setting to offer that. Some organizations hold on-site support meetings, including Alcoholics Anonymous, but for many, the last people an employee may want to know about her struggles with substance abuse are her coworkers (another argument in favor of a robust EAP).

But other team members find internal support groups helpful. Similar to employee affinity groups (or “EAGs”), these informal collectives can help colleagues come together to discuss shared experiences, including difficult ones. In providing safe spaces for those conversations, these groups can also help disseminate resources available in the organization’s EAPs and curb employees’ hesitation around taking advantage of them.

It’s easy for employers to look at these HR offerings in terms of financial cost and effort, but there’s potentially huge benefit to implementing them. Not only do such programs create goodwill within the workforce, helping retain employees for longer, but they also reinforce the empathy and emotional intelligence that are the lifeblood of every strong work culture–especially during those difficult times when it really counts.

Harvey Deutschendorf is an emotional intelligence expert, author and speaker. To take the EI Quiz go to theotherkindofsmart.com.


FastCompany.com | June 26, 2018