Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – ‘I’m Still Under Construction’; Six Tales of Lifelong Learning. Great WeekEnd Read !

Lifelong learning has become a mantra in American corporations as employees face pressure to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving workplace. Employers, politicians and educators are hammering the message that people need to continuously upgrade their skills because of advancing technologies. Even companies that invest in employee training expect workers to figure out their future […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -Eight Ways Job Seekers Can Beat The Bot And Make It To The Second Round Of Interviews. Great REad!

Applicants intending to get past an ATS and past the initial culling of unsuitable résumés need first to understand what an ATS looks for. Additionally, being confident in one’s presentation, job experience and professionalism is an excellent mindset to keep when submitting to a company that utilizes an ATS. To help, eight members of Forbes Human […]

#CareerAdvice : #CollegeStudent – Essential Advice For Building Your Dream Career In The Digital Economy. Got Kids? Great One Min Read!

Lauren Maffeo has her finger on the pulse of tech, education, and especially, how to educate people successfully in order to succeed in a tech oriented job market. But she certainly didn’t start out that way. In fact, in college, computer science was her least favorite course. Yet, today, Lauren is an award-winning technology expert, […]