#CareerAdvice : #CareerDirection – Take these 5 Things into Consideration When you’re Trying to Find your Calling.

If, like many, you are searching for your calling in life–perhaps you are still unsure which profession aligns with what you most care about–here are five recent research findings worth taking into consideration.

First, there’s a difference between having a harmonious passion and an obsessive passion. If you can find a career path or occupational goal that fires you up, you are more likely to succeed and find happiness through your work–that much we know from the deep research literature. But beware–since a seminal paper published in 2003 by the Canadian psychologist Robert Vallerand and colleagues, researchers have made an important distinction between having a harmonious passion and an obsessive one.

If you feel that your passion or calling is out of control, and that your mood and self-esteem depend on it, then this is the obsessive variety, and such passions, while they are energizing, are also associated with negative outcomes such as burnout and anxiety. In contrast, if your passion feels in control, reflects qualities that you like about yourself, and complements other important activities in your life, then this is the harmonious version, which is associated with positive outcomes, such as vitality, better work performance, experiencing flow, and positive mood.

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Secondly, having an unanswered calling in life is worse than having no calling at all. If you already have a burning ambition or purpose, do not leave it to languish. A few years ago, researchers at the University of South Florida surveyed hundreds of people and grouped them according to whether they felt like they had no calling in life, that they had a calling they’d answered, or they had a calling but had never done anything about it.

In terms of their work engagement, career commitment, life satisfaction, health and stress, the stand-out finding was that the participants who had a calling they hadn’t answered scored the worst across all these measures. The researchers said that this puts a different spin on the presumed benefits of having a calling in life. They concluded: “Having a calling is only a benefit if it is met, but can be a detriment when it is not as compared to having no calling at all.”

The third finding to bear in mind is that, without passion, grit is “merely a grind.” The idea that “grit” is vital for career success was advanced by the psychologist Angela Duckworth of the University of Pennsylvania, who argued that highly successful, “gritty.” people have impressive persistence. “To be gritty,” Duckworth writes in her 2016 book on the subject, “is to fall down seven times, and rise eight.”

Many studies certainly show that being more conscientious–more self-disciplined and industrious–is associated with more career success. But is that all that being gritty means? Duckworth has always emphasised that it has another vital component that brings us back to passion again–alongside persistence, she says that gritty people also have an “ultimate concern” (another way of describing having a passion or calling).

However, according to a paper published last year, the standard measure of grit has failed to assess passion (or more specifically, ‘passion attainment’)–and Jon Jachimowicz at Columbia Business School in New York and colleagues believe this could explain why the research on grit has been so inconsistent (leading to claims that it is an overhyped concept and simply conscientiousness repackaged).

Jachimowicz’s team found that when they explicitly measured passion attainment (how much people feel they have adequate passion for their work) and combined this with a measure of perseverance (a consistency of interests and the ability to overcome setbacks), then the two together did predict superior performance among tech-company employees and university students. “Our findings suggest that perseverance without passion attainment is mere drudgery, but perseverance with passion attainment propels individuals forward,” they said.

Another finding is that, when you invest enough effort, you might find that your work becomes your passion. It’s all very well reading about the benefits of having a passion or calling in life but, if you haven’t got one, where to find it? Duckworth says it’s a mistake to think that in a moment of revelation one will land in your lap, or simply occur to you through quiet contemplation–rather, you need to explore different activities and pursuits, and expose yourself to the different challenges and needs confronting society.

If you still draw a blank, then perhaps it’s worth heeding the advice of others who say that it is not always the case that energy and determination flow from finding your passion–sometimes it can be the other way around and, if you put enough energy into your work, then passion will follow. Consider, for instance, an eight-week repeated survey of German entrepreneurs published in 2014 that found a clear pattern–their passion for their ventures increased after they’d invested more effort into them the week before.

A follow-up study qualified this, suggesting that the energising effect of investing effort arises only when the project is freely chosen and there is a sense of progress. “Entrepreneurs increase their passion when they make significant progress in their venture and when they invest effort out of their own free choice,” the researchers said.

Finally, if you think that passion comes from doing a job you enjoy, you’re likely to be disappointed. Consider where you think passion comes from. In a preprint paper released at PsyArXiv, Jachimowicz and his team draw a distinction between people who believe that passion comes from doing what you enjoy (which they say is encapsulated by Oprah Winfrey’s commencement address in 2008 in which she said passions “bloom when we’re doing what we love”), and those who see it as arising from doing what you believe in or value in life (as reflected in the words of former Mexican president Felipe Calderón who in his own commencement address in 2011 said “you have to embrace with passion the things that you believe in, and that you are fighting for”).

The researchers found that people who believe that passion comes from pleasurable work were less likely to feel that they had found their passion (and were more likely to want to leave their job) as compared with people who believe that passion comes from doing what you feel matters.

Perhaps this is because there is a superficiality and ephemerality to working for sheer pleasure–what fits the bill one month or year might not do so for long–whereas working towards what you care about is a timeless endeavour that is likely to stretch and sustain you indefinitely. The researchers conclude that their results show “the extent to which individuals attain their desired level of work passion may have less to do with their actual jobs and more to do with their beliefs about how work passion is pursued.”

This is an adaptation of an article originally published by The British Psychological Society’s Research Digest. This article was originally published at Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.


FastCompany.com | January 10, 2019 | BY CHRISTIAN JARRETT—AEON5 MINUTE READ

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 7 Trends Job Seekers Should Expect in 2019

The U.S. economy is growing and expected to maintain its strength going into 2019, leading to noticeable effects on hiring. This is especially true of in-demand occupations.

If you’re interested in a technology career, here are seven trends that are shaping employment opportunities in the coming year:

The low unemployment rate increases your value

Next year, the unemployment rate is expected to drop to its lowest point in 40 years, according to New York Federal Reserve President John Williams.

Employers need skilled workers to take advantage of the strong demand for their products and services. They can’t grow without workers. And because unemployment is so low, skilled workers have become a scarce and therefore valuable resource. If you have the right programming experience and soft skills, you’ll be very attractive in this market.

Assessment tools could decide if you get interviewed

Organizations are competing for a limited pool of talented workers. When they do hire someone, they want to be sure it’s the best fit. Thus, the growing use of cognitive assessment tools to analyze and evaluate prospective hires. These tools, like the one used by Indeed.com, screen and rank candidates based on various dimensions. They consider not only experience, skills and aptitude but also motivation, personality and behavioral factors.

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Hold out for work-life balance

To attract skilled workers, organizations realize that money isn’t everything. Skilled workers are just as interested in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. To that end, job seekers can expect to be offered expanded perks, from free meals to regularly scheduled social events to unlimited vacation days and more.

Social media activity is a hiring factor

Skilled workers are valuable in this market, but organizations still have an obligation to hire employees whose personalities and values align with their missions and culture. In other words, expect employers to examine your social media profiles. If you present an unprofessional image online, they will often decline to hire you. Don’t limit your career because of a few ill-advised posts. Clean up your social media.

Nearly every job has a data component

Even the smallest businesses today are driven by data. Jobs responsibilities that require data analytics and even light coding are becoming more frequent.  If you’ve never been exposed to the concepts and principles behind data analytics principles and coding languages, now is a good time to learn those skills.

Don’t call employers. They’ll call you.

Even if you’re not seeking a job, expect some outreach from prospective employers. Skilled workers are so scarce that employers aren’t waiting for you to respond to job posting. Instead, they’re constantly ‘sourcing,’ the term for proactively identifying potential hires and engaging them in a recruiting process. To signal your interest or at least let them know you exist, it helps to have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

Let Revature help with your job search.

If you’re looking for a technology job in 2019, Revature can provide you with everything you need: training, connections with top companies, and a clear path to success. If you’re interested in programming and software development careers, Revature can help you make the transition, no prior coding experience required. Learn the in-demand technologies that today’s Fortune 500 companies are using.

Unlike organizations that charge you fees to learn coding and programming skills, Revature provides this training as an employee benefit to new hires through an intensive and customized 10-to-14-week program, where they learn and practice the technologies required for entry-level jobs in software development.

By the end of the training, you’ll have a feel for the real-world, enterprise-level environment in which software developers work. On top of that, you’ll have a job in a field you can grow and be successful.


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#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – These are the Career Mistakes you Should Stay Away from This Year. Great & Must REad!

The start of a new calendar year is a good time to reflect on the previous 12 months and devise a plan to improve things going forward. Whether you experienced a few career mishaps last year or progressed as expected, it never hurts to strive to do better.

With that in mind, here are a few critical mistakes you should avoid this year at all costs.


It’s not easy to step outside your comfort zone and put yourself in a position where you might fail. On the other hand, if you don’t take any risks on the job, you might quickly end up stuck in a rut. The next time a great idea pops into your head, don’t ignore it. Rather, run with it and see where it leads. Even if it doesn’t work out, your boss will likely appreciate your ingenuity.


It’s easy enough to coast at work when things are going smoothly. After all, why shake things up when your boss seems pleased with your performance?

But if you don’t push yourself to keep learning and growing professionally, you’re likely to stunt your career growth and miss out on key opportunities to get promoted. So figure out which areas you’re lacking knowledge in and take steps to bridge those gaps, whether it means signing up for courses, attending conferences and seminars, or enlisting the help of a mentor.

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It’s hard to keep your cool at work when deadlines loom and projects are dumped on you at the last minute. But if you don’t figure out a way to cope with job-related stress, you’re less likely to move forward at your company. As you ease your way into the new year, practice different stress-relief techniques until you find the one that’s most effective for you. At the same time, train your brain to better handle heated situations so that you come off as competent and collected.


When it comes to furthering your career, the people you know are often just as important, if not more so, than the things you know. That’s why you can’t afford to neglect your business contacts, even if making time for them is challenging in its own right. Though you may not manage to sit down for lunch with your various associates on a monthly basis, you should, at the very least, reach out to each person in your network every few months to check in–especially since you never know when those folks might have a solid job opportunity that’s perfect for you.


It’s an unfortunate fact that a large chunk of workers today are unhappy at their jobs. If you’ve taken steps to make your role better and nothing seems to be doing the trick, don’t resign yourself to another 12 months (or more) of misery. Instead, dust off your resume, reach out to your contacts, and seek out a job that you’ll find more fulfilling. The longer you allow yourself to stay at a job that makes you miserable, the more your performance is likely to suffer, and that’s a good way to hurt your reputation and get yourself fired.


Many people shy away from negotiating their salaries at work because they don’t want to come off as greedy or anger their managers. But you know what they say: If you don’t ask, you (often) don’t get.

Furthermore, if you approach that conversation the right way, you can pull it off in a manner that doesn’t damage your relationship with your boss. That means researching salary data so you’re able to present a reasonable number to your manager and going in prepared with a list of reasons why you deserve a boost. Either way, don’t avoid that discussion just because it makes you uncomfortable. In doing so, you’ll not only potentially lose out on money that could’ve been yours, but also create a situation where you might start to resent coming to work.

Now’s the time to evaluate your on-the-job habits and strive to do better. Steer clear of these blunders and with any luck, 2019 will be your most successful one yet.


FastCompany.com | January 9, 2019 | BY MAURIE BACKMAN—THE MOTLEY FOOL 3 MINUTE READ

#CareerAdvice : #CareerGoals -How to set (and achieve) Goals Based on your Personality Type.

There are some widely accepted practices that can help you reach your goals this year:

  • Be clear and specific about what you want to achieve and why.
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Be sure that your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Recruit the people and assemble the resources you need to succeed.

But there is another factor that has an impact on how we can best set and achieve our goals: Our personality types.

“There’s quite a bit of research about the relationship or association between personality and habit and behavior change,” says organizational psychologist Kenneth Nowack, president and chief research officer at Envisia Learning, a change and performance management firm, and co-author of Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. Personality plays a role in goal achievement from the first thoughts through seeing through the initial vision. Here are five ways your personality impacts your ability to achieve your goals:


For some hard-charging, Type-A individuals, finding and committing to a goal isn’t the problem–it’s reining them in to ensure that what they’ve chosen is reasonable, says goal-setting expert and motivational speaker Juanita McDowell. This type selects challenging goals, Nowack adds. They’re competing and looking for opportunities to stretch.

More laid-back personalities may not be as driven about their goals, but it doesn’t mean they’re lazy, Nowack says. For this personality type, smaller, more specific goals that allow them to feel comfortable and collect some “wins” will be important to get started.

McDowell uses her own relationship as an illustration. “You can’t take someone like my husband and then expect to have the same goal setting and execution that you would see out of me. He is someone who wants to research every stage of the game. You give him a goal, he’s got to research the heck out of it before he even accepts it as a goal. And then he breaks it down to 10 pieces, where I would want to break it down into five,” she says.


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Nowack says that the differences between assertive, outgoing go-getters and laid-back, analytical types is also reflected in the types of goals at which each tends to be more adept. The former personality type tends to do better with performance-based goals. They like competition, so they look at their targets in terms of whether or not they’re likely to achieve them.

Their Type-B counterparts tend to prefer learning-based goals. “It’s not so much about competition with others. It’s more about their own intrinsic motivation to want to learn. So really big difference in the type of goals that are set there,” Nowack says.


Personality type may also affect the types of resources you choose to achieve your goals. The hard-driving goal-achievers are more likely to use apps, which allow them to track their progress, Nowack says. They also like gamification, which appeals to their competitive nature. They may have high levels of social support and feel less stress in going after their goals.

Those who approach their goals in a less frenetic way may find other ways of tracking their progress in more informal ways, he adds. They may seek out more personalized peer support or counsel in achieving their goals rather than reaching out to a wide social network.

It’s important to understand the support you need so that you can best set yourself up for success, says career coach Allison Task, author of Personal (R)evolution: How to be Happy, Change Your Life, and Do that Thing You’ve Always Wanted to Do. But accountability can make a big difference in goal achievement. Whether you have a big or small circle of people supporting you, be sure you pick out an individual or a small group to whom you are regularly accountable for your progress, she says.


Another area where more aggressive achievers have trouble is letting go of a goal or pivoting when it’s a bad fit, Task says. They may be overly focused on a career goal that isn’t working out. Instead of pivoting, they’re going to try to see it through. Or they let one goal take over their lives until it hurts other areas necessary for balance, such as relationships or self-care, Task says. When goals create imbalance, it’s time for them to change.

At the same time, Nowack cites research that finds that sometimes it’s healthier to back off of a goal than to see it through if it’s not working. But, at the same time, his own research found that having a Plan B from the outset tends to undermine achievement. A healthy level of commitment to the primary goal is necessary to see it through, he says. The key is to find the balance between adjusting to what a realistic goal is for you and allowing yourself to adapt if it ultimately turns out to be the wrong choice.


How you stay motivated over time also has to do with your personality type, Task says. When she has clients who are excitable, they may underestimate the challenges ahead and get discouraged. Or if they’re indecisive or lack confidence, they may have trouble getting started. Understanding these traits can help them chart their course accordingly, perhaps breaking down the goal into appropriate steps based on their enthusiasm or boldness, she says.

Anchoring–creating a clear picture of their reason for achieving the goal and having a physical or visual reminder of it nearby–can also be helpful to most personality types to help them get through the challenging parts of goal achievement.

For high-intensity goal-setters, focusing on what’s left to do to accomplish the goals–the home stretch–is useful. These achievers crave crossing the finish line, so focusing on the remaining tasks can be an effective way to get them there, Nowack says. But, for the more mellow people, focusing on what’s been accomplished–celebrating the wins–is typically a more effective way of helping them stay motivated.

Of course, most people fall somewhere on a continuum between very aggressive and easygoing types, Nowack says. So, experimenting with what works for you can help you achieve what you’ve set out to do.


Gwen Moran writes about business, money and assorted other topics for leading publications and websites. She was named a Small Business Influencer Awards Top 100 Champion in 2015, 2014, and 2012 and is the co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Business Plans (Alpha, 2010), and several other books



FastCompany.com | January 8, 2019

#CareerAdvice : #JobPromotion – Passed Over for a Promotion? Your Next Steps. The Do’s & Don’ts.

Nobody likes being passed over for a promotion, but it can be a defining moment in a career. Individuals willing to stay put and strengthen their skills often find that such rejection can lead to bigger and better things, several leadership specialists say.

​Few people avoid this common setback. Fred Hassan, a former chief executive of ​ Schering-Plough Corp. and Pharmacia Corp., was rejected for a senior corporate strategy job at ​another pharma company early in his career.

Mr. Hassan says he kept his cool and instead accepted a less prestigious promotion that required him to relocate. It’s important “to carefully evaluate options outside that department or even outside the company,” he says.

It is tempting to quit after losing out on a plum job. Since November 2014, executives at big businesses such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , PfizerInc., Procter & Gamble Co. and Abercrombie & Fitch Co., have walked away after failing to win a top executive role. Tom Staggs, Walt DisneyCo.’s second in command, decided to step down this spring after learning he wasn’t likely to succeed CEO Robert Iger.

For most of us, it’s smarter to stay on, experts say.


“A promotion turndown initially feels like the end of your career, but could propel you further if you take time to reflect,’’ said Heather Vough, an assistant management professor at University of Cincinnati’s business school. She recommends using the rejection to​ review career goals and decide whether you still yearn to fill the position.

​Ms. Vough​ co-authored a recent paper about finding success after denied promotions. One tip for explaining a rejection to others: come up with a “growth-based” narrative that attributes the setback to internal and controllable causes, such as inexperience, organizational politics or budgetary issues.

Employers are often willing to help. Amid a stronger economy, more companies are giving frank feedback to runners-up because they “realize they need to do a better job of retaining their top performers,’’ says John Beeson, author of “The Unwritten Rules: The Six Skills You Need to Get Promoted to the Executive Level.”

In turn, those denied a promotion should “show a mature desire to learn from the experience,’’ advises Mr. Beeson, who has an executive-development consultancy. Don’t ask why you didn’t get the job. Instead, ask what specific things you could do to be a strong candidate for a similar job in the future, he says.



  • 1. Review your career goals.
  • 2. Ask your boss how to become a stronger candidate in the future.
  • 3. Expand your leadership skills and critical work experiences.
  • 4. Find ways to showcase your talents inside and outside the workplace.


  • 1. Lose your cool and act angry
  • 2. Ask why you didn’t get the desired job.
  • 3. Hesitate to put your hand up again for a promotion.
  • 4. Stay with your current employer if you’ve been passed over several times.

Kenneth Miller, a vice president of the diabetes-care unit at Becton, Dickinson & Co., told his boss that he felt honored to have been a contender for world-wide president of his unit after the Franklin Lakes, N.J., medical-technology company picked another executive for that post in the fall of 2013.

The winner had stronger operational capabilities than Mr. Miller, the unit’s exiting president told him, adding that if he continued to develop, he would someday land the role. Becton arranged leadership training for Mr. Miller and retained Mr. Beeson as his executive coach.

During the yearlong training program, Mr. Miller says he discovered that “I could be tough on standards and tenderhearted with people.” Mr. Beeson taught the Becton executive how to delegate responsibility better.

Mr. Miller enhanced his operational acumen by managing his unit’s financial forecasting and budget-setting process. He soon became a vice president of a larger unit. In February 2015, he rejoined the diabetes-care business as president.

“I had grown a lot over the past year and a half,” Mr. Miller recalls. “I was much better prepared than in 2013.”

Other executives flourish after the denial of a promotion because they conceal their bruised ego and find smart ways to showcase their talents. “Make yourself mandatory for your company,’’ suggests Alexandre Wentzo, a French-born executive.


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Several years ago, Mr. Wentzo was running operations in France for Casewise Ltd., a small British software vendor. When the CEO departed in late 2009, the executive chairman of the firm took command temporarily.

Mr. Wentzo expected the chairman would choose a global chief operating officer. Instead, he named Mr. Wentzo and an American new hire as regional COOs, launching a horse race for the top job. “The best guy will win,” the chairman told the two.

Mr. Wentzo says he felt somewhat offended that he wasn’t selected for a global role. “I was thinking, ‘Why? Am I not good enough?’ ” He nevertheless pretended to support his boss’s decision, while aiming to prove “I was better than the other guy.”

Mr. Wentzo thrived in his new job. Financial results for Europe, one of his regions, beat internal growth targets and overtook those for the U.S. within six months, he says. Casewise fired his American counterpart and in 2012 elevated Mr. Wentzo to chief executive, Mr. Wentzo says.

At General Electric Co., an ambitious executive used a different strategy after a promotion turndown, involving associates at a variety of levels to help improve her leadership abilities.

Show a mature desire to learn from the experience.

The GE vice president had pursued a senior vice presidency within her unit during summer 2011. “One of her identified strengths was her aggressiveness,’’ recalls Adam Holton, who then was human-resources manager for the unit. (He now is chief human resources officer at CHS Inc., the biggest U.S. farmer cooperative.)

“She drove her people too hard,’’ Mr. Holton says​ of the executive, who did not want her name used in this article. The promotion went to a male peer whom managers viewed as a more inclusive leader. The woman immediately asked Mr. Holton how she should change. He advised her to build more trust among her subordinates. In response, she prepared a detailed developmental plan that she regularly reviewed with Mr. Holton and her boss.

The GE executive finally became a senior vice president in July 2012. And in October 2014, she landed a fresh senior spot with even bigger responsibilities.

Write to Joann S. Lublin at joann.lublin@wsj.com

Appeared in the April 20, 2016, print edition as ‘Passed Over for a Promotion? Here Are Next Steps.’


WSJ.com | Joann S. Lublin


#CareerAdvice : #WorkLife – How to Set Boundaries with your Boss.

Unfortunately, not everyone who steps into a managerial role possesses the skills and insights needed to lead an effective team. Rather, many bosses end up in their role as a result of their technical skill and expertise in a certain domain.


When individual contributors step into leadership roles without the required foundational skills, members of their team can often find themselves dealing with an ill-equipped manager. If you find yourself dealing with a problematic manager, consider creating boundaries in the following ways:

When they micromanage…

Dealing with a micromanager is never a good feeling, especially for those seeking autonomy in their work. If you’re dealing with a manager who refuses to loosen their grip, create boundaries between by reducing the opportunities for them to intervene.

If you have a project you’re working on, rather than asking them how and when to execute a task, do the work, and update them on it later. If you know that they tend to overpower you in meetings, consider setting the meeting yourself, and always come prepared with an agenda that will allow you to lead the conversation. Consider only providing updates to them when absolutely needed. It is also important to let your boss know exactly how you enjoy being managed, as they may be totally unaware of your own working style.

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When they don’t respect working hours…

Unfortunately there are many industries that don’t allow you to ever “turn off”. With the ease of technology, we are expected to fire off emails at all hours of the day. However, if you’re not in the business of billing your hours, then it is up to you to create firm boundaries between what you are willing to accept when it comes to your time commitments outside of working hours.

If a boss constantly calls you outside of your working hours, simply don’t respond. You’re not obliged to answer their calls, nor are you obliged to answer their emails. While this may seem scary, you will set the tone for how your boss treats you. If you have a client that’s calling you late at night, simply follow up with a text or email letting them know when it’s appropriate to call.

If you find yourself in a situation where your working hours are constantly being abused, it is up to you to set your own boundaries and say no.

When they are unreasonable with their asks…

Your manager might assign you something larger than you can chew as an act of good faith in your abilities, or even as a stretch assignment. Self-awareness, in this case, is important as you don’t want to turn down work that could help you grow, but also don’t want to set yourself up for failure. If you’re constantly being asked to do work that is out of scope, let your manager know you’re feeling ill-prepared, and would appreciate some help or further training.

When they are unprofessional…

Some people prefer to have a close personal relationship with their teams, which is perfectly okay! However, if you prefer to keep the relationship professional and your boss insists on getting personal, you may have to create some boundaries between you both. Do your best not to share personal information while at work. Steer clear of conversations about friends, family, and relationships. Don’t socialize more than you need and simply keep your focus on task-related conversations!

When they are rude or abrasive…

Unfortunately you may find yourself in a situation where your manager is just not nice. Don’t try and be rude back, rather keep your distance, and detach from the relationship as much as possible. Keep your conversations short and minimal and focus on the work. Remind yourself that you won’t have this boss forever, and if need be, explore the potential of switching teams completely if things get bad.

Knowing what is most important to you at work, and being clear on your own personal values is the first step in developing boundaries with you and your boss. Be honest, and specific with the people around you about how you’re feeling, and what your expectations look like (Tartakovsky, M).

As you work with different characters and personality styles across your career, you’ll face the reality that you just won’t click with every boss. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll work with some people who make you cringe, and you’ll have to complete work that is 100% below you. However, when boundaries are crossed, it’s up to you to set the tone between you, your leaders, and your team!

About the Author: Stacy Pollack is a Learning Specialist with an MA in Educational Technology. She is passionate about building leadership programs that engage and contribute to the success of her organization. She loves to share her perspective on workplace development, career building, and networking for success. Connect with her onLinkedInTwitter, or at www.stacypollack.com.


GlassDoor.com | January 2, 2019


#CareerAdvice : #JobPostings – 17 Great Jobs for English Majors . What are you Going to Do with a Degree in English?

As a former English major myself, I’m no stranger to the anxiety this question provokes. Although an English degree may not directly prepare you for one particular role, the skills you gain from it — excellent written and verbal communication, critical thinking, persuasive reasoning — are transferable to a number of different fields, many of which pay quite well.

Want some ideas to get you started? Check out the following roles!

1. Copywriter

Average Base Pay: $69,935

Number of Open Jobs: 5,565

Description: Copywriters typically write short-form content like website/product text, advertising slogans, emails and more. They may work at advertising or digital marketing agencies and write for multiple clients, or in-house for one particular company.

See Open Jobs 

2. Content Writer

Average Base Pay: $54,455

Number of Open Jobs: 5,679

Description: Content Writers, on the other hand, typically write longer-form content like blog posts, whitepapers, eBooks, case studies, etc. Starting out as a Content Writer may open the door to titles like Content Marketing Manager, Content Editor or Editorial Director.

See Open Jobs 


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3. Account Executive

Average Base Pay: $67,225

Number of Open Jobs: 60,288

Description: Account Executive is one of the most common job titles in the sales field. Account Executives often spend their days identifying potential clients and managing relationships with current ones. This might involve email outreach, cold calling, scheduling meetings and closing deals.

See Open Jobs 

4. Marketing Coordinator

Average Base Pay: $55,076

Number of Open Jobs: 29,720

Description: Marketing Coordinators support marketing departments with a wide range of initiatives. This might include asset creation, project management, reporting, research or administrative tasks.

See Open Jobs 

5. Teacher

Average Base Pay: $52,363

Number of Open Jobs: 47,071

Description: Although you will often need a certificate, majoring in English prepares you well for a career in teaching. Excellent writing and mastery of grammar will come in hand whether you’re planning lessons, grading papers or lecturing.

See Open Jobs 

6. SEO Specialist

Average Base Pay: $66,848

Number of Open Jobs: 1,991

Description: SEO Specialists optimize websites and digital content in order to ensure that it ranks highly on search engines. This may involve activities like content creation, keyword research, link building campaigns, site audits and more.

See Open Jobs 

7. Journalist

Average Base Pay: $52,162

Number of Open Jobs: 2,525

Description: Although the journalism field as a whole has shrunk in recent years, there is still a need for talented reporters with top-notch writing, editing and investigative skills. Journalists spend much of their time identifying buzzworthy topics, researching their assigned subjects, interviewing sources, writing, proofreading and, increasingly, leveraging reporting tools to analyze the performance of their content.

See Open Jobs 

8. Social Media Coordinator

Average Base Pay: $47,098

Number of Open Jobs: 9,499

Description: Social Media Coordinators are tasked with amplifying their employer’s brand on social media channels. Daily tasks could include writing and scheduling social media posts, planning social media campaigns, responding to follower queries and reporting on metrics.

See Open Jobs 

9. Paralegal

Average Base Pay: $58,100

Number of Open Jobs: 5,647

Description: Paralegals serve a supporting role to lawyers in an organization. A paralegal often performs clerical tasks, like conducting research, filing paperwork and reviewing documents. You may need a paralegal certificate in order to find a job, although this is not always required. While being a paralegal is a career in its own right, many people work as paralegals before or while studying to become a lawyer.

See Open Jobs 

10. Customer Service Representative

Average Base Pay: $37,221

Number of Open Jobs: 94,827

Description: Customer Service Representatives are dedicated to helping customers and clients with whatever needs they might have. This frequently involves leveraging their expert knowledge of their company’s products/services in order to respond to queries that come in via phone, email and social media. Customer Service Representatives may go on to become Customer Success Managers, a role which is more closely linked with sales.

See Open Jobs 

11. Proposal Writer

Average Base Pay: $60,021

Number of Open Jobs: 5,704

Description: Proposal Writers are responsible for drafting documents that persuade a potential client, stakeholder or partner to do business with or financially support their organization. This might mean drafting RFPs, pitch presentations and grant applications, among others.

See Open Jobs 

12. Editorial Assistant

Average Base Pay: $42,715

Number of Open Jobs: 1,643

Description: Editorial Assistants, often employed at magazines, newspapers and other publications, help manage the content production process. Common tasks include researching, fact-checking, writing, proofreading and performing administrative work.

See Open Jobs 

13. Public Relations Coordinator

Average Base Pay: $60,474

Number of Open Jobs: 14,320

Description: Public Relations Coordinator is an entry-level position in public relations, a field dedicated to generating a positive buzz around companies. A day in the life of a Public Relations Coordinator might involve pitching reporters, creating and maintaining a media list, drafting a press release, fielding inbound inquiries and tracking news coverage.

See Open Jobs 

14. Technical Writer

Average Base Pay: $70,577

Number of Open Jobs: 5,838

Description: As the name suggests, Technical Writers are in charge of drafting technical documents. A few examples of technical documents are instruction manuals, tutorials, reports and product guides. Technical Writers must be able to clearly and concisely explain complex information, and possess a thorough understanding of whatever subject matter they write about.

See Open Jobs 

15. Associate Consultant

Average Base Pay: $78,819

Number of Open Jobs: 48,867

Description: Consulting firms like Bain, Deloitte, EY & others are always on the lookout for talented Associate Consultants, who identify areas of improvement in organizations and come up with solutions to overcome those challenges. Many students mistakenly believe that only Business Majors are qualified, but the truth is, consulting firms often love to have candidates from varied backgrounds as long as they are analytical problem solvers.

See Open Jobs 

16. Copy Editor

Average Base Pay: $50,820

Number of Open Jobs: 4,651

Description: Often employed at publications, Copy Editors review text to make sure that it is clear, correct and compelling. An eagle eye for spelling and grammar are required, as are proficiency in fact-checking and a deep understanding of narrative structure.

See Open Jobs 

17. Executive Assistant

Average Base Pay: $61,932

Number of Open Jobs: 27,913

Description: Executive Assistants support high-level business leaders through administrative tasks like scheduling, paperwork, travel coordination, running errands and answering phone calls. Organizational skills, time management and the ability to multitask are critical for this role.

See Open Jobs 



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#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange – How to Make a Career Pivot & Get The Job You Deserve

Although it would make life so much easier to have one of those fabled dream jobs you’ve known about your whole life, and eventually move through with joy, most people’s career paths aren’t so linear.

“You’d be surprised at how much experience you’ve really accumulated along the way. So don’t beat yourself up over it,” Sachs says.

In her book, Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot — And Relaunch Their Careers, writer and content strategist Wendy Sachs explains how to move out of your work slump with a little more grace and intention. We asked Sachs to share some nuggets of advice for women looking to take the next step in their careers. Ahead, five pro tips that just might help you make your own career pivot.

1. Reframe Your Experience

Whether you’re applying for a new dream job, a better role within the company where you already work or simply looking to take the next natural step in your career, you’ll need to talk about your experience in a way that feels relevant. Sachs suggests using LinkedIn as a cheat sheet. Find someone in your immediate or close network who currently holds the type of position you want, read through their profile and pay attention to the language that they use to talk about their skills. “When you look at a job description, you want to match your skills to what [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][the person hiring] is looking for and position it that way,” Sachs says.

Don’t feel the need to downplay past positions that you’re genuinely proud of, even if you think they might seem like a detour. In Fearless and Free, Sachs tells the story of one woman who took time out of the workforce after becoming a mom and volunteered to raise money for a local playground. “When she started interviewing again, people would ask her what job she was most proud of, and she would say Hippo Playground,” Sachs says. “She didn’t position it as, ‘Yeah, I helped raise money for some swings.’ She spoke about it in the terms that the industry she was looking to get into were looking for — raising X amount of money, bringing in programming and new partners, and it didn’t matter that it was volunteer work.”

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2. Don’t Hop On The Bandwagon

It’s tempting to follow the latest trend in business or technology, especially when people make it seem like all your hopes for landing a job hinge on the skill du jour. Don’t feel the need to mindlessly follow that advice. Case in point: Not everyone needs to be a coder, Sachs says. In her book, she interviews Tami Pardee, a woman who went from fundraising and party planning for the Muscular Dystrophy Association to becoming the CEO of a small tech company. “She had no tech background, but realized all those skills of development, working across teams and event planning actually fit beautifully into a project manager position, and that happened to be at a tech company.”

If there are certain skills that align with the industry you’re trying to break into, learning them can absolutely be a boon. But there’s no need to derail everything based on the smaller picture. “Other people will tell you that not everyone needs to be a social media expert. Should you know about Snapchat and maybe pay attention to things happening there? For sure — if your job is in online publishing, or in entertainment, or in retail, or in fashion, or in any of these industries that spend a lot of time posting things. But does that mean that you need to be the go-to expert in it — or that everyone needs to be an expert in everything? Absolutely not.”

Most jobs these days will want employees who can wear many hats, Sachs says, but it’s possible to utilize the skills you already have in new fields, and grow into a job at the same time. Case in point: Pardee launched the Just Not Sorry Gmail plug-in after she made her foray into tech, simply to gain a little more street cred. She told Sachs that she still has no plans to learn how to code, and is still moving along just fine.

3. Try Not To Be Afraid To Take A Risk

This is easier said than done, of course. It’s also subjective: What feels like a riskfor you may be a breeze for someone else. But it’s hard to break through stagnation by doing the same things, over and over again, so you need to find a middle ground.

“The more risks you take, the faster your confidence will grow, so the through line is to do whatever feels risky for you,” Sachs explains. “Maybe that’s going into a networking event, signing up for a class online, showing up in person to go take a class or reaching out to that more senior-level person in an industry you’re hoping to move into.”

Most people usually know what gives them that sinking, but slightly excited feeling — or they can figure it out pretty easily. Whatever it is for you, dip your smallest toe in to start, and see where it takes you.

4. Use Other People’s Time Wisely

If your risk involves asking someone else for something, make it easier on both of you and come prepared. “Don’t ask to ‘pick someone’s brain’,” Sachs warns. “No one wants or has time to have their brain picked. Be very strategic in what your ask is.”

If you’re hoping for an introduction, be forthright about that — but not rude! — and also explain what you’d like an intro for. “You might say, ‘I’m interested in launching my own jewelry company and I know that you’re friends with someone who has an Etsy store. Can you connect me to your friend who does this?’” suggests Sachs. “You need to do that research so you don’t waste your one chance with that person.”

It’s also okay to have more than one person you’d like to reach out to. Humans are complex with varied interests, and you might want to look into a few areas. Just don’t bombard one person with all of your hopes and dreams.

“When you sit down with someone who is well-connected that you want to network with, don’t throw all 10 ideas you have out there,” says Sachs. “No one knows what to do with that and frankly, they can’t really help you — that’s a conversation to have with a career counselor, your therapist, your mother or your best friend.” Instead, pick a lane when you have a networking opportunity, and make it the one thing that is relevant to the person you’re talking to. Starting small will be less overwhelming for both the other person and you, so that you can start taking small steps forward.

5. Don’t Leave With Nothing

“Our career lives are long and mistakes will inevitably be made,” Sachs says. Those mistakes can include picking a job you hate, doing something that gets you fired, even staying in a job too long, way past the point of when you learned something new. (Not to mention the possibility that at some point in your career, you may face layoffs, which is beyond your control.)

“Look at all of this stuff as very much part of the journey and part of the learning experience,” says Sachs. “When you leave a job, the most important thing is — even if it was a bad fit or you weren’t getting along with your boss — to leave on good terms. These people remain part of your network, and you would be surprised how you’ll circle around similar people over time, even when you switch things up.”

Sachs experienced that firsthand after accepting a job that met most of her criteria on paper — a well-respected company, great coworkers and a wonderful boss — but turned out to be a place where she would stagnate. “I had interviewed five or six times and we talked about the creativity and innovation that I would bring to the job, but the reality was that the agency just wasn’t ready for that. They had their own ways, and for me, it was taking five steps back and doing a job that I had already done for years.”

Sachs didn’t leave immediately; quitting a job in a huff isn’t a luxury most people have. But she did try to make the most of it while she looked for a way out. “I stuck with it [for nine months] because you don’t want to let people down, and you think maybe it’ll work out,” she explains. “Now I’m a lot smarter when it comes to thinking about my next move.”

Within reason (in terms of how much wiggle room you have when it comes to your work situation), think about what matters to you, whether that’s making a certain wage, working in a particular atmosphere or having a certain kind of relationship with your coworkers. Then, before you say your final goodbyes, make sure that you’ve at least learned something new, or built a few relationships that you can take with you.

“You’d be surprised at how much experience you’ve really accumulated along the way. So don’t beat yourself up over it,” Sachs says.


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#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – How to Give Your Resume a Makeover for 2019.

Whether you’re a new grad poised to take on your first professional role, or a seasoned pro primed for new challenges, strut your savvy in 2019.


Step one is to ensure that the cornerstone of your personal brand, your resumeand LinkedIn profile, reflect your experience, skills and enthusiasm.  

It can be intimidating to put yourself out there; minimize that anxiety by strategically formulating materials that turn heads.

Flex that structure

How you order the section headers on your resume can look different depending on where you are in your career. “New grads are likely to put education first-that’s their main experience and they are going for an entry-level position. But for executives, their education is going to be less important to feature prominently. They’ve already proven themselves. They’re going to have a stronger summary about their careers,” explains Nick Francioso, Army Veteran, mentor to career transitioning veterans and founder of resume optimization tool SkillSyncer.  

Francioso points out that while there’s some wiggle room for ordering resume sections, it’s important to adhere to standard headers such as education, experience, summary and skills. He explains: “These are what the ATS (applicant tracking system) looks for. No matter what kind of resume you’re creating.”

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Busting resume myths

Your resume isn’t a comprehensive professional history; it only needs to capture your last ten years of professional experience. Francioso explains, “Your resume is what gets you the interview. Then you can talk about all the other positions you’ve had.” Of course, if you’ve worked for your most recent employer for longer than ten years, you want to include those details.  

Francioso points out another myth: you don’t have to limit your resume to a single page. His rule of thumb: “If you’re doing two pages, fill two pages.” Francioso recommends that job seekers refrain from leaving excess white space, which can make the resume looks weak or incomplete.    

Show me the data

Keep your content concise and avoid over-used buzzwords like “action-oriented” or “hardworking.” A reader can’t tell the difference between a candidate whom such words truly describe and one who’s just making that claim. This is where data comes in; it makes your case.    

Offer data that demonstrates your success and productivity. Francioso explains: “If you have a good employer, they tend to help you create bullet points for your resume because they share performance data with you-sometimes at year-end or quarterly reviews…They are tracking performance data to calculate raises and evaluate performance.” Francioso notes that you can also track data yourself by noting reports you run or moves you make that have a measurable impact.

Metrics are concrete indicators of performance. Use them to tell your story.  

Befriend the bots

Francioso explains that job seekers have two audiences to keep in mind: “Write your resume for an ATS. If it makes it through that, a human is going to read it.” You reach each audience by speaking its language.

It’s also important to create multiple resumes, each tailored to various job descriptions. Francioso’s recommended approach for getting a high match score from ATS is to “Mention those things that they really emphasize in the job description more than once in your resume- take the hard skills and word them the same way.” If the job description uses an acronym to describe a hard skill that you have, for example, use that same acronym in your skills section.

When it comes to addressing human resume readers, Francioso explains: “You don’t want to show what you’re responsible for, you want to show what you accomplished.” Use meaningful action words to tell that story.  

Francioso explains that while pictures, charts, graphs may look impressive, reserve those on a separate version of your resume that you only share with contacts for whom you have personal email addresses.  These are not likely to parse well in ATS.


Thinking differently about LinkedIn

Francioso sees LinkedIn as “a database of resumes,” and he recognizes users’ goal on the platform as optimizing their LinkedIn profiles to ensure maximum exposure. Francioso points out that the way you write your headline, the more active you are on the platform, the more connections and endorsements you have, all impact where your profile appears in search results.

His advice: “Make sure that you have the newest tech terms. If you’re a Java programmer, for example, you want to make sure that’s in your headline. I’ve noticed that when you search in LI, it goes to the headline first and then to the summary . . .  So if you’re targeting a specific job title or industry, that’s what you want in your headline.”

Francioso points out that your headline is valuable space. If you’re searching for a new opportunity, you can signify that in settings, leaving your headline clear for SEO terms. Francioso explains: “Effective LinkedIn profiles should have headlines that take advantage of the 120-character limit and are roughly 7 – 12 words in length. Add important keywords to your headline since these can be used to rank you higher in search results. . . the most important keywords should go in your header as those are the first to return in search results.”

Another great tip: Francioso recommends creating a customized URL via LinkedIn. This way, it’s easily sharable. Plus, it looks neat, tidy and professional. Francioso recommends adding it to your resume-positioned after your email address.  

Remember, refining your personal brand gives you the chance to take stock of your professional goals and accomplishments. That’s a great way to kick off 2019!   

GlassDoor.com | January 3, 2019 

#CareerAdvice : #StartingYourOwnBusiness – Your 12-Month Guide to Building your ‘Side Hustle’ this Year. Great Read & More!

Side hustles are “in.” Or as author and founder of The Lonely Entrepreneur Michael Dermer argues, the gig economy is so prevalent, traditional 9 to 5 jobs are done on the side–instead of the other way around.

His assessment is backed by facts, since LinkedIn data found 71% of employees report having a hustle for additional income, and 36% find success in pursuing a passion project. Thanks to an uptick in the number of tech-forward and remote-friendly opportunities with lucrative salaries, the drive to start a freelance career or found a company continues to grow.

“Slowly but surely individuals started to color outside the corporate lines and bring to bear what many want: Fulfillment. Pride. Extra Cash. Passion. And most importantly the ability to align effort and talent that one expends with results,” Dermer says.

If you want to put your diligence toward your own gig or big idea, the best way to build it is to have a plan. Even if you’re setting your own hours one day, a huge part of entrepreneurism is self-reliance and focus.

Here, experts who have been there and gigged-that provide your 2019 roadmap.


If you think having a side hustle is an easy way to bring in extra cash for your dream vacation to Bali–think again. Considering how much work goes into developing an additional source of income, the most important aspect of getting started is figuring out your motivation. And as the CEO of Life Hacks Wealth, Marcos Jacober recommends asking yourself questions to prepare for the psychological shift required to become a bonafide hustler. “[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][A side hustle will change] how you view what’s most important in your life and [challenge] your willingness to get very creative and do the dirty work on a daily basis,” he explains.

“Are you willing to make sacrifices for this to work? How badly do you want this to succeed?”

He suggests spending time getting to the heart of what is inspiring action–is it financial freedom? The luxury of doing what you love for a living? The hope to make a difference–or disrupt an industry? Perhaps, more dance lessons for your daughter? Whatever it is, write it down and put it in a place you see frequently to keep you on track.

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Figure out how you’re connected to people who have the job you already want. LinkedIn career expert Blair Decembrele says since February is often the coldest month of the year in most regions of the country, it’s strategic to use your time cooped up inside to your hustlin’ advantage.

This might be when you start laying the groundwork that’ll help you succeed in the months to come–from updating your social networks to securing a dotcom domain and social media accounts. You can also start cold emailing alumni connections or folks from previous jobs, and ask for referrals, recommendations, or even introductions. The digital footprint will come in handy when you’re in full pitching mode once spring rolls around.

Since you’re online anyway, Dermer also says that February is an ideal month to set specific goals on what you want to achieve–and more essentially–when you want to start taking on gigs. “It sounds boring, right? But it is critical. Gigs disappear quickly if we don’t treat them like true business ventures,” he explains. “Your ability to make your gig successful will depend on your ability to achieve financial goals. This can of course include other goals such as the launch of a website but you should never lose site of the fact that money will create longer term viability of your hustle.”


Now that you have built your legs–it’s time to turn your attention upwards and work on your juggling abilities. No matter the industry or the type of profession, most people struggle with time management, starting from the early days of school and far into their careers. After all–procrastination will always be tempting, especially when you don’t have a manager keeping you accountable for your gig duties. Since April will be when you’ll finally hit the ground running–more on that soon–fine-tuning the balancing act of full-time work and gigging is the best way to spend March.

Jacober suggests sitting down at the start of each day and writing your hour-by-hour deliverables. This doesn’t have to be all business-minded, since part of hustling is figuring out a work and life balance, so he recommends setting aside time for lunch, stretches, exercise, and so on. As the month wears on, you’ll quickly see what adjustments need to be made: is there enough friend time? Do you have the space for a new project? Are you going to bed too late–or too early? Are you #exhausted? Good, you’re on the right track.


Now that you’ve laid the groundwork for the first quarter of the year, it’s–hopefully–about to pay off. Depending on what venture you’re shooting for, “getting started” can mean a variety of tasks. If you’re a freelancer in any capacity, it’s time to begin pitching and setting up those invites from February that kept getting pushed to the side. Entrepreneurs will be doing much of the same, as they start conversations around investors and perhaps, seeking capital.

During this month, you’ll want to ensure your website is up and fueled with the information needed to validate your experience and of course, start posting on social channels, according to Jacober. Just remember, every little thing you share should have value, since you’re building a brand, a reputation, and trust. “When it comes to social media posting, there is so much content and not enough time to consume it. Don’t just put something out there for the sake of posting. Think of the objectives you want to achieve from it and make it count,” he recommends.


The April forecast probably brought a shower of rejections–and one bright, sunny day of “yes.” Since you’ll be reeling off of the progress and feeling pumped, Decembrele says now is a strategic time to join an association or a professional group within your gig’s industry. Since May kicks off summertime, spirits are higher and more people are willing to go out and about for rooftop cocktails, making it a relatively less stressful time to mingle and make connections. Not to mention, make you better versed when you head out to pitch again. “There are often conferences where you can hear from industry speakers, members may have internship or job opportunities, and you’ll be in the know on key issues and policies,” she explains.


Since your side hustle is still in its infancy stages at this point, a two-week luxury vacation might not be in the cards. But, taking a weekend–or if you can, a week–during June to disconnect and reflect. Decembrele explains any hour spend with your loved ones in a place that feeds your passions can help spark creativity and enrich your focus toward your goals. As you will have likely learned by this stage in your gig trajectory, it’s rare for a freelancer to ever take a solid vacation. When you’re away from your phone for too many days, you could lose opportunities that come and go quickly. This may be a worry–and one that’s warranted–but try to spend at least a handful of hours when you’re out of town to pay attention to the culture and beauty that surrounds you, allowing yourself to daydream of the success you can see within sight.


Since you’ve been networking, you hopefully have learned a thing or two about how to put yourself out there. Much like dating, finding the right gigs, business partners, investors, and, eventually, employees means consistently pivoting, pitching, and repeating yourself.

Dermer says since July can be a slower month with vacations, use the time to home in on your sales and marketing skills. “Once you have the knowledge, you must make it front and center. It should be the first thing anyone hears. The normal bullet points don’t matter: Everyone uses them. It is your unique knowledge that must shine through,” he explains. Or in other words: Figure out how to differentiate yourself from the rest of other people who also seek your hustle. You want to be a journalist? Cool, what kind? You want to help small business build their social media efforts? What type of micro-companies–and what digital channels?

It’s an experience Jess Tatham, founder and lead developer of DevelopHER Designs, knows all too well. When figuring out how she would launch and build her web development company, she knew seeking a niche market she was personally passionate about would be the best route. Though it took plenty of naming brainstorms and some pitfalls before she found her pace, now she has helped countless female executives and entrepreneurs get their big ideas online.


Okay–you don’t have to put pen to paper, per se, but you should turn off your distractions and go over where you’ve been, what you’ve done and what’s ahead. Remember when you first thought about hustling your way to a new career in January? Look back on those notes and see where you are, two seasons later. This is when exercising your self-criticisms bones is essential to make moves. Jacober explains entrepreneurs should identify shortcomings in their processes to help them work more efficiently and effectively. Are there areas of your growing gig business that you could outsource to make room for more lucrative incentives? What about jobs you’ve been meaning to reach out to–but keep forgetting? Whatever the tasks are that keep falling through the cracks, now is the time to see where you can make changes.

Decembrele says many budding hustlers will feel stressed by this time. To manage the natural anxiety that comes from piecemealing your own empire, she suggests setting aside every week to gather yourself. “Keep those Sunday Scaries at bay by grabbing a pen and paper, and jot down to-dos, work priorities, questions, and so on,” she explains. “Writing down even the littlest notes and reminders can help you focus on the here and now. Spend some time thinking through what is a priority and start there.”


Technically, the last quarter of the year runs from October to December, but most companies start their mad dash to the New Year finish line after Labor Day. Since children return to school and professionals buckle down to meet goals and bring in the last of their clients and income, a side hustle requires the same diligence. Since you’ve been laying out the blueprint since April, you probably have a steady stream of go-to’s who assign or outsource your work, or are helping you build the groundwork for your business. It’s time to further engage with them and see how you can go even bigger before the end of the year by taking on a new project or perhaps, preparing for the holiday season by buying your supplies in bulk. Dermer says now is the time to put pedal to the medal and bring your gig to a new level.


After 30 days of going full throttle, you can now look at what you’ve made–and figure out how to make it better. And that begins from the outside in. No matter the side hustle, everyone has some sort of customer. For those in creative fields, it’s not only editors or managers who assign their stories, but the readers who critique them. For anyone in sales, it’s the people who fork over their own hard-earned cash for your product or service. For those who are creating something new in the tech space, it’s users and contractors who are making your dream possible.

Jacober says let October be when you double-down on the heart of any gig: the people. “Provide exceptional service and enhance the customer experience in every way you can. This includes follow up and real time experience management,” he continues. “Part of customer service is being a good listener. Don’t rush people through their conversations or complaints. If they bring up things they have done, hand out praise. People don’t get praised enough and are usually looking for it whether they know it or not.”


Cheesy, old-fashioned, or not–saying “thanks” goes a long way when you’re competing against many others for the same gig. In fact, so much of transitioning your side hustle into your full-time lifestyle is earning solid recommendations from previous clients who stand by your talents. Word of mouth is powerful, no matter the industry, and often it is the loudest voice in the room. “The best way to keep your side hustle going is by referrals. As silly as it sounds, you want to be in touch with the people who hired you and offer them a discount for continued service or a perk if they refer someone to you,” explains millennial workforce expert and leadership trainer, Alissa Carpenter. “You want to have a stream of clients coming in based on your good work.”

In addition to writing out those “thank you” notes that could result in monetary notes in the New Year, Jacober also suggesting getting ahead of procrastination, since the holidays always disrupt our routines. This can make it far less likely you freak out when you’re traveling home for Thanksgiving, and can’t stop thinking about that email you sent to so-and-so. “Looking at our to-do list as a whole instead of as bite-sized chunks can really cause us to be overwhelmed. When we feel overwhelmed, anxiety grips us. Anxiety slows our emotional responses and our body as a whole, leaving us feeling even more vulnerable and overwhelmed,” he says.


Resolutions may feel like a waste of time, but you don’t have to call ’em that if you don’t want to. Instead, think of them as goals or, rather, answers to the most important questions you need to ask yourself at the end of your first side hustlin’ year, according to Carpenter. She recommends asking: How did it go–really? What worked? What didn’t? Is this something you want to continue? Did you like it? Was the reward worth it? How were your friendships and relationships impacted? Can you continue to build? Is it time to make the leap–and make your side hustle, your only hustle?

If thinking thoughtfully through all of these questions results in a resounding “YES!–then you know you’re on the right track. Carpenter suggests setting three specific, tangible, and impactful goals for the first 90 days of the year.

And then? Well, get back to work. You’re still just getting started.


FastCompany.com | January 3, 2019
