Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterviewing – This is How #Introverts Can Prepare for #JobInterviews . A GREAT Read!

Job interviews are stressful for everyone, but this is especially true if you’re an introvert. Small talk and self-promotion can feel especially uncomfortable, but introverts also have characteristics that give them an edge–that is, if they know how to use them, says Jane Finkle, author of The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job to […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting -New Study: Professionally Written Resumes Score Jobs Faster & Earn More.

If you’ve been in the workforce for years, chances are you’ve considered outsourcing the dreaded process of writing a resume. After all, needing a new jobis stressful on its own, then add to that the anxiety of capturing your entire work history and value into one or two pages. Hello, migraine. However, a new study by TopResume may provide a proven […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview -This is the Best Way to Follow Up After an #Interview to Stand Out. A Great REad!

The interview went well and you left feeling optimistic about the potential of getting an offer. If you’re like the majority of job seekers, you’ll take a wait-and-see attitude, checking your email and keeping your fingers crossed. This can be a mistake. “Just because interview is over doesn’t mean you should stop,” says Helen Oloroso, […]