Entries by First Sun Team

#BestofFSCBlog : #Recruiting – Nine(9) Reasons to Hire a Candidate Without Experience. Focus on Skillsets vs. Experience.

With more and more candidates being hired who have little or no industry-specific experience, we need to think about why this is the case. Here are 9 reasons you may want to consider doing it before you post your next job listing. Inexperienced hires will require lower salaries than experienced professionals Salary is one of […]

#CareerAdvice : #EmploymentLaw -When Is An Employer’s Reason For Firing You Actually A Pretext For #AgeDiscrimination ?

In employment litigation, some of the most important evidence is centered on the question of whether the employer had a legitimate reason to terminate your employment or whether the reason was simply a pretext for unlawful discrimination.  A federal appellate court recently tackled this issue and fleshed out how an employee can prove that the […]

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – Independence Day Is A Good Time To Free Yourself From An Oppressive Job And Pursue Your Dreams.

My grandparents emigrated to America fleeing persecution. At the time they immigrated, they did not speak any English whatsoever. However, after adapting to American culture, my grandparents learned the language and, ultimately, became a plumber, shoe salesman, seamstress and homemaker. My parents were both teachers and my dad went on to become a principal at a […]